1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 | #
3 | # Base subroutines brought by the the Project-Builder project
4 | # which can be easily used by whatever perl project
5 | #
6 | # Copyright B. Cornec 2007-2008
7 | # Provided under the GPL v2
8 | #
9 | # $Id$
10 | #
11 |
12 | package ProjectBuilder::Base;
13 |
14 | use strict;
15 | use lib qw (lib);
16 | use File::Path;
17 | use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
18 | use Data::Dumper;
19 | use Time::localtime qw(localtime);
20 | use Pod::Usage;
21 | use English;
22 | use POSIX qw(locale_h);
23 |
24 | # Inherit from the "Exporter" module which handles exporting functions.
25 |
26 | use Exporter;
27 |
28 | # Export, by default, all the functions into the namespace of
29 | # any code which uses this module.
30 |
31 | our $pbdebug = 0; # Global debug level
32 | our $pbLOG = \*STDOUT; # File descriptor of the log file
33 | our $pbsynmsg = "Error"; # Global error message
34 | our $pbdisplaytype = "text";
35 | # default display mode for messages
36 | our $pblocale = "C";
37 |
38 | our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
39 | our @EXPORT = qw(pb_mkdir_p pb_system pb_rm_rf pb_get_date pb_log pb_log_init pb_get_uri pb_get_content pb_set_content pb_display_file pb_syntax_init pb_syntax pb_temp_init pb_get_arch pb_check_requirements $pbdebug $pbLOG $pbdisplaytype $pblocale);
40 |
41 | =pod
42 |
43 | =head1 NAME
44 |
45 | ProjectBuilder::Base, part of the project-builder.org - module dealing with generic functions suitable for perl project development
46 |
47 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
48 |
49 | This modules provides generic functions suitable for perl project development
50 |
51 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
52 |
53 | use ProjectBuilder::Base;
54 |
55 | #
56 | # Create a directory and its parents
57 | #
58 | pb_mkdir_p("/tmp/foo/bar");
59 |
60 | #
61 | # Remove recursively a directory and its children
62 | #
63 | pb_rm_rf("/tmp/foo");
64 |
65 | #
66 | # Encapsulate the system call for better output and return value test
67 | #
68 | pb_system("ls -l", "Printing directory content");
69 |
70 | #
71 | # Analysis a URI and return its components in a table
72 | #
73 | my ($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri("svn+ssh://ac@my.server.org/path/to/dir");
74 |
75 | #
76 | # Gives the current date in a table
77 | #
78 | @date = pb_get_date();
79 |
80 | #
81 | # Manages logs of the program
82 | #
83 | pb_log_init(2,\*STDOUT);
84 | pb_log(1,"Message to print\n");
85 |
86 | #
87 | # Manages content of a file
88 | #
89 | pb_display_file("/etc/passwd");
90 | my $cnt = pb_get_content("/etc/passwd");
91 |
92 | =head1 USAGE
93 |
94 | =over 4
95 |
96 | =item B<pb_mkdir_p>
97 |
98 | Internal mkdir -p function. Forces mode to 755. Supports multiple parameters.
99 |
100 | Based on File::Path mkpath.
101 |
102 | =cut
103 |
104 | sub pb_mkdir_p {
105 | my @dir = @_;
106 | my $ret = mkpath(@dir, 0, 0755);
107 | return($ret);
108 | }
109 |
110 | =item B<pb_rm_rf>
111 |
112 | Internal rm -rf function. Supports multiple parameters.
113 |
114 | Based on File::Path rmtree.
115 |
116 | =cut
117 |
118 | sub pb_rm_rf {
119 | my @dir = @_;
120 | my $ret = rmtree(@dir, 0, 0);
121 | return($ret);
122 | }
123 |
124 | =item B<pb_system>
125 |
126 | Encapsulate the "system" call for better output and return value test
127 | Needs a $ENV{'PBTMP'} variable which is created by calling the pb_mktemp_init function
128 | Needs pb_log support, so pb_log_init should have benn called before.
129 |
130 | The first parameter is the shell command to call.
131 | The second parameter is the message to print on screen. If none is given, then the command is printed.
132 | The third parameter print the result of the command after correct execution if value is verbose. If value is noredir, it avoids redirecting outputs (e.g. for vi).
133 | This function returns the result the return value of the system command.
134 |
135 | If no error reported, it prints OK on the screen, just after the message. Else it prints the errors generated.
136 |
137 | =cut
138 |
139 | sub pb_system {
140 |
141 | my $cmd=shift;
142 | my $cmt=shift || $cmd;
143 | my $verbose=shift || undef;
144 | my $redir = "";
145 |
146 | pb_log(0,"$cmt... ") if ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "quiet"));
147 | pb_log(1,"Executing $cmd\n");
148 | unlink("$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") if (-f "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log");
149 | $redir = "2>> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log 1>> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log" if ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "noredir"));
150 | system("$cmd $redir");
151 | my $res = $?;
152 | # Exit now if the command may fail
153 | if ((defined $verbose) and ($verbose eq "mayfail")) {
154 | pb_log(0,"N/A\n") if ($res != 0);
155 | pb_log(0,"OK\n") if ($res == 0);
156 | return($res)
157 | }
158 | if ($res == -1) {
159 | pb_log(0,"failed to execute ($cmd): $!\n") if ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "quiet"));
160 | pb_display_file("$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") if ((-f "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") and ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "quiet")));
161 | } elsif ($res & 127) {
162 | pb_log(0, "child ($cmd) died with signal ".($? & 127).", ".($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'." coredump\n") if ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "quiet"));
163 | pb_display_file("$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") if ((-f "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") and ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "quiet")));
164 | } elsif ($res == 0) {
165 | pb_log(0,"OK\n") if ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "quiet"));
166 | pb_display_file("$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") if ((defined $verbose) and (-f "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") and ($verbose ne "quiet"));
167 | } else {
168 | pb_log(0, "child ($cmd) exited with value ".($? >> 8)."\n") if ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "quiet"));
169 | pb_display_file("$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") if ((-f "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") and ((! defined $verbose) || ($verbose ne "quiet")));
170 | }
171 | return($res);
172 | }
173 |
174 | =item B<pb_get_uri>
175 |
176 | This function returns a list of 6 parameters indicating the protocol, account, password, server, port, and path contained in the URI passed in parameter.
177 |
178 | A URI has the format protocol://[ac@]host[:port][path[?query][#fragment]].
179 |
180 | Cf man URI.
181 |
182 | =cut
183 |
184 | sub pb_get_uri {
185 |
186 | my $uri = shift || undef;
187 |
188 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: uri:$uri\n");
189 | my ($scheme, $authority, $path, $query, $fragment) =
190 | $uri =~ m|(?:([^:/?#]+):)?(?://([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?| if (defined $uri);
191 | my ($account,$host,$port) = $authority =~ m|(?:([^\@]+)\@)?([^:]+)(:(?:[0-9]+))?| if (defined $authority);
192 |
193 | $scheme = "" if (not defined $scheme);
194 | $authority = "" if (not defined $authority);
195 | $path = "" if (not defined $path);
196 | $account = "" if (not defined $account);
197 | $host = "" if (not defined $host);
198 | $port = "" if (not defined $port);
199 |
200 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: scheme:$scheme ac:$account host:$host port:$port path:$path\n");
201 | return($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path);
202 | }
203 |
204 | =item B<pb_get_date>
205 |
206 | This function returns a list of 9 parameters indicating the seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year, day in the week, day in the year, and daylight saving time flag of the current time.
207 |
208 | Cf: man ctime and description of the struct tm.
209 |
210 | =cut
211 |
212 | sub pb_get_date {
213 |
214 | return(localtime->sec(), localtime->min(), localtime->hour(), localtime->mday(), localtime->mon(), localtime->year(), localtime->wday(), localtime->yday(), localtime->isdst());
215 | }
216 |
217 | =item B<pb_log_init>
218 |
219 | This function initializes the global variables used by the pb_log function.
220 |
221 | The first parameter is the debug level which will be considered during the run of the program?
222 | The second parameter is a pointer on a file descriptor used to print the log info.
223 |
224 | As an example, if you set the debug level to 2 in that function, every call to pb_log which contains a value less or equal than 2 will be printed. Calls with a value greater than 2 won't be printed.
225 |
226 | The call to B<pb_log_init> is typically done after getting a parameter on the CLI indicating the level of verbosity expected.
227 |
228 | =cut
229 |
230 | sub pb_log_init {
231 |
232 | $pbdebug = shift || 0;
233 | $pbLOG = shift || \*STDOUT;
234 | pb_log(1,"Debug value: $pbdebug\n");
235 |
236 | }
237 |
238 | =item B<pb_log>
239 |
240 | This function logs the messages passed as the second parameter if the value passed as first parameter is lesser or equal than the value passed to the B<pb_log_init> function.
241 |
242 | Here is a usage example:
243 |
244 | pb_log_init(2,\*STDERR);
245 | pb_log(1,"Hello World 1\n");
246 | pb_log(2,"Hello World 2\n");
247 | pb_log(3,"Hello World 3\n");
248 |
249 | will print:
250 |
251 | Hello World 1
252 | Hello World 2
253 |
254 | =cut
255 |
256 | sub pb_log {
257 |
258 | my $dlevel = shift;
259 | my $msg = shift;
260 |
261 | print $pbLOG "$msg" if ($dlevel <= $pbdebug);
262 | print "$msg" if (($dlevel == 0) && ($pbLOG != \*STDOUT));
263 | }
264 |
265 |
266 | =item B<pb_display_file>
267 |
268 | This function print the content of the file passed in parameter.
269 |
270 | This is a cat equivalent function.
271 |
272 | =cut
273 |
274 | sub pb_display_file {
275 |
276 | my $file=shift;
277 |
278 | return if (not -f $file);
279 | printf "%s\n",pb_get_content($file);
280 | }
281 |
282 | =item B<pb_get_content>
283 |
284 | This function returns the content of the file passed in parameter.
285 |
286 | =cut
287 |
288 | sub pb_get_content {
289 |
290 | my $file=shift;
291 |
292 | my $bkp = $/;
293 | undef $/;
294 | open(R,$file) || die "Unable to open $file: $!";
295 | my $content=<R>;
296 | close(R);
297 | chomp($content);
298 | $/ = $bkp;
299 | return($content);
300 | }
301 |
302 |
303 | =item B<pb_set_content>
304 |
305 | This function put the content of a file into the file passed in parameter.
306 |
307 | =cut
308 |
309 | sub pb_set_content {
310 |
311 | my $file=shift;
312 | my $content=shift;
313 |
314 | my $bkp = $/;
315 | undef $/;
316 | open(R,"> $file") || die "Unable to write to $file: $!";
317 | print R "$content";
318 | close(R);
319 | $/ = $bkp;
320 | }
321 |
322 | =item B<pb_syntax_init>
323 |
324 | This function initializes the global variable used by the pb_syntax function.
325 |
326 | The parameter is the message string which will be printed when calling pb_syntax
327 |
328 | =cut
329 |
330 | sub pb_syntax_init {
331 |
332 | $pbsynmsg = shift || "Error";
333 | }
334 |
335 | =item B<pb_syntax>
336 |
337 | This function prints the syntax expected by the application, based on pod2usage, and exits.
338 | The first parameter is the return value of the exit.
339 | The second parameter is the verbosity as expected by pod2usage.
340 |
341 | Cf: man Pod::Usage
342 |
343 | =cut
344 |
345 | sub pb_syntax {
346 |
347 | my $exit_status = shift || -1;
348 | my $verbose_level = shift || 0;
349 |
350 | my $filehandle = \*STDERR;
351 |
352 | $filehandle = \*STDOUT if ($exit_status == 0);
353 |
354 | pod2usage( { -message => $pbsynmsg,
355 | -exitval => $exit_status ,
356 | -verbose => $verbose_level,
357 | -output => $filehandle } );
358 | }
359 |
360 | =item B<pb_temp_init>
361 |
362 | This function initializes the environemnt variable PBTMP to a random value. This directory can be safely used during the whole program, it will be removed at the end automatically.
363 |
364 | =cut
365 |
366 | sub pb_temp_init {
367 |
368 | if (not defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'}) {
369 | $ENV{'TMPDIR'}="/tmp";
370 | }
371 | $ENV{'PBTMP'} = tempdir( "pb.XXXXXXXXXX", DIR => $ENV{'TMPDIR'}, CLEANUP => 1 );
372 | }
373 |
374 | =item B<pb_get_arch>
375 |
376 | This function returns the architecture of our local environment and
377 | standardize on i386 for those platforms. It also solves issues where a i386 VE on x86_64 returns x86_64 wrongly
378 |
379 | =cut
380 |
381 | sub pb_get_arch {
382 |
383 | my $arch = `uname -m`;
384 | chomp($arch);
385 | $arch =~ s/i.86/i386/;
386 | # For Solaris
387 | $arch =~ s/i86pc/i386/;
388 |
389 | return($arch);
390 | }
391 |
392 | =item B<pb_check_requirements>
393 |
394 | This function checks that the commands needed for the subsystem are indeed present.
395 | The required comands are passed as a coma separated string as first parameter.
396 | The optional comands are passed as a coma separated string as second parameter.
397 |
398 | =cut
399 |
400 | sub pb_check_requirements {
401 |
402 | my $cmds = shift || "";
403 | my $options = shift || "";
404 |
405 | # cmds is a string of coma separated commands
406 | foreach my $file (split(/,/,$cmds)) {
407 | pb_check_req($file,0);
408 | }
409 |
410 | # opts is a string of coma separated commands
411 | foreach my $file (split(/,/,$options)) {
412 | pb_check_req($file,1);
413 | }
414 | }
415 |
416 | sub pb_check_req {
417 |
418 | my $file = shift;
419 | my $opt = shift || 1;
420 | my $found = 0;
421 |
422 | pb_log(2,"Checking availability of $file...");
423 | # Check for all dirs in the PATH
424 | foreach my $p (split(/:/,$ENV{'PATH'})) {
425 | $found = 1 if (-x "$p/$file");
426 | }
427 | if ($found eq 0) {
428 | pb_log(2,"KO\n");
429 | if ($opt eq 1) {
430 | pb_log(2,"Unable to find optional command $file\n");
431 | } else {
432 | die pb_log(0,"Unable to find required command $file\n");
433 | }
434 | } else {
435 | pb_log(2,"OK\n");
436 | }
437 | }
438 |
439 | =back
440 |
441 | =head1 WEB SITES
442 |
443 | The main Web site of the project is available at L<http://www.project-builder.org/>. Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at L<http://trac.project-builder.org/>.
444 |
445 | =head1 USER MAILING LIST
446 |
447 | None exists for the moment.
448 |
449 | =head1 AUTHORS
450 |
451 | The Project-Builder.org team L<http://trac.project-builder.org/> lead by Bruno Cornec L<mailto:bruno@project-builder.org>.
452 |
453 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
454 |
455 | Project-Builder.org is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license
456 | described in the file C<COPYING> included with the distribution.
457 |
458 | =cut
459 |
460 | 1;