Ticket #65: example-one-click.ymp

File example-one-click.ymp, 2.2 KB (added by Joachim Langenbach, 14 years ago)

Translated example file to install packages via a weblink

1 <metapackage xmlns:os="http://opensuse.org/Standards/One_Click_Install" xmlns="http://opensuse.org/Standards/One_Click_Install">
2 <group> <!-- A group of sorftware, typically one or one per distribution per file -->
3 <name>My Package Bundle</name> <!-- Name of the complete software group -->
4 <summary>This is a software bundle containing MyPackage</summary> <!--This message is shown to the user and should describe the whole bundle -->
5 <description>This is the summary of the MeinPaket Package
7 I have made it unnecessarily long.
9 Blah Blah Blah
11 -- ChangeLog --
13 Some changes here.
14 </description> <!--This is also shown to the user -->
15 <remainSubscribed>false</remainSubscribed> <!-- Don't know what it mean -->
16 <repositories> <!-- List of needed repositories -->
17 <repository>
18 <name>MyRepository</name> <!-- Name of the repository -->
19 <summary>This repository contains my packages.</summary> <!-- Summary of the repository -->
20 <description>This repository contains my packages.</description><!-- This description is shown to the user -->
21 <url>http://beispiel.de/MeinPaketdepot</url><!-- URL of repository, which is added -->
22 </repository>
23 </repositories>
24 <software> <!-- A List of packages, which should be added through the one-click-installation -->
25 <item>
26 <name>MeinPaket</name> <!-- Name of the package, is shown to the user and used to identify the package at the repository -->
27 <summary>This is a my package.</summary> <!-- Summary of the package -->
28 <description>This my package, I think you should install it.</description> <!-- Description, is shown to the user -->
29 </item>
30 </software>
31 </group>
32 </metapackage>