#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Tests ProjectBuilder::YAML functions use strict; use Data::Dumper; use ProjectBuilder::Base; use ProjectBuilder::YAML; my $res; eval { require Test::More; Test::More->import(); $res = $@; my ($tmv,$tmsv) = split(/\./,$Test::More::VERSION); if ($tmsv lt 87) { die "Test::More is not available in an appropriate version ($tmsv)"; } }; # Test appropriate version not found so no test will be performed here if ($res) { require Test; Test->import(); plan(tests => 1); print "# Faking tests as Test::More is not available in an appropriate version\n"; ok(1,1); exit(0); } my $nt = 0; $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = "/tmp"; pb_temp_init(); open(FILE,"> $ENV{'TMPDIR'}/conf1.yml") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'TMPDIR'}/conf1.yml"; print FILE "---\n"; print FILE "colon:\n"; print FILE " mageia-3-x86_64: 'ex: test'\n"; print FILE "percent:\n"; print FILE " mageia-3-x86_64: '%check'\n"; print FILE "truc:\n"; print FILE " mageia-4-x86_64: 'la tete a toto'\n"; print FILE "yorro:\n"; print FILE " mageia-3-x86_64: tartampion\n"; print FILE "zz:\n"; print FILE " mageia-3-x86_64: ''\n"; close(FILE); my $tab1 = pb_LoadFile("$ENV{'TMPDIR'}/conf1.yml"); open(FILE,"> $ENV{'TMPDIR'}/conf1bis.yml") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'TMPDIR'}/conf1bis.yml"; print FILE Dumper($tab1); close(FILE); my $cnt = pb_get_content("$ENV{'TMPDIR'}/conf1.yml"); my $tab2 = pb_Dump($tab1); open(FILE,"> $ENV{'TMPDIR'}/test1bis.yml") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'TMPDIR'}/test1bis.yml"; print FILE Dumper($tab2); close(FILE); open(FILE,"> $ENV{'TMPDIR'}/test1.yml") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'TMPDIR'}/test1.yml"; print FILE "$tab2"; close(FILE); my $content = pb_get_content("$ENV{'TMPDIR'}/test1.yml"); is($cnt, $content, "pb_DumpFile Test"); $nt++; done_testing($nt);