#!/bin/bash DISK_LABEL="LiveUSB" clear echo "*** Deploying iLO Configuration only ***" HWDISC_FILE=/tmp/hpdiscovery.xml export TMPDIR=$(mktemp -t -d liveusb.XXXXXX) mount -t vfat /dev/disk/by-label/${DISK_LABEL} $TMPDIR echo "" echo "Loading storage drivers for hardware" ./load_modules.sh echo "" echo "Pausing to allow drivers to finish loading" sleep 15 echo "" ## rerun hardware discovery ./hpdiscovery -f ${HWDISC_FILE} echo "Hardware Discovery saved to ${HWDISC_FILE}" ## use hwquery to fetch the SystemName from hardware discovery file. ( extra " " are required ) export "`./hwquery ${HWDISC_FILE} allboards.xml SERVERTYPE=SystemName`"; echo "Server Type: ${SERVERTYPE}" ./ifhw ${HWDISC_FILE} allboards.xml "PCI:Integrated Lights-Out" 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then modprobe hpilo # First reset iLO to factory default # hponcfg -r # The apply minimal config hponcfg -f ${TMPDIR}/data_files/ilo.dat if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo "Integrated Lights-Out Configuration data_files/ilo.dat APPLIED" fi fi ./stop.sh