source: ProjectBuilder/devel/pb/bin/ 17

Last change on this file since 17 was 17, checked in by Bruno Cornec, 17 years ago

Still in dev. phase - lots of changes - near the end for cms2build

  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 9.2 KB
[5]1#!/usr/bin/perl -w
3# Project Builder main application
5# $Id$
7# Copyright B. Cornec 2007
8# Provided under the GPL v2
[9]10# Syntax: pb [-p project] <action> [<params>...]
[5]12use strict;
13use Switch;
14use Getopt::Std;
[9]15use Data::Dumper;
16use English;
[16]17use AppConfig qw(:argcount :expand);
18use File::Basename;
[17]19use Archive::Tar;
[13]20use Time::localtime qw(localtime);
21use POSIX qw(strftime);
[17]23use lib qw (lib);
24use vars qw (%defpkgdir %extpkgdir %version %param %filteredfiles);
[9]25use common qw (env_init);
[17]26use pb qw (defpkgdir extpkgdir version param filteredfiles pb_init);
[11]27use distro qw (distro_init);
[5]28use cms;
[17]29use changelog qw (changelog);
31my %opts; # CLI Options
[9]32my $action; # action to realize
33my $test = "FALSE";
34my $option = "";
35my @pkgs;
[16]36my $pbtag; # Global TAG variable
37my $pbver; # Global VERSION variable
38my $pbrev; # GLOBAL REVISION variable
39my @date=(localtime->sec(), localtime->min(), localtime->hour(), localtime->mday(), localtime->mon(), localtime->year(), localtime->wday(), localtime->yday(), localtime->isdst());
40my $pbdate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", @date);
44# Handles project name if any
45if (defined $opts{'p'}) {
[9]46 $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = env_init($opts{'p'});
[5]47} else {
[9]48 $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = env_init();
[9]50# Handles test option
51if (defined $opts{'t'}) {
52 $test = "TRUE";
53 # Works only for SVN
54 $option = "-r BASE";
[9]57# Get Action
58$action = shift @ARGV;
59die "Syntax: pb [-p project] <action> [<params>...]" if (not defined $action);
[9]61print "Project $ENV{'PBPROJ'}\n";
62#print "Action: $action - ARGV:".Dumper(\@ARGV);
64# Act depending on action
65if ($action =~ /^cms2build$/) {
66 print "Action: cms2build\n";
67 # Get packages list
68 if (not defined $ARGV[0]) {
69 @pkgs = keys %defpkgdir;
70 } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^all$/) {
71 @pkgs = keys %defpkgdir;
72 push(@pkgs, keys %extpkgdir);
73 } else {
74 @pkgs = @ARGV;
75 }
76 print "Packages:\n";
77 print Dumper(@pkgs);
78 cms_init();
[17]80 foreach my $pkg (@pkgs) {
[17]82 if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$pkg/VERSION") {
83 open(V,"$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$pkg/VERSION") || die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBROOT'}/$pkg/VERSION";
[16]84 $pbver = <V>;
85 chomp($pbver);
[9]86 close(V);
87 } else {
[16]88 $pbver = $ENV{'PBVER'};
[9]89 }
[17]91 if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$pkg/TAG") {
92 open(T,"$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$pkg/TAG") || die "Unable to open $ENV{'PBROOT'}/$pkg/TAG";
[16]93 $pbtag = <T>;
94 chomp($pbtag);
[9]95 close(T);
96 } else {
[16]97 $pbtag = $ENV{'PBTAG'};
[9]98 }
[16]99 $pbrev = $ENV{'PBREVISION'};
[17]100 print "Management of $pkg $pbver-$pbtag (rev $pbrev)\n";
[9]101 die "Unable to get env var PBDESTDIR" if (not defined $ENV{'PBDESTDIR'});
[16]102 # Clean up dest if necessary. The export will recreate it
[17]103 my $dest = "$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$pkg-$pbver";
[9]104 pbrm_rf($dest) if (-d $dest);
106 # Export CMS tree for the concerned package to dest
107 # And generate some additional files
[17]109 print "$ENV{'PBCMSEXP'} of $pkg...";
[9]110 # computes in which dir we have to work
[17]111 my $dir = $defpkgdir{$pkg};
112 $dir = $extpkgdir{$pkg} if (not defined $dir);
[9]113 system("$ENV{'PBCMSEXP'} $option $ENV{'PBROOT'}/$dir $dest 1>/dev/null");
114 if ($? == -1) {
115 print "failed to execute: $!\n";
116 } elsif ($? & 127) {
117 printf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
118 } else {
119 print " Done under $dest\n";
120 }
122 # Creates a REVISION file
123 open(R,"> $dest/REVISION") || die "Unable to create $dest/REVISION";
[16]124 print R "$pbrev\n";
[9]125 close(R);
127 # Extract cms log history and store it
128 system("$ENV{'PBCMSLOG'} $option $ENV{'PBROOT'}/$dir > $dest/$ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}");
[17]129 print "$ENV{'PBCMSLOG'} of $pkg...";
[9]130 if ($? == -1) {
131 print "failed to execute: $!\n";
132 } elsif ($? & 127) {
133 printf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
134 } else {
135 print " OK\n";
136 }
[11]137 open(D,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/DISTROS") || die "Unable to find $ENV{'PBCONF'}/DISTROS\n";
138 while (<D>) {
139 my $d = $_;
140 my ($dir,$ver) = split(/_/,$d);
141 chomp($ver);
142 print "Generating build files for $dir ($ver)\n";
143 my ($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $dsuf) = distro_init($dir,$ver);
144 #print Dumper($ddir, $dver, $dfam, $dtype, $dsuf);
[16]145 #print "Filtering DDD => $pbdate, TTT => $pbtag, RRR => $pbtag$dsuf, VVV => $pbver\n";
[16]147 # Filter build files from the less precise up to the most with overloading
[13]148 # Filter all files found, keeping the name, and generating in dest
150 # Find all build files first relatively to PBROOT
151 my %bfiles;
[17]152 #print "dir: $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg\n";
153 if (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$dtype") {
154 opendir(BDIR,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$dtype" || die "Unable to open dir $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$dtype: $!");
[16]155 foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
156 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
[17]157 $bfiles{$f} = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$dtype/$f";
[16]158 $bfiles{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOT'}~~;
159 }
[13]160 closedir(BDIR);
[17]161 } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$dfam") {
162 opendir(BDIR,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$dfam" || die "Unable to open dir $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$dfam: $!");
[16]163 foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
164 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
[17]165 $bfiles{$f} = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$dfam/$f";
[16]166 $bfiles{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOT'}~~;
167 }
168 closedir(BDIR);
[17]169 } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$ddir") {
170 opendir(BDIR,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$ddir" || die "Unable to open dir $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$ddir: $!");
[16]171 foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
172 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
[17]173 $bfiles{$f} = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$ddir/$f";
[16]174 $bfiles{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOT'}~~;
175 }
[13]176 closedir(BDIR);
[17]177 } elsif (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$ddir-$dver") {
178 opendir(BDIR,"$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$ddir-$dver" || die "Unable to open dir $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$ddir-$dver: $!");
[16]179 foreach my $f (readdir(BDIR)) {
180 next if ($f =~ /^\./);
[17]181 $bfiles{$f} = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/$ddir-$dver/$f";
[16]182 $bfiles{$f} =~ s~$ENV{'PBROOT'}~~;
183 }
[13]184 closedir(BDIR);
185 } else {
186 print "No Build Files found for $ddir-$dver\n";
187 next;
188 }
[16]189 print "bfiles: ".Dumper(\%bfiles)."\n";
[15]191 # Get all filters to apply
192 # They're cumulative from less specific to most specific
193 # suffix is .pbf
[16]194 my @ffiles;
195 my ($ffile0, $ffile1, $ffile2, $ffile3);
[17]196 if (-d "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter") {
197 $ffile0 = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter/$dtype.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter/$dtype.pbf");
198 $ffile1 = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter/$dfam.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter/$dfam.pbf");
199 $ffile2 = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter/$ddir.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter/$ddir.pbf");
200 $ffile3 = "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter/$ddir-$dver.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbfilter/$ddir-$dver.pbf");
[16]201 push @ffiles,$ffile0 if (defined $ffile0);
202 push @ffiles,$ffile1 if (defined $ffile1);
203 push @ffiles,$ffile2 if (defined $ffile2);
204 push @ffiles,$ffile3 if (defined $ffile3);
205 }
206 my $config = AppConfig->new({
207 # Auto Create variables mentioned in Conf file
208 CREATE => 1,
209 DEBUG => 0,
210 GLOBAL => {
211 # Each conf item is a hash
213 }
214 });
215 print "ffiles: ".Dumper(\@ffiles)."\n";
216 if (@ffiles) {
217 $config->file(@ffiles);
218 my $ptr = $config->get("filter");
219 print "f:".Dumper($ptr)."\n";
[16]221 # Apply now all the filters on all the files concerned
222 # All files are relative to PBROOT
223 # destination dir depends on the type of file
224 if (defined $ptr) {
225 foreach my $f (values %bfiles) {
[17]226 filter_file($f,$ptr,"$dest/pbconf/$ddir-$dver/".basename($f),$pkg,$dtype,$dsuf);
[16]227 }
[17]228 foreach my $f (keys %filteredfiles) {
229 filter_file($f,$ptr,"$dest/$f",$pkg,$dtype,$dsuf);
[16]230 }
231 }
[15]232 }
[17]233 # Prepare the dest directory for archive
234 if (-x "$ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbpkginit") {
235 system("cd $dest ; $ENV{'PBCONF'}/$pkg/pbinit");
236 if ($? == -1) {
237 print "failed to execute: $!\n";
238 } elsif ($? & 127) {
239 printf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
240 } else {
241 print " $dest\n";
242 }
243 }
244 # Archive dest dir
245 chdir "$dest/..";
246 print "Creating $pkg tar files (gzip... ";
247 system("tar cfphz $pkg-$pbver.tar.gz $pkg-$pbver");
248 if ($? == -1) {
249 print "failed to execute: $!\n";
250 } elsif ($? & 127) {
251 printf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
252 } else {
253 print " OK)\n";
254 print "Under $dest/../$pkg-$pbver.tar.gz\n";
255 }
[11]256 }
257 close(D);
[9]258 }
259} else {
260 print "'$action' is not available\n";
261 print "Available actions are:\n";
262 print " cms2build\n";
[17]265# Function which applies filter on files
[16]266sub filter_file {
268my $f=shift;
269my $ptr=shift;
270my %filter=%$ptr;
271my $destfile=shift;
[17]272my $pkg=shift;
273my $dtype=shift;
274my $dsuf=shift;
276print "From $f to $destfile\n";
277pbmkdir_p(dirname($destfile)) if (! -d dirname($destfile));
278open(DEST,"> $destfile") || die "Unable to create $destfile";
279open(FILE,"$ENV{'PBROOT'}/$f") || die "Unable to open $f: $!";
280while (<FILE>) {
281 my $line = $_;
282 foreach my $s (keys %filter) {
283 # Process single variables
284 #print "debug: $filter{$s}\n";
285 my $tmp = $filter{$s};
286 next if (not defined $tmp);
287 # Expand variables if any single one found
288 if ($tmp =~ /\$/) {
289 eval { $tmp =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg };
[17]290 # special case for ChangeLog
291 } elsif (($tmp =~ /^yes$/) && ($s =~ /^PBLOG$/)) {
292 $tmp = changelog($dtype, $pkg, $pbtag, $dsuf, \*DEST);
[16]293 }
294 $line =~ s|$s|$tmp|;
295 }
296 print DEST $line;
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