1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 | #
3 | # rpmbootstrap application, a debootstrap like for RPM distros
4 | #
5 | # $Id$
6 | #
7 | # Copyright B. Cornec 2010-2016
8 | # Eric Anderson's changes are (c) Copyright 2012 Hewlett Packard
9 | # Provided under the GPL v2
10 |
11 | # Syntax: see at end
12 |
13 | use strict 'vars';
14 | use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_abbrev no_ignore_case);
15 | use Data::Dumper;
16 | use English;
17 | use LWP::UserAgent;
18 | use File::Basename;
19 | use File::Copy;
20 | use File::Find;
21 | use ProjectBuilder::Version;
22 | use ProjectBuilder::Base;
23 | use ProjectBuilder::Env;
24 | use ProjectBuilder::Conf;
25 | use ProjectBuilder::Distribution;
26 |
27 | # Global variables
28 | my %opts; # CLI Options
29 |
30 | =pod
31 |
32 | =head1 NAME
33 |
34 | rpmbootstrap - creates a chrooted RPM based distribution a la debootstrap, aka Virtual Environment (VE)
35 |
36 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
37 |
38 | rpmbootstrap creates a chroot environment (Virtual Environment or VE)
39 | with a minimal distribution in it, suited for building packages for example.
40 | It's very much like debootstrap but for RPM based distribution.
41 | It aims at supporting all distributions supported by project-builder.org
42 | (RHEL, RH, Fedora, OpeSUSE, SLES, Mandriva, ...)
43 |
44 | It is inspired by work done by Steve Kemp for rinse (http://www.steve.org.uk/),
45 | and similar to mock or febootstrap, but fully integrated with project-builder.org
46 | (which also supports rinse and mock). Contrary to these, rpmbootstrap creates
47 | an environment where the packages commands are usable after build, as described
48 | hereafter.
49 |
50 | rpmbootstrap works in 2 phases. The first one is used to download all
51 | the required packages to have a working package management system in the
52 | chroot working. This list of packages is stored in /etc/pb/pb.conf under
53 | the rbsmindep parameter (aka rpmbootstrap minimal dependencies). Once the
54 | packages have been downloaded from the mirror, they are extracted with
55 | rpm2cpio. At that point you should be able to use yum on Fedora, urpmi
56 | on Mandriva/Mageia and zypper on OpenSuSE.
57 | The second phase uses exactly the previous mentioned tools to install
58 | exactly the same package list to have a coherent RPM db at the end.
59 |
60 | rpmbootstrap has additional options to execute a post-install script
61 | (-s) or to add packages (-a). Then pb can use the chroot to perform even
62 | more actions in it.
63 |
64 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
65 |
66 | rpmbootstrap [-vhmqpdk][-s script][-i image][-a pkg1[,pkg2,...]] distribution-version-arch [target-dir] [mirror [script]]
67 |
68 | rpmbootstrap [--verbose][--help][--man][--quiet][--print-rpms][--download-only]
69 | [--keep][--script script][--image image][--add pkg1,[pkg2,...]] distribution-version-arch [target-dir] [mirror [script]]
70 |
71 | =head1 OPTIONS
72 |
73 | =over 4
74 |
75 | =item B<-v|--verbose>
76 |
77 | Print a brief help message and exits.
78 |
79 | =item B<-h|--help>
80 |
81 | Print a brief help message and exits.
82 |
83 | =item B<--man>
84 |
85 | Prints the manual page and exits.
86 |
87 | =item B<-q|--quiet>
88 |
89 | Do not print any output.
90 |
91 | =item B<-p|--print-rpms>
92 |
93 | Print the packages to be installed, and exit.
94 | Note that a target directory must be specified so rpmbootstrap can determine
95 | which packages should be installed, and to resolve dependencies.
96 | The target directory will be deleted.
97 |
98 | =item B<-d|--download-only>
99 |
100 | Download packages, but don't perform installation.
101 |
102 | =item B<-k|--keep>
103 |
104 | Keep packages in the cache dir for later reuse. By default remove them.
105 |
106 | =item B<-s|--script script>
107 |
108 | Name of the script you want to execute on the related VEs after the installation.
109 | It is executed in host environment.
110 | You can use the chroot command to execute actions in the VE.
111 |
112 | =item B<-i|--image image>
113 |
114 | Name of the ISO image or the docker image of the distribution you want to install on the related VE.
115 |
116 | =item B<-a|--add pkg1[,pkg2,...]>
117 |
118 | Additional packages to add from the distribution you want to install on the related VE
119 | at the end of the chroot build.
120 |
121 | =item B<--no-stop-on-error>
122 |
123 | Continue through errors with best effort.
124 |
125 | =back
126 |
127 | =head1 ARGUMENTS
128 |
129 | =over 4
130 |
131 | =item B<distribution-version-arch>
132 |
133 | Full name of the distribution that needs to be installed in the VE. E.g. fedora-11-x86_64.
134 |
135 | =item B<target-dir>
136 |
137 | This is the target directory under which the VE will be created.
138 | Created on the fly if needed.
139 | If none is given use the default directory hosting VE for project-builder.org
140 | (Cf: vepath parameter in $HOME/.pbrc)
141 |
142 | =back
143 |
144 | =head1 EXAMPLE
145 |
146 | To setup a Fedora 12 distribution with an i386 architecture issue:
147 |
148 | rpmbootstrap fedora-12-i386 /tmp/fedora/12/i386
149 |
150 | =head1 WEB SITES
151 |
152 | The main Web site of the project is available at L<http://www.project-builder.org/>.
153 | Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at L<http://trac.project-builder.org/>.
154 |
155 | =head1 USER MAILING LIST
156 |
157 | Cf: L<http://www.mondorescue.org/sympa/info/pb-announce> for announces and
158 | L<http://www.mondorescue.org/sympa/info/pb-devel> for the development of the pb project.
159 |
161 |
162 | Uses Project-Builder.org configuration file (/etc/pb/pb.conf or /usr/local/etc/pb/pb.conf)
163 |
164 | =head1 AUTHORS
165 |
166 | The Project-Builder.org team L<http://trac.project-builder.org/> lead by Bruno Cornec L<mailto:bruno@project-builder.org>.
167 |
168 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
169 |
170 | Project-Builder.org is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license
171 | described in the file C<COPYING> included with the distribution.
172 |
173 | =cut
174 |
175 | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
176 |
177 | $Global::pb_stop_on_error = 1;
178 | my ($projectbuilderver,$projectbuilderrev) = pb_version_init();
179 | my $appname = "rpmbootstrap";
180 | $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $appname;
181 |
182 | # Initialize the syntax string
183 |
184 | pb_syntax_init("$appname Version $projectbuilderver-$projectbuilderrev\n");
185 | pb_temp_init();
186 |
187 | GetOptions("help|?|h" => \$opts{'h'},
188 | "man|m" => \$opts{'man'},
189 | "verbose|v+" => \$opts{'v'},
190 | "quiet|q" => \$opts{'q'},
191 | "log-files|l=s" => \$opts{'l'},
192 | "script|s=s" => \$opts{'s'},
193 | "print-rpms|p" => \$opts{'p'},
194 | "download-only|d" => \$opts{'d'},
195 | "keep|k" => \$opts{'k'},
196 | "image|i=s" => \$opts{'i'},
197 | "add|a=s" => \$opts{'a'},
198 | "version|V=s" => \$opts{'V'},
199 | "stop-on-error!" => \$Global::pb_stop_on_error,
200 | ) || pb_syntax(-1,0);
201 |
202 | if (defined $opts{'h'}) {
203 | pb_syntax(0,1);
204 | }
205 | if (defined $opts{'man'}) {
206 | pb_syntax(0,2);
207 | }
208 | if (defined $opts{'v'}) {
209 | $pbdebug = $opts{'v'};
210 | }
211 | if (defined $opts{'q'}) {
212 | $pbdebug=-1;
213 | }
214 | if (defined $opts{'l'}) {
215 | open(pbLOG,"> $opts{'l'}") || die "Unable to log to $opts{'l'}: $!";
216 | $pbLOG = \*pbLOG;
217 | $pbdebug = 0 if ($pbdebug == -1);
218 | }
219 | pb_log_init($pbdebug, $pbLOG);
220 | #pb_display_init("text","");
221 |
222 | #if (defined $opts{'s'}) {
223 | #$pbscript = $opts{'s'};
224 | #}
225 | #if (defined $opts{'i'}) {
226 | #$image = $opts{'i'};
227 | #}
228 |
229 | # Get VE name
230 | $ENV{'PBV'} = shift @ARGV;
231 | die pb_syntax(-1,1) if (not defined $ENV{'PBV'});
232 |
233 | die "Needs to be run as root" if ($EFFECTIVE_USER_ID != 0);
234 |
235 | #
236 | # Initialize distribution info from pb conf file
237 | #
238 | pb_log(0,"Starting VE build for $ENV{'PBV'}\n");
239 | my $pbos = pb_distro_get_context($ENV{'PBV'});
240 |
241 | #
242 | # Check target dir
243 | # Create if not existent and use default if none given
244 | #
245 | pb_env_init_pbrc(); # to get content of HOME/.pbrc
246 | my $vepath = shift @ARGV;
247 |
248 | #
249 | # Check for command requirements
250 | #
251 | my ($req,$opt) = pb_conf_get_if("oscmd","oscmdopt");
252 | pb_check_requirements($req,$opt,$appname);
253 |
254 | if (not defined $vepath) {
255 | my ($vestdpath) = pb_conf_get("vepath");
256 | $vepath = pb_path_expand("$vestdpath->{'default'}/$pbos->{'name'}/$pbos->{'version'}/$pbos->{'arch'}") if (defined $vestdpath->{'default'});
257 | }
258 |
259 | die pb_log(0,"No target-dir specified and no default vepath found in $ENV{'PBETC'}\n") if (not defined $vepath);
260 |
261 | # Cleanup first
262 | if ( -d $vepath) {
263 | pb_rm_rf($vepath);
264 | }
265 | pb_mkdir_p($vepath);
266 |
267 | #
268 | # Get the package list to download, store them in a cache directory
269 | #
270 | my ($rbscachedir) = pb_conf_get_if("cachedir");
271 | my ($pkgs,$mirror) = pb_distro_get_param($pbos,pb_conf_get("rbsmindep","rbsmirrorsrv"));
272 | my ($updater) = pb_distro_get_param($pbos,pb_conf_get_if("rbsmirrorupd"));
273 | die "No packages defined for $pbos->{name}-$pbos->{version}-$pbos->{arch}" unless $pkgs =~ /\w/;
274 |
275 | my $cachedir = "/var/cache/rpmbootstrap";
276 | $cachedir = $rbscachedir->{'default'} if (defined $rbscachedir->{'default'});
277 | $cachedir = $rbscachedir->{$appname} if (defined $rbscachedir->{$appname});
278 |
279 | # Point to the right subdir and create it if needed
280 | $cachedir .= "/$pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}-$pbos->{'arch'}";
281 | pb_mkdir_p($cachedir) if (! -d $cachedir);
282 |
283 | # Get the complete package name from the mirror
284 | #
285 | my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
286 | $ua->timeout(10);
287 | $ua->env_proxy;
288 |
289 | die "No mirror defined for $pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}-$pbos->{'arch'}" if ((not defined $mirror) || ($mirror =~ /^\t*$/));
290 | my $resp;
291 | my $repo;
292 | my %list_pkg;
293 |
294 | ($repo,$resp) = rbs_mirror_response($mirror);
295 | foreach my $r (split(/\n/,$resp->as_string())) {
296 | $list_pkg{$r} = $mirror;
297 | }
298 |
299 | # If an update source is availble add it after so that these pkgs update the main ones
300 | if (defined $updater) {
301 | my $void;
302 | ($void,$resp) = rbs_mirror_response($mirror.$updater);
303 | foreach my $r (split(/\n/,$resp->as_string())) {
304 | $list_pkg{$r} = $mirror.$updater;
305 | }
306 | }
307 |
308 | # Manages architectures specificities
309 | my $parch = $pbos->{'arch'};
310 | $parch = "i[3456]86" if ($pbos->{'arch'} eq "i386");
311 |
312 | # Get the list of packages and their URL in this hash
313 | my %url;
314 | my %done;
315 | foreach my $l (keys %list_pkg) {
316 | my ($url,$desc) = rbs_find_pkg($l,$parch,"pkg");
317 | if (defined $url) {
318 | $url{$url} = "$list_pkg{$l}/$desc";
319 | } else {
320 | pb_log(3,"not a package, maybe a dir containing packages\n");
321 | ($url,$desc) = rbs_find_pkg($l,$parch,"dir");
322 | if ((defined $desc) and (not defined $done{$desc})) {
323 | my $response1 = $ua->get("$mirror/$desc");
324 | # Check if we have a fedora 17/18 type of repo
325 | if ($response1->is_success) {
326 | $done{$desc} = "true";
327 | foreach my $d (split(/\n/,$response1->as_string())) {
328 | my ($url2,$desc2) = rbs_find_pkg($d,$parch,"pkg");
329 | if (defined $url2) {
330 | # Here we have the dir in which are packages
331 | $url{$url2} = "$mirror/$desc/$desc2";
332 | } else {
333 | pb_log(3,"not a package, and not a dir containing packages\n");
334 | }
335 | }
336 | } else {
337 | }
338 | }
339 | }
340 | }
341 |
342 | #
343 | # Prepare early the yum cache env for the VE in order to copy in it packages on the fly
344 | #
345 | my $oscachedir = "/tmp";
346 | my $osupdcachedir;
347 | my $osupdname = "";
348 |
349 | if ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /yum/) {
350 | $oscachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/yum/core/packages/";
351 | $osupdcachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/yum/updates-released/packages/";
352 | $osupdname = "YUM";
353 | # Recent Fedora release use a new yum cache dir
354 | if (($pbos->{'name'} eq "fedora") && ($pbos->{'version'} > 8)) {
355 | $oscachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/yum/$pbos->{'arch'}/$pbos->{'version'}/fedora/packages";
356 | #$osupdcachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/yum/$pbos->{'arch'}/$pbos->{'version'}/updates/packages";
357 | $osupdcachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/yum/updates-released/packages/";
358 | }
359 | } elsif ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /dnf/) {
360 | $osupdname = "DNF";
361 | $oscachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/dnf/$pbos->{'arch'}/$pbos->{'version'}/fedora/packages";
362 | $osupdcachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/dnf/updates-released/packages/";
363 | } elsif ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /zypper/) {
364 | $oscachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/zypp/packages/opensuse/suse/$pbos->{'arch'}";
365 | $osupdname = "Zypper";
366 | } elsif ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /urpmi/) {
367 | $oscachedir = "$vepath/var/cache/urpmi/rpms";
368 | $osupdname = "URPMI";
369 | }
370 | pb_log(1,"Setting up $osupdname cache in VE\n");
371 | pb_mkdir_p($oscachedir);
372 | pb_mkdir_p($osupdcachedir) if (defined $osupdcachedir);
373 |
374 | # For each package to process, get it, put it in the cache dir
375 | # and extract it in the target dir. If not asked to keep, remove it
376 | # Just download if asked so.
377 |
378 | my $warning = 0;
379 | my $lwpkg ="";
380 | my @installed_packages;
381 |
382 | # On systemd systems, the pkg needs to be first
383 | # to have the correct links made first
384 | if ($pkgs =~ /,filesystem,/) {
385 | $pkgs =~ s/,filesystem,/,/;
386 | $pkgs = "filesystem,".$pkgs;
387 | }
388 |
389 | foreach my $p (split(/,/,$pkgs)) {
390 | $p =~ s/\s+//go;
391 | pb_log(1,"Processing package $p ...\n");
392 | # Just print packages names if asked so.
393 | if (defined $url{$p}) {
394 | if ($opts{'p'}) {
395 | pb_log(0,"$url{$p}\n");
396 | next;
397 | } else {
398 | # Now download if not already in cache
399 | my $p1 = basename($url{$p});
400 | if (! -f "$cachedir/$p1") {
401 | pb_system("wget --tries=5 --quiet -O $cachedir/$p1-new $url{$p}","Downloading package $p1 ...");
402 | rename("$cachedir/$p1-new", "$cachedir/$p1") || die "mv $cachedir/$p1-new $cachedir/$p1 failed: $!";
403 | } else {
404 | pb_log(1,"Package $p1 already in cache\n");
405 | }
406 |
407 | # End if download only
408 | if ($opts{'d'}) {
409 | next;
410 | }
411 |
412 | #
413 | # Copy the cached .RPM files into the oscachedir directory, so that os doesn't need to download them again.
414 | #
415 | pb_log(1,"Link package into $oscachedir\n");
416 | copy("$cachedir/$p1",$oscachedir) if (defined $oscachedir);
417 | symlink("$oscachedir/$p1","$osupdcachedir/p1") if (defined $osupdcachedir);
418 |
419 | # And extract it to the finale dir
420 | pb_system("cd $vepath ; rpm2cpio $cachedir/$p1 | cpio -ivdum --extract-over-symlinks","Extracting package $p1 into $vepath");
421 |
422 | # Remove cached package if not asked to keep
423 | if (! $opts{'k'}) {
424 | unlink("$cachedir/$p1");
425 | }
426 | push(@installed_packages, $p);
427 | }
428 | } else {
429 | pb_log(0,"WARNING: unable to find URL for $p\n");
430 | $warning++;
431 | $lwpkg .= " $p";
432 | }
433 | }
434 |
435 | if ($warning ge 1) {
436 | pb_log(0,"$warning WARNINGS found.\nMaybe you should review your package list for $pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}-$pbos->{'arch'}\nand remove$lwpkg\n");
437 | }
438 |
439 | # Stop here if we just print
440 | if ($opts{'p'}) {
441 | pb_exit(0);
442 | }
443 |
444 | # Now executes the VE finalization steps required for it to work correctly
445 | pb_log(0,"VE post configuration\n");
446 |
447 | # yum needs that distro-release package be installed, so force it
448 | if (($pbos->{'install'} =~ /yum/) || ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /dnf/)) {
449 | my $ddir = $pbos->{'name'};
450 | foreach my $p1 (<$cachedir/($ddir|redhat)-release-*.rpm>) {
451 | copy("$cachedir/$p1","$vepath/tmp");
452 | pb_system("chroot $vepath rpm -ivh --force --nodeps /tmp/$p1","Forcing RPM installation of $p1");
453 | unlink("$vepath/tmp/$p1");
454 | }
455 | # RedHat 6.2 has a buggy termcap setup and doesn't support usage of setarch, so still returns x86_64 in a chroot
456 | } elsif (($pbos->{'name'} =~ /redhat/) && ( $pbos->{'version'} =~ /^6/)) {
457 | pb_system("chroot $vepath ldconfig","Forcing ldconfig on $pbos->{'name'} $pbos->{'version'}");
458 | pb_system("chroot $vepath echo 'arch_canon: x86_64: x86_64 1' >> /etc/rpmrc","Forcing ldconfig on $pbos->{'name'} $pbos->{'version'}");
459 | pb_system("chroot $vepath echo 'arch_compat: x86_64: i386' >> /etc/rpmrc","Forcing ldconfig on $pbos->{'name'} $pbos->{'version'}");
460 | pb_system("chroot $vepath echo 'buildarch_compat: x86_64: i386' >> /etc/rpmrc","Forcing ldconfig on $pbos->{'name'} $pbos->{'version'}");
461 | pb_system("chroot $vepath echo 'buildarchtranslate: x86_64: i386' >> /etc/rpmrc","Forcing ldconfig on $pbos->{'name'} $pbos->{'version'}");
462 | }
463 | #
464 | # Make sure there is a resolv.conf file present, such that DNS lookups succeed.
465 | #
466 | pb_log(1,"Creating resolv.conf\n");
467 | pb_mkdir_p("$vepath/etc");
468 | copy("/etc/resolv.conf","$vepath/etc/");
469 |
470 | #
471 | # BUGFIX:
472 | #
473 | if ((($pbos->{'name'} eq "centos") || ($pbos->{'name'} eq "rhel")) && ($pbos->{'version'} eq "5")) {
474 | pb_log(1,"BUGFIX for centos-5\n");
475 | pb_mkdir_p("$vepath/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/urlgrabber.skx");
476 | foreach my $i (<$vepath/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/urlgrabber/keepalive.*>) {
477 | move($i,"$vepath/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/urlgrabber.skx/");
478 | }
479 | }
480 |
481 | #
482 | # /proc needed
483 | #
484 | pb_mkdir_p("$vepath/proc");
485 | pb_system("mount -o bind /proc $vepath/proc","Mounting /proc") unless (-d "$vepath/proc/$$");
486 |
487 | #
488 | # Some devices may be needed
489 | #
490 | pb_mkdir_p("$vepath/dev");
491 | chmod 0755,"$vepath/dev";
492 | pb_system("mknod -m 644 $vepath/dev/random c 1 8","Creating $vepath/dev/random") if (! -c "$vepath/dev/random");
493 | pb_system("mknod -m 644 $vepath/dev/urandom c 1 9","Creating $vepath/dev/urandom") if (! -c "$vepath/dev/urandom");
494 | pb_system("mknod -m 666 $vepath/dev/zero c 1 5","Creating $vepath/dev/zero") if (! -c "$vepath/dev/zero");
495 | pb_system("mknod -m 666 $vepath/dev/null c 1 3","Creating $vepath/dev/null") if (! -c "$vepath/dev/null");
496 |
497 | # Where is bash
498 | my $bash = "/usr/bin/bash";
499 | if (! -x "$vepath/$bash" ) {
500 | $bash = "/bin/bash";
501 | if (! -x "$vepath/$bash" ) {
502 | die "No bash found in usual places. Please report to dev team";
503 | }
504 | }
505 |
506 |
507 | my $minipkglist;
508 |
509 | pb_log(1,"Adapting $osupdname repository entries\n");
510 | if (($pbos->{'install'} =~ /yum/) || ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /dnf/)) {
511 | #
512 | # Force the architecture for yum/dnf
513 | # The goal is to allow i386 chroot on x86_64
514 | #
515 | # FIX: Not sufficient to have yum/dnf working
516 | # mirrorlist is not usable
517 | # $releasever also needs to be filtered
518 | # yum.conf as well
519 | foreach my $i (<$vepath/etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo>,"$vepath/etc/yum.conf","$vepath/etc/dnf/dnf.conf") {
520 | pb_system("sed -i -e 's/\$basearch/$pbos->{'arch'}/g' $i","","quiet");
521 | pb_system("sed -i -e 's/\$releasever/$pbos->{'version'}/g' $i","","quiet");
522 | pb_system("sed -i -e 's/^mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/' $i","","quiet");
523 | pb_system("sed -i -e 's/^metalink/#metalink/' $i","","quiet");
524 | # rather use neutral separators here
525 | pb_system("sed -i -e 's|^#baseurl.*\$|baseurl=$repo|' $i","","quiet");
526 | }
527 | my $pkgmgr = "";
528 | if ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /yum/) {
529 | $pkgmgr = "yum";
530 | }
531 | if ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /dnf/) {
532 | $pkgmgr = "dnf";
533 | }
534 | $minipkglist = "ldconfig $pkgmgr passwd vim-minimal dhclient authconfig";
535 | } elsif ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /zypper/) {
536 | pb_mkdir_p("$vepath/etc/zypp/repos.d");
537 | open(REPO,"> $vepath/etc/zypp/repos.d/$pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}") || die "Unable to create repo file";
538 | my $baseurl = dirname(dirname($mirror));
539 | # Setup the repo
540 | if ($pbos->{'version'} eq "10.2") {
541 | pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -c \"yes | /usr/bin/zypper sa $baseurl $pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}\"","Bootstrapping Zypper");
542 | } else {
543 | # don't care if remove fails if add succeeds.
544 | pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -c \"/usr/bin/zypper rr $pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}\"","Bootstrapping Zypper","mayfail");
545 | pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -c \"/usr/bin/zypper ar $baseurl $pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}\"","Bootstrapping Zypper");
546 | }
547 | #print REPO << "EOF";
548 | #[opensuse]
549 | #name=$pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}
550 | #baseurl=$baseurl
551 | #enabled=1
552 | #gpgcheck=1
553 | #
554 | #EOF
555 | close(REPO);
556 | $minipkglist = "zypper aaa_base";
557 | # TODO: Re-installing packages missing and necessary on opensuse 11.4 to get /etc/passwd created.
558 | } elsif ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /urpmi/) {
559 | # Setup the repo
560 | my $baseurl = dirname(dirname(dirname($mirror)));
561 | pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -c \"urpmi.addmedia --distrib $baseurl\"","Bootstrapping URPMI");
562 | # TODO here too ?
563 | $minipkglist = "ldconfig urpmi bash passwd vim-minimal dhcp-client";
564 | } elsif ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /\/rpm/) {
565 | opendir(CDIR,$cachedir) || die "Unable to open directory $cachedir: $!";
566 | foreach my $p (@installed_packages) {
567 | foreach my $f (readdir(CDIR)) {
568 | # find an rpm package ref name-ver-tag.arch.rpm
569 | next if ($f =~ /^\./);
570 | if ($f =~ /^$p-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.(noarch|$parch)\.rpm$/) {
571 | # Copy it to the chroot and reference it
572 | copy("$cachedir/$f","$vepath/var/cache");
573 | $minipkglist .= " /var/cache/$f";
574 | last;
575 | }
576 | }
577 | rewinddir(CDIR);
578 | }
579 | closedir(CDIR);
580 | }
581 |
582 | #
583 | # Run "install the necessary modules".
584 | # No need for sudo here
585 | #
586 | $pbos->{'install'} =~ s/sudo//g;
587 | if (((defined $ENV{http_proxy}) && ($ENV{http_proxy} ne '')) || ((defined $ENV{https_proxy}) && ($ENV{https_proxy} ne '')) || ((defined $ENV{ftp_proxy}) && ($ENV{ftp_proxy} ne ''))) {
588 | if ($pbos->{'name'} eq "opensuse") {
589 | # For opensuse 11.4 or 12.1 -- one of them didn't work with http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY set.
590 | open(PROXY, "> $vepath/etc/sysconfig/proxy") || die "can't open $vepath/etc/sysconfig/proxy: $!";
591 | print PROXY "HTTP_PROXY=$ENV{http_proxy}\n" if ((defined $ENV{http_proxy}) && ($ENV{http_proxy} ne ''));
592 | print PROXY "HTTPS_PROXY=$ENV{https_proxy}\n" if ((defined $ENV{https_proxy}) && ($ENV{https_proxy} ne ''));
593 | print PROXY "FTP_PROXY=$ENV{ftp_proxy}\n" if ((defined $ENV{ftp_proxy}) && ($ENV{ftp_proxy} ne ''));
594 | close(PROXY);
595 | }
596 | }
597 |
598 | # Keep redhat variants from destroying nis domain on install
599 | #pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -e -c \"ln -snf /bin/true /bin/domainname\"");
600 |
601 | #if ($pbos->{'name'} =~ /fedora/i) { # hack to prevent fedora from destroying NIS settings on host
602 | # open (AUTH, ">$vepath/etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac") || die "unable to open $vepath/etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac for write: $!";
603 | # print AUTH "#pam_systemd -- will fix later in bootstrap\n";
604 | # close(AUTH);
605 | #}
606 | pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -c \"$pbos->{'install'} $minipkglist \"","Bootstrapping OS by running $pbos->{'install'} $minipkglist");
607 |
608 | # CentOS6 will replace the yum.repos.d files; oddly it will leave the yum.conf file alone and make the new one ".rpmnew"
609 | if (($pbos->{'name'} eq "centos") && ($pbos->{'version'} =~ /^6.*/)) {
610 | pb_log(0,"Fixing $pbos->{'name'} $pbos->{'version'} bug for yum conf files");
611 | foreach my $from (<$vepath/etc/yum.repos.d/*.rpmorig>) {
612 | my $to = $from;
613 | $to =~ s/.rpmorig$//;
614 | pb_system("mv $from $to", "Recover $from");
615 | }
616 | }
617 |
618 | #
619 | # make 'passwd' work.
620 | #
621 | pb_log(1,"Authfix\n");
622 | # TODO: Not generic enough to be done like that IMHO
623 | # In case it was changed during the install
624 | #pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -e -c \"ln -snf /bin/true /bin/domainname\"");
625 | pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -c \"if [ -x /usr/bin/authconfig ]; then /usr/bin/authconfig --enableshadow --update --nostart; fi\"","Calling authconfig");
626 |
627 | # Installed additional packages we were asked to
628 | if (defined $opts{'a'}) {
629 | $opts{'a'} =~ s/,/ /g;
630 | pb_system("chroot $vepath $bash -c \"$pbos->{'install'} $opts{'a'} \"","Adding packages to OS by running $pbos->{'install'} $opts{'a'}");
631 | }
632 |
633 | #
634 | # Clean up
635 | #
636 | pb_log(1,"Cleaning up\n");
637 | if ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /yum/) {
638 | pb_system("chroot $vepath /usr/bin/yum clean all","Cleaning yum");
639 | }
640 | if ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /dnf/) {
641 | pb_system("chroot $vepath /usr/bin/dnf clean all","Cleaning dnf");
642 | }
643 | pb_system("umount $vepath/proc","Unmounting /proc");
644 | find(\&unlink_old_conf, $vepath);
645 |
646 | # Executes post-install step if asked for
647 | if ($opts{'s'}) {
648 | pb_system("$opts{'s'} $vepath","Executing the post-install script: $opts{'s'} $vepath");
649 | }
650 |
651 | if ($warning > 0) {
652 | pb_log(0,"\n\n\n\n$warning WARNINGS found.\nMaybe you should review your package list for $pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}-$pbos->{'arch'}\nand remove$lwpkg\n");
653 | pb_log(0,"waiting 60 seconds to give you a chance to notice.\n");
654 | sleep(60);
655 | }
656 |
657 | pb_exit();
658 |
659 | # Function for File::Find
660 | sub unlink_old_conf {
661 |
662 | unlink($_) if ($_ =~ /\.rpmorig$/);
663 | unlink($_) if ($_ =~ /\.rpmnew$/);
664 | }
665 |
666 | # Function to store packages found on Web pages
667 |
668 | sub rbs_find_pkg {
669 |
670 | my $l = shift;
671 | my $parch = shift;
672 | my $type = shift;
673 |
674 | pb_log(2,"Entering rbs_find_pkg with l=$l and parch=$parch\n");
675 | # Find a href ref in first pos
676 | if ($l =~ /<a href="([^<>]*)">([^<>]*)<\/a>/i) {
677 | my $pkg = $1;
678 | my $desc = $2;
679 | pb_log(3,"Found desc URL $desc: ");
680 | # find an rpm package ref name-ver-tag.arch.rpm
681 | if (($type eq "pkg") && ($pkg =~ /(.+)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.(noarch|$parch)\.rpm$/)) {
682 | pb_log(3,"package ($1 + $2 + $3 + $4)\n");
683 | my $url = $1;
684 | pb_log(2,"Exiting rbs_find_pkg with url=$url and desc=$desc\n");
685 | return($url,$pkg);
686 | } elsif (($type eq "dir") && ($pkg =~ /([0-z])\//)) {
687 | my $url = $1;
688 | pb_log(3,"dir ($1)\n");
689 | return($url,$1);
690 | } else {
691 | pb_log(3,"not a package\n");
692 | }
693 | }
694 | pb_log(2,"Exiting rbs_find_pkg with undef\n");
695 | return(undef,undef);
696 | }
697 |
698 | sub rbs_mirror_response {
699 |
700 | my $mirror = shift;
701 |
702 | pb_log(0,"Downloading package list from $mirror ...\n");
703 | my $response = $ua->get($mirror);
704 | if (! $response->is_success) {
705 | if ($mirror =~ /i386/) {
706 | # Some distro have an i586 or i686 mirror dir instead for i386
707 | warn "Unable to download package from $mirror for $pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}-$pbos->{'arch'}.".$response->status_line;
708 | $mirror =~ s|/i386/|/i586/|;
709 | pb_log(0,"Downloading now package list from $mirror ...\n");
710 | $response = $ua->get($mirror);
711 | if (! $response->is_success) {
712 | die "Unable to download package from $mirror for $pbos->{'name'}-$pbos->{'version'}-$pbos->{'arch'}".$response->status_line;
713 | }
714 | }
715 | }
716 | pb_log(3,"Mirror $mirror gave answer: ".Dumper($response->dump(maxlength => 0))."\n");
717 |
718 | # Try to find where the repodata structure is for later usage
719 | my $repo = $mirror;
720 | my $found = 0;
721 | if (($pbos->{'install'} =~ /yum/) || ($pbos->{'install'} =~ /dnf/)) {
722 | my $response1;
723 | while ($found == 0) {
724 | $response1 = $ua->get("$repo/repodata");
725 | pb_log(2,"REPO analyzed: $repo\n");
726 | if (! $response1->is_success) {
727 | $repo = dirname($repo);
728 |
729 | # There is a limit to the loop, when / is reached and nothing found
730 | my ($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri($repo);
731 | die "Unable to find the repodata structure of the mirror $mirror\nPlease check the URL or warn the dev team.\n" if (($path =~ /^[\/]+$/) || ($path =~ /^$/));
732 |
733 | # / not reached, so looping
734 | next;
735 | } else {
736 | # repodata found $repo is correct
737 | $found = 1;
738 | pb_log(2,"REPO found: $repo\n");
739 | last;
740 | }
741 | }
742 | }
743 | return($repo,$response);
744 | }
745 |