#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Project Builder VCS module # VCS subroutines brought by the the Project-Builder project # which can be easily used across projects needing to perform # VCS related operations # # $Id$ # # Copyright B. Cornec 2007-2012 # Provided under the GPL v2 package ProjectBuilder::VCS; use strict 'vars'; use Data::Dumper; use English; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use POSIX qw(strftime); use lib qw (lib); use ProjectBuilder::Version; use ProjectBuilder::Base; use ProjectBuilder::Conf; # Inherit from the "Exporter" module which handles exporting functions. use vars qw($VERSION $REVISION @ISA @EXPORT); use Exporter; # Export, by default, all the functions into the namespace of # any code which uses this module. our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(pb_vcs_export pb_vcs_get_uri pb_vcs_copy pb_vcs_checkout pb_vcs_up pb_vcs_checkin pb_vcs_isdiff pb_vcs_add pb_vcs_cmd); ($VERSION,$REVISION) = pb_version_init(); =pod =head1 NAME ProjectBuilder::VCS, part of the project-builder.org =head1 DESCRIPTION This modules provides version control system functions. =head1 USAGE =over 4 =item B This function exports a VCS content to a directory. The first parameter is the URL of the VCS content. The second parameter is the directory in which it is locally exposed (result of a checkout). If undef, then use the original VCS content. The third parameter is the directory where we want to deliver it (result of export). It returns the original tar file if we need to preserve it and undef if we use the produced one. =cut sub pb_vcs_export { my $uri = shift; my $source = shift; my $destdir = shift; my $tmp; my $tmp1; pb_log(1,"pb_vcs_export uri: $uri - destdir: $destdir\n"); pb_log(1,"pb_vcs_export source: $source\n") if (defined $source); my @date = pb_get_date(); # If it's not flat, then we have a real uri as source my ($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri($uri); my $vcscmd = pb_vcs_cmd($scheme); $uri = pb_vcs_mod_socks($uri); if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) { if (defined $source) { if (-d $source) { $tmp = $destdir; } else { $tmp = "$destdir/".basename($source); } $source = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($source,"svn"); pb_system("$vcscmd export $source $tmp","Exporting $source from $scheme to $tmp "); } else { $uri = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($uri,"svn"); pb_system("$vcscmd export $uri $destdir","Exporting $uri from $scheme to $destdir "); } } elsif ($scheme eq "svk") { my $src = $source; if (defined $source) { if (-d $source) { $tmp = $destdir; } else { $tmp = "$destdir/".basename($source); $src = dirname($source); } $source = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($source,"svk"); # This doesn't exist ! # pb_system("$vcscmd export $path $tmp","Exporting $path from $scheme to $tmp "); pb_log(4,"$uri,$source,$destdir,$scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path,$tmp"); if (-d $source) { pb_system("mkdir -p $tmp ; cd $tmp; tar -cf - -C $source . | tar xf -","Exporting $source from $scheme to $tmp "); } else { # If source is file do not use -C with source pb_system("mkdir -p ".dirname($tmp)." ; cd ".dirname($tmp)."; tar -cf - -C $src ".basename($source)." | tar xf -","Exporting $src/".basename($source)." from $scheme to $tmp "); } } else { # Look at svk admin hotcopy die "Unable to export from svk without a source defined"; } } elsif ($scheme eq "dir") { pb_system("cp -r $path $destdir","Copying $uri from DIR to $destdir "); } elsif (($scheme eq "http") || ($scheme eq "ftp")) { my $f = basename($path); unlink "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f"; pb_system("$vcscmd $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f $uri","Downloading $uri with $vcscmd to $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f\n"); # We want to preserve the original tar file pb_vcs_export("file://$ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f",$source,$destdir); return("$ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f"); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^file/) { eval { require File::MimeInfo; File::MimeInfo->import(); }; if ($@) { # File::MimeInfo not found die("ERROR: Install File::MimeInfo to handle scheme $scheme\n"); } my $mm = mimetype($path); pb_log(2,"mimetype: $mm\n"); # Check whether the file is well formed # (containing already a directory with the project-version name) # # If it's not the case, we try to adapt, but distro needing # to verify the checksum will have issues (Fedora) # Then upstream should be notified that they need to change their rules # This doesn't apply to patches or additional sources of course. my ($pbwf) = pb_conf_get_if("pbwf"); if ((defined $pbwf) && (defined $pbwf->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && ($path !~ /\/pbpatch\//) && ($path !~ /\/pbsrc\//)) { $destdir = dirname($destdir); pb_log(2,"This is a well-formed file so destdir is now $destdir\n"); } pb_mkdir_p($destdir); if ($mm =~ /\/x-bzip-compressed-tar$/) { # tar+bzip2 pb_system("cd $destdir ; tar xfj $path","Extracting $path in $destdir "); } elsif ($mm =~ /\/x-lzma-compressed-tar$/) { # tar+lzma pb_system("cd $destdir ; tar xfY $path","Extracting $path in $destdir "); } elsif ($mm =~ /\/x-compressed-tar$/) { # tar+gzip pb_system("cd $destdir ; tar xfz $path","Extracting $path in $destdir "); } elsif ($mm =~ /\/x-tar$/) { # tar pb_system("cd $destdir ; tar xf $path","Extracting $path in $destdir "); } elsif ($mm =~ /\/zip$/) { # zip pb_system("cd $destdir ; unzip $path","Extracting $path in $destdir "); } else { # simple file: copy it (patch e.g.) copy($path,$destdir); } } elsif ($scheme =~ /^hg/) { if (defined $source) { if (-d $source) { $tmp = $destdir; } else { $tmp = "$destdir/".basename($source); } $source = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($source,"hg"); pb_system("cd $source ; $vcscmd archive $tmp","Exporting $source from Mercurial to $tmp "); } else { $uri = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($uri,"hg"); pb_system("$vcscmd clone $uri $destdir","Exporting $uri from Mercurial to $destdir "); } } elsif ($scheme =~ /^git/) { if (defined $source) { if (-d $source) { $tmp = $destdir; } else { $tmp = "$destdir/".basename($source); } $source = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($source,"git"); pb_system("cd $source ; $vcscmd archive --format=tar HEAD | (mkdir $tmp && cd $tmp && tar xf -)","Exporting $source/HEAD from GIT to $tmp "); } else { $uri = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($uri,"git"); pb_system("$vcscmd clone $uri $destdir","Exporting $uri from GIT to $destdir "); } } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) { # CVS needs a relative path ! my $dir=dirname($destdir); my $base=basename($destdir); if (defined $source) { # CVS also needs a modules name not a dir $tmp1 = basename($source); } else { # Probably not right, should be checked, but that way I'll notice it :-) pb_log(0,"You're in an untested part of project-builder.org, please report any result upstream\n"); $tmp1 = $uri; } # If we're working on the CVS itself my $cvstag = basename($ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}); my $cvsopt = ""; if ($cvstag eq "cvs") { my $pbdate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", @date); $cvsopt = "-D \"$pbdate\""; } else { # we're working on a tag which should be the last part of PBROOTDIR $cvsopt = "-r $cvstag"; } pb_system("cd $dir ; $vcscmd -d $account\@$host:$path export $cvsopt -d $base $tmp1","Exporting $tmp1 from $source under CVS to $destdir "); } else { die "cms $scheme unknown"; } return(undef); } =item B This function is only called with a real VCS system and gives the URL stored in the checked out directory. The first parameter is the schema of the VCS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) The second parameter is the directory in which it is locally exposed (result of a checkout). =cut sub pb_vcs_get_uri { my $scheme = shift; my $dir = shift; my $res = ""; my $void = ""; my $vcscmd = pb_vcs_cmd($scheme); if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) { open(PIPE,"LANGUAGE=C $vcscmd info $dir |") || return(""); while () { ($void,$res) = split(/^URL:/) if (/^URL:/); } $res =~ s/^\s*//; close(PIPE); chomp($res); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^svk/) { open(PIPE,"LANGUAGE=C $vcscmd info $dir |") || return(""); my $void2 = ""; while () { ($void,$void2,$res) = split(/ /) if (/^Depot/); } $res =~ s/^\s*//; close(PIPE); chomp($res); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^hg/) { open(HGRC,".hg/hgrc/") || return(""); while () { ($void,$res) = split(/^default.*=/) if (/^default.*=/); } close(HGRC); chomp($res); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^git/) { open(GITRC,".git/gitrc/") || return(""); while () { ($void,$res) = split(/^default.*=/) if (/^default.*=/); } close(GITRC); chomp($res); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) { # This path is always the root path of CVS, but we may be below open(FILE,"$dir/CVS/Root") || die "$dir isn't CVS controlled"; $res = ; chomp($res); close(FILE); # Find where we are in the tree my $rdir = $dir; while ((! -d "$rdir/CVSROOT") && ($rdir ne "/")) { $rdir = dirname($rdir); } die "Unable to find a CVSROOT dir in the parents of $dir" if (! -d "$rdir/CVSROOT"); #compute our place under that root dir - should be a relative path $dir =~ s|^$rdir||; my $suffix = ""; $suffix = "$dir" if ($dir ne ""); my $prefix = ""; if ($scheme =~ /ssh/) { $prefix = "cvs+ssh://"; } else { $prefix = "cvs://"; } $res = $prefix.$res.$suffix; } else { die "cms $scheme unknown"; } pb_log(1,"pb_vcs_get_uri returns $res\n"); return($res); } =item B This function copies a VCS content to another. The first parameter is the schema of the VCS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) The second parameter is the URL of the original VCS content. The third parameter is the URL of the destination VCS content. Only coded for SVN now as used for pbconf itself not the project =cut sub pb_vcs_copy { my $scheme = shift; my $oldurl = shift; my $newurl = shift; my $vcscmd = pb_vcs_cmd($scheme); $oldurl = pb_vcs_mod_socks($oldurl); $newurl = pb_vcs_mod_socks($newurl); if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) { $oldurl = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($oldurl,"svn"); $newurl = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($newurl,"svn"); pb_system("$vcscmd copy -m \"Creation of $newurl from $oldurl\" $oldurl $newurl","Copying $oldurl to $newurl "); } elsif (($scheme eq "flat") || ($scheme eq "ftp") || ($scheme eq "http")) { } else { die "cms $scheme unknown for project management"; } } =item B This function checks a VCS content out to a directory. The first parameter is the schema of the VCS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) The second parameter is the URL of the VCS content. The third parameter is the directory where we want to deliver it (result of export). =cut sub pb_vcs_checkout { my $scheme = shift; my $url = shift; my $destination = shift; my $vcscmd = pb_vcs_cmd($scheme); $url = pb_vcs_mod_socks($url); if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) { $url = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($url,"svn"); pb_system("$vcscmd co $url $destination","Checking out $url to $destination "); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^svk/) { $url = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($url,"svk"); pb_system("$vcscmd co $url $destination","Checking out $url to $destination "); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^hg/) { $url = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($url,"hg"); pb_system("$vcscmd clone $url $destination","Checking out $url to $destination "); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^git/) { $url = pb_vcs_mod_htftp($url,"git"); pb_system("$vcscmd clone $url $destination","Checking out $url to $destination "); } elsif (($scheme eq "ftp") || ($scheme eq "http")) { return; } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) { my ($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri($url); # If we're working on the CVS itself my $cvstag = basename($ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}); my $cvsopt = ""; if ($cvstag eq "cvs") { my @date = pb_get_date(); my $pbdate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", @date); $cvsopt = "-D \"$pbdate\""; } else { # we're working on a tag which should be the last part of PBROOTDIR $cvsopt = "-r $cvstag"; } pb_mkdir_p("$destination"); pb_system("cd $destination ; $vcscmd -d $account\@$host:$path co $cvsopt .","Checking out $url to $destination "); } elsif ($scheme =~ /^file/) { pb_vcs_export($url,undef,$destination); } else { die "cms $scheme unknown"; } } =item B This function updates a local directory with the VCS content. The first parameter is the schema of the VCS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) The second parameter is the directory to update. =cut sub pb_vcs_up { my $scheme = shift; my $dir = shift; my $vcscmd = pb_vcs_cmd($scheme); if (($scheme =~ /^svn/) || ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) || ($scheme =~ /^svk/)) { pb_system("$vcscmd up $dir","Updating $dir "); } elsif (($scheme eq "flat") || ($scheme eq "ftp") || ($scheme eq "http")) { } else { die "cms $scheme unknown"; } } =item B This function updates a VCS content from a local directory. The first parameter is the schema of the VCS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) The second parameter is the directory to update from. The third parameter is the comment to pass during the commit =cut sub pb_vcs_checkin { my $scheme = shift; my $dir = shift; my $msg = shift; my $vcscmd = pb_vcs_cmd($scheme); if (($scheme =~ /^svn/) || ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) || ($scheme =~ /^svk/)) { pb_system("cd $dir ; $vcscmd ci -m \"$msg\" .","Checking in $dir "); } elsif (($scheme eq "flat") || ($scheme eq "ftp") || ($scheme eq "http")) { } else { die "cms $scheme unknown"; } pb_vcs_up($scheme,$dir); } =item B This function adds to a VCS content from a local directory. The first parameter is the schema of the VCS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) The second parameter is the directory/file to add. =cut sub pb_vcs_add { my $scheme = shift; my $f = shift; my $vcscmd = pb_vcs_cmd($scheme); if (($scheme =~ /^svn/) || ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) || ($scheme =~ /^svk/)) { pb_system("$vcscmd add $f","Adding $f to VCS "); } elsif (($scheme eq "flat") || ($scheme eq "ftp") || ($scheme eq "http")) { } else { die "cms $scheme unknown"; } pb_vcs_up($scheme,$f); } =item B This function returns a integer indicating the number f differences between the VCS content and the local directory where it's checked out. The first parameter is the schema of the VCS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) The second parameter is the directory to consider. =cut sub pb_vcs_isdiff { my $scheme = shift; my $dir =shift; my $vcscmd = pb_vcs_cmd($scheme); my $l = undef; if (($scheme =~ /^svn/) || ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) || ($scheme =~ /^svk/)) { open(PIPE,"$vcscmd diff $dir |") || die "Unable to get $vcscmd diff from $dir"; $l = 0; while () { # Skipping normal messages in case of CVS next if (/^cvs diff:/); $l++; } } elsif (($scheme eq "flat") || ($scheme eq "ftp") || ($scheme eq "http")) { $l = 0; } else { die "cms $scheme unknown"; } pb_log(1,"pb_vcs_isdiff returns $l\n"); return($l); } sub pb_vcs_mod_htftp { my $url = shift; my $proto = shift; $url =~ s/^$proto\+((ht|f)tp[s]*):/$1:/; pb_log(1,"pb_vcs_mod_htftp returns $url\n"); return($url); } sub pb_vcs_mod_socks { my $url = shift; $url =~ s/^([A-z0-9]+)\+(socks):/$1:/; pb_log(1,"pb_vcs_mod_socks returns $url\n"); return($url); } sub pb_vcs_cmd { my $scheme = shift; my $cmd = ""; # If there is a socks proxy to use if ($scheme =~ /socks/) { # Get the socks proxy command from the conf file my ($pbsockscmd) = pb_conf_get("pbsockscmd"); $cmd = "$pbsockscmd->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} "; } if ($scheme =~ /hg/) { return($cmd."hg") } elsif ($scheme =~ /git/) { return($cmd."git") } elsif ($scheme =~ /svn/) { return($cmd."svn") } elsif ($scheme =~ /svk/) { return($cmd."svk") } elsif ($scheme =~ /cvs/) { return($cmd."cvs") } elsif (($scheme =~ /http/) || ($scheme =~ /ftp/)) { my $command = pb_check_req("wget",1); if (-x $command) { return($cmd."$command -nv -O "); } else { $command = pb_check_req("curl",1); if (-x $command) { return($cmd."$command -o "); } else { die "Unable to handle $scheme.\nNo wget/curl available, please install one of those"; } } } else { return($cmd); } } =back =head1 WEB SITES The main Web site of the project is available at L. Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at L. =head1 USER MAILING LIST None exists for the moment. =head1 AUTHORS The Project-Builder.org team L lead by Bruno Cornec L. =head1 COPYRIGHT Project-Builder.org is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license described in the file C included with the distribution. =cut 1;