Changeset 1307 in ProjectBuilder for pbconf

May 26, 2011, 12:27:59 AM (14 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Prepare 0.11.3 delivery with changelog content
7 edited


  • pbconf/0.11.3/ProjectBuilder/pbcl

    r1306 r1307  
    550.11.3 (2011-05-25)
    6 - TBD
    8 - TBD
     6- Working VE for opensuse-11.4 (Bruno Cornec)
     7- Arch Linux doesn't have a version. It's like gentoo (Bruno Cornec)
     8- Adds RPM signature support and doc (Bruno Cornec)
    10100.11.2 (2011-03-12)
  • pbconf/0.11.3/pb.pb

    r1306 r1307  
    4646# Is it a test version
    4747#testver pb = true
    48 delivery pb = test
     48#delivery pb = test
    5050# Hash of default package name/package directory
  • pbconf/0.11.3/project-builder/pbcl

    r1306 r1307  
    550.11.3 (2011-05-25)
    6 - TBD
    8 - TBD
     6- Avoid the structure check for git/hg for now as the way it's currently done is only valid for SVN and the likes (Bruno Cornec)
     7- allow verbosity transfer to repo creation script (Bruno Cornec)
     8- Avoids error msgs in announce due to find issues (Bruno Cornec)
     9- By default enable gpg for repo built with pb, now that package signature is working (Bruno Cornec)
     10- Fix #96 completely by using the realpkgname and sorting the results (Bruno Cornec)
     11- Fix #94 by modifying wrong test condition in pb_get_port (Bruno Cornec)
     12- Fix #97 by delivering in PBBUILDIR instead of non-existent dirs below (Bruno Cornec)
     13- Adds delivery of the public key to each repository at each delivery (Bruno Cornec)
     14- Adds suport for .deb package signing (Bruno Cornec)
     15- Fix debian repo build  (Bruno Cornec)
     16- Adds RPM signature support and doc (Bruno Cornec)
     17- Adds support for different sha algorithms for createrepo call, due to some distro with python 2.4 not supporting sha256. (Bruno Cornec)
     18- Fix a bug in debian/ubuntu repo creation for amd64 (used x86_64 instead) (Bruno Cornec)
    10200.11.2 (2011-03-12)
  • pbconf/0.11.3/rpmbootstrap/pbcl

    r1306 r1307  
    550.11.3 (2011-05-25)
    6 - TBD
    8 - TBD
     6- Working VE for opensuse-11.4 (Bruno Cornec)
     7- some corresponding fixes for rpmbootstrap that would also need backward checks now (Bruno Cornec)
    1090.11.2 (2011-03-12)
  • pbconf/devel/ProjectBuilder/pbcl

    r1267 r1307  
    55devel (2030-01-01)
    66- TBD
     80.11.3 (2011-05-25)
     9- Working VE for opensuse-11.4 (Bruno Cornec)
     10- Arch Linux doesn't have a version. It's like gentoo (Bruno Cornec)
     11- Adds RPM signature support and doc (Bruno Cornec)
    8130.11.2 (2011-03-12)
  • pbconf/devel/project-builder/pbcl

    r1267 r1307  
    55devel (2030-01-01)
    66- TBD
     80.11.3 (2011-05-25)
     9- Avoid the structure check for git/hg for now as the way it's currently done is only valid for SVN and the likes (Bruno Cornec)
     10- allow verbosity transfer to repo creation script (Bruno Cornec)
     11- Avoids error msgs in announce due to find issues (Bruno Cornec)
     12- By default enable gpg for repo built with pb, now that package signature is working (Bruno Cornec)
     13- Fix #96 completely by using the realpkgname and sorting the results (Bruno Cornec)
     14- Fix #94 by modifying wrong test condition in pb_get_port (Bruno Cornec)
     15- Fix #97 by delivering in PBBUILDIR instead of non-existent dirs below (Bruno Cornec)
     16- Adds delivery of the public key to each repository at each delivery (Bruno Cornec)
     17- Adds suport for .deb package signing (Bruno Cornec)
     18- Fix debian repo build  (Bruno Cornec)
     19- Adds RPM signature support and doc (Bruno Cornec)
     20- Adds support for different sha algorithms for createrepo call, due to some distro with python 2.4 not supporting sha256. (Bruno Cornec)
     21- Fix a bug in debian/ubuntu repo creation for amd64 (used x86_64 instead) (Bruno Cornec)
    8230.11.2 (2011-03-12)
  • pbconf/devel/rpmbootstrap/pbcl

    r1267 r1307  
    55devel (2030-01-01)
    66- TBD
     80.11.3 (2011-05-25)
     9- Working VE for opensuse-11.4 (Bruno Cornec)
     10- some corresponding fixes for rpmbootstrap that would also need backward checks now (Bruno Cornec)
    8120.11.2 (2011-03-12)
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