#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Project Builder Env module # Env subroutines brought by the the Project-Builder project # which can be easily used by pbinit scripts # # $Id$ # # Copyright B. Cornec 2007 # Provided under the GPL v2 package ProjectBuilder::Env; use strict 'vars'; use Data::Dumper; use English; use File::Basename; use File::stat; use POSIX qw(strftime); use lib qw (lib); use ProjectBuilder::Base; use ProjectBuilder::Conf; use ProjectBuilder::CMS; # Inherit from the "Exporter" module which handles exporting functions. use Exporter; # Export, by default, all the functions into the namespace of # any code which uses this module. our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(pb_env_init); =pod =head1 NAME ProjectBuilder::Env, part of the project-builder.org =head1 DESCRIPTION This modules provides environment functions suitable for pbinit calls. =head1 USAGE =over 4 =item B This function setup the environment for project-builder. The first parameter is the project if given on the command line. The second parameter is a flag indicating whether we should setup up the pbconf environment or not. The third parameter is the action passed to pb. It sets up environement variables (PBETC, PBPROJ, PBDEFDIR, PBBUILDDIR, PBROOTDIR, PBDESTDIR, PBCONFDIR, PBPROJVER) =cut sub pb_env_init { my $proj=shift || undef; my $pbinit=shift || undef; my $action=shift; my $ver; my $tag; $ENV{'PBETC'} = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.pbrc"; if (! -f $ENV{'PBETC'}) { pb_log(0, "No existing $ENV{'PBETC'} found, creating one as template"); open(PBRC, "> $ENV{'PBETC'}") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBETC'}"; print PBRC << "EOF"; # # Define for each project the URL of its pbconf repository # No default option allowed here as they need to be all different # #pbconfurl example = svn+ssh://svn.example.org/svn/pb/projects/example/pbconf #pbconfurl pb = svn+ssh://svn.project-builder.org/mondo/svn/pb/pbconf # Under that dir will take place everything related to pb # If you want to use VMs/chroot/..., then use \$ENV{'HOME'} to make it portable # to your VMs/chroot/... # if not defined then /var/cache #pbdefdir default = \$ENV{'HOME'}/pb/projects #pbdefdir pb = \$ENV{'HOME'} # If not defined, pbconfdir is under pbdefdir/pbproj/pbconf #pbconfdir pb = \$ENV{'HOME'}/pb/pbconf # If not defined, pbprojdir is under pbdefdir/pbproj # Only defined if we have access to the dev of the project #pbprojdir example = \$ENV{'HOME'}/example/svn # We have commit acces to these #pburl example = cvs+ssh://user\@example.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/example #pburl pb = svn+ssh://svn.project-builder.org/mondo/svn/pb # I mask my real login on the ssh machines here #sshlogin example = user # where to find Build System infos: #vmpath default = /home/qemu #vepath default = /home/rinse # Overwrite generic setup #vmport pb = 2223 #vmport example = 2224 EOF } # We only have one configuration file for now. pb_conf_add("$ENV{'PBETC'}"); # # Check project name # Could be with env var PBPROJ # or option -p # if not define take the first in conf file # if ((defined $ENV{'PBPROJ'}) && (not (defined $proj))) { $proj = $ENV{'PBPROJ'}; } # # We get the pbconf file for that project # and use its content # my ($pbconf) = pb_conf_get("pbconfurl"); pb_log(2,"DEBUG pbconfurl: ".Dumper($pbconf)."\n"); my %pbconf = %$pbconf; if (not defined $proj) { # Take the first as the default project $proj = (keys %pbconf)[0]; if (defined $proj) { pb_log(1,"WARNING: using $proj as default project as none has been specified\n"); pb_log(1," Please either create a pbconfurl reference for project $proj in $ENV{'PBETC'}\n"); pb_log(1," or call pb with the -p project option or use the env var PBPROJ\n"); pb_log(1," if you want to use another project\n"); } } die "No project defined - use env var PBPROJ or -p proj or a pbconfurl entry in $ENV{'PBETC'}" if (not (defined $proj)); # That's always the environment variable that will be used $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $proj; pb_log(2,"PBPROJ: $ENV{'PBPROJ'}\n"); if (not defined ($pbconf{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) { die "Please create a pbconfurl reference for project $ENV{'PBPROJ'} in $ENV{'PBETC'}\n"; } # Adds a potential conf file now as it's less # important than the project conf file my ($vmpath,$vepath) = pb_conf_get_if("vmpath","vepath"); pb_conf_add("$vmpath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/.pbrc") if ((defined $vmpath) && (-f "$vmpath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/.pbrc")); pb_conf_add("$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/.pbrc") if ((defined $vepath) && (-f "$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/.pbrc")); # # Detect the root dir for hosting all the content generated with pb # =over 4 Tree will look like this: maint pbdefdir PBDEFDIR dev dir (optional) | | ------------------------ -------------------- | | | | pbproj1 pbproj2 PBPROJ pbproj1 pbproj2 PBPROJDIR | | --------------------------------------------- ---------- * * * | | | * * tag dev pbconf ... build delivery PBCONFDIR dev tag | | | PBDESTDIR | --- ------ pbrc PBBUILDDIR ------- | | | | | 1.1 dev tag 1.0 1.1 PBDIR | ------- | | 1.0 1.1 PBROOTDIR | ---------------------------------- | | | | pkg1 pbproj1.pb pbfilter pbcl | ----------------- | | | rpm deb pbfilter (*) By default, if no relocation in .pbrc, dev dir is taken in the maint pbdefdir (when appropriate) Names under a pbproj and the corresponding pbconf should be similar =cut my ($pbdefdir) = pb_conf_get_if("pbdefdir"); if (not defined $ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}) { if ((not defined $pbdefdir) || (not defined $pbdefdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) { pb_log(1,"WARNING: no pbdefdir defined, using /var/cache\n"); pb_log(1," Please create a pbdefdir reference for project $ENV{'PBPROJ'} in $ENV{'PBETC'}\n"); pb_log(1," if you want to use another directory\n"); $ENV{'PBDEFDIR'} = "/var/cache"; } else { # That's always the environment variable that will be used $ENV{'PBDEFDIR'} = $pbdefdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; } } # Expand potential env variable in it eval { $ENV{'PBDEFDIR'} =~ s/(\$ENV.+\})/$1/eeg }; pb_log(2,"PBDEFDIR: $ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}\n"); # Need to do that earlier as it's used potentialy in pb_cms_add pb_temp_init(); pb_log(2,"PBTMP: $ENV{'PBTMP'}\n"); # Put under CMS the PBPROJ dir if ($action =~ /^newproj$/) { if (! -d "$ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}") { pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}") || die "Unable to recursively create $ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}"; } pb_cms_add($pbconf{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},"$ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}"); } # # Set delivery directory # $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}="$ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/delivery"; pb_log(2,"PBDESTDIR: $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}\n"); # # Removes all directory existing below the delivery dir # as they are temp dir only except when called from pbinit # Files stay and have to be cleaned up manually if needed # those files serves as communication channels between pb phases # Removing them prevents a following phase to detect what has been done before # if ((-d $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) && ($action !~ /pbinit/)) { opendir(DIR,$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) || die "Unable to open directory $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}: $!"; foreach my $d (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($d =~ /^\./); next if (-f "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$d"); pb_rm_rf("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$d") if (-d "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$d"); } closedir(DIR); } if (! -d "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}") { pb_mkdir_p($ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) || die "Unable to recursively create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}"; } # # Set build directory # $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}="$ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/build"; if (! -d "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}") { pb_mkdir_p($ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}) || die "Unable to recursively create $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}"; } pb_log(2,"PBBUILDDIR: $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}\n"); # # The following part is only useful when in cms2something or newsomething # In VMs/VEs we want to skip that by providing good env vars. # return values in that case are useless # if (($action =~ /^cms2/) || ($action =~ /^newver$/) || ($action =~ /pbinit/) || ($action =~ /^newproj$/) || ($action =~ /^announce/) || ($action =~ /^web/)) { # # Check pbconf cms compliance # pb_cms_compliant("pbconfdir",'PBCONFDIR',"$ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/pbconf",$pbconf{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},$pbinit); # Check where is our PBROOTDIR (release tag name can't be guessed the first time) # if (not defined $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}) { if (! -f ("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc")) { $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'} = "$ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}"; pb_log(1,"WARNING: no pbroot defined, using $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}\n"); pb_log(1," Please use -r release if you want to use another release\n"); die "No directory found under $ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}" if (not defined $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}); } else { my ($pbroot) = pb_conf_read_if("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc","pbroot"); # That's always the environment variable that will be used die "Please remove inconsistent $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc" if ((not defined $pbroot) || (not defined $pbroot->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})); $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'} = $pbroot->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; } } else { # transform in full path if relative $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'} = "$ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}" if ($ENV{'PBROOTDIR'} !~ /^\//); pb_mkdir_p($ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}) if (defined $pbinit); die "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'} is not a directory" if (not -d $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}); } # Adds that conf file to the list to consider pb_conf_add("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb") if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb"); return if ($action =~ /^newver$/); my %version = (); my %defpkgdir = (); my %extpkgdir = (); my %filteredfiles = (); my %supfiles = (); if ((-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb") and (not defined $pbinit)) { # List of pkg to build by default (mandatory) my ($defpkgdir,$pbpackager, $pkgv, $pkgt) = pb_conf_get("defpkgdir","pbpackager","projver","projtag"); # List of additional pkg to build when all is called (optional) # Valid version names (optional) # List of files to filter (optional) # Project version and tag (optional) my ($extpkgdir, $version, $filteredfiles, $supfiles) = pb_conf_get_if("extpkgdir","version","filteredfiles","supfiles"); pb_log(2,"DEBUG: defpkgdir: ".Dumper($defpkgdir)."\n"); pb_log(2,"DEBUG: extpkgdir: ".Dumper($extpkgdir)."\n"); pb_log(2,"DEBUG: version: ".Dumper($version)."\n"); pb_log(2,"DEBUG: filteredfiles: ".Dumper($filteredfiles)."\n"); pb_log(2,"DEBUG: supfiles: ".Dumper($supfiles)."\n"); # Global %defpkgdir = %$defpkgdir; %extpkgdir = %$extpkgdir if (defined $extpkgdir); %version = %$version if (defined $version); %filteredfiles = %$filteredfiles if (defined $filteredfiles); %supfiles = %$supfiles if (defined $supfiles); # # Get global Version/Tag # if (not defined $ENV{'PBPROJVER'}) { if ((defined $pkgv) && (defined $pkgv->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) { $ENV{'PBPROJVER'}=$pkgv->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; } else { die "No projver found in $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb"; } } die "Invalid version name $ENV{'PBPROJVER'} in $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb" if (($ENV{'PBPROJVER'} !~ /[0-9.]+/) && (not defined $version) && ($ENV{'PBPROJVER'} =~ /$version{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/)); if (not defined $ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}) { if ((defined $pkgt) && (defined $pkgt->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) { $ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}=$pkgt->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; } else { die "No projtag found in $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb"; } } die "Invalid tag name $ENV{'PBPROJTAG'} in $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb" if ($ENV{'PBPROJTAG'} !~ /[0-9.]+/); if (not defined $ENV{'PBPACKAGER'}) { if ((defined $pbpackager) && (defined $pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) { $ENV{'PBPACKAGER'}=$pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; } else { die "No pbpackager found in $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb"; } } } else { if (defined $pbinit) { my @pkgs = @ARGV; @pkgs = ("pkg1") if (not @pkgs); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # Project Builder configuration file # For project $ENV{'PBPROJ'} # # \$Id\$ # # # What is the project URL # #pburl $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = svn://svn.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/devel #pburl $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = svn://svn+ssh.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/devel #pburl $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = cvs://cvs.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/devel #pburl $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = http://www.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org/src/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}-devel.tar.gz #pburl $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = ftp://ftp.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org/src/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}-devel.tar.gz #pburl $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = file:///src/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}-devel.tar.gz #pburl $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = dir:///src/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}-devel # Repository #pbrepo $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = ftp://ftp.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org #pbml $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $ENV{'PBPROJ'}-announce\@lists.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org #pbsmtp $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = localhost # Check whether project is well formed # when downloading from ftp/http/... # (containing already a directory with the project-version name) #pbwf $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = 1 # # Packager label # #pbpackager $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = William Porte # # For delivery to a machine by SSH (potentially the FTP server) # Needs hostname, account and directory # #sshhost $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = www.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org #sshlogin $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = bill #sshdir $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = /$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/ftp #sshport $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = 22 # # For Virtual machines management # Naming convention to follow: distribution name (as per ProjectBuilder::Distribution) # followed by '-' and by release number # followed by '-' and by architecture # a .vmtype extension will be added to the resulting string # a QEMU rhel-3-i286 here means that the VM will be named rhel-3-i386.qemu # #vmlist $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = mandrake-10.1-i386,mandrake-10.2-i386,mandriva-2006.0-i386,mandriva-2007.0-i386,mandriva-2007.1-i386,mandriva-2008.0-i386,redhat-7.3-i386,redhat-9-i386,fedora-4-i386,fedora-5-i386,fedora-6-i386,fedora-7-i386,fedora-8-i386,rhel-3-i386,rhel-4-i386,rhel-5-i386,suse-10.0-i386,suse-10.1-i386,suse-10.2-i386,suse-10.3-i386,sles-9-i386,sles-10-i386,gentoo-nover-i386,debian-3.1-i386,debian-4.0-i386,ubuntu-6.06-i386,ubuntu-7.04-i386,ubuntu-7.10-i386,mandriva-2007.0-x86_64,mandriva-2007.1-x86_64,mandriva-2008.0-x86_64,fedora-6-x86_64,fedora-7-x86_64,fedora-8-x86_64,rhel-4-x86_64,rhel-5-x86_64,suse-10.2-x86_64,suse-10.3-x86_64,sles-10-x86_64,gentoo-nover-x86_64,debian-4.0-x86_64,ubuntu-7.04-x86_64,ubuntu-7.10-x86_64,solaris-10-x86_64 # # Valid values for vmtype are # qemu, (vmware, xen, ... TBD) #vmtype $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = qemu # Hash for VM stuff on vmtype #vmntp default = pool.ntp.org # We suppose we can commmunicate with the VM through SSH #vmhost $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = localhost #vmlogin $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = pb #vmport $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = 2222 # Timeout to wait when VM is launched/stopped #vmtmout default = 120 # per VMs needed paramaters #vmopt $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = -m 384 -daemonize #vmpath $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = /home/qemu #vmsize $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = 5G # # For Virtual environment management # Naming convention to follow: distribution name (as per ProjectBuilder::Distribution) # followed by '-' and by release number # followed by '-' and by architecture # a .vetype extension will be added to the resulting string # a chroot rhel-3-i286 here means that the VE will be named rhel-3-i386.chroot # #velist $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = fedora-7-i386 # VE params #vetype $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = chroot #ventp default = pool.ntp.org #velogin $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = pb #vepath $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = /var/lib/mock #veconf $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = /etc/mock #verebuild $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = false # # Global version/tag for the project # #projver $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = devel #projtag $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = 1 # Hash of valid version names # Additional repository to add at build time # addrepo centos-5-x86_64 = http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm,ftp://ftp.project-builder.org/test/centos/5/pb.repo # addrepo centos-5-x86_64 = http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm,ftp://ftp.project-builder.org/test/centos/5/pb.repo #version $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = devel,stable # Is it a test version or a production version testver $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = true # Additional repository to add at build time # addrepo centos-5-x86_64 = http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm,ftp://ftp.project-builder.org/test/centos/5/pb.repo # addrepo centos-4-x86_64 = http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el4.rf.x86_64.rpm,ftp://ftp.project-builder.org/test/centos/4/pb.repo # Adapt to your needs: # Optional if you need to overwrite the global values above # EOF foreach my $pp (@pkgs) { print CONF << "EOF"; #pkgver $pp = stable #pkgtag $pp = 3 EOF } foreach my $pp (@pkgs) { print CONF << "EOF"; # Hash of default package/package directory #defpkgdir $pp = dir-$pp EOF } print CONF << "EOF"; # Hash of additional package/package directory #extpkgdir minor-pkg = dir-minor-pkg # List of files per pkg on which to apply filters # Files are mentioned relatively to pbroot/defpkgdir EOF foreach my $pp (@pkgs) { print CONF << "EOF"; #filteredfiles $pp = Makefile.PL,configure.in,install.sh,$pp.8 #supfiles $pp = $pp.init # For perl modules, names are different depending on distro # Here perl-xxx for RPMs, libxxx-perl for debs, ... # So the package name is indeed virtual #namingtype $pp = perl EOF } close(CONF); pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter"; open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/all.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/all.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # \$Id\$ # # Filter for all files # # # PBREPO is replaced by the root URL to access the repository filter PBREPO = \$pb->{'repo'} # PBSRC is replaced by the source package location after the repo #filter PBSRC = src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz # Used if virtual name != real name (perl, ...) #filter PBSRC = src/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz # PBVER is replaced by the version (\$pb->{'ver'} in code) filter PBVER = \$pb->{'ver'} # PBDATE is replaced by the date (\$pb->{'date'} in code) filter PBDATE = \$pb->{'date'} # PBPATCHSRC is replaced by the patches names if value is yes #filter PBPATCHSRC = yes # PBPATCHCMD is replaced by the patches commands if value is yes #filter PBPATCHCMD = yes # PBTAG is replaced by the tag (\$pb->{'tag'} in code) filter PBTAG = \$pb->{'tag'} # PBREV is replaced by the revision (\$pb->{'rev'} in code) filter PBREV = \$pb->{'rev'} # PBREALPKG is replaced by the package name (\$pb->{'realpkg'} in code) filter PBREALPKG = \$pb->{'realpkg'} # PBPKG is replaced by the package name (\$pb->{'pkg'} in code) filter PBPKG = \$pb->{'pkg'} # PBPROJ is replaced by the project name (\$pb->{'proj'} in code) filter PBPROJ = \$pb->{'proj'} # PBPACKAGER is replaced by the packager name (\$pb->{'packager'} in code) filter PBPACKAGER = \$pb->{'packager'} # PBDESC contains the description of the package #filter PBDESC = "Bla-Bla" # PBSUMMARY contains a short single line description of the package #filter PBSUMMARY = "Bla" # PBURL contains the URL of the Web site of the project #filter PBURL = http://www.$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.org # PBLOG is replaced by the changelog if value is yes # and should be last as when used we need the %pb hash filled #filter PBLOG = yes EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/rpm.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/rpm.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # \$Id\$ # # Filter for rpm build # # PBGRP is replaced by the RPM group of apps #filter PBGRP = Applications/Archiving # PBLIC is replaced by the license of the application #filter PBLIC = GPL # PBDEP is replaced by the list of dependencies #filter PBDEP = # PBSUF is replaced by the package suffix (\$pb->{'suf'} in code) filter PBSUF = \$pb->{'suf'} # PBOBS is replaced by the Obsolete line #filter PBOBS = EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/fedora.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/fedora.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # \$Id\$ # # Filter for rpm build # # PBGRP is replaced by the RPM group of apps # Cf: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups #filter PBGRP = Applications/Archiving # PBLIC is replaced by the license of the application # Cf: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing #filter PBLIC = GPLv2+ # PBDEP is replaced by the list of dependencies #filter PBDEP = # PBSUF is replaced by the package suffix (\$pb->{'suf'} in code) filter PBSUF = %{dist} # PBOBS is replaced by the Obsolete line #filter PBOBS = EOF close(CONF); foreach my $i (1..7) { open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/fedora-$i.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/fedora-$i.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # \$Id\$ # # Filter for old fedora build # # PBSUF is replaced by the package suffix (\$pb->{'suf'} in code) filter PBSUF = \$pb->{'suf'} EOF close(CONF); } open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/deb.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/deb.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # \$Id\$ # # Filter for debian build # # PBGRP is replaced by the group of apps filter PBGRP = utils # PBLIC is replaced by the license of the application # Cf: http://www.debian.org/legal/licenses/ #filter PBLIC = GPL # PBDEP is replaced by the list of dependencies #filter PBDEP = # PBSUG is replaced by the list of suggestions #filter PBSUG = # PBREC is replaced by the list of recommandations #filter PBREC = EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/debian-4.0.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/debian-4.0.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # \$Id\$ # # Filter for debian build # # PBDEBSTD is replaced by the Debian standard version filter PBDEBSTD = 3.6.1 # PBDEBCOMP is replaced by the Debian Compatibility value filter PBDEBCOMP = 5 EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/debian-5.0.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/debian-5.0.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # # \$Id\$ # # Filter for debian build # # PBDEBSTD is replaced by the Debian standard version filter PBDEBSTD = 3.8.0 # PBDEBCOMP is replaced by the Debian Compatibility value filter PBDEBCOMP = 7 EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/md.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/md.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # Specific group for Mandriva for $ENV{'PBPROJ'} # Cf: http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Development/Packaging/Groups #filter PBGRP = Archiving/Backup # PBLIC is replaced by the license of the application # Cf: http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Development/Packaging/Licenses #filter PBLIC = GPL EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/novell.pbf") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/novell.pbf"; print CONF << "EOF"; # Specific group for SuSE for $ENV{'PBPROJ'} # Cf: http://en.opensuse.org/SUSE_Package_Conventions/RPM_Groups #filter PBGRP = Productivity/Archiving/Backup # PBLIC is replaced by the license of the application # Cf: http://en.opensuse.org/Packaging/SUSE_Package_Conventions/RPM_Style#1.6._License_Tag #filter PBLIC = GPL EOF close(CONF); foreach my $pp (@pkgs) { pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb"; open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/control") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/control"; print CONF << "EOF"; Source: PBPKG # http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections Section: PBGRP Priority: optional Maintainer: PBPACKAGER Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.2.20), PBDEP Standards-Version: PBDEBSTD Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.PBPROJ.org/svn/PBVER/PBPKG Vcs-Browser: http://trac.PBPROJ.org/browser/PBVER/PBPKG Homepage: PBURL Package: PBPKG Architecture: amd64 i386 ia64 # http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections Section: PBGRP Priority: optional Depends: \${shlibs:Depends}, \${misc:Depends}, PBDEP Recommends: PBREC Suggests: PBSUG Description: PBSUMMARY PBDESC . EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/copyright") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/copyright"; print CONF << "EOF"; This package is debianized by PBPACKAGER `date` The current upstream source was downloaded from PBREPO. Upstream Authors: Put their name here Copyright: This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL. EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/changelog") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/changelog"; print CONF << "EOF"; PBLOG EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/compat") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/compat"; print CONF << "EOF"; DBDEBCOMP EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/$pp.dirs") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/$pp.dirs"; print CONF << "EOF"; EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/$pp.docs") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/$pp.docs"; print CONF << "EOF"; INSTALL COPYING AUTHORS NEWS README EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/rules") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/deb/rules"; print CONF << 'EOF'; #!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. # GNU copyright 1997 to 1999 by Joey Hess. # # $Id$ # # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 # Define package name variable for a one-stop change. PACKAGE_NAME = PBPKG # These are used for cross-compiling and for saving the configure script # from having to guess our platform (since we know it already) DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) CFLAGS = -Wall -g ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) CFLAGS += -O0 else CFLAGS += -O2 endif ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) INSTALL_PROGRAM += -s endif config.status: configure dh_testdir # Configure the package. CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --prefix=/usr --mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man # Build both architecture dependent and independent build: build-arch build-indep # Build architecture dependent build-arch: build-arch-stamp build-arch-stamp: config.status dh_testdir # Compile the package. $(MAKE) touch build-stamp # Build architecture independent build-indep: build-indep-stamp build-indep-stamp: config.status # Nothing to do, the only indep item is the manual which is available as html in original source touch build-indep-stamp # Clean up clean: dh_testdir dh_testroot rm -f build-arch-stamp build-indep-stamp #CONFIGURE-STAMP# # Clean temporary document directory rm -rf debian/doc-temp # Clean up. -$(MAKE) distclean rm -f config.log ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/share/misc/config.sub)" "" cp -f /usr/share/misc/config.sub config.sub endif ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/share/misc/config.guess)" "" cp -f /usr/share/misc/config.guess config.guess endif dh_clean # Install architecture dependent and independent install: install-arch install-indep # Install architecture dependent install-arch: build-arch dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_clean -k -s dh_installdirs -s # Install the package files into build directory: # - start with upstream make install $(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/usr mandir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/us r/share/man # - copy html manual to temporary location for renaming mkdir -p debian/doc-temp dh_install -s # Install architecture independent install-indep: build-indep dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_clean -k -i dh_installdirs -i dh_install -i # Must not depend on anything. This is to be called by # binary-arch/binary-indep # in another 'make' thread. binary-common: dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog dh_installdocs dh_installman dh_link dh_strip dh_compress dh_fixperms dh_installdeb dh_shlibdeps dh_gencontrol dh_md5sums dh_builddeb # Build architecture independant packages using the common target. binary-indep: build-indep install-indep $(MAKE) -f debian/rules DH_OPTIONS=-i binary-common # Build architecture dependant packages using the common target. binary-arch: build-arch install-arch $(MAKE) -f debian/rules DH_OPTIONS=-a binary-common # Build architecture depdendent and independent packages binary: binary-arch binary-indep .PHONY: clean binary EOF close(CONF); pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/rpm") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/rpm"; open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/rpm/$pp.spec") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/rpm/$pp.spec"; print CONF << 'EOF'; # # $Id$ # # Used if virtual name != real name (perl, ...) #%define srcname PBPKG Summary: PBSUMMARY Summary(fr): french bla-bla Name: PBREALPKG Version: PBVER Release: PBTAGPBSUF License: PBLIC Group: PBGRP Url: PBURL Source: PBREPO/PBSRC #PBPATCHSRC BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(id -u -n) #Requires: PBDEP %description PBDESC %description -l fr french desc %prep %setup -q # Used if virtual name != real name (perl, ...) #%setup -q -n %{srcname}-%{version} #PBPATCHCMD %build %configure make %{?_smp_mflags} %install %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install %clean %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc ChangeLog %doc INSTALL COPYING README AUTHORS NEWS %changelog PBLOG EOF close(CONF); pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pbfilter") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pbfilter"; pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pkg") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pkg"; open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pkg/pkginfo") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pkg/pkginfo"; print CONF << 'EOF'; # # $Id$ # PKG="PBREALPKG" NAME="PBSUMMARY" VERSION="PBVER" # or i386 ARCH="all" CATEGORY="application" DESC="PBDESC" EMAIL="PBPACKAGER" VENDOR="PBPACKAGER" HOTLINE="PBURL" EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pkg/pbbuild") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pkg/pbbuild"; print CONF << 'EOF'; # # $Id$ # #perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install DESTDIR=\$1 EOF close(CONF); open(CONF,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pkg/depend") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pp/pkg/depend"; print CONF << 'EOF'; # # $Id$ # #P SUNWperl584core Perl 5.8.4 (core) EOF close(CONF); } pb_cms_add($pbconf{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},$ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}); pb_cms_checkin($pbconf{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},"$ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}",$pbinit); } else { pb_log(0,"ERROR: no pbroot defined, used $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}, without finding $ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb in it\n"); pb_log(0," Please use -r release in order to be able to initialize your environment correctly\n"); die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb"; } } umask 0022; return(\%filteredfiles, \%supfiles, \%defpkgdir, \%extpkgdir); } else { # Setup the variables from what has been stored at the end of cms2build my ($var) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc","pbroot"); $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'} = $var->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; ($var) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc","projver"); $ENV{'PBPROJVER'} = $var->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; ($var) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc","projtag"); $ENV{'PBPROJTAG'} = $var->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; ($var) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc","pbpackager"); $ENV{'PBPACKAGER'} = $var->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}; return; } } =back =head1 WEB SITES The main Web site of the project is available at L. Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at L. =head1 USER MAILING LIST None exists for the moment. =head1 AUTHORS The Project-Builder.org team L lead by Bruno Cornec L. =head1 COPYRIGHT Project-Builder.org is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license described in the file C included with the distribution. =cut 1;