#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME md2mb.pl - Import a maildir kmail environment into a thunderbird one =cut use strict; use File::Find; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Glob ':glob'; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use List::Util qw(first); # settings my $cmd = 'formail'; my $debug = 0; my $file = 0; # is the newroot a file (1) or a dir (0) ? my $help = 0; my $man = 0; my $oldroot = first { -d } "$ENV{HOME}/.Mail", "$ENV{HOME}/Mail"; my @default_profiles = bsd_glob("$ENV{HOME}/.thunderbird/*.default"); my $profile = shift @default_profiles; # if there is more than one default profile (quite unlikely, but you never # know), unset $profile again and let the user resolve this if (@default_profiles) { undef $profile } my $subdir; my $touch = 0; # parse command-line options GetOptions( 'cmd|c=s' => \$cmd, 'debug|d+' => \$debug, 'file|f' => \$file, 'help|h' => \$help, 'man|m' => \$man, 'oldroot|o=s' => \$oldroot, 'profile|p=s' => \$profile, 'subdir|s=s' => \$subdir, 'touch|t' => \$touch, ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if ($help); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if ($man); defined $subdir or pod2usage("Error: -subdir is a mandatory argument\n"); # the new root is constructed from the profile and the chosen subdirectory name my $newroot = "$profile/$subdir" if defined $profile; # debug mode overview if ($debug) { print </dev/null 2>/dev/null") == 0 or die <>', $_ or die "cannot open $_: $!"; } }, $newroot); } # rename `inbox' to `Inbox' if ((-z "$newroot/Inbox") || (! -e "$newroot/Inbox")) { if ($debug) { print "RENAMING inbox($newroot/inbox) INTO Inbox($newroot/Inbox)\n" if (-e "$newroot/inbox"); } else { print "Renaming inbox into Inbox\n"; move("$newroot/inbox","$newroot/Inbox") if (-e "$newroot/inbox"); } } sub md2mb { if (-f $File::Find::name) { if (($File::Find::name =~ /\.ids$/) || ($File::Find::name =~ /\.sorted$/) || ($File::Find::name =~ /\.index$/)) { print "SKIP FILE: $File::Find::name\n" if ($debug); return; } } if (-d $File::Find::name) { if (($File::Find::name =~ /\/cur$/) || ($File::Find::name =~ /\/new$/) || ($File::Find::name =~ /\/tmp$/)) { print "SKIP DIR: $File::Find::name\n" if ($debug); return; } } my $destname = $File::Find::name; # Target name is under a different root dir $destname =~ s|^$oldroot||; # Target name is not under a .directory dir but under a .sdb one $destname =~ s|\.([^/]+)\.directory/|$1.sbd/|g; # Here we create the target dir and target name my $outputfile="$newroot/$destname"; my $cdir = dirname("$outputfile"); # Handle case where target file name is empty $outputfile="$newroot" if ($destname =~ /^\s*$/); # When we treat a dir, we will have to handle what it has below if (-d $File::Find::name) { if ($debug) { print "DIR SRC: $File::Find::name\n"; } my @files = (bsd_glob("$File::Find::name/cur/*"),bsd_glob("$File::Find::name/new/*")); if (@files) { if ($debug) { print "DIR ($File::Find::name) DIR TARGET: mkdir -p $cdir\n" if (not -d "$cdir"); } else { mkpath("$cdir",0, 0755) if (not -d "$cdir"); } } foreach my $file (@files) { next unless -f $file; # skip non-regular files next unless -s $file; # skip empty files next unless -r $file; # skip unreadable files $file =~ s/'/'"'"'/g; # escape ' (single quote) # NOTE! The output file must not contain single quotes (')! my $run = "cat '$file' | $cmd >> '$outputfile'"; if ($debug) { print "COPYING CONTENT maildir($file) to $outputfile\n"; print "CMD: $run\n"; } else { print "Copying maildir content from $file to $outputfile\n"; system($run) == 0 or warn "cannot run \"$run\"."; } } } if (-f $File::Find::name) { if (($File::Find::name =~ /\/cur\//) || ($File::Find::name =~ /\/new\//) || ($File::Find::name =~ /\/tmp\//)) { print "SKIP FILE: $File::Find::name\n" if ($debug); return; } if ($debug) { print "FILE ($File::Find::name) TARGET DIR: mkdir -p $cdir\n" if (not -d "$cdir"); print "CMD: cp $File::Find::name $cdir\n"; } else { print "Copying mailbox content from $File::Find::name to $cdir\n"; mkpath("$cdir",0, 0755) if (not -d "$cdir"); copy($File::Find::name,$cdir); } } } __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS md2mb.pl [options] -s name Options: -cmd | -c command to process mail -debug | -d debug mode -file | -f whether $newroot is a file or a directory -help | -h brief help message -man | -m full documentation -oldroot | -o location of the KMail mailboxes -profile | -p path to the Thunderbird profile to install to -subdir | -s subdir that will be created to hold the imported mails -touch | -t create empty files corresponding to .sdb dirs =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-cmd> I Use I to process your maildirs. By default uses B in your C<$PATH>, but you can use this option to specify the full path to the executable to use instead. =item B<-debug> Enter debug mode. This will print what would be done. No commands are executed, so this is safe to use when testing. =item B<-file> Specifies that $newroot is a file. If this option is omitted, it is assumed that $newroot is a directory instead. =item B<-help> Print a brief help message and exits. =item B<-man> Prints the manual page and exits. =item B<-oldroot> I Specify where your B mailboxes are to be found. By default assumes a folder called F<.Mail> or F in your homedir, preferring F<.Mail> if it exists. =item B<-profile> I Specify the path to the Thunderbird profile. Your imported mails will go inside a directory in this profile. By default uses the default profile in the F<.thunderbird> directory in your home directory, if it is unique. =item B<-subdir> I Specify the subdirectory I that will be created inside the Thunderbird profile to hold the imported mails. This option is mandatory; there is no default. =item B<-touch> Create empty files corresponding to the F<.sbd> dirs created by this script. Use this hack if your mails don't show up in Thunderbird. =back =head1 EXAMPLES # this will fetch all mails from the folder .Mail or Mail in your home # directory, and import them into your default Thunderbird profile, in # a directory called Mail/pop.home.musique-ancienne.org/ # # usually, this is all you need to specify: perl md2mb.pl -s Mail/pop.home.musique-ancienne.org/ # on your computer, the mails may end up in # /users/segolene/.thunderbird/qk2f4dl6.default/Mail/pop.home.musique-ancienne.org/ # if md2mb.pl cannot figure out where your default Thunderbird profile # is, use the following: perl md2mb.pl -p ~/.thunderbird/qk2f4dl6.default -s Mail/pop.home.musique-ancienne.org/ =head1 DESCRIPTION B will import a B maildir environment, and transform it into a B one. It relies on B (or an equivalent utility) being available on your system. By default, B assumes that your B mailboxes are stored in a folder called F<.Mail> or F in your homedir. If this assumption is incorrect, you need to specify the correct folder with B<-oldroot>. The mails will be imported into the Thunderbird profile that is either specified with B<-profile> or determined automatically. The script will try to determine the default Thunderbird profile automatically. If there is a folder that ends in F<.default> in the F<.thunderbird> directory in your home dir, and if it is unique, that one will be used. The mails finally end up in a subdirectory below the profile. You must specify the subdirectory on the command line with B<-subdir>, as shown in the examples above. If you have used a structure with subfolders in KMail, mails in subfolders might not show up in Thunderbird. Remove the import, and run again with B<-touch>. =head1 AUTHOR =over 4 =item * Bruno Cornec, http://brunocornec.wordpress.com =item * Edward Baudrez, C<< ebaudrez@cpan.org >> =back =head1 LICENSE Released under the GPLv2 or the Artistic license at your will. =cut