Changeset 1176 in ProjectBuilder for devel/pb-modules

Feb 7, 2011, 2:24:11 PM (14 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

r4160@eelzbach2: bruno | 2011-02-06 13:30:39 +0100

  • Adds support for Remote Machines (RM). Not tested yet.
2 edited


  • devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf

    r1159 r1176  
    477477# Commands to check packages
     479# Config-Model needs oschkcmd:rpm=/.... (Cf Config::Model::Loader)
    479480oschkcmd rpm = /usr/bin/rpmlint
    480481oschkopt rpm =
  • devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf.pod

    r1153 r1176  
    398398 Conffile: ve
    399399 Example: rbspi centos = /home/rinse/bin/
     401=item B<rmhost>
     403 Nature: Mandatory
     404 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
     405 Value: IP address or name of the Remote Machine running the OS mentioned in the key, accessed through ssh.
     406 Conffile: rm
     407 Example: rmhost default = localhost - rmhost hpux-11.3-ia64 = - rmhost mandriva-2010.2-x86_64 =
     409=item B<rmlist>
     411 Nature: Mandatory
     412 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     413 Value: list of coma separated OS (under the form of os-ver-arch). The corresponding machines running these distributions are given in the rmpool parameter.
     414 Conffile: rm
     415 Example: rmlist default = mandriva-2010.2-i386,fedora-14-i386,rhel-6-i386,rhel-5-i386,pensuse-11.3-i386,sles-11-i386,gentoo-nover-i386,debian-5.0-i386,ubuntu-10.10-i386,solaris-10-i386,mandriva-2010.2-x86_64,fedora-14-x86_64,rhel-6-x86_64,rhel-5-x86_64,opensuse-11.3-x86_64,sles-11-x86_64,gentoo-nover-x86_64,debian-5.0-x86_64,ubuntu-10.10-x86_64,solaris-10-x86_64,hp-ux-11.3-ia64,rhel-5-ia64
     417=item B<rmlogin>
     419 Nature: Mandatory
     420 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     421 Value: account name to use on the Remote Machine to build packages. Communication is done with ssh.
     422 Conffile: rm
     423 Example: rmlogin default = pb
     425=item B<rmmonport>
     427 Nature: Optional
     428 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     429 Value: TCP port that is used to dialog with the monitor of the Remote Machine, to pass orders.
     430 Conffile: rm
     431 Example: rmmonport default = 4444
     433=item B<rmntp>
     435 Nature: Optional
     436 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     437 Value: NTP server to contact for time accuracy with B<rmntpcmd> before building.
     438 Conffile: rm
     439 Example: rmntp default =
     441=item B<rmntpcmd>
     443 Nature: Optional
     444 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     445 Value: NTP command to use to perform time synchronization with the B<rmntp> server.
     446 Conffile: rm
     447 Example: rmntpcmd default = /usr/sbin/ntpdate,rmntpcmd opensuse-10.1-i386 = sntp -P no -r
     449=item B<rmpath>
     451 Nature: Mandatory
     452 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     453 Value: path where to find configuration file for Remote Machines management.
     454 Conffile: rm
     455 Example: rmpath default = /home/remote
     457=item B<rmport>
     459 Nature: Mandatory
     460 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     461 Value: port number to use to communicate with the RM using the SSH protocol. This localport is redirected to the port 22 of the RM.
     462 Conffile: rm
     463 Example: rmport pb = 2222,rmport mondorescue = 2223
     465=item B<rmtmout>
     467 Nature: Optional
     468 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
     469 Value: Time in seconds to wait before interacting with the VM. This should correspond to the time the VM takes to boot.
     470 Conffile: rm
     471 Example: rmtmout default = 180
     473=item B<rmtype>
     475 Nature: Mandatory
     476 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     477 Value: ssh. For the moment, only ssh is supported as a communication means with RM.
     478 Conffile: rm
     479 Example: rmrtype default = ssh
    401482=item B<supfiles>
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