#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Creates changelog for packages from Changelog files in the apps # # $Id$ # use strict; use Date::Manip; use File::Basename; use English; use ProjectBuilder::Base qw (pb_conf_get); sub pb_changelog { my $dtype = shift; my $pkg = shift; my $pbtag = shift; my $dsuf = shift; my $path = shift; my $OUTPUT = shift; my $log = ""; # For date handling $ENV{LANG}="C"; return("\n") if ((not (defined $dtype)) || ($dtype eq "") || (not (defined $pkg)) || ($pkg eq "") || (not (defined $pbtag)) || ($pbtag eq "") || (not (defined $dsuf)) || ($dsuf eq "") || (not (defined $path)) || ($path eq "") || (not (defined $OUTPUT)) || ($OUTPUT eq "")); my $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$path/ChangeLog"; if (! -f $chglog) { #print "No ChangeLog file ($chglog) for $pkg\n"; return("\n"); } open(INPUT,"$chglog") || die "Unable to open $chglog (read)"; # Skip first 4 lines my $tmp = ; $tmp = ; $tmp = ; if ($dtype eq "announce") { print $OUTPUT $tmp; } $tmp = ; if ($dtype eq "announce") { print $OUTPUT $tmp; } my $first=1; # Handle each block separated by newline while () { my ($ver, $date) = split(/ /); my $ver2; $ver =~ s/^v//; chomp($date); $date =~ s/\(([0-9-]+)\)/$1/; #print "**$date**\n"; my $ndate = UnixDate($date,"%a", "%b", "%d", "%Y"); my $n2date = &UnixDate($date,"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"); #print "**$ndate**\n"; my ($packager) = pb_conf_get("packager"); if (($dtype eq "rpm") || ($dtype eq "fc")) { if ($ver !~ /-/) { if ($first eq 1) { $ver2 = "$ver-$pbtag$dsuf"; $first=0; } else { $ver2 = "$ver-1$dsuf"; } } else { $ver2 = "$ver$dsuf"; } print $OUTPUT "* $ndate $packager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} $ver2\n"; print $OUTPUT "- Updated to $ver\n"; } if ($dtype eq "deb") { print $OUTPUT "$pkg ($ver) unstable; urgency=low\n"; print $OUTPUT "\n"; } $tmp = ; while ($tmp !~ /^$/) { if ($dtype eq "deb") { $tmp =~ s/^- //; print $OUTPUT " * $tmp"; } elsif ($dtype eq "rpm") { print $OUTPUT "$tmp"; } else { print $OUTPUT "$tmp"; } last if (eof(INPUT)); $tmp = ; } print $OUTPUT "\n"; if ($dtype eq "deb") { # Cf: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-dpkgchangelog print $OUTPUT " -- $packager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} $n2date\n\n\n"; } last if (eof(INPUT)); last if ($dtype eq "announce"); } close(INPUT); } 1;