Changeset 1034 in ProjectBuilder for pbconf

May 22, 2010, 8:44:09 PM (15 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Prepare 0.9.10 release
3 edited


  • pbconf/devel/ProjectBuilder/pbcl

    r1016 r1034  
    66- TBD
    8 0.9.9 (2009-12-01)
     80.9.10 (2010-05-22)
     9- Add support for Ubuntu 10.04 natively and with debootstrap (universe repo needed) (Bruno Cornec)
     10- is licensed under the GPL v2 for the moment. (Bruno Cornec)
     11- Remove the useless vemindep option and fix ospkgdep accordingly (Bruno Cornec)
     12- Adds rbsopt parameter + doc to allow for passing options to rpmbootstrap such as -k now by default. (Bruno Cornec)
     13- Update perl modules versions (Date-Manip is now in 6.x, still using 5.x at the moment) (Bruno Cornec)
     150.9.9 (2010-05-01)
    916- Fix a bug in the analysis of Build-Requires (middle packages were missed) (Bruno Cornec)
    1017- Improve conf when starting from scratch (pbproj undefined) (Bruno Cornec)
  • pbconf/devel/project-builder/pbcl

    r1016 r1034  
    66- TBD
    8 0.9.9 (2009-12-01)
     80.9.10 (2010-05-22)
     9- Add support for Ubuntu 10.04 natively and with debootstrap (universe repo needed) (Bruno Cornec)
     10- Fix umask propagation in VE, fixing issues in directory creation with wrong rights (Bruno Cornec)
     11- Successful tests with some VE (Mandriva 2010.0, CentOS4, Fedora 12, CentOS5, Ubuntu 10.04, Debian 5) (Bruno Cornec)
     12- is licensed under the GPL v2 for the moment. (Bruno Cornec)
     13- Options cleanup (veconf => rbsconf, ve4pi => rbs4pi, vetmout/vemindep removed, verebuild not mandatory, rbsopt added for passing options to rpm|debbootstrap, ventp/vmntp is now optional) (Bruno Cornec)
     14- New pb_get_postinstall generic function for rinse and rpmbootstrap (Bruno Cornec)
     15- Pass more precisely the level of verbosity to rpmbootstrap (Bruno Cornec)
     16- Fix bug in sudoers creation: now using the real account name, and also forcing to NOT requiretty (Bruno Cornec)
     180.9.9 (2010-05-01)
    919- Adds debootstrap and rpmbootstrap support for VE (Bruno Cornec)
    1020- Improved pb presentation with Solaris integration for HP TES 2009, Fosdem 2010 and Solutions Linux 2010 (Bruno Cornec)
  • pbconf/devel/rpmbootstrap/pbcl

    r1016 r1034  
    66- TBD
    8 0.9.9 (2009-12-01)
     80.9.10 (2010-05-22)
     9- Add support for Ubuntu 10.04 natively and with debootstrap (universe repo needed) (Bruno Cornec)
     10- is licensed under the GPL v2 for the moment. (Bruno Cornec)
     11- Adds rbsopt parameter + doc to allow for passing options to rpmbootstrap such as -k now by default. (Bruno Cornec)
     12- Successful tests with some VE (Mandriva 2010.0, CentOS 4 & 5, Fedora 12, Ubuntu 10.04, Debian 5) (Bruno Cornec)
     13- The repodata dir is now search in the parents dir of the mirror given as it depends on yum version. (Bruno Cornec)
     150.9.9 (2010-05-01)
    916- First version of the rpmbootstrap program based on debootstrap and rinse ideas (Bruno Cornec)
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