1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 | #
3 | =head1 NAME
4 |
5 | cbusterize - Creates the correct CasparBuster structure in your CMS environment
6 |
7 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
8 |
9 | cbusterize.pl [options] --source /path/to/file/to/CasparBusterize
10 |
11 | Options:
12 | --debug |-d debug mode
13 | --help |-h brief help message
14 | --man full documentation
15 | --source |-s <file/dir> directory or file to copy in the CasparBuster tree
16 | --machine|-m <machine> machine to consider in the subtree
17 |
18 | =head1 OPTIONS
19 |
20 | =over 4
21 |
22 | =item B<--debug>
23 |
24 | Enter debug mode. This will print what would be done. No commands are executed,
25 | so this is safe to use when testing.
26 |
27 | =item B<--help>
28 |
29 | Print a brief help message and exits.
30 |
31 | =item B<--man>
32 |
33 | Prints the manual page and exits.
34 |
35 | =item B<--machine> I<machine name>
36 |
37 | Specify the machine to consider when dealing with the CasparBuster structure.
38 | The file will be taken from this machine, and a subdirectory named after the machine
39 | will be used under the basedir to host the directory structure to manage
40 |
41 | =item B<--source> I<path>
42 |
43 | Specify the path to the source file or directory to manage with CasparBuster.
44 |
45 | =back
46 |
47 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
48 |
49 | Creates a directory under the machine dir passed as parameter in working
50 | directory or directory passed as parameter named like the last path
51 | element of the parameter, and creates the standard CasparBuster setup
52 | that refers to the parameter path in the new directory, and configuration
53 | files when possible. It also copies the original config file into the new dir.
54 | Is reasonably picky about path names, tries to avoid common errors.
55 |
56 | Schema looks like:
57 |
58 | Base dir
59 | |
60 | |- machine1 (optional)
61 | | |
62 | | |-- conf dir1
63 | | | |
64 | | | |- conf file 1
65 | | [...] [...]
66 | |
67 | |- machine2 (optional)
68 | | |
69 | | |-- conf dir2
70 | | | |
71 | | | |- conf file 2
72 | | [...] [...]
73 |
74 | Use of machines require use of option -m (if using cbusemachines in cb.conf)
75 | If not, the conf dirs are directly attached to the base dir
76 |
77 | =head1 EXAMPLES
78 |
79 | # this will create the appropriate CasparBuster environment
80 | # under the base ~/prj/musique-ancienne.org directory (Cf cbbasedir in cb.conf)
81 | # containing the directory victoria2 for this machine
82 | # under which it will copy the required structure if needed (/etc/ssh)
83 | # to finaly put a copy of the file sshd_conf in it from the victoria2 machine
84 |
85 | cbusterize -m victoria2 -s /etc/ssh/sshd_config
86 |
87 | =head1 AUTHOR
88 |
89 | =over 4
90 |
91 | Bruno Cornec, http://brunocornec.wordpress.com
92 |
93 | =back
94 |
95 | =head1 LICENSE
96 |
97 | Copyright (C) 2012 Bruno Cornec <bruno@project-builder.org>
98 | Released under the GPLv2 or the Artistic license at your will.
99 |
100 | =cut
101 | use strict;
102 | use Cwd 'realpath';
103 | use File::Find;
104 | use File::Copy;
105 | use File::Basename;
106 | use File::Path;
107 | use File::Glob ':glob';
108 | use Getopt::Long;
109 | use Pod::Usage;
110 | use List::Util qw(first);
111 | use ProjectBuilder::Base;
112 | use ProjectBuilder::Conf;
113 | use CasparBuster::Env;
114 |
115 | # settings
116 | my $debug = 0;
117 | my $help = 0;
118 | my $man = 0;
119 | my $source = undef;
120 | my $machine = undef;
121 | my $quiet = undef;
122 | my $log = undef;
123 | my $LOG = undef;
124 |
125 | my ($cbver,$cbrev) = pb_version_init();
126 | my $appname = "cb";
127 | $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = $appname;
128 | pb_temp_init();
129 |
130 | # Initialize the syntax string
131 | pb_syntax_init("$appname (aka CasparBuster) Version $cbver-$cbrev\n");
132 |
133 | # parse command-line options
134 | GetOptions(
135 | 'machine|m=s' => \$machine,
136 | 'debug|d+' => \$debug,
137 | 'help|h' => \$help,
138 | 'quiet|q' => \$quiet,
139 | 'man' => \$man,
140 | 'log-files|l=s' => \$log,
141 | 'source|s=s' => \$source,
142 | ) || pb_syntax(-1,0);
143 |
144 | if (defined $help) {
145 | pb_syntax(0,1);
146 | }
147 | if (defined $man) {
148 | pb_syntax(0,2);
149 | }
150 | if (defined $quiet) {
151 | $debug=-1;
152 | }
153 | if (defined $log) {
154 | open(LOG,"> $log") || die "Unable to log to $log: $!";
155 | $LOG = \*LOG;
156 | $debug = 0 if ($debug == -1);
157 | }
158 | pb_log_init($debug, $LOG);
159 | pb_log(0,"Starting cbusterize\n");
160 |
161 | # Get conf file in context
162 | pb_conf_init($appname);
163 | # The system one
164 | pb_conf_add(cb_env_conffile());
165 | # The personal one if there is such
166 | pb_conf_add("$ENV{'HOME'}/.cbrc") if (-f "$ENV{'HOME'}/.cbrc");
167 |
168 | # Get configuration parameters
169 | my ($basedir,$opt,$usemach,$pluginsdir,$cms) = pb_conf_get("cbbasedir","cbdatabase","cbusemachines","cbpluginssubdir","cbcms");
170 |
171 | # Check for mandatory params
172 | pod2usage("Error: --source is a mandatory argument\n") (if not defined $source);
173 | pod2usage("Error: --machine is a mandatory argument when configure with cbusemachines = true\n") if ($usemach->{$appname} =~ /true/) && (not defined $machine));
174 |
175 | # Are the source and basedir full path names ? if not, make it such
176 | $source = realpath($source);
177 | $basedir = realpath($basedir->{$appname});
178 |
179 | # debug mode overview
180 | if ($debug) {
181 | print <<EOF;
182 | DEBUG MODE, not doing anything, just printing
183 | DEBUG: basedir = $basedir
184 | DEBUG: source = $source
185 | EOF
186 | if (defined ($machine)) {
187 | print "DEBUG: machine = $machine\n";
188 | }
189 | }
190 |
191 | # Create basedir if it doesn't exist
192 | if (not -d $basedir) {
193 | if ($debug) {
194 | print "DEBUG: Creating recursively directory $basedir\n";
195 | } else {
196 | mkpath($basedir,0,0755) or die "Unable to recursively create $basedir";
197 | # TODO: Add it to the CMS
198 | }
199 | }
200 |
201 | # Is the source a file or a dir ? Split the source parameter in 2
202 | my $srcdir = undef;
203 | my $srcfile = undef;
204 | if (-d $source) {
205 | $srcdir = $source;
206 | } else {
207 | $srcdir = dirname($source);
208 | $srcfile = basename($source);
209 | }
210 |
211 | if ($debug) {
212 | print "DEBUG: Found srcdir = $srcdir\n";
213 | if (defined $srcfile) {
214 | print "DEBUG: Found srcfile = $srcfile\n";
215 | } else {
216 | print "DEBUG: Found no srcfile\n";
217 | }
218 | }
219 |
220 | # Find the include/install.mk file by looking up the tree
221 | # from basedir/machine or basedir if no machine given
222 | my $sdir1 = $basedir;
223 | $sdir1 .= "/$machine" if defined ($machine);
224 | my $sdir = $sdir1;
225 | while (! -f "$sdir/include/install.mk") {
226 | $sdir = dirname($sdir);
227 | if ($sdir eq "/") {
228 | die <<EOF;
229 | ERROR: No include/install.mk file was found while
230 | parsing $sdir1 and its parents
231 | Your tree is not CasparBuster compliant.
232 | Please fix it before relaunching CasparBuster.pl
233 | EOF
234 | }
235 | }
236 | if ($debug) {
237 | print "DEBUG: Found sdir = $sdir\n";
238 | }
239 | # Now checking conformity
240 | print "CHECK: $sdir/include/install.mk\n" if ($debug);
241 | my $cf = 0;
242 | my $remote = undef;
243 | open(MF,"$sdir/include/install.mk");
244 | while (<MF>) {
245 | if (($_ =~ /csp_UHOST\s*=/) && ($_ =~ /(\w+\@$machine.*)/)) {
246 | $remote = $1;
247 | $cf++;
248 | if ($debug) {
249 | print "DEBUG: csp_UHOST conform line found with ref to $machine\n";
250 | print "DEBUG: remote configuration is $remote\n";
251 | }
252 | }
253 | if (/include\s+CasparBuster\/mk\/CasparBuster.mk/) {
254 | $cf++;
255 | if ($debug) {
256 | print "DEBUG: include conform line found with ref to CasparBuster.mk\n";
257 | }
258 | }
259 | }
260 | close(MF);
261 | if ($cf < 2) {
262 | print "WARNING: Non conform $sdir/include/install.mk file found\n";
263 | }
264 | die "No remote configuration defined in $sdir/include/install.mk" if (not defined $remote);
265 |
266 | my $target = "$sdir1/$srcdir";
267 | # If both source and target are dirs, then copy into the parent of the target
268 | $target = basename($target) if ((not defined $srcfile) && (-d $target));
269 |
270 | # Create Makefiles if none exists also in parents, warn else
271 | my $tdir = $target;
272 | my $sd = $srcdir;
273 | while (! -f "$tdir/Makefile") {
274 |
275 | # Create target if it doesn't exist
276 | if (not -d $tdir) {
277 | if ($debug) {
278 | print "DEBUG: Creating recursively directory $tdir\n";
279 | } else {
280 | mkpath($tdir,0,0755) or die "Unable to recursively create $tdir";
281 | print "INFO: Created $tdir you may want to add it to your CMS\n";
282 | }
283 | }
284 |
285 | if (-f "$tdir/Makefile") {
286 | print "CHECK: $tdir/Makefile\n" if ($debug);
287 | # Now checking conformity
288 | $cf = 0;
289 | open(MF,"$tdir/Makefile") || die "Unable to open $tdir/Makefile";
290 | while (<MF>) {
291 | my $sd1 = $sd;
292 | $sd1 =~ s|/|\/|g;
293 | if (/csp_DIR\s*=\s*$sd1/) {
294 | $cf++;
295 | if ($debug) {
296 | print "DEBUG: csp_DIR conform line found with ref to $sd\n";
297 | }
298 | }
299 | $sd1 = $sdir;
300 | $sd1 =~ s|/|\/|g;
301 | if (/include\s+$sd1[\/]*install.mk/) {
302 | $cf++;
303 | if ($debug) {
304 | print "DEBUG: include conform line found with ref to install.mk\n";
305 | }
306 | }
307 | close(MF);
308 |
309 | if ($cf < 2) {
310 | print "WARNING: Non conform $tdir/Makefile file found\n";
311 | }
312 | }
313 | } else {
314 | # In this case we create one
315 | if ($debug) {
316 | print <<EOF;
317 | DEBUG: Creating $tdir/Makefile with the following content:
318 | csp_DIR = $sd
319 | include $sdir/include/install.mk
320 | EOF
321 | } else {
322 | my $mf = "$tdir/Makefile";
323 | $mf =~ s|//|/|g;
324 | open(MF,"> $mf") || die "Unable to create $mf";
325 | print MF <<EOF;
326 | # Created by CasparBuster.pl - \$Id\$
327 | csp_DIR = $sd
328 | # That include should be last of these declarations
329 | include $sdir/include/install.mk
330 | EOF
331 | close(MF);
332 | print "INFO: Created $mf you may want to add it to your CMS\n";
333 | }
334 | }
335 | $tdir = dirname($tdir);
336 | $sd = dirname($sd);
337 | if ($debug) {
338 | print "DEBUG: Next round, tdir = $tdir and sd = $sd\n";
339 | }
340 | # Stop at basedir
341 | last if ($tdir eq $basedir);
342 | }
343 |
344 | # We need to know where to get the content from
345 | my $cmd;
346 | my $cmdopt = "";
347 |
348 | # Recursive if we copy dirs
349 | $cmdopt = "-r" if (not defined $srcfile);
350 |
351 | if (defined $machine) {
352 | $cmd = "scp -p -q $cmdopt $remote:$source $target";
353 | } else {
354 | $cmd = "cp -p $cmdopt $source $target";
355 | }
356 | # Now add content if not already there
357 | if ((defined $srcfile) && (! -f "$target/$srcfile")) {
358 | if ($debug) {
359 | print "DEBUG: launching $cmd\n";
360 | } else {
361 | system($cmd);
362 | print "INFO: Created $target/$srcfile you may want to add it to your CMS\n";
363 | }
364 | }