#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Base subroutines for the Project-Builder project # # $Id$ # use strict; use lib qw (lib); use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Temp qw /tempdir/; use AppConfig qw(ARGCOUNT_HASH); use Data::Dumper; $ENV{'PBETC'} = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.pbrc"; sub pb_env_init { my $proj=shift; my $ver; my $tag; # # Check project name # Could be with env var PBPROJ # or option -p # if not define take the first in conf file # if ((defined $ENV{'PBPROJ'}) && (not (defined $proj))) { $proj = $ENV{'PBPROJ'}; } # # We get the pbrc file for that project # and use its content # my ($pbrc) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBETC'}","pbrc"); print "DEBUG pbrc: ".Dumper($pbrc)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); %pbrc = %$pbrc; if (not defined $proj) { # Take the first as the default project $proj = (keys %pbrc)[0]; print $LOG "Using $proj as default project as none has been specified\n" if (($debug >= 0) and (defined $proj)); } die "No project defined - use env var PBPROJ or -p proj" if (not (defined $proj)); # # Set delivery directory # my $topdir=dirname($pbrc{$proj}); chdir $topdir || die "Unable to change directory to $topdir"; $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}=$topdir."/delivery"; # # Use project configuration file if needed # if (not defined $ENV{'PBROOT'}) { if (-f $pbrc{$proj}) { my ($pbroot) = pb_conf_read($pbrc{$proj},"pbroot"); my %pbroot = %$pbroot; # All lines should point to the same pbroot so take the first $ENV{'PBROOT'} = (values %$pbroot)[0] if (defined $pbroot); print $LOG "Using $ENV{'PBROOT'} as default pbroot from $pbrc{$proj}\n" if (($debug >= 0) and (defined $ENV{'PBROOT'})); } die "No pbroot defined - use env var PBROOT or -r pbroot " if (not defined $ENV{'PBROOT'}); } # # Check pb conf compliance # $ENV{'PBCONF'} = "$ENV{'PBROOT'}/pbconf"; die "Project $proj not Project-Builder compliant. Please populate $ENV{'PBCONF'}" if ( not -d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}"); my %version = (); if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb") { # List of pkg to build by default (mandatory) # List of additional pkg to build when all is called (optional) # Valid version names (optional) # List of files to filter (optional) my ($defpkgdir, $extpkgdir, $version, $filteredfiles) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb","defpkgdir","extpkgdir","version","filteredfiles"); print "DEBUG: defpkgdir: ".Dumper($defpkgdir)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); print "DEBUG: extpkgdir: ".Dumper($extpkgdir)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); print "DEBUG: version: ".Dumper($version)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); print "DEBUG: filteredfiles: ".Dumper($filteredfiles)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); die "Unable to find defpkgdir in $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb" if (not defined $defpkgdir); # Global %defpkgdir = %$defpkgdir; # Global %extpkgdir = (); %extpkgdir = %$defpkgdir if (defined $defpkgdir); %version = (); %version = %$version if (defined $version); # Global %filteredfiles = (); %filteredfiles = %$filteredfiles if (defined $filteredfiles); } else { die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb"; } # # Set temp directory # if (not defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'}) { $ENV{'TMPDIR'}="/tmp"; } $ENV{'PBTMP'} = tempdir( "pb.XXXXXXXXXX", DIR => $ENV{'TMPDIR'}, CLEANUP => 1 ); # # Get global Version/Tag # my ($pkgv, $pkgt) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb","projver","projtag"); if (not defined $ENV{'PBVER'}) { if ((defined $pkgv) && (defined $pkgv->{$proj})) { $ENV{'PBVER'}=$pkgv->{$proj}; } else { die "No projver found in $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb"; } } die "Invalid version name $ENV{'PBVER'} in $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb" if (($ENV{'PBVER'} !~ /[0-9.]+/) && (not exists $version{$ENV{'PBVER'}})); if (not defined $ENV{'PBTAG'}) { if ((defined $pkgt) && (defined $pkgt->{$proj})) { $ENV{'PBTAG'}=$pkgt->{$proj}; } else { die "No projtag found in $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb"; } } die "Invalid tag name $ENV{'PBTAG'} in $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb" if ($ENV{'PBTAG'} !~ /[0-9.]+/); # # Removes all directory existing below the delivery dir # as they are temp dir only # Files stay and have to be cleaned up manually # if (-d $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) { opendir(DIR,$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) || die "Unable to open directory $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}: $!"; foreach my $d (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($d =~ /^\./); next if (-f "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$d"); pb_rm_rf("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$d") if (-d "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$d"); } closedir(DIR); } if (! -d "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}") { pb_mkdir_p($ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) || die "Unable to recursively create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}"; } # # Set build directory # $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}=$topdir."/build"; pb_rm_rf($ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}) if (-d "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}"); pb_mkdir_p($ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}) || die "Unable to recursively create $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}"; umask 0022; return($proj); } # Internal mkdir -p function sub pb_mkdir_p { my @dir = @_; my $ret = mkpath(@dir, 0, 0755); return($ret); } # Internal rm -rf function sub pb_rm_rf { my @dir = @_; my $ret = rmtree(@dir, 0, 0); return($ret); } # Internal system function sub pb_system { my $cmd=shift; my $cmt=shift || $cmd; print $LOG "$cmt... "; system("$cmd"); if ($? == -1) { print $LOG "failed to execute: $!\n" if ($debug >= 0); } elsif ($? & 127) { printf $LOG "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without' if ($debug >= 0); } else { print $LOG "OK\n" if ($debug >= 0); } } # Function which returns a pointer on a hash # corresponding to a declaration (arg2) in the main conf file # and test the returned vaue as they need to exist in that case sub pb_conf_get { my @param = @_; my @ptr = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBETC'}", @param); foreach my $i (0..$#param) { die "No $param[$i] defined for $ENV{'PBPROJ'}" if (not defined $ptr[$i]); my $p = $ptr[$i]; $p->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} = $p->{'default'} if (not defined $p->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}); die "No $param[$i] defined for $ENV{'PBPROJ'}" if (not defined $p->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}); } print "DEBUG: param: ".Dumper(@ptr)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); return(@ptr); } # Function which returns a pointer on a hash # corresponding to a declaration (arg2) in a conf file (arg1) sub pb_conf_read { my $conffile = shift; my @param = @_; my $trace; my @ptr; if ($debug > 0) { $trace = 1; } else { $trace = 0; } my $config = AppConfig->new({ # Auto Create variables mentioned in Conf file CREATE => 1, DEBUG => $trace, GLOBAL => { # Each conf item is a hash ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH, }, }); $config->file($conffile); for my $param (@param) { push @ptr,$config->get($param); } print "DEBUG: params: ".Dumper(@param)." ".Dumper(@ptr)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); return(@ptr); } # Setup environment for CMS system sub pb_cms_init { my $proj = shift || undef; my $ret; my ($cms) = pb_conf_get("cms"); # This one is optional my ($cvsroot) = pb_conf_read($ENV{'PBETC'},"cvsroot"); if ($cms->{$proj} eq "svn") { $ENV{'PBREVISION'}=`(cd "$ENV{'PBROOT'}" ; svnversion .)`; chomp($ENV{'PBREVISION'}); $ENV{'PBCMSLOG'}="svn log"; $ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}="svn.log"; $ENV{'PBCMSEXP'}="svn export"; } elsif ($cms->{$proj} eq "cvs") { $ENV{'PBREVISION'}=`(cd "$ENV{'PBROOT'}" ; cvs rannotate -f . 2>&1 | awk '{print \$1}' | grep -E '^[0-9]' | cut -d. -f2 |sort -nu | tail -1)`; chomp($ENV{'PBREVISION'}); $ENV{'PBCMSLOG'}="cvs log"; $ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}="cvs.log"; $ENV{'PBCMSEXP'}="cvs export"; # # Export content if needed # $ENV{'CVSROOT'} = $cvsroot->{$proj} if (defined $cvsroot->{$proj}); } else { die "cms $cms->{$proj} unknown"; } } # Get all filters to apply # They're cumulative from less specific to most specific # suffix is .pbf sub pb_get_filters { my @ffiles; my ($ffile0, $ffile1, $ffile2, $ffile3); my $pbpkg = shift || die "No package specified"; my $dtype = shift || die "No dtype specified"; my $dfam = shift || die "No dfam specified"; my $ddir = shift || die "No ddir specified"; my $dver = shift || die "No dver specified"; my $ptr; # returned value pointer on the hash of filters my %ptr; if (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter") { $ffile0 = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$dtype.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$dtype.pbf"); $ffile1 = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$dfam.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$dfam.pbf"); $ffile2 = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$ddir.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$ddir.pbf"); $ffile3 = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$ddir-$dver.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$ddir-$dver.pbf"); push @ffiles,$ffile0 if (defined $ffile0); push @ffiles,$ffile1 if (defined $ffile1); push @ffiles,$ffile2 if (defined $ffile2); push @ffiles,$ffile3 if (defined $ffile3); } if (@ffiles) { print $LOG "DEBUG ffiles: ".Dumper(\@ffiles)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); my $config = AppConfig->new({ # Auto Create variables mentioned in Conf file CREATE => 1, DEBUG => 0, GLOBAL => { # Each conf item is a hash ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_HASH } }); $config->file(@ffiles); $ptr = $config->get("filter"); print $LOG "DEBUG f:".Dumper($ptr)."\n" if ($debug >= 1); } else { $ptr = { }; } %ptr = %$ptr; return(\%ptr); } # Function which applies filter on files (only for pb) sub pb_filter_file_pb { my $f=shift; my $ptr=shift; my %filter=%$ptr; my $destfile=shift; my $dtype=shift; my $dsuf=shift; my $pbpkg=shift; my $pbver=shift; my $pbtag=shift; my $pbrev=shift; my $pbdate=shift; print $LOG "DEBUG: From $f to $destfile\n" if ($debug >= 1); pb_mkdir_p(dirname($destfile)) if (! -d dirname($destfile)); open(DEST,"> $destfile") || die "Unable to create $destfile"; open(FILE,"$f") || die "Unable to open $f: $!"; while () { my $line = $_; foreach my $s (keys %filter) { # Process single variables print $LOG "DEBUG filter{$s}: $filter{$s}\n" if ($debug >= 1); my $tmp = $filter{$s}; next if (not defined $tmp); # Expand variables if any single one found print $LOG "DEBUG tmp: $tmp\n" if ($debug >= 1); if ($tmp =~ /\$/) { eval { $tmp =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg }; # special case for ChangeLog only for pb } elsif (($tmp =~ /^yes$/) && ($s =~ /^PBLOG$/) && ($line =~ /^PBLOG$/)) { $tmp = ""; my $p = $defpkgdir{$pbpkg}; $p = $extpkgdir{$pbpkg} if (not defined $p); pb_changelog($dtype, $pbpkg, $pbtag, $dsuf, $p, \*DEST); } $line =~ s|$s|$tmp|; } print DEST $line; } close(FILE); close(DEST); } # Function which applies filter on files (external call) sub pb_filter_file { my $f=shift; my $ptr=shift; my %filter=%$ptr; my $destfile=shift; my $pbpkg=shift; my $pbver=shift; my $pbtag=shift; my $pbrev=shift; my $pbdate=shift; print $LOG "DEBUG: From $f to $destfile\n" if ($debug >= 1); pb_mkdir_p(dirname($destfile)) if (! -d dirname($destfile)); open(DEST,"> $destfile") || die "Unable to create $destfile"; open(FILE,"$f") || die "Unable to open $f: $!"; while () { my $line = $_; foreach my $s (keys %filter) { # Process single variables print $LOG "DEBUG filter{$s}: $filter{$s}\n" if ($debug > 1); my $tmp = $filter{$s}; next if (not defined $tmp); # Expand variables if any single one found if ($tmp =~ /\$/) { eval { $tmp =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg }; } $line =~ s|$s|$tmp|; } print DEST $line; } close(FILE); close(DEST); } 1;