1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 | #
3 | # Project Builder main application
4 | #
5 | # $Id$
6 | #
7 | # Copyright B. Cornec 2007
8 | # Provided under the GPL v2
9 |
10 | # Syntax: see at end
11 |
12 | use strict 'vars';
13 | use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_abbrev no_ignore_case);
14 | use Data::Dumper;
15 | use English;
16 | use File::Basename;
17 | use File::Copy;
18 | use File::stat;
19 | use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
20 | use File::Find;
21 | use Time::localtime qw(localtime);
22 | use POSIX qw(strftime);
23 | use lib qw (lib);
24 | use ProjectBuilder::Version;
25 | use ProjectBuilder::Base;
26 | use ProjectBuilder::Display;
27 | use ProjectBuilder::Conf;
28 | use ProjectBuilder::Distribution;
29 | use ProjectBuilder::CMS;
30 | use ProjectBuilder::Env;
31 | use ProjectBuilder::Filter;
32 | use ProjectBuilder::Changelog;
33 | use Mail::Sendmail;
34 |
35 | # Global variables
36 | my %opts; # CLI Options
37 | my $action; # action to realize
38 | my $test = "FALSE"; # Not used
39 | my $pbforce = 0; # Force VE/VM rebuild
40 | my $pbsnap = 0; # Do not use snapshot mode for VM/VE by default
41 | my $option = ""; # Not used
42 | my @pkgs; # list of packages
43 | my $pbtag; # Global Tag variable
44 | my $pbver; # Global Version variable
45 | my $pbscript; # Name of the script
46 | my %pbver; # per package
47 | my %pbtag; # per package
48 | my $pbrev; # Global REVISION variable
49 | my $pbaccount; # Login to use to connect to the VM
50 | my $pbport; # Port to use to connect to the VM
51 | my $newver; # New version to create
52 | my $iso = undef; # ISO image for the VM to create
53 |
54 | my @date = pb_get_date();
55 | my $pbdate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", @date);
56 |
57 | =pod
58 |
59 | =head1 NAME
60 |
61 | pb, aka project-builder.org - builds packages for your projects
62 |
63 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
64 |
65 | pb helps you build various packages directly from your project sources.
66 | Those sources could be handled by a CMS (Configuration Management System)
67 | such as Subversion, CVS, Git, Mercurial... or being a simple reference to a compressed tar file.
68 | It's based on a set of configuration files, a set of provided macros to help
69 | you keeping build files as generic as possible. For example, a single .spec
70 | file should be required to generate for all rpm based distributions, even
71 | if you could also have multiple .spec files if required.
72 |
73 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
74 |
75 | pb [-vhSq][-r pbroot][-p project][[-s script -a account -P port][-m mach-1[,...]]][-i iso] <action> [<pkg1> ...]
76 |
77 | pb [--verbose][--help][--man][--quiet][--snapshot][--revision pbroot][--project project][[--script script --account account --port port][--machine mach-1[,...]]][--iso iso] <action> [<pkg1> ...]
78 |
79 | =head1 OPTIONS
80 |
81 | =over 4
82 |
83 | =item B<-v|--verbose>
84 |
85 | Print a brief help message and exits.
86 |
87 | =item B<-q|--quiet>
88 |
89 | Do not print any output.
90 |
91 | =item B<-h|--help>
92 |
93 | Print a brief help message and exits.
94 |
95 | =item B<-S|--snapshot>
96 |
97 | Use the snapshot mode of VMs or VEs
98 |
99 | =item B<--man>
100 |
101 | Prints the manual page and exits.
102 |
103 | =item B<-m|--machine machine1[,machine2,...]>
104 |
105 | Name of the Virtual Machines (VM) or Virtual Environments (VE) you want to build on (coma separated).
106 | All if none precised (or use the env variable PBV).
107 |
108 | =item B<-s|--script script>
109 |
110 | Name of the script you want to execute on the related VMs or VEs.
111 |
112 | =item B<-i|--iso iso_image>
113 |
114 | Name of the ISO image of the distribution you want to install on the related VMs.
115 |
116 | =item B<-a|--account account>
117 |
118 | Name of the account to use to connect on the related VMs.
119 |
120 | =item B<-P|--port port_number>
121 |
122 | Port number to use to connect on the related VMs.\n";
123 |
124 | =item B<-p|--project project_name>
125 |
126 | Name of the project you're working on (or use the env variable PBPROJ)
127 |
128 | =item B<-r|--revision revision>
129 |
130 | Path Name of the project revision under the CMS (or use the env variable PBROOT)
131 |
132 | =item B<-V|--version new_version>
133 |
134 | New version of the project to create based on the current one.
135 |
136 | =back
137 |
138 | =head1 ARGUMENTS
139 |
140 | <action> can be:
141 |
142 | =over 4
143 |
144 | =item B<cms2build>
145 |
146 | Create tar files for the project under your CMS.
147 | CMS supported are SVN, CVS and Mercurial
148 | parameters are packages to build
149 | if not using default list
150 |
151 | =item B<build2pkg>
152 |
153 | Create packages for your running distribution
154 |
155 | =item B<cms2pkg>
156 |
157 | cms2build + build2pkg
158 |
159 | =item B<build2ssh>
160 |
161 | Send the tar files to a SSH host
162 |
163 | =item B<cms2ssh>
164 |
165 | cms2build + build2ssh
166 |
167 | =item B<pkg2ssh>
168 |
169 | Send the packages built to a SSH host
170 |
171 | =item B<build2vm>
172 |
173 | Create packages in VMs, launching them if needed
174 | and send those packages to a SSH host once built
175 | VM type supported are QEMU
176 |
177 | =item B<build2ve>
178 |
179 | Create packages in VEs, creating it if needed
180 | and send those packages to a SSH host once built
181 |
182 | =item B<cms2vm>
183 |
184 | cms2build + build2vm
185 |
186 | =item B<cms2ve>
187 |
188 | cms2build + build2ve
189 |
190 | =item B<launchvm>
191 |
192 | Launch one virtual machine
193 |
194 | =item B<launchve>
195 |
196 | Launch one virtual environment
197 |
198 | =item B<script2vm>
199 |
200 | Launch one virtual machine if needed
201 | and executes a script on it
202 |
203 | =item B<script2ve>
204 |
205 | Execute a script in a virtual environment
206 |
207 | =item B<newvm>
208 |
209 | Create a new virtual machine
210 |
211 | =item B<newve>
212 |
213 | Create a new virtual environment
214 |
215 | =item B<setupvm>
216 |
217 | Setup a virtual machine for pb usage
218 |
219 | =item B<setupve>
220 |
221 | Setup a virtual environment for pb usage
222 |
223 | =item B<snapvm>
224 |
225 | Snapshot a virtual machine for pb usage
226 |
227 | =item B<snapve>
228 |
229 | Snapshot a virtual environment for pb usage
230 |
231 | =item B<test2pkg>
232 |
233 | Test a package locally
234 |
235 | =item B<test2vm>
236 |
237 | Test a package in a virtual machine
238 |
239 | =item B<test2ve>
240 |
241 | Test a package in a virtual environment
242 |
243 | =item B<newver>
244 |
245 | Create a new version of the project derived
246 | from the current one
247 |
248 | =item B<newproj>
249 |
250 | Create a new project and a template set of
251 | configuration files under pbconf
252 |
253 | =item B<announce>
254 |
255 | Announce the availability of the project through various means
256 |
257 | =item B<web2ssh>
258 |
259 | Deliver the Web site content to the target server using ssh.
260 |
261 | =item B<clean>
262 |
263 | Purge the build and delivery directories related to the current project
264 |
265 | =back
266 |
267 | <pkgs> can be a list of packages, the keyword 'all' or nothing, in which case the default list of packages is taken (corresponding to the defpkgdir list of arguments in the configuration file).
268 |
269 | =head1 WEB SITES
270 |
271 | The main Web site of the project is available at L<http://www.project-builder.org/>. Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at L<http://trac.project-builder.org/>.
272 |
273 | =head1 USER MAILING LIST
274 |
275 | None exists for the moment.
276 |
278 |
279 | Each pb user may have a configuration in F<$HOME/.pbrc>. The values in this file may overwrite any other configuration file value.
280 |
281 | Here is an example of such a configuration file:
282 |
283 | #
284 | # Define for each project the URL of its pbconf repository
285 | # No default option allowed here as they need to be all different
286 | #
287 | # URL of the pbconf content
288 | # This is the format of a classical URL with the extension of additional schema such as
289 | # svn+ssh, cvs+ssh, ...
290 | #
291 | pbconfurl linuxcoe = cvs+ssh://:ext:bcornec@linuxcoe.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/linuxcoe/pbconf
292 |
293 | # This is normaly defined in the project's configuration file
294 | # Url of the project
295 | #
296 | pburl linuxcoe = cvs+ssh://:ext:bcornec@linuxcoe.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/linuxcoe
297 |
298 | # All these URLs needs to be defined here as the are the entry point
299 | # for how to build packages for the project
300 | #
301 | pbconfurl pb = svn+ssh://svn.project-builder.org/mondo/svn/pb/pbconf
302 | pbconfurl mondorescue = svn+ssh://svn.project-builder.org/mondo/svn/project-builder/mondorescue/pbconf
303 | pbconfurl collectl = svn+ssh://bruno@svn.mondorescue.org/mondo/svn/project-builder/collectl/pbconf
304 | pbconfurl netperf = svn+ssh://svn.mondorescue.org/mondo/svn/project-builder/netperf/pbconf
305 |
306 | # Under that dir will take place everything related to pb
307 | # If you want to use VMs/chroot/..., then use $ENV{'HOME'} to make it portable
308 | # to your VMs/chroot/...
309 | # if not defined then /var/cache
310 | pbdefdir default = $ENV{'HOME'}/project-builder
311 | pbdefdir pb = $ENV{'HOME'}
312 | pbdefdir linuxcoe = $ENV{'HOME'}/LinuxCOE/cvs
313 | pbdefdir mondorescue = $ENV{'HOME'}/mondo/svn
314 |
315 | # pbconfdir points to the directory where the CMS content of the pbconfurl is checked out
316 | # If not defined, pbconfdir is under pbdefdir/pbproj/pbconf
317 | pbconfdir linuxcoe = $ENV{'HOME'}/LinuxCOE/cvs/pbconf
318 | pbconfdir mondorescue = $ENV{'HOME'}/mondo/svn/pbconf
319 |
320 | # pbdir points to the directory where the CMS content of the pburl is checked out
321 | # If not defined, pbdir is under pbdefdir/pbproj
322 | # Only defined if we have access to the dev of the project
323 | pbdir linuxcoe = $ENV{'HOME'}/LinuxCOE/cvs
324 | pbdir mondorescue = $ENV{'HOME'}/mondo/svn
325 |
326 | # -daemonize doesn't work with qemu 0.8.2
327 | vmopt default = -m 384
328 |
329 | =head1 AUTHORS
330 |
331 | The Project-Builder.org team L<http://trac.project-builder.org/> lead by Bruno Cornec L<mailto:bruno@project-builder.org>.
332 |
333 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
334 |
335 | Project-Builder.org is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license
336 | described in the file C<COPYING> included with the distribution.
337 |
338 | =cut
339 |
340 | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
341 |
342 | my ($projectbuilderver,$projectbuilderrev) = pb_version_init();
343 | my $appname = "pb";
344 |
345 | # Initialize the syntax string
346 |
347 | pb_syntax_init("$appname (aka project-builder.org) Version $projectbuilderver-$projectbuilderrev\n");
348 |
349 | GetOptions("help|?|h" => \$opts{'h'},
350 | "man" => \$opts{'man'},
351 | "verbose|v+" => \$opts{'v'},
352 | "snapshot|S" => \$opts{'S'},
353 | "quiet|q" => \$opts{'q'},
354 | "log-files|l=s" => \$opts{'l'},
355 | "force|f" => \$opts{'f'},
356 | "account|a=s" => \$opts{'a'},
357 | "revision|r=s" => \$opts{'r'},
358 | "script|s=s" => \$opts{'s'},
359 | "machines|mock|m=s" => \$opts{'m'},
360 | "port|P=i" => \$opts{'P'},
361 | "project|p=s" => \$opts{'p'},
362 | "iso|i=s" => \$opts{'i'},
363 | "version|V=s" => \$opts{'V'},
364 | ) || pb_syntax(-1,0);
365 |
366 | if (defined $opts{'h'}) {
367 | pb_syntax(0,1);
368 | }
369 | if (defined $opts{'man'}) {
370 | pb_syntax(0,2);
371 | }
372 | if (defined $opts{'v'}) {
373 | $pbdebug = $opts{'v'};
374 | }
375 | if (defined $opts{'f'}) {
376 | $pbforce=1;
377 | }
378 | if (defined $opts{'q'}) {
379 | $pbdebug=-1;
380 | }
381 | if (defined $opts{'S'}) {
382 | $pbsnap=1;
383 | }
384 | if (defined $opts{'l'}) {
385 | open(pbLOG,"> $opts{'l'}") || die "Unable to log to $opts{'l'}: $!";
386 | $pbLOG = \*pbLOG;
387 | $pbdebug = 0 if ($pbdebug == -1);
388 | }
389 | pb_log_init($pbdebug, $pbLOG);
390 | pb_display_init("text","");
391 |
392 | # Handle root of the project if defined
393 | if (defined $opts{'r'}) {
394 | $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'} = $opts{'r'};
395 | }
396 | # Handle virtual machines if any
397 | if (defined $opts{'m'}) {
398 | $ENV{'PBV'} = $opts{'m'};
399 | }
400 | if (defined $opts{'s'}) {
401 | $pbscript = $opts{'s'};
402 | }
403 | if (defined $opts{'a'}) {
404 | $pbaccount = $opts{'a'};
405 | die "option -a requires a -s script option" if (not defined $pbscript);
406 | }
407 | if (defined $opts{'P'}) {
408 | $pbport = $opts{'P'};
409 | }
410 | if (defined $opts{'V'}) {
411 | $newver = $opts{'V'};
412 | }
413 | if (defined $opts{'i'}) {
414 | $iso = $opts{'i'};
415 | }
416 |
417 | # Get Action
418 | $action = shift @ARGV;
419 | die pb_syntax(-1,1) if (not defined $action);
420 |
421 | my ($filteredfiles, $supfiles, $defpkgdir, $extpkgdir);
422 | my $pbinit = undef;
423 | $pbinit = 1 if ($action =~ /^newproj$/);
424 |
425 | # Handles project name if any
426 | # And get global params
427 | ($filteredfiles, $supfiles, $defpkgdir, $extpkgdir) = pb_env_init($opts{'p'},$pbinit,$action);
428 |
429 | #
430 | # Check for command requirements
431 | #
432 | my ($req,$opt) = pb_conf_get_if("oscmd","oscmdopt");
433 | my ($req2,$opt2) = (undef,undef);
434 | $req2 = $req->{$appname} if (defined $req);
435 | $opt2 = $opt->{$appname} if (defined $opt);
436 | pb_check_requirements($req2,$opt2);
437 |
438 | pb_log(0,"Project: $ENV{'PBPROJ'}\n");
439 | pb_log(0,"Action: $action\n");
440 |
441 | # Act depending on action
442 | if ($action =~ /^cms2build$/) {
443 | pb_cms2build();
444 | } elsif ($action =~ /^build2pkg$/) {
445 | pb_build2pkg();
446 | } elsif ($action =~ /^cms2pkg$/) {
447 | pb_cms2build();
448 | pb_build2pkg();
449 | } elsif ($action =~ /^build2ssh$/) {
450 | pb_build2ssh();
451 | } elsif ($action =~ /^cms2ssh$/) {
452 | pb_cms2build();
453 | pb_build2ssh();
454 | } elsif ($action =~ /^pkg2ssh$/) {
455 | pb_pkg2ssh();
456 | } elsif ($action =~ /^build2ve$/) {
457 | pb_build2v("ve","build");
458 | } elsif ($action =~ /^build2vm$/) {
459 | pb_build2v("vm","build");
460 | } elsif ($action =~ /^cms2ve$/) {
461 | pb_cms2build();
462 | pb_build2v("ve","build");
463 | } elsif ($action =~ /^cms2vm$/) {
464 | pb_cms2build();
465 | pb_build2v("vm","build");
466 | } elsif ($action =~ /^launchvm$/) {
467 | pb_launchv("vm",$ENV{'PBV'},0);
468 | } elsif ($action =~ /^launchve$/) {
469 | pb_launchv("ve",$ENV{'PBV'},0);
470 | } elsif ($action =~ /^script2vm$/) {
471 | pb_script2v($pbscript,"vm");
472 | } elsif ($action =~ /^script2ve$/) {
473 | pb_script2v($pbscript,"ve");
474 | } elsif ($action =~ /^newver$/) {
475 | pb_newver();
476 | } elsif ($action =~ /^newve$/) {
477 | pb_launchv("ve",$ENV{'PBV'},1);
478 | } elsif ($action =~ /^newvm$/) {
479 | pb_launchv("vm",$ENV{'PBV'},1);
480 | pb_log(0, "Please ensure that sshd is running in your VM by default\n");
481 | pb_log(0, "and that it allows remote root login (PermitRootLogin yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config)\n");
482 | } elsif ($action =~ /^setupve$/) {
483 | pb_setup2v("ve");
484 | } elsif ($action =~ /^setupvm$/) {
485 | pb_setup2v("vm");
486 | } elsif ($action =~ /^snapve$/) {
487 | pb_snap2v("ve");
488 | } elsif ($action =~ /^snapvm$/) {
489 | pb_snap2v("vm");
490 | } elsif ($action =~ /^test2pkg$/) {
491 | pb_test2pkg();
492 | } elsif ($action =~ /^test2ve$/) {
493 | pb_build2v("ve","test");
494 | } elsif ($action =~ /^test2vm$/) {
495 | pb_build2v("vm","test");
496 | } elsif ($action =~ /^newproj$/) {
497 | # Nothing to do - already done in pb_env_init
498 | } elsif ($action =~ /^clean$/) {
499 | pb_clean();
500 | } elsif ($action =~ /^announce$/) {
501 | # For announce only. Require avoids the systematic load of these modules
502 | require DBI;
503 | require DBD::SQLite;
504 |
505 | pb_announce();
506 | } elsif ($action =~ /^web2ssh$/) {
507 | require DBI;
508 | require DBD::SQLite;
509 |
510 | pb_cms2build("Web");
511 | pb_send2target("Web");
512 | } else {
513 | pb_log(0,"\'$action\' is not available\n");
514 | pb_syntax(-2,1);
515 | }
516 |
517 | sub pb_cms2build {
518 |
519 | my $param = shift || undef;
520 |
521 | my $pkg;
522 | my @pkgs;
523 | my $webdir;
524 |
525 | my %pkgs;
526 | my %pb; # Structure to store conf info
527 |
528 | # If Website, then pkg is only the website
529 | if ((defined $param) && ($param eq "Web")) {
530 | ($webdir) = pb_conf_get("webdir");
531 | pb_log(2,"webdir: ".Dumper($webdir)."\n");
532 | $pkgs[0] = $webdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
533 | $extpkgdir = $webdir;
534 | pb_log(0,"Package: $pkgs[0]\n");
535 | } else {
536 | $pkg = pb_cms_get_pkg($defpkgdir,$extpkgdir);
537 | @pkgs = @$pkg;
538 | }
539 |
540 | my ($scheme, $uri) = pb_cms_init($pbinit);
541 |
542 | # We need 2 lines here
543 | my ($pkgv, $pkgt, $testver) = pb_conf_get_if("pkgver","pkgtag","testver");
544 | my @pt = pb_conf_get_if("vmlist","velist");
545 |
546 | # declare packager and repo for filtering
547 | # TODO: Is pbrepo needed so early in the process ?
548 | my ($tmp1, $tmp2) = pb_conf_get("pbpackager","pbrepo");
549 | $ENV{'PBPACKAGER'} = $tmp1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
550 | $ENV{'PBREPO'} = $tmp2->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
551 |
552 | foreach my $pbpkg (@pkgs) {
553 | $ENV{'PBPKG'} = $pbpkg;
554 |
555 | if ((defined $pkgv) && (defined $pkgv->{$pbpkg})) {
556 | $pbver = $pkgv->{$pbpkg};
557 | } else {
558 | $pbver = $ENV{'PBPROJVER'};
559 | }
560 | # If it's a test version, then tag == 0.date
561 | if ((defined $testver) && (defined $testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && ($testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /true/i)) {
562 | $pbtag = "0.".strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", @date);
563 | $ENV{'PBPROJTAG'} = $pbtag;
564 | } elsif ((defined $pkgt) && (defined $pkgt->{$pbpkg})) {
565 | $pbtag = $pkgt->{$pbpkg};
566 | } else {
567 | $pbtag = $ENV{'PBPROJTAG'};
568 | }
569 |
570 | $pbrev = $ENV{'PBREVISION'};
571 | pb_log(0,"\n");
572 | pb_log(0,"Management of $pbpkg $pbver-$pbtag (rev $pbrev)\n");
573 | die "Unable to get env var PBDESTDIR" if (not defined $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'});
574 |
575 | # Clean up dest if necessary. The export will recreate it
576 | my $dest = "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver";
577 | pb_rm_rf($dest) if (-d $dest);
578 |
579 | # Export CMS tree for the concerned package to dest
580 | # And generate some additional files
582 |
583 | # computes in which dir we have to work
584 | my $dir = $defpkgdir->{$pbpkg};
585 | $dir = $extpkgdir->{$pbpkg} if (not defined $dir);
586 | $dir = $webdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} if ((defined $param) && ($param eq "Web"));
587 | pb_log(2,"def:".Dumper($defpkgdir)." ext: ".Dumper($extpkgdir)." \n");
588 |
589 | # Exporting content from CMS
590 | my $preserve = pb_cms_export($uri,"$ENV{'PBDIR'}/$dir",$dest);
591 |
592 | # Generated fake content for test versions to speed up stuff
593 | my $chglog;
594 |
595 | # Get project info on authors and log file
596 | $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbcl";
597 | $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbcl" if (! -f $chglog);
598 | $chglog = undef if (! -f $chglog);
599 |
600 | my $authors = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbauthors";
601 | $authors = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbauthors" if (! -f $authors);
602 | $authors = "/dev/null" if (! -f $authors);
603 |
604 | # Extract cms log history and store it
605 | if ((defined $chglog) && (! -f "$dest/NEWS")) {
606 | pb_log(2,"Generating NEWS file from $chglog\n");
607 | copy($chglog,"$dest/NEWS") || die "Unable to create $dest/NEWS";
608 | }
609 | pb_cms_log($scheme,"$ENV{'PBDIR'}/$dir",$dest,$chglog,$authors,$testver);
610 |
611 | my %build;
612 | # We want to at least build for the underlying distro
613 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf, $pbupd, $arch) = pb_distro_init();
614 | my $tmpl = "$ddir-$dver-$arch,";
615 | my %patches;
616 |
617 | # Get list of distributions for which I need to generate build files
618 | if (defined $pt[0]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {
619 | $tmpl .= $pt[0]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
620 | }
621 | if (defined $pt[1]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {
622 | # the 2 lists needs to be grouped with a ',' separating them
623 | if ($tmpl ne "") {
624 | $tmpl .= ",";
625 | }
626 | $tmpl .= $pt[1]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}
627 | }
628 |
629 | # Setup %pb structure to allow filtering later on, on files using that structure
630 | $pb{'tag'} = $pbtag;
631 | $pb{'rev'} = $pbrev;
632 | $pb{'ver'} = $pbver;
633 | $pb{'pkg'} = $pbpkg;
634 | $pb{'date'} = $pbdate;
635 | $pb{'defpkgdir'} = $defpkgdir;
636 | $pb{'extpkgdir'} = $extpkgdir;
637 | $pb{'chglog'} = $chglog;
638 | $pb{'packager'} = $ENV{'PBPACKAGER'};
639 | $pb{'proj'} = $ENV{'PBPROJ'};
640 | $pb{'repo'} = $ENV{'PBREPO'};
641 | $pb{'patches'} = \%patches;
642 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb: ".Dumper(%pb)."\n");
643 |
644 | # Do not do that for website
645 | if ((not defined $param) || ($param ne "Web")) {
646 | pb_log(0,"Build files are being generated for ...\n");
647 | my %virt;
648 | # De-duplicate similar VM and VE
649 | foreach my $d (split(/,/,$tmpl)) {
650 | # skip ill-formatted vms (name-ver-arch)
651 | next if ($d !~ /-/);
652 | $virt{$d} = $d;
653 | }
654 |
655 | foreach my $d (keys %virt) {
656 | my ($name,$ver,$arch) = split(/-/,$d);
657 | pb_log(0,"Bad format for $d") if ((not defined $name) || (not defined $ver) || (not defined $arch)) ;
658 | chomp($arch);
659 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam);
660 | ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $pb{'dtype'}, $pb{'suf'}, $pb{'upd'}, $pb{'arch'}) = pb_distro_init($name,$ver,$arch);
661 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: distro tuple: ".Dumper($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $pb{'dtype'}, $pb{'suf'})."\n");
662 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG Filtering PBDATE => $pbdate, PBTAG => $pbtag, PBVER => $pbver\n");
663 |
664 | # We need to compute the real name of the package
665 | my $pbrealpkg = pb_cms_get_real_pkg($pbpkg,$pb{'dtype'});
666 | $pb{'realpkg'} = $pbrealpkg;
667 | pb_log(1,"Virtual package $pbpkg has a real package name of $pbrealpkg on $ddir-$dver\n") if ($pbrealpkg ne $pbpkg);
668 |
669 | # Filter build files from the less precise up to the most with overloading
670 | # Filter all files found, keeping the name, and generating in dest
671 |
672 | # Find all build files first relatively to PBROOTDIR
673 | # Find also all specific files referenced in the .pb conf file
674 | my %bfiles = ();
675 | my %pkgfiles = ();
676 | $build{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} = "yes";
677 |
678 | if (-d "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$pb{'dtype'}") {
679 | pb_list_bfiles("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$pb{'dtype'}",$pbpkg,\%bfiles,\%pkgfiles,$supfiles);
680 | } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$dfam") {
681 | pb_list_bfiles("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$dfam",$pbpkg,\%bfiles,\%pkgfiles,$supfiles);
682 | } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$ddir") {
683 | pb_list_bfiles("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$ddir",$pbpkg,\%bfiles,\%pkgfiles,$supfiles);
684 | } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$ddir-$dver") {
685 | pb_list_bfiles("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$ddir-$dver",$pbpkg,\%bfiles,\%pkgfiles,$supfiles);
686 | } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$ddir-$dver-$arch") {
687 | pb_list_bfiles("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/$ddir-$dver-$arch",$pbpkg,\%bfiles,\%pkgfiles,$supfiles);
688 | } else {
689 | $build{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} = "no";
690 | next;
691 | }
692 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG bfiles: ".Dumper(\%bfiles)."\n");
693 |
694 | # Get all filters to apply
695 | my $ptr = pb_get_filters($pbpkg, $pb{'dtype'}, $dfam, $ddir, $dver);
696 |
697 | # Prepare local patches for this distro - They are always applied first - May be a problem one day
698 | foreach my $p (sort(<$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbpatch/*>)) {
699 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "," if ((defined $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"}) and ($p =~ /\.all$/));
700 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "file://$p" if ($p =~ /\.all$/);
701 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "," if ((defined $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"}) and ($p =~ /\.$pb{'dtype'}$/));
702 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "file://$p" if ($p =~ /\.$pb{'dtype'}$/);
703 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "," if ((defined $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"}) and ($p =~ /\.$dfam$/));
704 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "file://$p" if ($p =~ /\.$dfam$/);
705 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "," if ((defined $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"}) and ($p =~ /\.$ddir$/));
706 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "file://$p" if ($p =~ /\.$ddir$/);
707 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "," if ((defined $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"}) and ($p =~ /\.$ddir-$dver$/));
708 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "file://$p" if ($p =~ /\.$ddir-$dver$/);
709 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "," if ((defined $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"}) and ($p =~ /\.$ddir-$dver-$arch$/));
710 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "file://$p" if ($p =~ /\.$ddir-$dver-$arch$/);
711 | }
712 |
713 | # Prepare also remote patches to be included - Applied after the local ones
714 | foreach my $p ("all","$pb{'dtype'}","$dfam","$ddir","$ddir-$dver","$ddir-$dver-$arch") {
715 | my $f = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbextpatch.$p";
716 | next if (not -f $f);
717 | if (not open(PATCH,$f)) {
718 | pb_display("Unable to open existing external patch file content $f\n");
719 | next;
720 | }
721 | while (<PATCH>) {
722 | chomp();
723 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "," if (defined $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"});
724 | $patches{"$ddir-$dver-$arch"} .= "$_";
725 | }
726 | close(PATCH);
727 | }
728 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb->patches: ".Dumper($pb{'patches'})."\n");
729 |
730 | # Apply now all the filters on all the files concerned
731 | # destination dir depends on the type of file
732 | if (defined $ptr) {
733 | # For patch support
734 | $pb{'tuple'} = "$ddir-$dver-$arch";
735 | foreach my $f (values %bfiles,values %pkgfiles) {
736 | pb_filter_file("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$f",$ptr,"$dest/pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/".basename($f),\%pb);
737 | }
738 | }
739 | }
740 | my @found;
741 | my @notfound;
742 | foreach my $b (keys %build) {
743 | push @found,$b if ($build{$b} =~ /yes/);
744 | push @notfound,$b if ($build{$b} =~ /no/);
745 | }
746 | pb_log(0," ... ".join(',',sort(@found))."\n");
747 | pb_log(0,"No Build files found for ".join(',',sort(@notfound))."\n") if (@notfound);
748 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: patches: ".Dumper(%patches)."\n");
749 | }
750 |
751 | # Get the generic filter (all.pbf) and
752 | # apply those to the non-build files including those
753 | # generated by pbinit if applicable
754 |
755 | # Get only all.pbf filter
756 | my $ptr = pb_get_filters($pbpkg);
757 |
758 | my $liste ="";
759 | if (defined $filteredfiles->{$pbpkg}) {
760 | foreach my $f (split(/,/,$filteredfiles->{$pbpkg})) {
761 | pb_filter_file_inplace($ptr,"$dest/$f",\%pb);
762 | $liste = "$f $liste";
763 | }
764 | }
765 | pb_log(2,"Files ".$liste."have been filtered\n");
766 |
767 | # Do not do that for website
768 | if ((not defined $param) || ($param ne "Web")) {
769 | my %tmp;
770 | # Filter potential patches (local + remote)
771 | pb_log(0,"Delivering and compressing patches ");
772 | foreach my $v (keys %patches) {
773 | pb_mkdir_p("$dest/pbconf/$v/pbpatch");
774 | foreach my $pf (split(/,/,$patches{$v})) {
775 | my $pp = basename($pf);
776 | pb_cms_export($pf,undef,"$dest/pbconf/$v/pbpatch");
777 | pb_filter_file_inplace($ptr,"$dest/pbconf/$v/pbpatch/$pp",\%pb);
778 | pb_system("gzip -9f $dest/pbconf/$v/pbpatch/$pp","","quiet");
779 | $tmp{$pf} = "";
780 | }
781 | }
782 | foreach my $v (keys %tmp) {
783 | pb_log(0,"$v ");
784 | }
785 | pb_log(0,"\n");
786 | } else {
787 | # Instead call News generation
788 | pb_web_news2html($dest);
789 | # And create an empty pbconf
790 | pb_mkdir_p("$dest/pbconf");
791 | # And prepare the pbscript to execute remotely
792 | open(SCRIPT,"> $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
793 | print SCRIPT "#!/bin/bash\n";
794 | print SCRIPT "#set -x\n";
795 | print SCRIPT "echo ... Extracting Website content\n";
796 | print SCRIPT "find . -type f | grep -Ev '^./$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz|^./pbscript' | xargs rm -f non-existent\n";
797 | print SCRIPT "find * -type d -depth | xargs rmdir 2> /dev/null \n";
798 | print SCRIPT "tar xfz $pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz\n";
799 | print SCRIPT "mv $pbpkg-$pbver/* .\n";
800 | print SCRIPT "rm -f $pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz\n";
801 | print SCRIPT "rmdir $pbpkg-$pbver\n";
802 | close(SCRIPT);
803 | }
804 |
805 | # Prepare the dest directory for archive
806 | if (-x "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbinit") {
807 | pb_filter_file("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbinit",$ptr,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/pbinit",\%pb);
808 | chmod 0755,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/pbinit";
809 | pb_system("cd $dest ; $ENV{'PBTMP'}/pbinit","Executing init script from $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbinit","verbose");
810 | }
811 |
812 | # Do we have additional script to run to prepare the environement for the project ?
813 | # Then include it in the pbconf delivery
814 | foreach my $pbvf (<$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbv*.pre>,<$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbv*.post>, <$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbtest*>) {
815 | if (-x "$pbvf") {
816 | my $target = "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/".basename($pbvf);
817 | pb_filter_file("$pbvf",$ptr,$target,\%pb);
818 | chmod 0755,"$target";
819 | }
820 | }
821 |
822 | # Archive dest dir
823 | chdir "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}" || die "Unable to change dir to $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}";
824 | if (defined $preserve) {
825 | # In that case we want to preserve the original tar file for checksum purposes
826 | # The one created is btw equivalent in that case to this one
827 | # Maybe check basename of both to be sure they are the same ?
828 | pb_log(0,"Preserving original tar file ");
829 | move("$preserve","$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz");
830 | } else {
831 | # Possibility to look at PBSRC to guess more the filename
832 | pb_system("tar cfz $pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz --exclude=$pbpkg-$pbver/pbconf $pbpkg-$pbver","Creating $pbpkg tar files compressed");
833 | }
834 | pb_log(0,"Under $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz\n");
835 | pb_system("tar cfz $pbpkg-$pbver.pbconf.tar.gz $pbpkg-$pbver/pbconf","Creating pbconf tar files compressed");
836 | pb_log(0,"Under $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.pbconf.tar.gz\n");
837 |
838 | # Keep track of version-tag per pkg
839 | $pkgs{$pbpkg} = "$pbver-$pbtag";
840 |
841 | # Final cleanup
842 | pb_rm_rf($dest) if (-d $dest);
843 | }
844 |
845 | # Keep track of per package version
846 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG pkgs: ".Dumper(%pkgs)."\n");
847 | open(PKG,"> $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}.pb") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}.pb";
848 | foreach my $pbpkg (keys %pkgs) {
849 | print PKG "pbpkg $pbpkg = $pkgs{$pbpkg}\n";
850 | }
851 | close(PKG);
852 |
853 | # Keep track of what is generated by default
854 | # We need to store the dir and info on version-tag
855 | # Base our content on the existing .pb file
856 | copy("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb","$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc");
857 | open(LAST,">> $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbrc";
858 | print LAST "pbroot $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}\n";
859 | print LAST "projver $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $ENV{'PBPROJVER'}\n";
860 | print LAST "projtag $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}\n";
861 | print LAST "pbpackager $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $ENV{'PBPACKAGER'}\n";
862 | close(LAST);
863 | }
864 |
865 | sub pb_test2pkg {
866 | # Get the running distro to test on
867 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf, $pbupd, $arch) = pb_distro_init();
868 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: distro tuple: ".join(',',($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf, $pbupd, $arch))."\n");
869 |
870 | # Get list of packages to test
871 | # Get content saved in cms2build
872 | my $ptr = pb_get_pkg();
873 | @pkgs = @$ptr;
874 |
875 | # Additional potential repo
876 | pb_distro_setuprepo($ddir,$dver,$arch,$dtype);
877 | foreach my $pbpkg (@pkgs) {
878 | # We need to install the package to test, and deps brought with it
879 | pb_distro_installdeps(undef,$dtype,$pbupd,$pbpkg);
880 | pb_system("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbtest","Launching test for $pbpkg","verbose");
881 | }
882 | }
883 |
884 | sub pb_build2pkg {
885 |
886 | # Get the running distro to build on
887 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf, $pbupd, $arch) = pb_distro_init();
888 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: distro tuple: ".join(',',($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf, $pbupd, $arch))."\n");
889 |
890 | # Get list of packages to build
891 | my $ptr = pb_get_pkg();
892 | @pkgs = @$ptr;
893 |
894 | # Get content saved in cms2build
895 | my ($pkg) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}.pb","pbpkg");
896 | $pkg = { } if (not defined $pkg);
897 |
898 | chdir "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}";
899 | my $made = ""; # pkgs made during build
900 | foreach my $pbpkg (@pkgs) {
901 | my $vertag = $pkg->{$pbpkg};
902 | # get the version of the current package - maybe different
903 | ($pbver,$pbtag) = split(/-/,$vertag);
904 |
905 | my $src="$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz";
906 | my $src2="$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.pbconf.tar.gz";
907 | pb_log(2,"Source file: $src\n");
908 | pb_log(2,"Pbconf file: $src2\n");
909 |
910 | pb_log(2,"Working directory: $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}\n");
911 | if ($dtype eq "rpm") {
912 | foreach my $d ('RPMS','SRPMS','SPECS','SOURCES','BUILD') {
913 | if (! -d "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$d") {
914 | pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$d") || die "Please ensure that you can write into $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} to create $d\nchown the $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} directory to your uid";
915 | }
916 | }
917 |
918 | # Remove in case a previous link/file was there
919 | unlink "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/SOURCES/".basename($src);
920 | symlink "$src","$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/SOURCES/".basename($src) || die "Unable to symlink $src in $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/SOURCES";
921 | # We need to first extract the spec file
922 | my @specfile = pb_extract_build_files($src2,"$pbpkg-$pbver/pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/","$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/SPECS","spec");
923 |
924 | # We need to handle potential patches to upstream sources
925 | pb_extract_build_files($src2,"$pbpkg-$pbver/pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/pbpatch/","$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/SOURCES","patch");
926 |
927 | pb_log(2,"specfile: ".Dumper(\@specfile)."\n");
928 | # set LANGUAGE to check for correct log messages
929 | $ENV{'LANGUAGE'}="C";
930 | # Older Redhat use _target_platform in %configure incorrectly
931 | my $specialdef = "";
932 | if (($ddir eq "redhat") || (($ddir eq "rhel") && ($dver eq "2.1"))) {
933 | $specialdef = "--define \'_target_platform \"\"\'";
934 | }
935 |
936 | # If needed we may add repository to the build env
937 | pb_distro_setuprepo($ddir,$dver,$arch,$dtype);
938 | foreach my $f (@specfile) {
939 | if ($f =~ /\.spec$/) {
940 | pb_distro_installdeps($f,$dtype,$pbupd);
941 | pb_system("rpmbuild $specialdef --define \'packager $ENV{'PBPACKAGER'}\' --define \"_topdir $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}\" -ba $f","Building package with $f under $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}","verbose");
942 | last;
943 | }
944 | }
945 | # Get the name of the generated packages
946 | open(LOG,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") || die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log";
947 | while (<LOG>) {
948 | chomp($_);
949 | next if ($_ !~ /^Wrote:/);
950 | s|.*/([S]*RPMS.*)|$1|;
951 | $made .=" $_";
952 | }
953 | close(LOG);
954 |
955 | } elsif ($dtype eq "deb") {
956 | chdir "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}" || die "Unable to chdir to $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}";
957 | pb_system("tar xfz $src","Extracting sources");
958 | pb_system("tar xfz $src2","Extracting pbconf");
959 |
960 | chdir "$pbpkg-$pbver" || die "Unable to chdir to $pbpkg-$pbver";
961 | pb_rm_rf("debian");
962 | symlink "pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch","debian" || die "Unable to symlink to pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch";
963 | chmod 0755,"debian/rules";
964 |
965 | pb_distro_setuprepo($ddir,$dver,$arch,$dtype);
966 | pb_distro_installdeps("debian/control",$dtype,$pbupd);
967 | pb_system("dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot","Building package","verbose");
968 | # Get the name of the generated packages
969 | open(LOG,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") || die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log";
970 | while (<LOG>) {
971 | chomp();
972 | my $tmp = $_;
973 | next if ($tmp !~ /^dpkg-deb.*:/);
974 | $tmp =~ s|.*../(.*)_(.*).deb.*|$1|;
975 | $made="$made $tmp.dsc $tmp.tar.gz $tmp"."_*.deb $tmp"."_*.changes";
976 | }
977 | close(LOG);
978 | } elsif ($dtype eq "ebuild") {
979 | my @ebuildfile;
980 | # For gentoo we need to take pb as subsystem name
981 | # We put every apps here under sys-apps. hope it's correct
982 | # We use pb's home dir in order to have a single OVERLAY line
983 | my $tmpd = "$ENV{'HOME'}/portage/pb/sys-apps/$pbpkg";
984 | pb_mkdir_p($tmpd) if (! -d "$tmpd");
985 | pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'HOME'}/portage/distfiles") if (! -d "$ENV{'HOME'}/portage/distfiles");
986 |
987 | # We need to first extract the ebuild file
988 | @ebuildfile = pb_extract_build_files($src2,"$pbpkg-$pbver/pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/","$tmpd","ebuild");
989 |
990 | # Prepare the build env for gentoo
991 | my $found = 0;
992 | my $pbbd = $ENV{'HOME'};
993 | $pbbd =~ s|/|\\/|g;
994 | if (-r "/etc/make.conf") {
995 | open(MAKE,"/etc/make.conf");
996 | while (<MAKE>) {
997 | $found = 1 if (/$pbbd\/portage/);
998 | }
999 | close(MAKE);
1000 | }
1001 | if ($found == 0) {
1002 | pb_system("sudo sh -c 'echo PORTDIR_OVERLAY=\"$ENV{'HOME'}/portage\" >> /etc/make.conf'");
1003 | }
1004 | #$found = 0;
1005 | #if (-r "/etc/portage/package.keywords") {
1006 | #open(KEYW,"/etc/portage/package.keywords");
1007 | #while (<KEYW>) {
1008 | #$found = 1 if (/portage\/pb/);
1009 | #}
1010 | #close(KEYW);
1011 | #}
1012 | #if ($found == 0) {
1013 | #pb_system("sudo sh -c \"echo portage/pb >> /etc/portage/package.keywords\"");
1014 | #}
1015 |
1016 | # Build
1017 | foreach my $f (@ebuildfile) {
1018 | if ($f =~ /\.ebuild$/) {
1019 | pb_distro_installdeps($f,$dtype,$pbupd);
1020 | move($f,"$tmpd/$pbpkg-$pbver.ebuild");
1021 | pb_system("cd $tmpd ; ebuild $pbpkg-$pbver.ebuild clean ; ebuild $pbpkg-$pbver.ebuild digest ; ebuild $pbpkg-$pbver.ebuild package","verbose");
1022 | # Now move it where pb expects it
1023 | pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/portage/pb/sys-apps/$pbpkg");
1024 | move("$tmpd/$pbpkg-$pbver.ebuild","$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/portage/pb/sys-apps/$pbpkg/$pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag.ebuild");
1025 | }
1026 | }
1027 |
1028 | $made="$made portage/pb/sys-apps/$pbpkg/$pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag.ebuild";
1029 | } elsif ($dtype eq "tgz") {
1030 | # Slackware family
1031 | $made="$made $pbpkg/$pbpkg-$pbver-*-$pbtag.tgz";
1032 |
1033 | chdir "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}" || die "Unable to chdir to $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}";
1034 | pb_system("tar xfz $src","Extracting sources");
1035 | pb_system("tar xfz $src2","Extracting pbconf");
1036 | chdir "$pbpkg-$pbver" || die "Unable to chdir to $pbpkg-$pbver";
1037 | symlink "pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch","install" || die "Unable to symlink to pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch";
1038 | if (-x "install/pbslack") {
1039 | pb_distro_installdeps("./install/pbslack",$dtype,$pbupd);
1040 | pb_system("./install/pbslack","Building software");
1041 | pb_system("sudo /sbin/makepkg -p -l y -c y $pbpkg","Packaging $pbpkg","verbose");
1042 | }
1043 | } elsif ($dtype eq "pkg") {
1044 | # Solaris
1045 | $made="$made $pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag.pkg.gz";
1046 | my $pkgdestdir="$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/install";
1047 |
1048 | chdir "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}" || die "Unable to chdir to $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}";
1049 | # Will host resulting packages
1050 | pb_mkdir_p("$dtype");
1051 | pb_mkdir_p("$pkgdestdir/delivery");
1052 | pb_system("tar xfz $src","Extracting sources under $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}");
1053 | pb_system("tar xfz $src2","Extracting pbconf under $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}");
1054 | chdir "$pbpkg-$pbver" || die "Unable to chdir to $pbpkg-$pbver";
1055 | if (-f "pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/pbbuild") {
1056 | chmod 0755,"pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/pbbuild";
1057 | # pkginfo file is mandatory
1058 | die "Unable to find pkginfo file in pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch" if (! -f "pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/pkginfo");
1059 | # Build
1060 | pb_system("pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/pbbuild $pkgdestdir/delivery","Building software and installing under $pkgdestdir/delivery");
1061 | # Copy complementary files
1062 | if (-f "pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/prototype") {
1063 | copy("pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/prototype", $pkgdestdir)
1064 | } else {
1065 | # No prototype provided, calculating it
1066 | open(PROTO,"> $pkgdestdir/prototype") || die "Unable to create prototype file";
1067 | print PROTO "i pkginfo\n";
1068 | print PROTO "i depend\n" if (-f "pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/depend");
1069 | $ENV{'PBSOLDESTDIR'} = "$pkgdestdir/delivery";
1070 | find(\&create_solaris_prototype, "$pkgdestdir/delivery");
1071 | }
1072 | copy("pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/depend", $pkgdestdir) if (-f "pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/depend");
1073 | copy("pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/pkginfo", $pkgdestdir);
1074 | pb_system("cd $pkgdestdir/delivery ; pkgmk -o -f ../prototype -r $pkgdestdir/delivery -d $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$dtype","Packaging $pbpkg","verbose");
1075 | pb_system("cd $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$dtype ; echo \"\" | pkgtrans -o -n -s $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$dtype $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag.pkg all","Transforming $pbpkg","verbose");
1076 | pb_system("cd $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} ; gzip -9f $pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag.pkg","Compressing $pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag.pkg","verbose");
1077 | } else {
1078 | pb_log(0,"No pbconf/$ddir-$dver-$arch/pbbuild file found for $pbpkg-$pbver in \n");
1079 | }
1080 | chdir ".." || die "Unable to chdir to parent dir";
1081 | pb_system("rm -rf $pbpkg-$pbver $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$dtype $pkgdestdir", "Cleanup");
1082 | } else {
1083 | die "Unknown dtype format $dtype";
1084 | }
1085 | }
1086 | # Packages check if needed
1087 | if ($dtype eq "rpm") {
1088 | if (-f "/usr/bin/rpmlint") {
1089 | pb_system("rpmlint $made","Checking validity of rpms with rpmlint","verbose");
1090 | } else {
1091 | pb_log(0,"rpm packages generated: $made\n");
1092 | }
1093 | } elsif ($dtype eq "deb") {
1094 | my $made2 = "";
1095 | foreach my $f (split(/ /,$made)) {
1096 | $made2 .= "../$f " if ($f =~ /\.changes$/);
1097 | }
1098 | if (-f "/usr/bin/lintian") {
1099 | pb_system("lintian $made2","Checking validity of debs with lintian","verbose");
1100 | } else {
1101 | pb_log(0,"deb packages generated: $made2\n");
1102 | }
1103 | } else {
1104 | pb_log(0,"No check done for $dtype yet\n");
1105 | pb_log(0,"Packages generated: $made\n");
1106 | }
1107 |
1108 | # Keep track of what is generated so that we can get them back from VMs
1109 | open(KEEP,"> $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}";
1110 | print KEEP "$made\n";
1111 | close(KEEP);
1112 | }
1113 |
1114 | sub create_solaris_prototype {
1115 |
1116 | my $uidgid = "bin bin";
1117 | my $pkgdestdir = $ENV{'PBSOLDESTDIR'};
1118 |
1119 | return if ($_ =~ /^$pkgdestdir$/);
1120 | if (-d $_) {
1121 | my $n = $File::Find::name;
1122 | $n =~ s~$pkgdestdir/~~;
1123 | print PROTO "d none $n 0755 $uidgid\n";
1124 | } elsif (-x $_) {
1125 | my $n = $File::Find::name;
1126 | $n =~ s~$pkgdestdir/~~;
1127 | print PROTO "f none $n 0755 $uidgid\n";
1128 | } elsif (-f $_) {
1129 | my $n = $File::Find::name;
1130 | $n =~ s~$pkgdestdir/~~;
1131 | print PROTO "f none $n 0644 $uidgid\n";
1132 | }
1133 | }
1134 |
1135 | sub pb_build2ssh {
1136 | pb_send2target("Sources");
1137 | }
1138 |
1139 | sub pb_pkg2ssh {
1140 | pb_send2target("Packages");
1141 | }
1142 |
1143 | # By default deliver to the the public site hosting the
1144 | # ftp structure (or whatever) or a VM/VE
1145 | sub pb_send2target {
1146 |
1147 | my $cmt = shift;
1148 | my $v = shift || undef;
1149 | my $vmexist = shift || 0; # 0 is FALSE
1150 | my $vmpid = shift || 0; # 0 is FALSE
1151 | my $snapme = shift || 0; # 0 is FALSE
1152 |
1153 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb_send2target($cmt,".Dumper($v).",$vmexist,$vmpid)\n");
1154 | my $host = "sshhost";
1155 | my $login = "sshlogin";
1156 | my $dir = "sshdir";
1157 | my $port = "sshport";
1158 | my $conf = "sshconf";
1159 | my $tmout = undef;
1160 | my $path = undef;
1161 | if ($cmt =~ /^VM/) {
1162 | $login = "vmlogin";
1163 | $dir = "pbdefdir";
1164 | # Specific VM
1165 | $tmout = "vmtmout";
1166 | $path = "vmpath";
1167 | $host = "vmhost";
1168 | $port = "vmport";
1169 | } elsif ($cmt =~ /^VE/) {
1170 | $login = "velogin";
1171 | $dir = "pbdefdir";
1172 | # Specific VE
1173 | $path = "vepath";
1174 | $conf = "rbsconf";
1175 | } elsif ($cmt eq "Web") {
1176 | $host = "websshhost";
1177 | $login = "websshlogin";
1178 | $dir = "websshdir";
1179 | $port = "websshport";
1180 | }
1181 | my $cmd = "";
1182 | my $src = "";
1183 | my ($odir,$over,$oarch) = (undef, undef, undef);
1184 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf);
1185 |
1186 | if ($cmt ne "Announce") {
1187 | # Get list of packages to build
1188 | my $ptr = pb_get_pkg();
1189 | @pkgs = @$ptr;
1190 |
1191 | # Get the running distro to consider
1192 | if (defined $v) {
1193 | ($odir,$over,$oarch) = split(/-/,$v);
1194 | }
1195 | ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf) = pb_distro_init($odir,$over,$oarch);
1196 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: distro tuple: ".join(',',($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf))."\n");
1197 |
1198 | # Get list of packages to build
1199 | # Get content saved in cms2build
1200 | my ($pkg) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}.pb","pbpkg");
1201 | $pkg = { } if (not defined $pkg);
1202 |
1203 | chdir "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}";
1204 | foreach my $pbpkg (@pkgs) {
1205 | my $vertag = $pkg->{$pbpkg};
1206 | # get the version of the current package - maybe different
1207 | ($pbver,$pbtag) = split(/-/,$vertag);
1208 |
1209 | if (($cmt eq "Sources") || ($cmt =~ /V[EM]build/)) {
1210 | $src = "$src $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.pbconf.tar.gz";
1211 | if ($cmd eq "") {
1212 | $cmd = "ln -sf $pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz $pbpkg-latest.tar.gz";
1213 | } else {
1214 | $cmd = "$cmd ; ln -sf $pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz $pbpkg-latest.tar.gz";
1215 | }
1216 | } elsif ($cmt eq "Web") {
1217 | $src = "$src $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz"
1218 | }
1219 | }
1220 | # Adds conf file for availability of conf elements
1221 | pb_conf_add("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb");
1222 | }
1223 |
1224 | if ($cmt =~ /V[EM]build/) {
1226 | } elsif (($cmt =~ /V[EM]Script/) || ($cmt eq "Web")) {
1227 | $src="$src $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
1228 | } elsif ($cmt =~ /V[EM]test/) {
1230 | } elsif ($cmt eq "Announce") {
1231 | $src="$src $ENV{'PBTMP'}/pbscript";
1232 | } elsif ($cmt eq "Packages") {
1233 | # Get package list from file made during build2pkg
1234 | open(KEEP,"$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}";
1235 | $src = <KEEP>;
1236 | chomp($src);
1237 | close(KEEP);
1238 | $src="$src $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbscript";
1239 | }
1240 | # Remove potential leading spaces (cause problem with basename)
1241 | $src =~ s/^ *//;
1242 | my $basesrc = "";
1243 | foreach my $i (split(/ +/,$src)) {
1244 | $basesrc .= " ".basename($i);
1245 | }
1246 |
1247 | pb_log(0,"Sources handled ($cmt): $src\n");
1248 | pb_log(2,"values: ".Dumper(($host,$login,$dir,$port,$tmout,$path,$conf))."\n");
1249 | my ($sshhost,$sshlogin,$sshdir,$sshport) = pb_conf_get($host,$login,$dir,$port);
1250 | # Not mandatory...
1251 | my ($rbsconf,$testver) = pb_conf_get_if($conf,"testver");
1252 | my ($vtmout,$vepath);
1253 | # ...Except those in virtual context
1254 | if ($cmt =~ /^VE/) {
1255 | ($vepath) = pb_conf_get($path);
1256 | }
1257 | if ($cmt =~ /^VM/) {
1258 | ($vtmout) = pb_conf_get($tmout);
1259 | }
1260 | pb_log(2,"ssh: ".Dumper(($sshhost,$sshlogin,$sshdir,$sshport,$vtmout,$vepath,$rbsconf))."\n");
1261 |
1262 | my $mac;
1263 | if ($cmt !~ /^VE/) {
1264 | $mac = "$sshlogin->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}\@$sshhost->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}";
1265 | # Overwrite account value if passed as parameter
1266 | $mac = "$pbaccount\@$sshhost->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}" if (defined $pbaccount);
1267 | pb_log(2, "DEBUG: pbaccount: $pbaccount => mac: $mac\n") if (defined $pbaccount);
1268 | } else {
1269 | # VE
1270 | # Overwrite account value if passed as parameter (typically for setup2ve)
1271 | $mac = $sshlogin->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1272 | $mac = $pbaccount if (defined $pbaccount);
1273 | }
1274 |
1275 | my $tdir;
1276 | my $bdir;
1277 | if (($cmt eq "Sources") || ($cmt =~ /V[EM]Script/)) {
1278 | $tdir = $sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}."/src";
1279 | if ((defined $testver) && (defined $testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && ($testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /true/i)) {
1280 | # This is a test pkg => target dir is under test
1281 | $tdir = $sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}."/test/src";
1282 | }
1283 | } elsif (($cmt =~ /V[EM]build/) || ($cmt =~ /V[EM]test/)) {
1284 | $tdir = $sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}."/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/delivery";
1285 | $bdir = $sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}."/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}/build";
1286 | # Remove a potential $ENV{'HOME'} as bdir should be relative to pb's home
1287 | $bdir =~ s|\$ENV.+\}/||;
1288 | } elsif ($cmt eq "Announce") {
1289 | $tdir = "$sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}";
1290 | if ((defined $testver) && (defined $testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && ($testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /true/i)) {
1291 | # This is a test pkg => target dir is under test
1292 | $tdir = $sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}."/test";
1293 | }
1294 | } elsif ($cmt eq "Web") {
1295 | $tdir = "$sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}";
1296 | if ((defined $testver) && (defined $testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && ($testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /true/i)) {
1297 | # This is a test website => target dir is under test
1298 | $tdir = $sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}."/../test";
1299 | }
1300 | } elsif ($cmt eq "Packages") {
1301 | $tdir = $sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}."/$ddir/$dver";
1302 |
1303 | if ((defined $testver) && (defined $testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && ($testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /true/i)) {
1304 | # This is a test pkg => target dir is under test
1305 | $tdir = $sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}."/test/$ddir/$dver";
1306 | }
1307 |
1308 | my $repodir = $tdir;
1309 | $repodir =~ s|^$sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/||;
1310 |
1311 | my ($pbrepo) = pb_conf_get("pbrepo");
1312 |
1313 | # Repository management
1314 | open(PBS,"> $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbscript") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbscript";
1315 | if ($dtype eq "rpm") {
1316 | # Also make a pbscript to generate yum/urpmi bases
1317 | print PBS << "EOF";
1318 | #!/bin/bash
1319 | # Prepare a script to ease yum setup
1320 | cat > $ENV{'PBPROJ'}.repo << EOT
1321 | [$ENV{'PBPROJ'}]
1322 | name=$ddir $dver - $ENV{'PBPROJ'} Vanilla Packages
1323 | baseurl=$pbrepo->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$repodir
1324 | enabled=1
1325 | gpgcheck=0
1326 | EOT
1327 | chmod 644 $ENV{'PBPROJ'}.repo
1328 |
1329 | # Clean up old repo content
1330 | rm -rf headers/ repodata/
1331 | # Create yum repo
1332 | yum-arch .
1333 | # Create repodata
1334 | createrepo .
1335 | EOF
1336 | if ($dfam eq "md") {
1337 | # For Mandriva add urpmi management
1338 | print PBS << "EOF";
1339 | # Prepare a script to ease urpmi setup
1340 | cat > $ENV{'PBPROJ'}.addmedia << EOT
1341 | urpmi.addmedia $ENV{'PBPROJ'} $pbrepo->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$repodir with media_info/hdlist.cz
1342 | EOT
1343 | chmod 755 $ENV{'PBPROJ'}.addmedia
1344 |
1345 | # Clean up old repo content
1346 | rm -f hdlist.cz synthesis.hdlist.cz
1347 | # Create urpmi repo
1348 | genhdlist2 --clean .
1349 | if [ \$\? -ne 0 ]; then
1350 | genhdlist .
1351 | fi
1352 | EOF
1353 | }
1354 | if ($ddir eq "fedora") {
1355 | # Extract the spec file to please Fedora maintainers :-(
1356 | print PBS << "EOF";
1357 | for p in $basesrc; do
1358 | echo \$p | grep -q 'src.rpm'
1359 | if [ \$\? -eq 0 ]; then
1360 | rpm2cpio \$p | cpio -ivdum --quiet '*.spec'
1361 | fi
1362 | done
1363 | EOF
1364 | }
1365 | } elsif ($dtype eq "deb") {
1366 | # Also make a pbscript to generate apt bases
1367 | # Cf: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/repository-howto/repository-howto.fr.html
1368 | my $rpd = dirname("$pbrepo->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$repodir");
1369 | print PBS << "EOF";
1370 | #!/bin/bash
1371 | # Prepare a script to ease apt setup
1372 | cat > $ENV{'PBPROJ'}.sources.list << EOT
1373 | deb $rpd $dver contrib
1374 | deb-src $rpd $dver contrib
1375 | EOT
1376 | chmod 644 $ENV{'PBPROJ'}.sources.list
1377 |
1378 | # Prepare a script to create apt info file
1379 | (cd .. ; for a in i386 amd64 ia64; do mkdir -p dists/$dver/contrib/binary-\$a; dpkg-scanpackages -a\$a $dver /dev/null | gzip -c9 > dists/$dver/contrib/binary-\$a/Packages.gz; done; mkdir -p dists/$dver/contrib/source; dpkg-scansources $dver /dev/null | gzip -c9 > dists/$dver/contrib/source/Sources.gz)
1380 | #(cd .. ; rm -f dists/$dver/Release ; apt-ftparchive release dists/$dver > dists/$dver/Release; gpg --sign -ba -o dists/$dver/Release.gpg dists/$dver/Release)
1381 | EOF
1382 | } elsif ($dtype eq "ebuild") {
1383 | # make a pbscript to generate links to latest version
1384 | print PBS << "EOF";
1385 | #!/bin/bash
1386 | # Prepare a script to create correct links
1387 | for p in $src; do
1388 | echo \$p | grep -q '.ebuild'
1389 | if [ \$\? -eq 0 ]; then
1390 | j=`basename \$p`
1391 | pp=`echo \$j | cut -d'-' -f1`
1392 | ln -sf \$j \$pp.ebuild
1393 | fi
1394 | done
1395 | EOF
1396 | }
1397 | close(PBS);
1398 | chmod 0755,"$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbscript";
1399 | } else {
1400 | return;
1401 | }
1402 |
1403 | # Useless for VE
1404 | my $nport;
1405 | if ($cmt !~ /^VE/) {
1406 | $nport = $sshport->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1407 | $nport = "$pbport" if (defined $pbport);
1408 | }
1409 |
1410 | # Remove a potential $ENV{'HOME'} as tdir should be relative to pb's home
1411 | $tdir =~ s|\$ENV.+\}/||;
1412 |
1413 | my $tm = undef;
1414 | if ($cmt =~ /^VM/) {
1415 | $tm = $vtmout->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1416 | }
1417 |
1418 | # ssh communication if not VE
1419 | # should use a hash instead...
1420 | my ($shcmd,$cpcmd,$cptarget,$cp2target);
1421 | if ($cmt !~ /^VE/) {
1422 | my $keyfile = pb_ssh_get(0);
1423 | $shcmd = "ssh -i $keyfile -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p $nport $mac";
1424 | $cpcmd = "scp -i $keyfile -p -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -P $nport";
1425 | $cptarget = "$mac:$tdir";
1426 | if ($cmt =~ /^VMbuild/) {
1427 | $cp2target = "$mac:$bdir";
1428 | }
1429 | } else {
1430 | my $tp = $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1431 | ($odir,$over,$oarch) = split(/-/,$v);
1432 | my $tpdir = "$tp/$odir/$over/$oarch";
1433 | my ($ptr) = pb_conf_get("vetype");
1434 | my $vetype = $ptr->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1435 | if ($vetype eq "chroot") {
1436 | $shcmd = "sudo chroot $tpdir /bin/su - $mac -c ";
1437 | } elsif ($vetype eq "schroot") {
1438 | $shcmd = "schroot $tp -u $mac -- ";
1439 | }
1440 | $cpcmd = "sudo cp -r ";
1441 | # We need to get the home dir of the target account to deliver in the right place
1442 | open(PASS,"$tpdir/etc/passwd") || die "Unable to open $tpdir/etc/passwd";
1443 | my $homedir = "";
1444 | while (<PASS>) {
1445 | my ($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7) = split(/:/);
1446 | $homedir = $c6 if ($c1 =~ /^$mac$/);
1447 | pb_log(3,"Homedir: $homedir - account: $c6\n");
1448 | }
1449 | close(PASS);
1450 | $cptarget = "$tpdir/$homedir/$tdir";
1451 | if ($cmt eq "VEbuild") {
1452 | $cp2target = "$tpdir/$homedir/$bdir";
1453 | }
1454 | pb_log(2,"On VE using $cptarget as target dir to copy to\n");
1455 | }
1456 |
1457 | my $logres = "";
1458 | # Do not touch when just announcing
1459 | if ($cmt ne "Announce") {
1460 | pb_system("$shcmd \"mkdir -p $tdir ; cd $tdir ; echo \'for i in $basesrc; do if [ -f \$i ]; then rm -f \$i; fi; done\ ; $cmd' | bash\"","Preparing $tdir on $cptarget");
1461 | } else {
1462 | $logres = "> ";
1463 | }
1464 | pb_system("cd $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} ; $cpcmd $src $cptarget 2> /dev/null","$cmt delivery in $cptarget");
1465 |
1466 | # For VE we need to change the owner manually
1467 | if ($cmt =~ /^VE/) {
1468 | pb_system("$shcmd \"sudo chown -R $mac $tdir\"","Adapt owner in $tdir to $mac");
1469 | }
1470 |
1471 | pb_system("$shcmd \"echo \'cd $tdir ; if [ -x pbscript ]; then ./pbscript; fi ; rm -f ./pbscript\' | bash\"","Executing pbscript on $cptarget if needed","verbose");
1472 | if ($cmt =~ /^V[EM]build/) {
1473 | # Get back info on pkg produced, compute their name and get them from the VM
1474 | pb_system("$cpcmd $cp2target/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'} $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} 2> /dev/null","Get package names in $cp2target");
1475 | # For VE we need to change the owner manually
1476 | if ($cmt eq "VEbuild") {
1477 | pb_system("sudo chown $UID $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}","Adapt owner in $tdir to $UID");
1478 | }
1479 | # return here to avoid breaking the load on VMs/VEs in case of a bad one
1480 | if (not -f "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}") {
1481 | pb_log(0,"Problem with VM $v on $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}");
1482 | return;
1483 | }
1484 | open(KEEP,"$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}";
1485 | my $src = <KEEP>;
1486 | chomp($src);
1487 | close(KEEP);
1488 | $src =~ s/^ *//;
1489 | pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$odir/$over");
1490 | # Change pgben to make the next send2target happy
1491 | my $made = "";
1492 | open(KEEP,"> $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}") || die "Unable to write $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}";
1493 | foreach my $p (split(/ +/,$src)) {
1494 | my $j = basename($p);
1495 | # For VM we don't want shell expansion to hapen locally but remotely
1496 | my $delim = '\'';
1497 | if ($cmt =~ /^VEbuild/) {
1498 | # For VE we need to support shell expansion locally
1499 | $delim = "";
1500 | }
1501 | pb_system("$cpcmd $cp2target/$delim$p$delim $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$odir/$over 2> /dev/null","Recovery of package $j in $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$odir/$over");
1502 | $made="$made $odir/$over/$j"; # if (($dtype ne "rpm") || ($j !~ /.src.rpm$/));
1503 | }
1504 | print KEEP "$made\n";
1505 | close(KEEP);
1506 | pb_system("$shcmd \"rm -rf $tdir $bdir\"","$cmt cleanup");
1507 |
1508 | # Sign packages locally
1509 | if ($dtype eq "rpm") {
1510 | #pb_system("rpm --addsign --define \'_signature gpg\' --define \'__gpg_sign_cmd /usr/bin/gpg --batch --no-verbose --no-armor --no-secmem-warning -u \"$ENV{'PBPACKAGER'}\" -sbo %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename} --use-agent\' $made","Signing RPM packages packages");
1511 | } elsif ($dtype eq "deb") {
1512 | #pb_system("debsign $made","Signing DEB packages");
1513 | } else {
1514 | pb_log(0,"I don't know yet how to sign packages for type $dtype.\nPlease give feedback to dev team\n");
1515 | }
1516 |
1517 | # We want to send them to the ssh account so overwrite what has been done before
1518 | undef $pbaccount;
1519 | pb_log(2,"Before sending pkgs, vmexist: $vmexist, vmpid: $vmpid\n");
1520 | pb_send2target("Packages",$odir."-".$over."-".$oarch,$vmexist,$vmpid);
1521 | pb_rm_rf("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$odir");
1522 | }
1523 | pb_log(2,"Before halt, vmexist: $vmexist, vmpid: $vmpid\n");
1524 | if ((! $vmexist) && ($cmt =~ /^VM/)) {
1525 | # If in setupvm then takes a snapshot just before halting
1526 | if ($snapme != 0) {
1527 | my ($vmmonport,$vmtype) = pb_conf_get("vmmonport","vmtype");
1528 | # For monitoring control
1529 | if ((($vmtype->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) eq "kvm") || (($vmtype->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) eq "qemu")) {
1530 | require Net::Telnet;
1531 | my $t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 120, Host => "localhost", Port => $vmmonport->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) || die "Unable to dialog on the monitor";
1532 | # move to monitor mode
1533 | my @lines = $t->cmd("c");
1534 | # Create a snapshot named pb
1535 | @lines = $t->cmd("savevm pb");
1536 | # Write the new status in the VM
1537 | @lines = $t->cmd("commit all");
1538 | # End
1539 | @lines = $t->cmd("quit");
1540 | }
1541 | }
1542 | my $hoption = "-p";
1543 | # Solaris doesn't support -h
1544 | $hoption = "" if ($dtype eq "pkg");
1545 | pb_system("$shcmd \"sudo /sbin/halt $hoption \"; sleep $tm ; echo \'if [ -d /proc/$vmpid ]; then kill -9 $vmpid; fi \' | bash ; sleep 10","VM $v halt (pid $vmpid)");
1546 | }
1547 | if (($cmt =~ /^VE/) && ($snapme != 0)) {
1548 | ($odir,$over,$oarch) = split(/-/,$v);
1549 | my $tpdir = "$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$odir/$over/$oarch";
1550 | pb_system("sudo tar cz -f $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$odir-$over-$oarch.tar.gz -C $tpdir .","Creating a snapshot of $tpdir");
1551 | }
1552 | }
1553 |
1554 | sub pb_script2v {
1555 | my $pbscript=shift;
1556 | my $vtype=shift;
1557 | my $pbforce=shift || 0; # Force stop of VM. Default not
1558 | my $vm1=shift || undef; # Only that VM to treat
1559 | my $snapme=shift || 0; # Do we have to create a snapshot
1560 | my $vm;
1561 | my $all;
1562 |
1563 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb_script2v($pbscript,$vtype,$pbforce,".Dumper($vm1).",$snapme)\n");
1564 | # Prepare the script to be executed on the VM
1565 | # in $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript
1566 | if ((defined $pbscript ) && ($pbscript ne "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript")) {
1567 | copy($pbscript,"$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
1568 | chmod 0755,"$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
1569 | }
1570 |
1571 | if (not defined $vm1) {
1572 | ($vm,$all) = pb_get2v($vtype);
1573 | } else {
1574 | @$vm = ($vm1);
1575 | }
1576 | my ($vmexist,$vmpid) = (undef,undef);
1577 |
1578 | foreach my $v (@$vm) {
1579 | # Launch VM/VE
1580 | ($vmexist,$vmpid) = pb_launchv($vtype,$v,0,$snapme,$pbsnap);
1581 |
1582 | if ($vtype eq "vm") {
1583 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: After pb_launchv, vmexist: $vmexist, vmpid: $vmpid\n");
1584 |
1585 | # Skip that VM if something went wrong
1586 | next if (($vmpid == 0) && ($vmexist == 0));
1587 |
1588 | # If force stopping the VM then reset vmexist
1589 | if ($pbforce == 1) {
1590 | $vmpid = $vmexist;
1591 | $vmexist = 0;
1592 | }
1593 | } else {
1594 | #VE
1595 | $vmexist = 0;
1596 | $vmpid = 0;
1597 | }
1598 |
1599 | # Gather all required files to send them to the VM
1600 | # and launch the build through pbscript
1601 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: Before send2target, vmexist: $vmexist, vmpid: $vmpid\n");
1602 | pb_send2target(uc($vtype)."Script","$v",$vmexist,$vmpid,$snapme);
1603 |
1604 | }
1605 | }
1606 |
1607 | sub pb_launchv {
1608 | my $vtype = shift;
1609 | my $v = shift;
1610 | my $create = shift || 0; # By default do not create a VM/VE
1611 | my $snapme = shift || 0; # By default do not snap a VM/VE
1612 | my $usesnap = shift || 1; # By default study the usage of the snapshot feature of VM/VE
1613 |
1614 | # If creation or snapshot creation mode, no snapshot usable
1615 | if (($create == 1) || ($snapme == 1)) {
1616 | $usesnap = 0;
1617 | }
1618 |
1619 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb_launchv($vtype,$v,$create,$snapme,$usesnap)\n");
1620 | die "No VM/VE defined, unable to launch" if (not defined $v);
1621 | # Keep only the first VM in case many were given
1622 | $v =~ s/,.*//;
1623 |
1624 | my $arch = pb_get_arch();
1625 |
1626 | # Launch the VMs/VEs
1627 | if ($vtype eq "vm") {
1628 | die "-i iso parameter needed" if (((not defined $iso) || ($iso eq "")) && ($create != 0));
1629 |
1630 | # TODO: vmmonport should be optional
1631 | my ($ptr,$vmpath,$vmport,$vmsize,$vmmonport) = pb_conf_get("vmtype","vmpath","vmport","vmsize","vmmonport");
1632 | my ($vmopt,$vmtmout,$vmsnap) = pb_conf_get_if("vmopt","vmtmout","vmsnap");
1633 |
1634 | my $vmtype = $ptr->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1635 | if (not defined $ENV{'PBVMOPT'}) {
1636 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} = "";
1637 | }
1638 | # Save the current status for later restoration
1640 | # Set a default timeout of 2 minutes
1641 | if (not defined $ENV{'PBVMTMOUT'}) {
1642 | $ENV{'PBVMTMOUT'} = "120";
1643 | }
1644 | if (defined $vmopt->{$v}) {
1645 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= " $vmopt->{$v}" if ($ENV{'PBVMOPT'} !~ / $vmopt->{$v}/);
1646 | } elsif (defined $vmopt->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {
1647 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= " $vmopt->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}" if ($ENV{'PBVMOPT'} !~ / $vmopt->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/);
1648 | }
1649 |
1650 | # Are we allowed to use snapshot feature
1651 | if ($usesnap == 1) {
1652 | if ((defined $vmsnap->{$v}) && ($vmsnap->{$v} =~ /true/i)) {
1653 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= "-snapshot ";
1654 | } elsif ((defined $vmsnap->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && ($vmsnap->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /true/i)) {
1655 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= "-snapshot ";
1656 | } elsif ($pbsnap eq 1) {
1657 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= "-snapshot ";
1658 | }
1659 | }
1660 | if ($snapme != 0) {
1661 | if (($vmtype eq "kvm") || ($vmtype eq "qemu")) {
1662 | # Configure the monitoring to automize the creation of the 'pb' snapshot
1663 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= "-serial mon:telnet::$vmmonport->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},server,nowait ";
1664 | # In that case no snapshot call needed
1665 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} =~ s/-snapshot //;
1666 | }
1667 | }
1668 | if (defined $vmtmout->{$v}) {
1669 | $ENV{'PBVMTMOUT'} = $vmtmout->{$v};
1670 | } elsif (defined $vmtmout->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {
1671 | $ENV{'PBVMTMOUT'} = $vmtmout->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1672 | }
1673 | my $nport = $vmport->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1674 | $nport = "$pbport" if (defined $pbport);
1675 |
1676 | my $cmd;
1677 | my $vmcmd; # has to be used for pb_check_ps
1678 | my $vmm; # has to be used for pb_check_ps
1679 | if (($vmtype eq "qemu") || ($vmtype eq "kvm")) {
1680 | my $qemucmd32;
1681 | my $qemucmd64;
1682 | if ($arch eq "x86_64") {
1683 | $qemucmd32 = "/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386";
1684 | $qemucmd64 = "/usr/bin/qemu";
1685 | } else {
1686 | $qemucmd32 = "/usr/bin/qemu";
1687 | $qemucmd64 = "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64";
1688 | }
1689 | if ($v =~ /x86_64/) {
1690 | $vmcmd = "$qemucmd64";
1691 | } else {
1692 | $vmcmd = "$qemucmd32";
1693 | }
1694 | if ($vmtype eq "kvm") {
1695 | $vmcmd = "/usr/bin/kvm";
1696 | }
1697 | $vmm = "$vmpath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$v.qemu";
1698 | if (($create != 0) || (defined $iso)) {
1699 | $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= " -cdrom $iso -boot d";
1700 | }
1701 | # Always redirect the network and always try to use a 'pb' snapshot
1702 | $cmd = "$vmcmd $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} -redir tcp:$nport: -loadvm pb $vmm"
1703 | } elsif ($vmtype eq "xen") {
1704 | } elsif ($vmtype eq "vmware") {
1705 | } else {
1706 | die "VM of type $vmtype not supported. Report to the dev team";
1707 | }
1708 | # Restore the ENV VAR Value
1710 |
1711 | my ($tmpcmd,$void) = split(/ +/,$cmd);
1712 | my $vmexist = pb_check_ps($tmpcmd,$vmm);
1713 | my $vmpid = 0;
1714 | if (! $vmexist) {
1715 | if ($create != 0) {
1716 | die("Found an existing Virtual machine $vmm. Won't overwrite") if (-r $vmm);
1717 | if (($vmtype eq "qemu") || ($vmtype eq "xen") || ($vmtype eq "kvm")) {
1718 | pb_system("/usr/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 $vmm $vmsize->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}","Creating the QEMU VM");
1719 | } elsif ($vmtype eq "vmware") {
1720 | } else {
1721 | }
1722 | }
1723 | if (! -f "$vmm") {
1724 | pb_log(0,"Unable to find VM $vmm\n");
1725 | } else {
1726 | pb_system("$cmd &","Launching the VM $vmm");
1727 | pb_system("sleep $ENV{'PBVMTMOUT'}","Waiting $ENV{'PBVMTMOUT'} s for VM $v to come up");
1728 | $vmpid = pb_check_ps($tmpcmd,$vmm);
1729 | pb_log(0,"VM $vmm launched (pid $vmpid)\n");
1730 | }
1731 | } else {
1732 | pb_log(0,"Found an existing VM $vmm (pid $vmexist)\n");
1733 | }
1734 | pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb_launchv returns ($vmexist,$vmpid)\n");
1735 | return($vmexist,$vmpid);
1736 | # VE here
1737 | } else {
1738 | # Get distro context
1739 | my ($name,$ver,$darch) = split(/-/,$v);
1740 | chomp($darch);
1741 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf) = pb_distro_init($name,$ver,$darch);
1742 |
1743 | # Get VE context
1744 | my ($ptr,$vepath) = pb_conf_get("vetype","vepath");
1745 | my $vetype = $ptr->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1746 |
1747 | # We can probably only get those params now we have the distro context
1748 | my ($rbsb4pi,$rbspi,$vesnap,$oscodename,$osmindep,$verebuild) = pb_conf_get_if("rbsb4pi","rbspi","vesnap","oscodename","osmindep","verebuild");
1749 |
1750 | # We need to avoid umask propagation to the VE
1751 | umask 0022;
1752 |
1753 | if (($vetype eq "chroot") || ($vetype eq "schroot")) {
1754 | # Architecture consistency
1755 | if ($arch ne $darch) {
1756 | die "Unable to launch a VE of architecture $darch on a $arch platform" if (($darch eq "x86_64") && ($arch =~ /i?86/));
1757 | }
1758 |
1759 | my ($verpmtype,$vedebtype) = pb_conf_get("verpmtype","vedebtype");
1760 | if (($create != 0) || ((defined $verebuild) && ($verebuild->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /true/i)) || ($pbforce == 1)) {
1761 | my ($rbsopt1) = pb_conf_get_if("rbsopt");
1762 |
1763 | # We have to rebuild the chroot
1764 | if ($dtype eq "rpm") {
1765 |
1766 | # Which tool is used
1767 | my $verpmstyle = $verpmtype->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1768 |
1769 | # Get potential rbs option
1770 | my $rbsopt = "";
1771 | if (defined $rbsopt1) {
1772 | if (defined $rbsopt1->{$verpmstyle}) {
1773 | $rbsopt = $rbsopt1->{$verpmstyle};
1774 | } elsif (defined $rbsopt1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {
1775 | $rbsopt = $rbsopt1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1776 | } else {
1777 | $rbsopt = "";
1778 | }
1779 | }
1780 |
1781 | my $postinstall = pb_get_postinstall($ddir,$dver,$darch,$rbspi,$verpmstyle);
1782 | if ($verpmstyle eq "rinse") {
1783 | # Need to reshape the mirrors generated with local before-post-install script
1784 | my $b4post = "--before-post-install ";
1785 | my $postparam = pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$rbsb4pi);
1786 | if ($postparam eq "") {
1787 | $b4post = "";
1788 | } else {
1789 | $b4post .= $postparam;
1790 | }
1791 |
1792 | # Need to reshape the package list for pb
1793 | my $addpkgs;
1794 | $postparam = "";
1795 | $postparam .= pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$osmindep);
1796 | if ($postparam eq "") {
1797 | $addpkgs = "";
1798 | } else {
1799 | my $pkgfile = "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/addpkgs.lis";
1800 | open(PKG,"> $pkgfile") || die "Unable to create $pkgfile";
1801 | foreach my $p (split(/,/,$postparam)) {
1802 | print PKG "$p\n";
1803 | }
1804 | close(PKG);
1805 | $addpkgs = "--add-pkg-list $pkgfile";
1806 | }
1807 |
1808 | my $rinseverb = "";
1809 | $rinseverb = "--verbose" if ($pbdebug gt 0);
1810 | my ($rbsconf) = pb_conf_get("rbsconf");
1811 |
1812 | pb_system("sudo /usr/sbin/rinse --directory \"$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch\" --arch \"$darch\" --distribution \"$ddir-$dver\" --config \"$rbsconf->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}\" $b4post $postinstall $rbsopt $addpkgs $rinseverb","Creating the rinse VE for $ddir-$dver ($darch)", "verbose");
1813 | } elsif ($verpmstyle eq "rpmbootstrap") {
1814 | my $rbsverb = "";
1815 | foreach my $i (1..$pbdebug) {
1816 | $rbsverb .= " -v";
1817 | }
1818 | my $addpkgs = "";
1819 | my $postparam = "";
1820 | $postparam .= pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$osmindep);
1821 | if ($postparam eq "") {
1822 | $addpkgs = "";
1823 | } else {
1824 | $addpkgs = "-a $postparam";
1825 | }
1826 | pb_system("sudo /usr/bin/rpmbootstrap $rbsopt $postinstall $addpkgs $ddir-$dver-$darch $rbsverb","Creating the rpmbootstrap VE for $ddir-$dver ($darch)", "verbose");
1827 | } elsif ($verpmstyle eq "mock") {
1828 | my ($rbsconf) = pb_conf_get("rbsconf");
1829 | pb_system("sudo /usr/sbin/mock --init --resultdir=\"/tmp\" --configdir=\"$rbsconf->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}\" -r $v $rbsopt","Creating the mock VE for $ddir-$dver ($darch)");
1830 | # Once setup we need to install some packages, the pb account, ...
1831 | pb_system("sudo /usr/sbin/mock --install --configdir=\"$rbsconf->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}\" -r $v su","Configuring the mock VE");
1832 | } else {
1833 | die "Unknown verpmtype type $verpmstyle. Report to dev team";
1834 | }
1835 | } elsif ($dtype eq "deb") {
1836 | my $vedebstyle = $vedebtype->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1837 |
1838 | my $codename = pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$oscodename);
1839 | my $postparam = "";
1840 | my $addpkgs;
1841 | $postparam .= pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$osmindep);
1842 | if ($postparam eq "") {
1843 | $addpkgs = "";
1844 | } else {
1845 | $addpkgs = "--include $postparam";
1846 | }
1847 | my $debmir = "";
1848 | $debmir .= pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$rbsmirrorsrv);
1849 |
1850 | # Get potential rbs option
1851 | my $rbsopt = "";
1852 | if (defined $rbsopt1) {
1853 | if (defined $rbsopt1->{$vedebstyle}) {
1854 | $rbsopt = $rbsopt1->{$vedebstyle};
1855 | } elsif (defined $rbsopt1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {
1856 | $rbsopt = $rbsopt1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1857 | } else {
1858 | $rbsopt = "";
1859 | }
1860 | }
1861 |
1862 | # debootstrap works with amd64 not x86_64
1863 | my $debarch = $darch;
1864 | $debarch = "amd64" if ($darch eq "x86_64");
1865 | if ($vedebstyle eq "debootstrap") {
1866 | my $dbsverb = "";
1867 | $dbsverb = "--verbose" if ($pbdebug gt 0);
1868 |
1869 | # Some perl modules are in Universe on Ubuntu
1870 | $rbsopt .= " --components=main,universe" if ($ddir eq "ubuntu");
1871 |
1872 | pb_system("sudo /usr/sbin/debootstrap $dbsverb $rbsopt --arch=$debarch $addpkgs $codename \"$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch\" $debmir","Creating the debootstrap VE for $ddir-$dver ($darch)", "verbose");
1873 | # debootstrap doesn't create an /etc/hosts file
1874 | if (! -f "$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch/etc/hosts" ) {
1875 | pb_system("sudo cp /etc/hosts $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch/etc/hosts");
1876 | }
1877 | } else {
1878 | die "Unknown vedebtype type $vedebstyle. Report to dev team";
1879 | }
1880 | } elsif ($dtype eq "ebuild") {
1881 | die "Please teach the dev team how to build gentoo chroot";
1882 | } else {
1883 | die "Unknown distribution type $dtype. Report to dev team";
1884 | }
1885 | }
1886 | # Fix modes to allow access to the VE for pb user
1887 | pb_system("sudo chmod 755 $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch","Fixing permissions");
1888 |
1889 | # Test if an existing snapshot exists and use it if appropriate
1890 | # And also use it of no local extracted VE is present
1891 | if ((-f "$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir-$dver-$darch.tar.gz") &&
1892 | (((defined $vesnap->{$v}) && ($vesnap->{$v} =~ /true/i)) ||
1893 | ((defined $vesnap->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && ($vesnap->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /true/i)) ||
1894 | ($pbsnap eq 1) ||
1895 | (! -d "$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch"))) {
1896 | pb_system("sudo rm -rf $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch ; sudo mkdir -p $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch ; sudo tar xz -C $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch -f $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir-$dver-$darch.tar.gz","Extracting snapshot of $ddir-$dver-$darch.tar.gz under $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch");
1897 | }
1898 | # Nothing more to do for VE. No real launch
1899 | } else {
1900 | die "VE of type $vetype not supported. Report to the dev team";
1901 | }
1902 | }
1903 | }
1904 |
1905 | # Return string for date synchro
1906 | sub pb_date2v {
1907 |
1908 | my $vtype = shift;
1909 | my $v = shift;
1910 |
1911 | my ($ntp) = pb_conf_get_if($vtype."ntp");
1912 | my $vntp = $ntp->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} if (defined $ntp);
1913 | my $ntpline;
1914 |
1915 | if (defined $vntp) {
1916 | my ($ntpcmd) = pb_conf_get($vtype."ntpcmd");
1917 | my $vntpcmd;
1918 | if (defined $ntpcmd->{$v}) {
1919 | $vntpcmd = $ntpcmd->{$v};
1920 | } elsif (defined $ntpcmd->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {
1921 | $vntpcmd = $ntpcmd->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
1922 | } else {
1923 | $vntpcmd = "/bin/true";
1924 | }
1925 | $ntpline = "sudo $vntpcmd $vntp";
1926 | } else {
1927 | $ntpline = undef;
1928 | }
1929 | # Force new date to be in the future compared to the date
1930 | # of the host by adding 1 minute
1931 | my @date=pb_get_date();
1932 | $date[1]++;
1933 | my $upddate = strftime("%m%d%H%M%Y", @date);
1934 | my $dateline = "sudo date $upddate";
1935 | return($ntpline,$dateline);
1936 | }
1937 |
1938 | sub pb_build2v {
1939 |
1940 | my $vtype = shift;
1941 | my $action = shift || "build";
1942 |
1943 | my ($v,$all) = pb_get2v($vtype);
1944 |
1945 | # Send tar files when we do a global generation
1946 | pb_build2ssh() if (($all == 1) && ($action eq "build"));
1947 |
1948 | my ($vmexist,$vmpid) = (undef,undef);
1949 |
1950 | foreach my $v (@$v) {
1951 | # Prepare the script to be executed on the VM/VE
1952 | # in $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript
1953 | open(SCRIPT,"> $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
1954 | print SCRIPT "#!/bin/bash\n";
1955 |
1956 | # Transmit the verbosity level to the virtual env/mach.
1957 | my $verbose = "";
1958 | my $i = 0; # minimal debug level
1959 | while ($i lt $pbdebug) {
1960 | $verbose .= "-v ";
1961 | $i++;
1962 | }
1963 | # Activate script verbosity if at least 2 for pbdebug
1964 | print SCRIPT "set -x\n" if ($i gt 1);
1965 | # Quiet if asked to be so on the original system
1966 | $verbose = "-q" if ($pbdebug eq -1);
1967 |
1968 | print SCRIPT "echo ... Execution needed\n";
1969 | print SCRIPT "# This is in directory delivery\n";
1970 | print SCRIPT "# Setup the variables required for building\n";
1971 | print SCRIPT "export PBPROJ=$ENV{'PBPROJ'}\n";
1972 |
1973 | if ($action eq "build") {
1974 | print SCRIPT "# Preparation for pb\n";
1975 | print SCRIPT "mv .pbrc \$HOME\n";
1976 | print SCRIPT "cd ..\n";
1977 | }
1978 |
1979 | # VE needs a good /proc
1980 | if ($vtype eq "ve") {
1981 | print SCRIPT "sudo mount -t proc /proc /proc\n";
1982 | }
1983 |
1984 | my ($ntpline,$dateline) = pb_date2v($vtype,$v);
1985 | print SCRIPT "# Time sync\n";
1986 | print SCRIPT "echo 'setting up date with '";
1987 | if (defined $ntpline) {
1988 | print SCRIPT "echo $ntpline\n";
1989 | print SCRIPT "$ntpline\n";
1990 | } else {
1991 | print SCRIPT "echo $dateline\n";
1992 | print SCRIPT "$dateline\n";
1993 | }
1994 | # Use potential local proxy declaration in case we need it to download repo, pkgs, ...
1995 | if (defined $ENV{'http_proxy'}) {
1996 | print SCRIPT "export http_proxy=\"$ENV{'http_proxy'}\"\n";
1997 | }
1998 |
1999 | if (defined $ENV{'ftp_proxy'}) {
2000 | print SCRIPT "export ftp_proxy=\"$ENV{'ftp_proxy'}\"\n";
2001 | }
2002 |
2003 | # Get list of packages to build/test and get some ENV vars as well
2004 | my $ptr = pb_get_pkg();
2005 | @pkgs = @$ptr;
2006 | my $p = join(' ',@pkgs) if (@pkgs);
2007 | print SCRIPT "export PBPROJVER=$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}\n";
2008 | print SCRIPT "export PBPROJTAG=$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}\n";
2009 | print SCRIPT "export PBPACKAGER=\"$ENV{'PBPACKAGER'}\"\n";
2010 |
2011 | # We may need to do some other tasks before building. Read a script here to finish setup
2012 | if (-x "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pb$vtype".".pre") {
2013 | print SCRIPT "# Special pre-instructions to be launched\n";
2014 | print SCRIPT pb_get_content("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pb$vtype".".pre");
2015 | }
2016 |
2017 | if (-x "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pb$vtype"."$action.pre") {
2018 | print SCRIPT "# Special pre-$action instructions to be launched\n";
2019 | print SCRIPT pb_get_content("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pb$vtype"."$action.pre");
2020 | }
2021 |
2022 | print SCRIPT "# $action\n";
2023 | print SCRIPT "echo $action"."ing packages on $vtype...\n";
2024 |
2025 | if (($action eq "test") && (! -x "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbtest")) {
2026 | die "No test script ($ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbtest) found when in test mode. Aborting ...";
2027 | }
2028 | print SCRIPT "pb $verbose -p $ENV{'PBPROJ'} $action"."2pkg $p\n";
2029 |
2030 | if ($vtype eq "ve") {
2031 | print SCRIPT "sudo umount /proc\n";
2032 | }
2033 |
2034 | # We may need to do some other tasks after building. Read a script here to exit properly
2035 | if (-x "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pb$vtype"."$action.post") {
2036 | print SCRIPT "# Special post-$action instructions to be launched\n";
2037 | print SCRIPT pb_get_content("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pb$vtype"."$action.post");
2038 | }
2039 |
2040 | if (-x "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pb$vtype".".post") {
2041 | print SCRIPT "# Special post-instructions to be launched\n";
2042 | print SCRIPT pb_get_content("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pb$vtype".".post");
2043 | }
2044 |
2045 | close(SCRIPT);
2046 | chmod 0755,"$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
2047 |
2048 | # Launch the VM/VE
2049 | ($vmexist,$vmpid) = pb_launchv($vtype,$v,0);
2050 |
2051 | if ($vtype eq "vm") {
2052 | # Skip that VM if it something went wrong
2053 | next if (($vmpid == 0) && ($vmexist == 0));
2054 | } else {
2055 | # VE
2056 | $vmexist = 0;
2057 | $vmpid = 0;
2058 | }
2059 | # Gather all required files to send them to the VM/VE
2060 | # and launch the build through pbscript
2061 | pb_log(2,"Calling send2target $vtype,$v,$vmexist,$vmpid\n");
2062 | pb_send2target(uc($vtype).$action,"$v",$vmexist,$vmpid);
2063 | }
2064 | }
2065 |
2066 |
2067 | sub pb_clean {
2068 |
2069 | my $sleep=10;
2070 | die "Unable to get env var PBDESTDIR" if (not defined $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'});
2071 | die "Unable to get env var PBBUILDDIR" if (not defined $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'});
2072 | pb_log(0,"We will now wait $sleep s before removing both directories\n$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'} and $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}.\nPlease break me if this is wrong\n");
2073 | sleep $sleep;
2074 | pb_rm_rf($ENV{'PBDESTDIR'});
2075 | pb_rm_rf($ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'});
2076 | }
2077 |
2078 | sub pb_newver {
2079 |
2080 | die "-V Version parameter needed" if ((not defined $newver) || ($newver eq ""));
2081 |
2082 | # Need this call for PBDIR
2083 | my ($scheme2,$uri) = pb_cms_init($pbinit);
2084 |
2085 | my ($pbconf,$pburl) = pb_conf_get("pbconfurl","pburl");
2086 | $uri = $pbconf->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
2087 | my ($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri($uri);
2088 |
2089 | # Checking CMS repositories status
2090 | ($scheme2, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri($pburl->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}});
2091 |
2092 | if ($scheme !~ /^svn/) {
2093 | die "Only SVN is supported at the moment";
2094 | }
2095 |
2096 | my $res = pb_cms_isdiff($scheme,$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'});
2097 | die "ERROR: No differences accepted in CMS for $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'} before creating a new version" if ($res != 0);
2098 |
2099 | $res = pb_cms_isdiff($scheme2,$ENV{'PBDIR'});
2100 | die "ERROR: No differences accepted in CMS for $ENV{'PBDIR'} before creating a new version" if ($res != 0);
2101 |
2102 | # Tree identical between PBCONFDIR and PBROOTDIR. The delta is what
2103 | # we want to get for the root of the new URL
2104 |
2105 | my $tmp = $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'};
2106 | $tmp =~ s|^$ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}||;
2107 |
2108 | my $newurl = "$uri/".dirname($tmp)."/$newver";
2109 | # Should probably use projver in the old file
2110 | my $oldver= basename($tmp);
2111 |
2112 | # Duplicate and extract project-builder part
2113 | pb_log(2,"Copying $uri/$tmp to $newurl\n");
2114 | pb_cms_copy($scheme,"$uri/$tmp",$newurl);
2115 | pb_log(2,"Checkout $newurl to $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver\n");
2116 | pb_cms_up($scheme,"$ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}/..");
2117 |
2118 | # Duplicate and extract project
2119 | my $newurl2 = "$pburl->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/".dirname($tmp)."/$newver";
2120 |
2121 | pb_log(2,"Copying $pburl->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$tmp to $newurl2\n");
2122 | pb_cms_copy($scheme2,"$pburl->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$tmp",$newurl2);
2123 | pb_log(2,"Checkout $newurl2 to $ENV{'PBDIR'}/../$newver\n");
2124 | pb_cms_up($scheme2,"$ENV{'PBDIR'}/..");
2125 |
2126 | # Update the .pb file
2127 | open(FILE,"$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb") || die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb";
2128 | open(OUT,"> $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb.new") || die "Unable to write to $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb.new";
2129 | while(<FILE>) {
2130 | s/^projver\s+$ENV{'PBPROJ'}\s*=\s*$oldver/projver $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $newver/;
2131 | pb_log(0,"Changing projver from $oldver to $newver in $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb\n") if (/^projver\s+$ENV{'PBPROJ'}\s*=\s*$oldver/);
2132 | pb_log(0,"Commenting testver in $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb\n") if (/^testver/);
2133 | s/^testver/#testver/;
2134 | print OUT $_;
2135 | }
2136 | close(FILE);
2137 | close(OUT);
2138 | rename("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb.new","$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb");
2139 |
2140 | # Checking pbcl files
2141 | foreach my $f (<$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/*/pbcl>) {
2142 | # Compute new pbcl file
2143 | my $f2 = $f;
2144 | $f2 =~ s|$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}|$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver/|;
2145 | open(PBCL,$f) || die "Unable to open $f";
2146 | my $foundnew = 0;
2147 | while (<PBCL>) {
2148 | $foundnew = 1 if (/^$newver \(/);
2149 | }
2150 | close(PBCL);
2151 | open(OUT,"> $f2") || die "Unable to write to $f2: $!";
2152 | open(PBCL,$f) || die "Unable to open $f";
2153 | while (<PBCL>) {
2154 | print OUT "$_" if (not /^$oldver \(/);
2155 | if ((/^$oldver \(/) && ($foundnew == 0)) {
2156 | print OUT "$newver ($pbdate)\n";
2157 | print OUT "- TBD\n";
2158 | print OUT "\n";
2159 | pb_log(0,"WARNING: version $newver not found in $f so added to $f2...\n") if ($foundnew == 0);
2160 | }
2161 | }
2162 | close(OUT);
2163 | close(PBCL);
2164 | }
2165 |
2166 | pb_log(2,"Checkin $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver\n");
2167 | pb_cms_checkin($scheme,"$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/../$newver",undef);
2168 | }
2169 |
2170 | #
2171 | # Return the list of VMs/VEs we are working on
2172 | # $all is a flag to know if we return all of them
2173 | # or only some (if all we publish also tar files in addition to pkgs
2174 | #
2175 | sub pb_get2v {
2176 |
2177 | my $vtype = shift;
2178 | my @v;
2179 | my $all = 0;
2180 | my $vlist;
2181 | my $pbv = 'PBV';
2182 |
2183 | if ($vtype eq "vm") {
2184 | $vlist = "vmlist";
2185 | } elsif ($vtype eq "ve") {
2186 | $vlist = "velist";
2187 | }
2188 | # Get VM/VE list
2189 | if ((not defined $ENV{$pbv}) || ($ENV{$pbv} =~ /^all$/)) {
2190 | my ($ptr) = pb_conf_get($vlist);
2191 | $ENV{$pbv} = $ptr->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
2192 | $all = 1;
2193 | }
2194 | pb_log(2,"$vtype: $ENV{$pbv}\n");
2195 | @v = split(/,/,$ENV{$pbv});
2196 | return(\@v,$all);
2197 | }
2198 |
2199 | # Function to create a potentialy missing pb account on the VM/VE, and adds it to sudo
2200 | # Needs to use root account to connect to the VM/VE
2201 | # pb will take your local public SSH key to access
2202 | # the pb account in the VM later on if needed
2203 | sub pb_setup2v {
2204 |
2205 | my $vtype = shift;
2206 |
2207 | my ($vm,$all) = pb_get2v($vtype);
2208 |
2209 | # Script generated
2210 | my $pbscript = "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/setupv";
2211 |
2212 | foreach my $v (@$vm) {
2213 | # Deal with date sync.
2214 | my ($ntpline,$dateline) = pb_date2v($vtype,$v);
2215 |
2216 | # Get distro context
2217 | my ($name,$ver,$darch) = split(/-/,$v);
2218 | chomp($darch);
2219 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf, $pbupd) = pb_distro_init($name,$ver,$darch);
2220 |
2221 | # Name of the account to deal with for VM/VE
2222 | # Do not use the one passed potentially with -a
2223 | my ($pbac) = pb_conf_get($vtype."login");
2224 | my ($key,$zero0,$zero1,$zero2);
2225 | my ($vmexist,$vmpid);
2226 |
2227 | # Prepare the script to be executed on the VM/VE
2228 | # in $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/setupv
2229 | open(SCRIPT,"> $pbscript") || die "Unable to create $pbscript";
2230 |
2231 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2232 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2233 |
2234 | use strict;
2235 | use File::Copy;
2236 |
2237 | # We should not need in this script more functions than what is provided
2238 | # by Base and Distribution to avoid problems at exec time.
2239 | # They are appended at the end.
2240 |
2241 | our $pbdebug;
2242 | our $pbLOG;
2243 | our $pbsynmsg = "pbscript";
2244 | our $pbdisplaytype = "text";
2245 | our $pblocale = "";
2246 | pb_log_init($pbdebug, $pbLOG);
2247 | pb_temp_init();
2248 |
2249 | EOF
2250 |
2251 | # Launch the VM/VE - Usage of snapshot disabled
2252 | ($vmexist,$vmpid) = pb_launchv($vtype,$v,0,0,0);
2253 |
2254 | if ($vtype eq "vm") {
2255 | # Prepare the key to be used and transfered remotely
2256 | my $keyfile = pb_ssh_get(1);
2257 |
2258 | my ($vmhost,$vmport,$vmntp) = pb_conf_get("vmhost","vmport","vmntp");
2259 | my $nport = $vmport->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
2260 | $nport = "$pbport" if (defined $pbport);
2261 |
2262 | # Skip that VM if something went wrong
2263 | next if (($vmpid == 0) && ($vmexist == 0));
2264 |
2265 | # Store the pub key part in a variable
2266 | open(FILE,"$keyfile.pub") || die "Unable to open $keyfile.pub";
2267 | ($zero0,$zero1,$zero2) = split(/ /,<FILE>);
2268 | close(FILE);
2269 |
2270 | $key = "\Q$zero1";
2271 |
2272 | pb_system("cat $keyfile.pub | ssh -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p $nport -i $keyfile root\@$vmhost->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} \"mkdir -p .ssh ; chmod 700 .ssh ; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys ; chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys ; if [ -x /usr/bin/chcon ]; then /usr/bin/chcon -Rt home_ssh_t .ssh 2> /dev/null; fi\"","Copying local keys to $vtype. This may require the root password");
2273 | # once this is done, we can do what we want on the VM remotely
2274 | } elsif ($vtype eq "ve") {
2275 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2276 | # For VE we need a good null dev
2277 | pb_system("rm -f /dev/null; mknod /dev/null c 1 3; chmod 777 /dev/null");
2278 | EOF
2279 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2280 | # For VE we first need to mount some FS
2281 | pb_system("mount -t proc /proc /proc");
2282 |
2283 | EOF
2284 | }
2285 |
2286 | if ($vtype eq "vm") {
2287 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2288 | # Removes duplicate in .ssh/authorized_keys of our key if needed
2289 | #
2290 | my $file1="$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/authorized_keys";
2291 | open(PBFILE,$file1) || die "Unable to open $file1";
2292 | open(PBOUT,"> $file1.new") || die "Unable to open $file1.new";
2293 | my $count = 0;
2294 | while (<PBFILE>) {
2295 |
2296 | EOF
2297 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2298 | if (/ $key /) {
2299 | \$count++;
2300 | }
2301 | print PBOUT \$_ if ((\$count <= 1) || (\$_ !~ / $key /));
2302 | }
2303 | close(PBFILE);
2304 | close(PBOUT);
2305 | rename("\$file1.new",\$file1);
2306 | chmod 0600,\$file1;
2307 |
2308 | # Sync date
2309 | EOF
2310 | if (defined $ntpline) {
2311 | print SCRIPT "pb_system(\"$ntpline\");\n";
2312 | } else {
2313 | print SCRIPT "pb_system(\"$dateline\");\n";
2314 | }
2315 | }
2316 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2317 |
2318 | # Adds $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} as an account if needed
2319 | #
2320 | my $file="/etc/passwd";
2321 | open(PBFILE,$file) || die "Unable to open $file";
2322 | my $found = 0;
2323 | while (<PBFILE>) {
2324 | EOF
2325 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2326 | \$found = 1 if (/^$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}:/);
2327 | EOF
2328 |
2329 | my $home = "/home";
2330 | # Solaris doesn't like that we use /home
2331 | $home = "/export/home" if ($dtype eq "pkg");
2332 |
2333 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2334 | }
2335 | close(PBFILE);
2336 |
2337 | if ( \$found == 0 ) {
2338 | if ( ! -d "$home" ) {
2339 | pb_mkdir_p("$home");
2340 | }
2341 | EOF
2342 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2343 | pb_system("groupadd $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}","Adding group $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}");
2344 | pb_system("useradd -g $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} -m -d $home/$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}","Adding user $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} (group $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} - home $home/$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})");
2345 | }
2346 | EOF
2347 |
2348 | # Copy the content of our local conf file to the VM/VE
2349 | my $content = pb_get_content(pb_distro_conffile());
2350 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2351 | #
2352 | # Create a temporary local conf file for distribution support
2353 | # This is created here before its use later. Its place is hardcoded, so no choice for the path
2354 | #
2355 | my \$tempconf = pb_distro_conffile();
2356 | pb_mkdir_p(dirname(\$tempconf));
2357 | open(CONF,"> \$tempconf") || die "Unable to create \$tempconf";
2358 | print CONF q{$content};
2359 | close(CONF);
2360 | EOF
2361 |
2362 | if ($vtype eq "vm") {
2363 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2364 | # allow ssh entry to build
2365 | #
2366 | mkdir "$home/$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/.ssh",0700;
2367 | # Allow those accessing root to access the build account
2368 | copy("\$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/authorized_keys","$home/$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/.ssh/authorized_keys");
2369 | chmod 0600,".ssh/authorized_keys";
2370 | pb_system("chown -R $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}:$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} $home/$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}","Finish setting up the account env for $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}");
2371 |
2372 | EOF
2373 | }
2374 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2375 | # No passwd for build account only keys
2376 | $file="/etc/shadow";
2377 | if (-f $file) {
2378 | open(PBFILE,$file) || die "Unable to open $file";
2379 | open(PBOUT,"> $file.new") || die "Unable to open $file.new";
2380 | while (<PBFILE>) {
2381 | EOF
2382 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2383 | s/^$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}:\!\!:/$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}:*:/;
2384 | s/^$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}:\!:/$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}:*:/; #SLES 9 e.g.
2385 | s/^$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}:\\*LK\\*:/$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}:NP:/; #Solaris e.g.
2386 | EOF
2387 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2388 | print PBOUT $_;
2389 | }
2390 | close(PBFILE);
2391 | close(PBOUT);
2392 | rename("$file.new",$file);
2393 | chmod 0640,$file;
2394 | }
2395 |
2396 | # Keep the VM in text mode
2397 | $file="/etc/inittab";
2398 | if (-f $file) {
2399 | open(PBFILE,$file) || die "Unable to open $file";
2400 | open(PBOUT,"> $file.new") || die "Unable to open $file.new";
2401 | while (<PBFILE>) {
2402 | s/^(..):5:initdefault:$/$1:3:initdefault:/;
2403 | print PBOUT $_;
2404 | }
2405 | close(PBFILE);
2406 | close(PBOUT);
2407 | rename("$file.new",$file);
2408 | chmod 0640,$file;
2409 | }
2410 |
2411 | # pb has to be added to portage group on gentoo
2412 |
2413 | # We need to have that pb_distro_init function
2414 | # Get it from Project-Builder::Distribution
2415 | # And we now need the conf file required for this to work created above
2416 |
2417 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf, $pbupd, $darch) = pb_distro_init();
2418 | print "distro tuple: ".join(',',($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf, $darch))."\n";
2419 |
2420 | # Adapt sudoers
2421 | # sudo is not default on Solaris and needs to be installed first
2422 | # from http://www.sunfreeware.com/programlistsparc10.html#sudo
2423 | if ($dtype eq "pkg") {
2424 | $file="/usr/local/etc/sudoers";
2425 | } else {
2426 | $file="/etc/sudoers";
2427 | }
2428 | open(PBFILE,$file) || die "Unable to open $file";
2429 | open(PBOUT,"> $file.new") || die "Unable to open $file.new";
2430 | while (<PBFILE>) {
2431 | EOF
2432 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2433 | next if (/^$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} /);
2434 | EOF
2435 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2436 | s/Defaults[ \t]+requiretty//;
2437 | print PBOUT $_;
2438 | }
2439 | close(PBFILE);
2440 | EOF
2441 | print SCRIPT << "EOF";
2442 | # Some distro force requiretty at compile time, so disable here
2443 | print PBOUT "Defaults:$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} !requiretty\n";
2444 | print PBOUT "Defaults:root !requiretty\n";
2445 | # This is needed in order to be able to halt the machine from the $pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} account at least
2446 | print PBOUT "Defaults:$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} env_keep += \\\"http_proxy ftp_proxy\\\"\n";
2447 | print PBOUT "$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\n";
2448 | EOF
2449 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2450 | close(PBOUT);
2451 | rename("$file.new",$file);
2452 | chmod 0440,$file;
2453 |
2454 | EOF
2455 |
2456 | # We may need a proxy configuration. Get it from the local env
2457 |
2458 | if (defined $ENV{'http_proxy'}) {
2459 | print SCRIPT "\$ENV\{'http_proxy'\}=\"$ENV{'http_proxy'}\";\n";
2460 | }
2461 |
2462 | if (defined $ENV{'ftp_proxy'}) {
2463 | print SCRIPT "\$ENV\{'ftp_proxy'\}=\"$ENV{'ftp_proxy'}\";\n";
2464 | }
2465 |
2466 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2467 |
2468 | my ($ospkgdep,$osperldep,$osperlver) = pb_conf_get_if("ospkgdep","osperldep","osperlver");
2469 |
2470 | # First install all required packages
2471 | pb_system("yum clean all","Cleaning yum env") if (($ddir eq "fedora") || ($ddir eq "asianux") || ($ddir eq "rhel"));
2472 | my $pkgdep = pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$ospkgdep,$dfam,$dtype);
2473 | pb_distro_installdeps(undef,$dtype,$pbupd,pb_distro_only_deps_needed($dtype,join(' ',split(/,/,$pkgdep))));
2474 |
2475 | # Then install manually the missing perl modules
2476 | my $perldep = pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$osperldep,$dfam,$dtype);
2477 | foreach my $m (split(/,/,$perldep)) {
2478 | # Skip empty deps
2479 | next if ($m =~ /^\s*$/);
2480 | my $dir = $m;
2481 | $dir =~ s/-.*//;
2482 | pb_system("echo \"rm -rf $m* ; wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/modules/by-module/$dir/$m-$osperlver->{$m}.tar.gz ; gzip -cd $m-$osperlver->{$m}.tar.gz | tar xf - ; cd $m* ; if [ -f Build.PL ]; then perl Build.PL; ./Build ; ./Build install ; else perl Makefile.PL; make ; make install ; fi; cd .. ; rm -rf $m*\" | bash" ,"Installing perl module $m-$osperlver->{$m}");
2483 | }
2484 |
2485 | # Suse wants sudoers as 640
2486 | if ((($ddir eq "sles") && (($dver =~ /10/) || ($dver =~ /9/))) || (($ddir eq "opensuse") && ($dver =~ /10.[012]/))) {
2487 | chmod 0640,$file;
2488 | }
2489 |
2490 | pb_system("rm -rf ProjectBuilder-* ; wget --passive-ftp ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src/ProjectBuilder-latest.tar.gz ; gzip -cd ProjectBuilder-latest.tar.gz | tar xf - ; cd ProjectBuilder-* ; perl Makefile.PL ; make ; make install ; cd .. ; rm -rf ProjectBuilder-* ; rm -rf project-builder-* ; wget --passive-ftp ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src/project-builder-latest.tar.gz ; gzip -cd project-builder-latest.tar.gz | tar xf - ; cd project-builder-* ; perl Makefile.PL ; make ; make install ; cd .. ; rm -rf project-builder-* ;","Building Project-Builder");
2491 | pb_system("pb 2>&1 | head -5",undef,"verbose");
2492 | EOF
2493 | if ($vtype eq "ve") {
2494 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2495 | # For VE we need to umount some FS at the end
2496 |
2497 | pb_system("umount /proc");
2498 |
2499 | # Create a basic network file if not already there
2500 |
2501 | my $nf="/etc/sysconfig/network";
2502 | if ((! -f $nf) && ($dtype eq "rpm")) {
2503 | open(NF,"> $nf") || die "Unable to create $nf";
2504 | print NF "NETWORKING=yes\n";
2505 | print NF "HOSTNAME=localhost\n";
2506 | close(NF);
2507 | }
2508 | chmod 0755,$nf;
2509 | EOF
2510 | }
2511 |
2512 | # Adds pb_distro_init and all functions needed from ProjectBuilder::Distribution and Base
2513 | foreach my $d (@INC) {
2514 | my @f = ("$d/ProjectBuilder/Base.pm","$d/ProjectBuilder/Distribution.pm","$d/ProjectBuilder/Conf.pm");
2515 | foreach my $f (@f) {
2516 | if (-f "$f") {
2517 | open(PBD,"$f") || die "Unable to open $f";
2518 | while (<PBD>) {
2519 | next if (/^package/);
2520 | next if (/^use Exporter/);
2521 | next if (/^use ProjectBuilder::/);
2522 | next if (/^our /);
2523 | print SCRIPT $_;
2524 | }
2525 | close(PBD);
2526 | }
2527 | }
2528 | }
2529 | close(SCRIPT);
2530 | chmod 0755,"$pbscript";
2531 |
2532 | # That build script needs to be run as root and force stop of VM at end
2533 | $pbaccount = "root";
2534 |
2535 | # Force shutdown of VM exept if it was already launched
2536 | my $pbforce = 0;
2537 | if ((! $vmexist) && ($vtype eq "vm")) {
2538 | $pbforce = 1;
2539 | }
2540 |
2541 | pb_script2v($pbscript,$vtype,$pbforce,$v);
2542 | }
2543 | return;
2544 | }
2545 |
2546 | # Function to create a snapshot named 'pb' for VMs and a compressed tar for VEs
2547 | sub pb_snap2v {
2548 |
2549 | my $vtype = shift;
2550 |
2551 | my ($vm,$all) = pb_get2v($vtype);
2552 |
2553 | # Script generated
2554 | my $pbscript = "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/snapv";
2555 |
2556 | my ($pbac) = pb_conf_get($vtype."login");
2557 |
2558 | foreach my $v (@$vm) {
2559 | # Get distro context
2560 | my ($name,$ver,$darch) = split(/-/,$v);
2561 | chomp($darch);
2562 | my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf) = pb_distro_init($name,$ver,$darch);
2563 | my ($vepath) = pb_conf_get("vepath");
2564 |
2565 | # Test if an existing snapshot exists and remove it if there is a VE
2566 | if ((-f "$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir-$dver-$darch.tar.gz") &&
2567 | (! -d "$vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver/$darch")) {
2568 | pb_system("sudo rm -f $vepath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir-$dver-$darch.tar.gz","Removing previous snapshot $ddir-$dver-$darch.tar.gz");
2569 | }
2570 |
2571 | # Name of the account to deal with for VM/VE
2572 | # Do not use the one passed potentially with -a
2573 | my ($vmexist,$vmpid);
2574 |
2575 | # Prepare the script to be executed on the VM/VE
2576 | # in $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/setupv
2577 | open(SCRIPT,"> $pbscript") || die "Unable to create $pbscript";
2578 |
2579 | print SCRIPT << 'EOF';
2580 | #!/bin/bash
2581 | sleep 2
2582 | EOF
2583 | close(SCRIPT);
2584 | chmod 0755,"$pbscript";
2585 |
2586 | # Force shutdown of VM/VE
2587 | # Force snapshot of VM/VE
2588 | pb_script2v($pbscript,$vtype,1,$v,1);
2589 | }
2590 | return;
2591 | }
2592 |
2593 | sub pb_announce {
2594 |
2595 | # Get all required parameters
2596 | my ($pbpackager,$pbrepo,$pbml,$pbsmtp) = pb_conf_get("pbpackager","pbrepo","pbml","pbsmtp");
2597 | my ($pkgv, $pkgt, $testver) = pb_conf_get_if("pkgver","pkgtag","testver");
2598 | my $pkg = pb_cms_get_pkg($defpkgdir,$extpkgdir);
2599 | my @pkgs = @$pkg;
2600 | my %pkgs;
2601 | my $first = 0;
2602 |
2603 | # Command to find packages on repo
2604 | my $findstr = "find . ";
2605 | # Generated announce files
2606 | my @files;
2607 |
2608 | foreach my $pbpkg (@pkgs) {
2609 | if ($first != 0) {
2610 | $findstr .= "-o ";
2611 | }
2612 | $first++;
2613 | if ((defined $pkgv) && (defined $pkgv->{$pbpkg})) {
2614 | $pbver = $pkgv->{$pbpkg};
2615 | } else {
2616 | $pbver = $ENV{'PBPROJVER'};
2617 | }
2618 | if ((defined $pkgt) && (defined $pkgt->{$pbpkg})) {
2619 | $pbtag = $pkgt->{$pbpkg};
2620 | } else {
2621 | $pbtag = $ENV{'PBPROJTAG'};
2622 | }
2623 |
2624 | # TODO: use virtual/real names here now
2625 | $findstr .= "-name \'$pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag\.*.rpm\' -o -name \'$pbpkg"."_$pbver*\.deb\' -o -name \'$pbpkg-$pbver\.ebuild\' ";
2626 |
2627 | my $chglog;
2628 |
2629 | # Get project info on log file and generate tmp files used later on
2630 | pb_cms_init($pbinit);
2631 | $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbcl";
2632 | $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbcl" if (! -f $chglog);
2633 | $chglog = undef if (! -f $chglog);
2634 |
2635 | open(OUT,"> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann: $!";
2636 | my %pb;
2637 | $pb{'dtype'} = "announce";
2638 | $pb{'realpkg'} = $pbpkg;
2639 | $pb{'ver'} = $pbver;
2640 | $pb{'tag'} = $pbtag;
2641 | $pb{'suf'} = "N/A"; # Should not be empty even if unused
2642 | $pb{'date'} = $pbdate;
2643 | $pb{'chglog'} = $chglog;
2644 | $pb{'packager'} = $pbpackager;
2645 | $pb{'proj'} = $ENV{'PBPROJ'};
2646 | $pb{'repo'} = $pbrepo;
2647 | pb_changelog(\%pb,\*OUT,"yes");
2648 | close(OUT);
2649 | push(@files,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann");
2650 | }
2651 | $findstr .= " | grep -Ev \'src.rpm\'";
2652 | if ((not defined $testver) || (not defined $testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) || ($testver->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} !~ /true/i)) {
2653 | $findstr .= " | grep -v ./test/";
2654 | }
2655 |
2656 | # Prepare the command to run and execute it
2657 | open(PBS,"> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/pbscript") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBTMP'}/pbscript";
2658 | print PBS "$findstr\n";
2659 | close(PBS);
2660 | chmod 0755,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/pbscript";
2661 | pb_send2target("Announce");
2662 |
2663 | # Get subject line
2664 | my $sl = "Project $ENV{'PBPROJ'} version $ENV{'PBPROJVER'} is now available";
2665 | pb_log(0,"Please enter the title of your announce\n");
2666 | pb_log(0,"(By default: $sl)\n");
2667 | my $sl2 = <STDIN>;
2668 | $sl = $sl2 if ($sl2 !~ /^$/);
2669 |
2670 | # Prepare a template of announce
2671 | open(ANN,"> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html: $!";
2672 | print ANN << "EOF";
2673 | $sl</p>
2674 |
2675 | <p>The project team is happy to announce the availability of a newest version of $ENV{'PBPROJ'} $ENV{'PBPROJVER'}. Enjoy it as usual!</p>
2676 | <p>
2677 | Now available at <a href="$pbrepo->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}">$pbrepo->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}</a>
2678 | </p>
2679 | <p>
2680 | EOF
2681 | open(LOG,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.log: $!";
2682 | my $col = 2;
2683 | my $i = 1;
2684 | print ANN << 'EOF';
2686 | <TR>
2687 | EOF
2688 | while (<LOG>) {
2689 | print ANN "<TD><A HREF=\"$pbrepo->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$_\">$_</A></TD>";
2690 | $i++;
2691 | if ($i > $col) {
2692 | print ANN "</TR>\n<TR>";
2693 | $i = 1;
2694 | }
2695 | }
2696 | close(LOG);
2697 | print ANN << "EOF";
2698 | </TR>
2699 | </TABLE>
2700 | </p>
2701 |
2702 | <p>As usual source packages are also available in the same directory.</p>
2703 |
2704 | <p>
2705 | Changes are :
2706 | </p>
2707 | <p>
2708 | EOF
2709 | # Get each package changelog content
2710 | foreach my $f (sort(@files)) {
2711 | open(IN,"$f") || die "Unable to read $f:$!";
2712 | while (<IN>) {
2713 | print ANN $_;
2714 | }
2715 | close(IN);
2716 | print ANN "</p><p>\n";
2717 | }
2718 | print ANN "</p>\n";
2719 | close(ANN);
2720 |
2721 | # Allow for modification
2722 | my $editor = "vi";
2723 | $editor = $ENV{'EDITOR'} if (defined $ENV{'EDITOR'});
2724 | pb_system("$editor $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html","Allowing modification of the announce","noredir");
2725 |
2726 | # Store it in DB for external usage (Web pages generation)
2727 | my $db = "$ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}/announces3.sql";
2728 |
2729 | my $precmd = "";
2730 | if (! -f $db) {
2731 | $precmd = "CREATE TABLE announces (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date DATE, announce VARCHAR[65535])";
2732 | }
2733 |
2734 | my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db","","",
2735 | { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 })
2736 | || die "Unable to connect to $db";
2737 |
2738 | if ($precmd ne "") {
2739 | my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{$precmd})
2740 | || die "Unable to create table into $db";
2741 | $sth->execute();
2742 | }
2743 |
2744 | # To read whole file
2745 | local $/;
2746 | open(ANN,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html: $!";
2747 | my $announce = <ANN>;
2748 | close(ANN);
2749 |
2750 | pb_log(2,"INSERT INTO announces VALUES (NULL, $pbdate, $announce)");
2751 | my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{INSERT INTO announces VALUES (NULL,?,?)})
2752 | || die "Unable to insert into $db";
2753 | $sth->execute($pbdate, $announce);
2754 | $sth->finish();
2755 | $dbh->disconnect;
2756 |
2757 | # Then deliver it on the Web
2758 | # $TOOLHOME/livwww www
2759 |
2760 | # Mail it to project's ML
2761 | open(ML,"| w3m -dump -T text/html > $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.txt") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.txt: $!";
2762 | print ML << 'EOF';
2763 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/x html1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
2764 |
2765 | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
2766 | <head>
2767 | </head>
2768 | <body>
2769 | <p>
2770 | EOF
2771 | open(ANN,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html: $!";
2772 | while(<ANN>) {
2773 | print ML $_;
2774 | }
2775 | print ML << 'EOF';
2776 | </body>
2777 | </html>
2778 | EOF
2779 | close(ML);
2780 |
2781 | # To read whole file
2782 | local $/;
2783 | open(ANN,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.txt") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.txt: $!";
2784 | my $msg = <ANN>;
2785 | close(ANN);
2786 |
2787 | # Preparation of headers
2788 |
2789 | my %mail = (
2790 | To => $pbml->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},
2791 | From => $pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},
2792 | Smtp => $pbsmtp->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},
2793 | Body => $msg,
2794 | Subject => "[ANNOUNCE] $sl",
2795 | );
2796 |
2797 | # Send mail
2798 | sendmail(%mail) or die "Unable to send mail ($Mail::Sendmail::error): $Mail::Sendmail::log";
2799 | }
2800 |
2801 | #
2802 | # Creates a set of HTML file containing the news for the project
2803 | # based on what has been generated by the pb_announce function
2804 | #
2805 | sub pb_web_news2html {
2806 |
2807 | my $dest = shift || $ENV{'PBTMP'};
2808 |
2809 | # Get all required parameters
2810 | my ($pkgv, $pkgt, $testver) = pb_conf_get_if("pkgver","pkgtag","testver");
2811 |
2812 | # DB of announces for external usage (Web pages generation)
2813 | my $db = "$ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}/announces3.sql";
2814 |
2815 | my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db","","",
2816 | { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 })
2817 | || die "Unable to connect to $db";
2818 | # For date handling
2819 | $ENV{LANGUAGE}="C";
2820 | my $firstjan = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, localtime->year(), 0, 0, -1);
2821 | my $oldfirst = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, localtime->year()-1, 0, 0, -1);
2822 | pb_log(2,"firstjan: $firstjan, oldfirst: $oldfirst, pbdate:$pbdate\n");
2823 | my $all = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id,date,announce FROM announces ORDER BY date DESC");
2824 | my %news;
2825 | $news{"cy"} = ""; # current year's news
2826 | $news{"ly"} = ""; # last year news
2827 | $news{"py"} = ""; # previous years news
2828 | $news{"fp"} = ""; # first page news
2829 | my $cpt = 4; # how many news for first page
2830 | # Extract info from DB
2831 | foreach my $row (@$all) {
2832 | my ($id, $date, $announce) = @$row;
2833 | $news{"cy"} = $news{"cy"}."<p><B>$date</B> $announce\n" if ((($date cmp $pbdate) le 0) && (($firstjan cmp $date) le 0));
2834 | $news{"ly"} = $news{"ly"}."<p><B>$date</B> $announce\n" if ((($date cmp $firstjan) le 0) && (($oldfirst cmp $date) le 0));
2835 | $news{"py"} = $news{"py"}."<p><B>$date</B> $announce\n" if (($date cmp $oldfirst) le 0);
2836 | $news{"fp"} = $news{"fp"}."<p><B>$date</B> $announce\n" if ($cpt > 0);
2837 | $cpt--;
2838 | }
2839 | pb_log(1,"news{fp}: ".$news{"fp"}."\n");
2840 | $dbh->disconnect;
2841 |
2842 | # Generate the HTML content
2843 | foreach my $pref (keys %news) {
2844 | open(NEWS,"> $dest/pb_web_$pref"."news.html") || die "Unable to create $dest/pb_web_$pref"."news.html: $!";
2845 | print NEWS "$news{$pref}";
2846 | close(NEWS);
2847 | }
2848 | }
2849 |
2850 |
2851 | # Return the SSH key file to use
2852 | # Potentially create it if needed
2853 |
2854 | sub pb_ssh_get {
2855 |
2856 | my $create = shift || 0; # Do not create keys by default
2857 |
2858 | # Check the SSH environment
2859 | my $keyfile = undef;
2860 |
2861 | # We have specific keys by default
2862 | $keyfile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/pb_dsa";
2863 | if (!(-e $keyfile) && ($create eq 1)) {
2864 | pb_system("ssh-keygen -q -b 1024 -N '' -f $keyfile -t dsa","Generating SSH keys for pb");
2865 | }
2866 |
2867 | $keyfile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_rsa" if (-s "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_rsa");
2868 | $keyfile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_dsa" if (-s "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_dsa");
2869 | $keyfile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/pb_dsa" if (-s "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/pb_dsa");
2870 | die "Unable to find your public ssh key under $keyfile" if (not defined $keyfile);
2871 | return($keyfile);
2872 | }
2873 |
2874 |
2875 | # Returns the pid of a running VM command using a specific VM file
2876 | sub pb_check_ps {
2877 | my $vmcmd = shift;
2878 | my $vmm = shift;
2879 | my $vmexist = 0; # FALSE by default
2880 |
2881 | open(PS, "ps auxhww|") || die "Unable to call ps";
2882 | while (<PS>) {
2883 | next if (! /$vmcmd/);
2884 | next if (! /$vmm/);
2885 | my ($void1, $void2);
2886 | ($void1, $vmexist, $void2) = split(/ +/);
2887 | last;
2888 | }
2889 | return($vmexist);
2890 | }
2891 |
2892 |
2893 | sub pb_extract_build_files {
2894 |
2895 | my $src=shift;
2896 | my $dir=shift;
2897 | my $ddir=shift;
2898 | my $mandatory=shift || "spec";
2899 | my @files;
2900 |
2901 | my $flag = "mayfail" if ($mandatory eq "patch");
2902 | my $res;
2903 |
2904 | if ($src =~ /tar\.gz$/) {
2905 | $res = pb_system("tar xfpz $src $dir","Extracting $mandatory files from $src",$flag);
2906 | } elsif ($src =~ /tar\.bz2$/) {
2907 | $res = pb_system("tar xfpj $src $dir","Extracting $mandatory files from $src",$flag);
2908 | } else {
2909 | die "Unknown compression algorithm for $src";
2910 | }
2911 | # If not mandatory return now
2912 | return() if (($res != 0) and ($mandatory eq "patch"));
2913 | opendir(DIR,"$dir") || die "Unable to open directory $dir";
2914 | foreach my $f (readdir(DIR)) {
2915 | next if ($f =~ /^\./);
2916 | # Skip potential patch dir
2917 | next if ($f =~ /^pbpatch/);
2918 | move("$dir/$f","$ddir") || die "Unable to move $dir/$f to $ddir";
2919 | pb_log(2,"mv $dir/$f $ddir\n");
2920 | push @files,"$ddir/$f";
2921 | }
2922 | closedir(DIR);
2923 | # Not enough but still a first cleanup
2924 | pb_rm_rf("$dir");
2925 | return(@files);
2926 | }
2927 |
2928 | sub pb_list_bfiles {
2929 |
2930 | my $dir = shift;
2931 | my $pbpkg = shift;
2932 | my $bfiles = shift;
2933 | my $pkgfiles = shift;
2934 | my $supfiles = shift;
2935 |
2936 | opendir(BDIR,"$dir") || die "Unable to open dir $dir: $!";
2937 | foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
2938 | next if ($f =~ /^\./);
2939 | $bfiles->{$f} = "$dir/$f";
2940 | $bfiles->{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}~~;
2941 | if (defined $supfiles->{$pbpkg}) {
2942 | $pkgfiles->{$f} = "$dir/$f" if ($f =~ /$supfiles->{$pbpkg}/);
2943 | }
2944 | }
2945 | closedir(BDIR);
2946 | }
2947 |
2948 |
2949 | #
2950 | # Return the list of packages we are working on in a non CMS action
2951 | #
2952 | sub pb_get_pkg {
2953 |
2954 | my @pkgs = ();
2955 |
2956 | my ($var) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}.pb","pbpkg");
2957 | @pkgs = keys %$var;
2958 |
2959 | pb_log(0,"Packages: ".join(',',@pkgs)."\n");
2960 | return(\@pkgs);
2961 | }
2962 |
2963 | #
2964 | # Return the postinstall line if needed
2965 | #
2966 |
2967 | sub pb_get_postinstall {
2968 |
2969 | my $ddir = shift;
2970 | my $dver = shift;
2971 | my $darch = shift;
2972 | my $rbspi = shift;
2973 | my $vestyle = shift;
2974 | my $post = "";
2975 |
2976 | # Do we have a local post-install script
2977 | if ($vestyle eq "rinse") {
2978 | $post = "--post-install ";
2979 | } elsif ($vestyle eq "rpmbootstrap") {
2980 | $post = "-s ";
2981 | }
2982 |
2983 | my $postparam = pb_distro_get_param($ddir,$dver,$darch,$rbspi);
2984 | if ($postparam eq "") {
2985 | $post = "";
2986 | } else {
2987 | $post .= $postparam;
2988 | }
2989 | return($post);
2990 | }
2991 |
2992 | 1;