source: ProjectBuilder/devel/pb/bin/pb@ 265

Last change on this file since 265 was 265, checked in by Bruno Cornec, 17 years ago
  • Ubuntu 7.10 support added
  • pbinit executed after filtering (solves issue)
  • pbinit itself filtered (allow for mondo doc support)
  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 30.5 KB
1#!/usr/bin/perl -w
3# Project Builder main application
5# $Id$
7# Copyright B. Cornec 2007
8# Provided under the GPL v2
10# Syntax: see at end
12use strict 'vars';
13use Getopt::Std;
14use Data::Dumper;
15use English;
16use AppConfig qw(:argcount :expand);
17use File::Basename;
18use File::Copy;
19use Time::localtime qw(localtime);
20use POSIX qw(strftime);
22# Global variables
23use lib qw (lib);
24use ProjectBuilder::Distribution qw (pb_distro_init);
25use ProjectBuilder::Version qw (pb_version_init);
26use ProjectBuilder::Base qw (pb_conf_read pb_conf_get pb_cms_init pb_mkdir_p pb_system pb_rm_rf pb_get_filters pb_filter_file pb_filter_file_pb pb_cms_export pb_cms_log pb_cms_isdiff pb_cms_copy pb_cms_checkout);
28my %opts; # CLI Options
29my $action; # action to realize
30my $test = "FALSE";
31my $option = "";
32my @pkgs;
33my $pbtag; # Global Tag variable
34my $pbver; # Global Version variable
35my $pbscript; # Name of the script
36my %pbver; # per package
37my %pbtag; # per package
38my $pbrev; # Global REVISION variable
39my @date=(localtime->sec(), localtime->min(), localtime->hour(), localtime->mday(), localtime->mon(), localtime->year(), localtime->wday(), localtime->yday(), localtime->isdst());
40my $pbdate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", @date);
41my $pbdatecvs = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", @date);
42my $debug = 0;
43my $pbaccount; # Login to use to connect to the VM
44my $pbport; # Port to use to connect to the VM
45my $newver; # New version to create
46my $iso; # ISO iage for the VM to create
47my $LOG = \*STDOUT;
51my ($projectbuilderver,$projectbuilderrev) = pb_version_init();
52if (defined $opts{'h'}) {
53 pb_syntax();
54 exit(0);
56if (defined $opts{'v'}) {
57 $debug++;
59if (defined $opts{'q'}) {
60 $debug=-1;
62if (defined $opts{'l'}) {
63 open(LOG,"> $opts{'l'}") || die "Unable to log to $opts{'l'}: $!";
64 $LOG = *LOG;
65 $debug = 0 if ($debug == -1);
66 }
67# Handles test option
68if (defined $opts{'t'}) {
69 $test = "TRUE";
70 # Works only for SVN
71 $option = "-r BASE";
74# Handle root of the project if defined
75if (defined $opts{'r'}) {
76 $ENV{'PBROOT'} = $opts{'r'};
78# Handle virtual machines if any
79if (defined $opts{'m'}) {
80 $ENV{'PBVM'} = $opts{'m'};
82if (defined $opts{'s'}) {
83 $pbscript = $opts{'s'};
85if (defined $opts{'a'}) {
86 $pbaccount = $opts{'a'};
88if (defined $opts{'P'}) {
89 $pbport = $opts{'P'};
91if (defined $opts{'V'}) {
92 $newver = $opts{'V'};
94if (defined $opts{'i'}) {
95 $iso = $opts{'i'};
98# Get Action
99$action = shift @ARGV;
100die pb_syntax() if (not defined $action);
102my ($pbrc, $filteredfiles, $defpkgdir, $extpkgdir);
104# Handles project name if any
105# And get global params
106if (defined $opts{'p'}) {
107 ($ENV{'PBPROJ'},$debug,$LOG, $pbrc, $filteredfiles, $defpkgdir, $extpkgdir)
108 = pb_env_init($opts{'p'});
109} else {
110 ($ENV{'PBPROJ'},$debug,$LOG, $pbrc, $filteredfiles, $defpkgdir, $extpkgdir)
111 = pb_env_init();
114print $LOG "Project: $ENV{'PBPROJ'}\n" if ($debug >= 0);
115print $LOG "Action: $action\n" if ($debug >= 0);
117# Keep those project values to store them at the end each time
118my $pbprojtag = $ENV{'PBTAG'};
119my $pbprojver = $ENV{'PBVER'};
121# Act depending on action
122if ($action =~ /^cms2build$/) {
123 pb_cms2build();
124} elsif ($action =~ /^build2pkg$/) {
125 pb_build2pkg();
126} elsif ($action =~ /^cms2pkg$/) {
127 pb_cms2build();
128 pb_build2pkg();
129} elsif ($action =~ /^build2ssh$/) {
130 pb_build2ssh();
131} elsif ($action =~ /^cms2ssh$/) {
132 pb_cms2build();
133 pb_build2ssh();
134} elsif ($action =~ /^pkg2ssh$/) {
135 pb_pkg2ssh();
136} elsif ($action =~ /^build2vm$/) {
137 pb_build2vm();
138} elsif ($action =~ /^cms2vm$/) {
139 pb_cms2build();
140 pb_build2vm();
141} elsif ($action =~ /^launchvm$/) {
142 pb_launchvm($ENV{'PBVM'},0);
143} elsif ($action =~ /^script2vm$/) {
144 pb_script2vm($pbscript);
145} elsif ($action =~ /^newver$/) {
146 pb_newver();
147} elsif ($action =~ /^newvm$/) {
148 pb_launchvm($ENV{'PBVM'},1);
149} elsif ($action =~ /^clean$/) {
150} else {
151 print $LOG "'$action' is not available\n";
152 pb_syntax();
155sub pb_cms2build {
157 my $ptr = pb_get_pkg($defpkgdir,$extpkgdir);
158 @pkgs = @$ptr;
159 my $cms=pb_cms_init($ENV{'PBPROJ'});
161 my ($pkgv, $pkgt) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb","pkgver","pkgtag");
163 # declare packager for filtering
164 my ($tmp) = pb_conf_get("packager");
165 my $pbpackager = $tmp->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
167 foreach my $pbpkg (@pkgs) {
168 $ENV{'PBPKG'} = $pbpkg;
169 if ((defined $pkgv) && (defined $pkgv->{$pbpkg})) {
170 $pbver = $pkgv->{$pbpkg};
171 $ENV{'PBVER'} = $pbver;
172 } else {
173 $pbver = $ENV{'PBVER'};
174 }
175 if ((defined $pkgt) && (defined $pkgt->{$pbpkg})) {
176 $pbtag = $pkgt->{$pbpkg};
177 $ENV{'PBTAG'} = $pbtag;
178 } else {
179 $pbtag = $ENV{'PBTAG'};
180 }
182 $pbrev = $ENV{'PBREVISION'};
183 print $LOG "\n";
184 print $LOG "Management of $pbpkg $pbver-$pbtag (rev $pbrev)\n";
185 die "Unable to get env var PBDESTDIR" if (not defined $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'});
186 # Clean up dest if necessary. The export will recreate it
187 my $dest = "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver";
188 pb_rm_rf($dest) if (-d $dest);
190 # Export CMS tree for the concerned package to dest
191 # And generate some additional files
194 # computes in which dir we have to work
195 my $dir = $defpkgdir->{$pbpkg};
196 $dir = $extpkgdir->{$pbpkg} if (not defined $dir);
197 print "def:".Dumper($defpkgdir)." ext: ".Dumper($extpkgdir)." \n" if ($debug >= 1);
198 pb_cms_export($cms,$pbdatecvs,"$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$dir",$dest);
200 # Extract cms log history and store it
201 pb_cms_log($cms,"$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$dir","$dest/$ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}");
203 my %build;
205 my ($ptr) = pb_conf_get("vmlist");
206 foreach my $d (split(/,/,$ptr->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) {
207 my ($name,$ver) = split(/_/,$d);
208 chomp($ver);
209 my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf) = pb_distro_init($name,$ver);
210 print $LOG "DEBUG: distro tuple: ".Dumper($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf)."\n" if ($debug >= 1);
211 print $LOG "DEBUG Filtering PBDATE => $pbdate, PBTAG => $pbtag, PBVER => $pbver\n" if ($debug >= 1);
213 # Filter build files from the less precise up to the most with overloading
214 # Filter all files found, keeping the name, and generating in dest
216 # Find all build files first relatively to PBROOT
217 my %bfiles;
218 print $LOG "DEBUG dir: $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg\n" if ($debug >= 1);
219 $build{"$ddir-$dver"} = "yes";
220 if (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$dtype") {
221 opendir(BDIR,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$dtype") || die "Unable to open dir $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$dtype: $!";
222 foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
223 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
224 $bfiles{$f} = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$dtype/$f";
225 $bfiles{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOT'}~~;
226 }
227 closedir(BDIR);
228 } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$dfam") {
229 opendir(BDIR,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$dfam") || die "Unable to open dir $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$dfam: $!";
230 foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
231 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
232 $bfiles{$f} = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$dfam/$f";
233 $bfiles{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOT'}~~;
234 }
235 closedir(BDIR);
236 } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$ddir") {
237 opendir(BDIR,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$ddir") || die "Unable to open dir $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$ddir: $!";
238 foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
239 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
240 $bfiles{$f} = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$ddir/$f";
241 $bfiles{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOT'}~~;
242 }
243 closedir(BDIR);
244 } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$ddir-$dver") {
245 opendir(BDIR,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$ddir-$dver") || die "Unable to open dir $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$ddir-$dver: $!";
246 foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
247 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
248 $bfiles{$f} = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/$ddir-$dver/$f";
249 $bfiles{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOT'}~~;
250 }
251 closedir(BDIR);
252 } else {
253 $build{"$ddir-$dver"} = "no";
254 next;
255 }
256 $bfiles{"pbinit"} = "$pbpkg/pbinit";
257 print $LOG "DEBUG bfiles: ".Dumper(\%bfiles)."\n" if ($debug >= 1);
259 # Get all filters to apply
260 my $ptr = pb_get_filters($pbpkg, $dtype, $dfam, $ddir, $dver);
262 # Apply now all the filters on all the files concerned
263 # destination dir depends on the type of file
264 if (defined $ptr) {
265 foreach my $f (values %bfiles) {
266 pb_filter_file_pb("$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$f",$ptr,"$dest/pbconf/$ddir-$dver/".basename($f),$dtype,$pbsuf,$pbpkg,$pbver,$pbtag,$pbrev,$pbdate,$defpkgdir,$extpkgdir,$pbpackager);
267 }
268 }
269 }
270 if ($debug >= 0) {
271 my @found;
272 my @notfound;
273 foreach my $b (keys %build) {
274 push @found,$b if ($build{$b} =~ /yes/);
275 push @notfound,$b if ($build{$b} =~ /no/);
276 }
277 print $LOG "Build files generated for ".join(',',@found)."\n";
278 print $LOG "No Build files found for ".join(',',@notfound)."\n";
279 }
280 # Get the generic filter (all.pbf) and
281 # apply those to the non-build files including those
282 # generated by pbinit if applicable
284 # Get only all.pbf filter
285 $ptr = pb_get_filters($pbpkg);
287 my $liste ="";
288 if (defined $filteredfiles->{$pbpkg}) {
289 foreach my $f (split(/,/,$filteredfiles->{$pbpkg})) {
290 pb_filter_file("$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$dir/$f",$ptr,"$dest/$f",$pbpkg,$pbver,$pbtag,$pbrev,$pbdate,$pbpackager);
291 $liste = "$f $liste";
292 }
293 }
294 print $LOG "Files ".$liste."have been filtered\n";
296 # Prepare the dest directory for archive
297 if (-x "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbinit") {
298 pb_system("cd $dest ; $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbinit","Executing init script $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbinit");
299 }
301 # Archive dest dir
302 chdir "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}" || die "Unable to change dir to $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}";
303 # Possibility to look at PBSRC to guess more the filename
304 pb_system("tar cfz $pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz $pbpkg-$pbver","Creating $pbpkg tar files compressed");
305 print $LOG "Under $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz\n" if ($debug >= 0);
307 # Keep track of what is generated for default
308 open(LAST,"> $pbrc->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}") || die "Unable to create $pbrc->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}";
309 print LAST "pbroot $pbprojver-$pbprojtag = $ENV{'PBROOT'}\n";
310 close(LAST);
312 # Keep track of per package version
313 if (! -f "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb") {
314 open(PKG,">$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb";
315 print PKG "# Empty\n";
316 close(PKG);
317 }
318 my ($pkg) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb","pbpkg");
319 $pkg = { } if (not defined $pkg);
320 if ((not defined $pkg->{$pbpkg}) || ($pkg->{$pbpkg} ne "$pbver-$pbtag")) {
321 $pkg->{$pbpkg} = "$pbver-$pbtag";
322 }
324 print $LOG "DEBUG pkg: ".Dumper($pkg)."\n" if ($debug >= 1);
325 open(PKG,"> $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb";
326 foreach my $p (keys %$pkg) {
327 print PKG "pbpkg $p = $pkg->{$p}\n";
328 }
329 close(PKG);
330 }
333sub pb_build2pkg {
335 # Get list of packages to build
336 my $ptr = pb_get_pkg($defpkgdir,$extpkgdir);
337 @pkgs = @$ptr;
339 # Get the running distro to build on
340 my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf) = pb_distro_init();
341 print $LOG "DEBUG: distro tuple: ".join(',',($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf))."\n" if ($debug >= 1);
343 # Get content saved in cms2build
344 my ($pkg) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb","pbpkg");
345 $pkg = { } if (not defined $pkg);
347 # declare packager
348 my ($tmp) = pb_conf_get("packager");
349 my $pbpackager = $tmp->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
351 chdir "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}";
352 my $made = ""; # pkgs made during build
353 foreach my $pbpkg (@pkgs) {
354 my $vertag = $pkg->{$pbpkg};
355 # get the version of the current package - maybe different
356 ($pbver,$pbtag) = split(/-/,$vertag);
358 my $src="$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz";
359 # Suse 10.0 forces tar.bz2 usage :-(
360 if (($ddir eq "suse") && ($dver eq "10.0")) {
361 print "SuSE 10.0 needs bz2 type of packages so recompressing...\n";
362 my $newsrc="$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.bz2";
363 system "gzip -cd $src | bzip2 -c6 > $newsrc";
364 $src = $newsrc;
365 }
366 print $LOG "Source file: $src\n" if ($debug >= 0);
368 print $LOG "Working directory: $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}\n" if ($debug >= 0);
369 if ($dtype eq "rpm") {
370 foreach my $d ('RPMS','SRPMS','SPECS','SOURCES','BUILD') {
371 if (! -d "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$d") {
372 pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$d") || die "Please ensure that you can write into $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} to create $d\nchown the $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} directory to your uid";
373 }
374 }
376 symlink "$src","$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/SOURCES/".basename($src) || die "Unable to symlink $src in $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/SOURCES";
377 # We need to first extract the spec file
378 my @specfile;
379 @specfile = pb_extract_build_files($src,"$pbpkg-$pbver/pbconf/$ddir-$dver/","$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/SPECS");
381 print $LOG "specfile: ".Dumper(\@specfile)."\n" if ($debug >= 1);
382 # set LANGUAGE to check for correct log messages
383 $ENV{'LANGUAGE'}="C";
384 #system("ls -R $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}") if ($debug >= 1);
385 foreach my $f (@specfile) {
386 if ($f =~ /\.spec$/) {
387 pb_system("rpmbuild --define \"packager $pbpackager\" --define \"_topdir $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}\" -ba $f","Building package with $f under $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}");
388 last;
389 }
390 }
391 $made="$made RPMS/*/$pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag$pbsuf.*.rpm SRPMS/$pbpkg-$pbver-$pbtag$pbsuf.src.rpm";
392 if (-f "/usr/bin/rpmlint") {
393 pb_system("rpmlint $made","Checking validity of rpms with rpmlint");
394 }
395 } elsif ($dtype eq "deb") {
396 chdir "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}" || die "Unable to chdir to $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}";
397 pb_system("tar xpfz $src","Extracting sources");
399 chdir "$pbpkg-$pbver" || die "Unable to chdir to $pbpkg-$pbver";
400 symlink "pbconf/$ddir-$dver","debian" || die "Unable to symlink to pbconf/$ddir-$dver";
401 chmod 0755,"debian/rules";
402 pb_system("dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot","Building package");
403 $made="$made $pbpkg"."_*.deb $pbpkg"."_*.dsc $pbpkg"."_*.tar.gz";
404 } elsif ($dtype eq "ebuild") {
405 my @ebuildfile;
406 # For gentoo we need to take pb as subsystem name
407 pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/portage/pb/$pbpkg") if (! -d "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/portage/pb/$pbpkg");
409 # We need to first extract the ebuild file
410 @ebuildfile = pb_extract_build_files($src,"$pbpkg-$pbver/pbconf/$ddir-$dver/","$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/portage/pb/$pbpkg");
412 # Prepare the build env for gentoo
413 my $found = 0;
414 my $pbbd = $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'};
415 $pbbd =~ s|/|\\/|g;
416 open(MAKE,"/etc/make.conf") || die "Unable to open /etc/make.conf";
417 while (<MAKE>) {
418 $found = 1 if (/$pbbd\/portage/);
419 }
420 close(MAKE);
421 if ($found == 0) {
422 pb_system("sudo \'echo \"$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/portage\" >> /etc/make.conf\'");
423 }
424 $found = 0;
425 open(KEYW,"/etc/portage/package.keywords") || die "Unable to open /etc/portage/package.keywords";
426 while (<KEYW>) {
427 $found = 1 if (/portage\/pb/);
428 }
429 close(KEYW);
430 if ($found == 0) {
431 pb_system("sudo \'echo \"portage/pb\" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords\'");
432 }
434 # Build
435 foreach my $f (@ebuildfile) {
436 if ($f =~ /\.ebuild$/) {
437 pb_system("ebuild $f digest ; ebuild $f package");
438 }
439 }
440 print $LOG "ebuild file: ".Dumper(\@ebuildfile)."\n" if ($debug >= 1);
442 $made="$made portage/pb/$pbpkg/$pbpkg-$pbver.ebuild";
443 } elsif ($dtype eq "slackware") {
444 $made="$made build-$pbpkg/$pbpkg-$pbver-*-$pbtag.tgz";
445 pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/install") if (! -d "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/install");
446 } else {
447 die "Unknown dtype format $dtype";
448 }
449 }
450 # Keep track of what is generated so that we can get them back from VMs
451 open(KEEP,"> $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag";
452 print KEEP "$made\n";
453 close(KEEP);
456sub pb_build2ssh {
457 pb_send2ssh("Sources");
460sub pb_pkg2ssh {
461 pb_send2ssh("Packages");
464# By default deliver to the the public site hosting the
465# ftp structure (or whatever) or a VM
466sub pb_send2ssh {
468 my $cmt = shift;
469 my $vm = shift || undef;
470 my $vmexist = shift || 0; # 0 is FALSE
471 my $vmpid = shift || 0; # 0 is FALSE
472 my $host = shift || "sshhost";
473 my $login = shift || "sshlogin";
474 my $dir = shift || "sshdir";
475 my $port = shift || "sshport";
476 my $tmout = shift || "vmtmout";
477 my $cmd = "";
479 # Get list of packages to build
480 my $ptr = pb_get_pkg($defpkgdir,$extpkgdir);
481 @pkgs = @$ptr;
483 # Get the running distro to consider
484 my ($odir,$over) = (undef, undef);
485 if (defined $vm) {
486 ($odir,$over) = split(/_/,$vm);
487 }
488 my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf) = pb_distro_init($odir,$over);
489 print $LOG "DEBUG: distro tuple: ".join(',',($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $pbsuf))."\n" if ($debug >= 1);
491 # Get content saved in cms2build
492 my ($pkg) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb","pbpkg");
493 $pkg = { } if (not defined $pkg);
495 my $src = "";
496 chdir "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}";
497 foreach my $pbpkg (@pkgs) {
498 my $vertag = $pkg->{$pbpkg};
499 # get the version of the current package - maybe different
500 ($pbver,$pbtag) = split(/-/,$vertag);
502 if (($cmt eq "Sources") || ($cmt eq "VMs")) {
503 $src = "$src $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz";
504 if ($cmd eq "") {
505 $cmd = "ln -sf $pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz $pbpkg-latest.tar.gz";
506 } else {
507 $cmd = "$cmd ; ln -sf $pbpkg-$pbver.tar.gz $pbpkg-latest.tar.gz";
508 }
509 }
510 }
511 if ($cmt eq "VMs") {
512 $src="$src $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pbprojver-$pbprojtag.pb $ENV{'PBETC'}";
513 } elsif ($cmt eq "Script") {
514 $src="$src $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
515 } elsif ($cmt eq "Packages") {
516 # Get package list from file made during build2pkg
517 open(KEEP,"$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag";
518 $src = <KEEP>;
519 chomp($src);
520 close(KEEP);
521 if ($dtype eq "rpm") {
522 # Also make a pbscript to generate yum/urpmi bases
523 # $src = "$src $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript"
524 } elsif ($dtype eq "deb") {
525 # Also make a pbscript to generate apt bases
526 # $src = "$src $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript"
527 }
528 }
529 # Remove potential leading spaces (cause pb with basename)
530 $src =~ s/^ *//;
531 my $basesrc = "";
532 foreach my $i (split(/ +/,$src)) {
533 $basesrc .= " ".basename($i);
534 }
536 print $LOG "Sources handled ($cmt): $src\n" if ($debug >= 0);
537 my ($sshhost,$sshlogin,$sshdir,$sshport,$vmtmout) = pb_conf_get($host,$login,$dir,$port,$tmout);
538 my $mac = "$sshlogin->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}\@$sshhost->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}";
539 # Overwrite account value if passed as parameter
540 $mac = "$pbaccount\@$sshhost->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}" if (defined $pbaccount);
541 my $tdir;
542 my $bdir;
543 if (($cmt eq "Sources") || ($cmt eq "Script")) {
544 $tdir = "$sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/src";
545 } elsif ($cmt eq "VMs") {
546 $tdir = dirname("$sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}")."/delivery";
547 $bdir = dirname("$sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}")."/build";
548 # Remove a potential $ENV{'HOME'} as bdir should be relative to pb's home
549 $bdir =~ s|\$ENV.+\}/||;
550 } elsif ($cmt eq "Packages") {
551 $tdir = "$sshdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$ddir/$dver";
552 } else {
553 return;
554 }
555 my $nport = $sshport->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
556 $nport = "$pbport" if (defined $pbport);
558 # Remove a potential $ENV{'HOME'} as tdir should be relative to pb's home
559 $tdir =~ s|\$ENV.+\}/||;
561 my $tm = $vmtmout->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
562 pb_system("ssh -q -p $nport $mac \"mkdir -p $tdir ; cd $tdir ; echo \'for i in $basesrc; do if [ -f \$i ]; then rm -f \$i; fi; done\ ; $cmd' | bash\"","Preparing $tdir on $mac");
563 pb_system("cd $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} ; scp -p -P $nport $src $mac:$tdir 2> /dev/null","$cmt delivery in $tdir on $mac");
564 pb_system("ssh -q -p $nport $mac \"echo \'cd $tdir ; if [ -f pbscript ]; then ./pbscript; fi\' | bash\"","Executing pbscript on $mac if needed");
565 if ($cmt eq "VMs") {
566 # Get back info on pkg produced, compute their name and get them from the VM
567 pb_system("scp -p -P $nport $mac:$bdir/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'} 2> /dev/null","Get package names in $bdir on $mac");
568 open(KEEP,"$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag";
569 my $src = <KEEP>;
570 chomp($src);
571 close(KEEP);
572 $src =~ s/^ *//;
573 pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$odir/$over");
574 # Change pgben to make the next send2ssh happy
575 my $made = "";
576 open(KEEP,"> $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag") || die "Unable to write $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/pbgen-$pbprojver-$pbprojtag";
577 foreach my $p (split(/ +/,$src)) {
578 my $j = basename($p);
579 pb_system("scp -p -P $nport $mac:\'$bdir/$p\' $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$odir/$over 2> /dev/null","Package recovery of $j in $bdir from $mac");
580 $made="$made $odir/$over/$j" if (($dtype ne "rpm") || ($j !~ /.src.rpm$/));
581 }
582 print KEEP "$made\n";
583 close(KEEP);
584 pb_system("ssh -q -p $nport $mac \"rm -rf $tdir $bdir\"","VM cleanup on $mac");
585 if (! $vmexist) {
586 pb_system("ssh -q -p $nport $mac \"sudo /sbin/halt -p \"; sleep $tm ; echo \'if [ -d /proc/$vmpid ]; then kill -9 $vmpid; fi \' | bash ; sleep 10","VM $vm halt (pid $vmpid)");
587 }
588 pb_send2ssh("Packages","$odir"."_"."$over");
589 pb_rm_rf("$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$odir");
590 }
593sub pb_script2vm {
594 my $pbscript=shift;
596 # Prepare the script to be executed on the VM
597 # in $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript
598 if ((defined $pbscript ) && ($pbscript ne "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript")) {
599 copy($pbscript,"$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
600 chmod 0755,"$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
601 }
603 my ($vm,$all) = pb_get_vm();
605 foreach my $v (@$vm) {
606 # Launch the VM
607 my ($vmexist,$vmpid) = pb_launchvm($v,0);
609 # Gather all required files to send them to the VM
610 # and launch the build thourgh pbscript
611 pb_send2ssh("Script","$v",$vmexist,$vmpid,"vmhost","vmlogin","pbrc","vmport","vmtmout");
613 }
616sub pb_launchvm {
617 my $vm = shift;
618 my $create = shift || 0; # By default do not create a VM
620 die "-i iso parameter needed" if (((not defined $iso) || ($iso eq "")) && ($create != 0));
621 die "No VM defined, unable to launch" if (not defined $vm);
622 # Keep only the first VM in case many were given
623 $vm =~ s/,.*//;
625 # Launch the VMs
626 my ($ptr,$vmopt,$vmport,$vmpath,$vmtmout,$vmsize) = pb_conf_get("vmtype","vmopt","vmport","vmpath","vmtmout","vmsize");
627 my $vmtype = $ptr->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
628 if (not defined $ENV{'PBVMOPT'}) {
629 $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} = "";
630 }
631 if (defined $vmopt->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {
632 $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= " $vmopt->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}";
633 }
634 my $nport = $vmport->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
635 $nport = "$pbport" if (defined $pbport);
637 my $cmd;
638 my $vmcmd; # has to be used for pb_check_ps
639 my $vmm; # has to be used for pb_check_ps
640 if ($vmtype eq "qemu") {
641 my $arch = `uname -m`;
642 chomp($arch);
643 my $qemucmd32;
644 my $qemucmd64;
645 if ($arch eq "x86_64") {
646 $qemucmd32 = "/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386";
647 $qemucmd64 = "/usr/bin/qemu";
648 } else {
649 $qemucmd32 = "/usr/bin/qemu";
650 $qemucmd64 = "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64";
651 }
652 if ($vm =~ /_64/) {
653 $vmcmd = "$qemucmd64 -no-kqemu";
654 } else {
655 $vmcmd = "$qemucmd32";
656 }
657 $vmm = "$vmpath->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$vm.qemu";
658 if ($create != 0) {
659 $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} .= " -cdrom $iso -boot d";
660 }
661 $cmd = "$vmcmd $ENV{'PBVMOPT'} -redir tcp:$nport: $vmm"
662 } elsif ($vmtype eq "xen") {
663 } elsif ($vmtype eq "vmware") {
664 } else {
665 die "VM of type $vmtype not supported. Report to the dev team";
666 }
667 my ($tmpcmd,$void) = split(/ +/,$cmd);
668 my $vmexist = pb_check_ps($tmpcmd,$vmm);
669 my $vmpid = 0;
670 if (! $vmexist) {
671 if ($create != 0) {
672 pb_system("/usr/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 $vmm $vmsize->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}","Creating the QEMU VM");
673 }
674 if (! -f "$vmm") {
675 die "Unable to find VM $vmm";
676 }
677 pb_system("$cmd &","Launching the VM $vmm");
678 pb_system("sleep $vmtmout->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}","Waiting for VM $vm to come up");
679 $vmpid = pb_check_ps($tmpcmd,$vmm);
680 } else {
681 print "Found an existing VM $vmm (pid $vmexist)\n";
682 }
683 return($vmexist,$vmpid);
686sub pb_build2vm {
687 # Prepare the script to be executed on the VM
688 # in $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript
689 my ($ntp) = pb_conf_get("vmntp");
690 my $vmntp = $ntp->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
691 open(SCRIPT,"> $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
692 print SCRIPT "#!/bin/bash\n";
693 print SCRIPT "echo ... Execution needed\n";
694 print SCRIPT "# This is in directory delivery\n";
695 print SCRIPT "# Setup the variables required for building\n";
696 print SCRIPT "export PBPROJ=$ENV{'PBPROJ'}\n";
697 print SCRIPT "# Preparation for pb\n";
698 print SCRIPT "mkdir -p ../pbconf\n";
699 print SCRIPT "mv $ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb ../pbconf\n";
700 print SCRIPT "mv .pbrc \$HOME\n";
701 print SCRIPT "cd ..\n";
702 # Force new date to be in the future compared to the date of the tar file by removing 1 minute
703 my @date=(localtime->sec(), localtime->min(), localtime->hour(), localtime->mday(), localtime->mon(), localtime->year(), localtime->wday(), localtime->yday(), localtime->isdst());
704 $date[1]--;
705 my $upddate = strftime("%m%d%H%M%Y", @date);
706 print SCRIPT "echo Setting up date on $vmntp...\n";
707 print SCRIPT "sudo date $upddate\n";
708 print SCRIPT "export PBROOT=\`pwd\`\n";
709 print SCRIPT "# Build\n";
710 my $p = "";
711 $p = $ARGV[0] if (defined $ARGV[0]);
712 print SCRIPT "echo Building packages on VM...\n";
713 print SCRIPT "pb -p $ENV{'PBPROJ'} build2pkg $p\n";
714 close(SCRIPT);
715 chmod 0755,"$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/pbscript";
717 my ($vm,$all) = pb_get_vm();
719 # Send tar files when we do a global generation
720 pb_build2ssh() if ($all == 1);
722 foreach my $v (@$vm) {
723 # Launch the VM
724 my ($vmexist,$vmpid) = pb_launchvm($v,0);
726 # Gather all required files to send them to the VM
727 # and launch the build thourgh pbscript
728 pb_send2ssh("VMs","$v",$vmexist,$vmpid,"vmhost","vmlogin","pbrc","vmport","vmtmout");
729 }
733sub pb_newver {
735 die "-V Version parameter needed" if ((not defined $newver) || ($newver eq ""));
736 my $cms=pb_cms_init($ENV{'PBPROJ'});
737 if ($cms->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} ne "svn") {
738 die "Only SVN is supported at the moment";
739 }
740 my $res = pb_cms_isdiff($cms);
741 die "You need to have no differences before creating a new version" if ($res != 0);
742 my $cmsurl = pb_cms_getinfo($cms);
743 my $newurl = dirname($cmsurl)."/$newver";
744 pb_cms_copy($cms,$cmsurl,$newurl);
745 pb_cms_checkout($cms,$newurl,"$ENV{'PBROOT'}/../$newver");
746 my $oldver=basename($cmsurl);
747 open(FILE,"$ENV{'PBROOT'}/../$newver/pbconf/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb") || die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBROOT'}/../$newver/pbconf/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb";
748 open(OUT,"> $ENV{'PBROOT'}/../$newver/pbconf/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}") || die "Unable to write to $ENV{'PBROOT'}/../$newver/pbconf/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}";
749 while(<FILE>) {
750 s/projver\s+$ENV{'PBPROJ'}\s*=\s*$oldver/projver $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $newver/;
751 print OUT $_;
752 }
753 close(FILE);
754 close(OUT);
755 rename("$ENV{'PBROOT'}/../$newver/pbconf/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}","$ENV{'PBROOT'}/../$newver/pbconf/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb");
756 pb_cms_checkin($cms,"$ENV{'PBROOT'}/../$newver");
759sub pb_get_pkg {
761my @pkgs;
762my $defpkgdir = shift;
763my $extpkgdir = shift;
765# Get packages list
766if (not defined $ARGV[0]) {
767 @pkgs = keys %$defpkgdir;
768} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^all$/) {
769 @pkgs = keys %$defpkgdir;
770 push(@pkgs, keys %$extpkgdir);
771} else {
772 @pkgs = @ARGV;
774print $LOG "Packages: ".join(',',@pkgs)."\n" if ($debug >= 0);
779# Return the list of VMs we are working on
780# $all is a flag to know if we return all of them
781# or only some (if all we publish also tar files in addition to pkgs
783sub pb_get_vm {
785my @vm;
786my $all = 0;
788# Get VM list
789if ((not defined $ENV{'PBVM'}) || ($ENV{'PBVM'} =~ /^all$/)) {
790 my ($ptr) = pb_conf_get("vmlist");
791 $ENV{'PBVM'} = $ptr->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};
792 $all = 1;
794@vm = split(/,/,$ENV{'PBVM'});
795print $LOG "VMs: ".join(',',@vm)."\n";
799# Returns the pid of a running VM command using a specific VM file
800sub pb_check_ps {
801 my $vmcmd = shift;
802 my $vmm = shift;
803 my $vmexist = 0; # FALSE by default
805 open(PS, "ps auxhww|") || die "Unable to call ps";
806 while (<PS>) {
807 next if (! /$vmcmd/);
808 next if (! /$vmm/);
809 my ($void1, $void2);
810 ($void1, $vmexist, $void2) = split(/ +/);
811 last;
812 }
813 return($vmexist);
817sub pb_extract_build_files {
819my $src=shift;
820my $dir=shift;
821my $ddir=shift;
822my @files;
824if ($src =~ /tar\.gz$/) {
825 pb_system("tar xfpz $src $dir","Extracting build files");
826} elsif ($src =~ /tar\.bz2$/) {
827 pb_system("tar xfpj $src $dir","Extracting build files");
828} else {
829 die "Unknown compression algorithm for $src";
831opendir(DIR,"$dir") || die "Unable to open directory $dir";
832foreach my $f (readdir(DIR)) {
833 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
834 move("$dir/$f","$ddir") || die "Unable to move $dir/$f to $ddir";
835 print $LOG "mv $dir/$f $ddir\n" if ($debug >= 1);
836 push @files,"$ddir/$f";
839# Not enough but still a first cleanup
844sub pb_syntax {
846 print "pb (aka project-builder) Version $projectbuilderver-$projectbuilderrev\n";
847 print "\n";
848 print "Syntax: pb [-vhqt][-r pbroot][-p project][[-s script -a account -P port] -m \"mach-1[,...]\"] <action> [<pkg1>...]\n";
849 print "\n";
850 print "-h : This help file\n";
851 print "-q : Quiet mode\n";
852 print "-t : Test mode (not done yet)\n";
853 print "-v : Verbose mode\n";
854 print "\n";
855 print "-m machine : Name of the Virtual Machines (VM) you want\n";
856 print " to build on (coma separated). All if none precised\n";
857 print " (or use the env variable PBVM) \n";
858 print "\n";
859 print "-s script : Name of the script you want\n";
860 print " to execute on the related VMs.\n";
861 print "\n";
862 print "-a account : Name of the account to use\n";
863 print " to connect on the related VMs.\n";
864 print "\n";
865 print "-P port : Number of the port to use\n";
866 print " to connect on the related VMs.\n";
867 print "\n";
868 print "-p project : Name of the project you're working on\n";
869 print " (or use the env variable PBPROJ) \n";
870 print "\n";
871 print "-r pbroot : Path Name of project under the CMS \n";
872 print " (or use the env variable PBROOT) \n";
873 print "\n";
874 print "-V newver : New version of the project to create\n";
875 print " from the current one. \n";
876 print "\n";
877 print "<action> can be:\n";
878 print "\n";
879 print "\tcms2build: Create tar files for the project under your CMS\n";
880 print "\t CMS supported are SVN and CVS\n";
881 print "\t parameters are packages to build\n";
882 print "\t if not using default list\n";
883 print "\n";
884 print "\tbuild2pkg: Create packages for your running distribution \n";
885 print "\n";
886 print "\tcms2pkg: cms2build + build2pkg\n";
887 print "\n";
888 print "\tbuild2ssh: Send the tar files to a SSH host \n";
889 print "\n";
890 print "\tcms2ssh: cms2build + build2ssh\n";
891 print "\n";
892 print "\tpkg2ssh: Send the packages built to a SSH host \n";
893 print "\n";
894 print "\tbuild2vm: Create packages in VMs, launching them if needed\n";
895 print "\t and send those packages to a SSH host once built\n";
896 print "\t VM type supported are QEMU \n";
897 print "\n";
898 print "\tcms2vm: cms2build + build2vm\n";
899 print "\n";
900 print "\tlaunchvm: Launch one virtual machine\n";
901 print "\n";
902 print "\tscript2vm: Launch one virtual machine if needed \n";
903 print "\t and executes a script on it \n";
904 print "\n";
905 print "\tnewvm: Create a new virtual machine\n";
906 print "\n";
907 print "\tnewver: Create a new version of the project derived \n";
908 print "\t from the current one \n";
909 print "\n";
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.