#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Creates common environment # # $Id$ # use strict; use lib qw (lib); use pb qw (pb_init); use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Temp qw /tempdir/; use Data::Dumper; $ENV{'PBETC'} = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.pbrc"; sub env_init { my $proj=shift; my $ver; my $tag; # # Check project name # Could be with env var PBPROJ # or option -p # if not define take the first in conf file # if ((defined $ENV{'PBPROJ'}) && (not (defined $proj))) { $proj = $ENV{'PBPROJ'}; } # # Use project configuration file # pb_init("$ENV{'PBETC'}"); if (not defined $proj) { # Take the first as the default project $proj = (keys %pbroot)[0]; print $LOG "Using $proj as default project as none has been specified\n" if (($debug >= 0) and (defined $proj)); } die "No project defined - use env var PBPROJ or -p proj" if (not (defined $proj)); $ENV{'PBROOT'} = $pbroot{$proj}; # # Check pb conf compliance # $ENV{'PBCONF'} = "$ENV{'PBROOT'}/pbconf"; die "Project $proj not Project-Builder compliant. Please populate $ENV{'PBCONF'}" if ( not -d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}"); if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb") { pb_conf_init("$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb"); } else { die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$proj.pb"; } # # Check content # if (defined $confparam{"cvsroot"}) { $ENV{'CVSROOT'} = $confparam{"cvsroot"}; } die "defpkgdir doesn't exist in $ENV{'PBETC'}/$proj.pb" if (not (defined %defpkgdir)); # # Set temp directory # if (not defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'}) { $ENV{'TMPDIR'}="/tmp"; } $ENV{'PBTMP'} = tempdir( "pb.XXXXXXXXXX", DIR => $ENV{'TMPDIR'}, CLEANUP => 1 ); # # Get global VERSION # open(VER, "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/VERSION") || die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBCONF'}/VERSION: $?"; $ver = ; chomp($ver); #print Dumper(%version); die "Invalid version name $ver in $ENV{'PBROOT'}/VERSION" if ($ver !~ /[0-9.]+/) && (not exists $version{$ver}); $ENV{'PBVER'}=$ver; close(VER); # #Get global TAG # open(TAG, "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/TAG") || die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBCONF'}/TAG: $?"; $tag = ; chomp($tag); die "Invalid tag name $tag in $ENV{'PBROOT'}/TAG" if ($tag !~ /[0-9]+/); $ENV{'PBTAG'}=$tag; close(TAG); # # Adapt to your needs # Set delivery directory # chdir "$ENV{'PBROOT'}/.."; my $path = `pwd`; chomp($path); $ENV{'PBTOPDIR'}=$path."/delivery"; $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}="$ENV{'PBTOPDIR'}/$ENV{'PBVER'}-$ENV{'PBTAG'}"; if (-d $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) { opendir(DIR,$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) || die "Unable to open directory $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}: $!"; foreach my $d (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($d =~ /^\./); pbrm_rf("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$d") if (-d "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$d"); } closedir(DIR); } if (! -d "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}") { pbmkdir_p($ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}) || die "Unable to recursively create $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}"; } # # Set build directory # $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}=$path."/build"; pbrm_rf($ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}) if (-d "$ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}"); pbmkdir_p($ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}) || die "Unable to recursively create $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}"; umask 0022; return($proj); } sub pbmkdir_p { my @dir = @_; my $ret = mkpath(@dir, 0, 0755); return($ret); } sub pbrm_rf { my @dir = @_; my $ret = rmtree(@dir, 0, 0); return($ret); } sub pbsystem { my $cmd=shift; my $cmt=shift || $cmd; print $LOG "$cmt... "; system("$cmd"); if ($? == -1) { print $LOG "failed to execute: $!\n" if ($debug >= 0); } elsif ($? & 127) { printf $LOG "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without' if ($debug >= 0); } else { print $LOG "OK\n" if ($debug >= 0); } } 1;