- Timestamp:
- Jan 2, 2012, 3:47:24 AM (13 years ago)
- Location:
- devel
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1374 r1386 22 22 23 23 =over 4 24 25 =item B<checkexclude> 26 27 Nature: Optional 28 Key: package (as provided in defpkgdir or extpkgdir) 29 Value: coma separated list of OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch) that are excluded from the checkssh command (no build made for them). The OS name is generaly used here. 30 Conffile: project 31 Example: checkexclude pkg1 = centos,lsb,solaris 24 32 25 33 =item B<cpandir> -
r1363 r1386 308 308 # 309 309 310 if (($action =~ /^cms2/) || ($action =~ /^sbx2/) || ($action =~ /^newver$/) || ($action =~ /pbinit/) || ($action =~ /^newproj$/) || ($action =~ /^announce/) ) {310 if (($action =~ /^cms2/) || ($action =~ /^sbx2/) || ($action =~ /^newver$/) || ($action =~ /pbinit/) || ($action =~ /^newproj$/) || ($action =~ /^announce/) || ($action =~ /^checkssh/)) { 311 311 312 312 # -
r1384 r1386 81 81 pb [-vhSq][-r pbroot][-p project][[-s script -a account -P port][-t os-ver-arch][-m os-ver-arch[,...]]][-g][-i iso] <action> [<pkg1> ...] 82 82 83 pb [--verbose][--help][--man][--quiet][--snapshot][--revision pbroot][--project project][[--script script --account account --port port][--target os-ver-arch][--machine os-ver-arch[,...]]][--nographic][--iso iso] <action> [<pkg1> ...]83 pb [--verbose][--help][--man][--quiet][--snapshot][--revision pbroot][--project project][[--script script --account account --port port][--target os-ver-arch][--machine os-ver-arch[,...]]][--nographic][--iso iso][--rebuild] <action> [<pkg1> ...] 84 84 85 85 =head1 OPTIONS … … 149 149 150 150 New version of the project to create based on the current one. 151 152 =item B<--rebuild> 153 154 Only valid with the checkssh action, it alllows to automatically relaunch the build of the failed packages 151 155 152 156 =back … … 335 339 336 340 Test a package in a remote machine 341 342 =item B<checkssh> 343 344 Check the delivery of the packages on the repository 337 345 338 346 =item B<newver> … … 473 481 "port|P=i" => \$opts{'P'}, 474 482 "project|p=s" => \$opts{'p'}, 483 "rebuild" => \$opts{'rebuild'}, 475 484 "iso|i=s" => \$opts{'i'}, 476 485 "version|V=s" => \$opts{'V'}, … … 697 706 require DBD::SQLite; 698 707 699 pb_announce(); 708 pb_announce("Announce"); 709 } elsif ($action =~ /^checkssh$/) { 710 pb_announce("Check"); 700 711 } elsif ($action =~ /^sbx2webpkg$/) { 701 712 require DBI; … … 1627 1638 $pbos = pb_distro_get_context($v); 1628 1639 1629 # Get list of packages to build1630 1640 # Get content saved in cms2build 1631 1641 my ($pkg) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}.pb","pbpkg"); … … 2044 2054 $shcmd .= " \"echo \'cd $tdir ; if [ -x $pbscript ]; then ./$pbscript; fi ; rm -f ./$pbscript\' | bash\""; 2045 2055 } 2046 pb_system("$shcmd","Executing pbscript on $cptarget if needed","verbose"); 2056 my $cmdverb = "verbose"; 2057 if (($cmt ne "Announce") && ($cmt ne "CPAN")) { 2058 $cmdverb = undef; 2059 } 2060 pb_system("$shcmd","Executing pbscript on $cptarget if needed",$cmdverb); 2047 2061 if ($cmt =~ /^(V[EM]|RM)build/) { 2048 2062 # Get back info on pkg produced, compute their name and get them from the VM/RM … … 3208 3222 sub pb_announce { 3209 3223 3224 my $antype = shift; 3225 3210 3226 # Get all required parameters 3211 3227 my ($pbpackager,$pbrepo,$pbml,$pbsmtp) = pb_conf_get("pbpackager","pbrepo","pbml","pbsmtp"); … … 3220 3236 my $distrolist = pb_get_distros($pbos,undef); 3221 3237 my %dl; 3238 my %theorlist; 3239 my %archlist; 3222 3240 foreach my $d (split(/,/,$distrolist)) { 3223 my ($d1,$d2, 3241 my ($d1,$d2,$d3) = split(/-/,$d); 3224 3242 $dl{$d1}++; 3225 3243 } … … 3252 3270 $findstr .= "-name \'$pbrealpkgrpm-$pbver-$pbtag\.*.rpm\' -o -name \'$pbrealpkgdeb"."_$pbver*\.deb\' -o -name \'$pbrealpkg-$pbver*\.ebuild\' -o -name \'$pbrealpkg-$pbver*\.pkg\' -o -name \'$pbrealpkg-$pbver*\.sd\' "; 3253 3271 3254 my $chglog; 3255 3256 # Get project info on log file and generate tmp files used later on 3257 pb_cms_init($pbinit); 3258 $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbcl"; 3259 $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbcl" if (! -f $chglog); 3260 $chglog = undef if (! -f $chglog); 3261 3262 open(OUT,"> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann: $!"; 3263 my $pb; 3264 $pb->{'realpkg'} = $pbrealpkg; 3265 $pb->{'ver'} = $pbver; 3266 $pb->{'tag'} = $pbtag; 3267 $pb->{'date'} = $pbdate; 3268 $pb->{'chglog'} = $chglog; 3269 $pb->{'packager'} = $pbpackager; 3270 $pb->{'proj'} = $ENV{'PBPROJ'}; 3271 $pb->{'repo'} = $pbrepo; 3272 $pb->{'pbos'}->{'type'} = "announce"; 3273 $pb->{'pbos'}->{'suffix'} = "none"; 3274 pb_changelog($pb,\*OUT,"yes"); 3275 close(OUT); 3276 push(@files,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann"); 3277 } 3278 $findstr .= " | grep -Ev \'src.rpm\'"; 3272 if ($antype eq "Announce") { 3273 my $chglog; 3274 3275 pb_cms_init($pbinit); 3276 # Get project info on log file and generate tmp files used later on 3277 $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbcl"; 3278 $chglog = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbcl" if (! -f $chglog); 3279 $chglog = undef if (! -f $chglog); 3280 3281 open(OUT,"> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann: $!"; 3282 my $pb; 3283 $pb->{'realpkg'} = $pbrealpkg; 3284 $pb->{'ver'} = $pbver; 3285 $pb->{'tag'} = $pbtag; 3286 $pb->{'date'} = $pbdate; 3287 $pb->{'chglog'} = $chglog; 3288 $pb->{'packager'} = $pbpackager; 3289 $pb->{'proj'} = $ENV{'PBPROJ'}; 3290 $pb->{'repo'} = $pbrepo; 3291 $pb->{'pbos'}->{'type'} = "announce"; 3292 $pb->{'pbos'}->{'suffix'} = "none"; 3293 pb_changelog($pb,\*OUT,"yes"); 3294 close(OUT); 3295 push(@files,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/$pbpkg.ann"); 3296 } else { 3297 # For the check we also build the theoritical complete list we should get 3298 foreach my $d (split(/,/,$distrolist)) { 3299 $pbos = pb_distro_get_context($d); 3300 if ($pbos->{'type'} eq "rpm") { 3301 $theorlist{"$pbos->{'name'}/$pbos->{'version'}/$pbos->{'arch'}/$pbrealpkgrpm-$pbver-$pbtag$pbos->{'suffix'}"} = 0; 3302 } elsif ($pbos->{'type'} eq "deb") { 3303 $theorlist{"$pbos->{'name'}/$pbos->{'version'}/$pbrealpkgdeb"."_$pbver-$pbtag"} = 0; 3304 $archlist{"$pbos->{'name'}/$pbos->{'version'}/$pbrealpkgdeb"."_$pbver-$pbtag"} = "$pbos->{'arch'}"; 3305 } elsif ($pbos->{'type'} eq "ebuild") { 3306 $theorlist{"$pbos->{'name'}/$pbos->{'version'}/$pbrealpkg-$pbver-r$pbtag.ebuild"} = 0; 3307 $archlist{"$pbos->{'name'}/$pbos->{'version'}/$pbrealpkg-$pbver-r$pbtag.ebuild"} = "$pbos->{'arch'}"; 3308 } elsif ($pbos->{'type'} eq "pkg") { 3309 $theorlist{"$pbos->{'name'}/$pbos->{'version'}/$pbos->{'arch'}/$pbrealpkg-$pbver-$pbtag.pkg"} = 0; 3310 } else { 3311 pb_log(1,"No theoritical list possible for type $pbos->{'type'}\n"); 3312 } 3313 } 3314 } 3315 pb_log(2,"theorlist : ".Dumper(%theorlist)."\n"); 3316 } 3317 $findstr .= " | grep -Ev \'src.rpm\'" if ($antype eq "Announce"); 3279 3318 3280 3319 # Prepare the command to run and execute it … … 3286 3325 pb_send2target("Announce"); 3287 3326 3288 # Get subject line3289 3327 my $sl = "Project $ENV{'PBPROJ'} version $ENV{'PBPROJVER'} is now available"; 3290 pb_log(0,"Please enter the title of your announce\n"); 3291 pb_log(0,"(By default: $sl)\n"); 3292 my $sl2 = <STDIN>; 3293 $sl = $sl2 if ($sl2 !~ /^$/); 3294 3295 # Prepare a template of announce 3296 open(ANN,"> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html: $!"; 3297 print ANN << "EOF"; 3328 if ($antype eq "Announce") { 3329 # Get subject line 3330 pb_log(0,"Please enter the title of your announce\n"); 3331 pb_log(0,"(By default: $sl)\n"); 3332 my $sl2 = <STDIN>; 3333 $sl = $sl2 if ($sl2 !~ /^$/); 3334 3335 # Prepare a template of announce 3336 open(ANN,"> $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html") || die "Unable to create $ENV{'PBTMP'}/announce.html: $!"; 3337 print ANN << "EOF"; 3298 3338 $sl</p> 3299 3339 … … 3304 3344 <p> 3305 3345 EOF 3346 } 3347 3306 3348 open(LOG,"$ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.$$.log") || die "Unable to read $ENV{'PBTMP'}/system.$$.log: $!"; 3307 my $col = 2; 3308 my $i = 1; 3309 print ANN << 'EOF'; 3349 if ($antype eq "Announce") { 3350 my $col = 2; 3351 my $i = 1; 3352 print ANN << 'EOF'; 3310 3353 <TABLE WIDTH="700" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0"> 3311 3354 <TR> 3312 3355 EOF 3313 while (<LOG>) { 3314 print ANN "<TD><A HREF=\"$pbrepo->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$_\">$_</A></TD>"; 3315 $i++; 3316 if ($i > $col) { 3317 print ANN "</TR>\n<TR>"; 3318 $i = 1; 3319 } 3356 while (<LOG>) { 3357 print ANN "<TD><A HREF=\"$pbrepo->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}/$_\">$_</A></TD>"; 3358 $i++; 3359 if ($i > $col) { 3360 print ANN "</TR>\n<TR>"; 3361 $i = 1; 3362 } 3363 } 3364 } else { 3365 # In Check mode we need to compare the 2 lists (real and theoritical) 3366 while (<LOG>) { 3367 # Get package name and remove what is in extra for the theoritical list (arch at the end) 3368 chomp(); 3369 # skip find errors 3370 next if (/^find:/); 3371 my $p = $_; 3372 $p =~ s/\.(i[3456]86|x86_64|noarch|src)\.rpm$//; 3373 $p =~ s/_(i[3456]86|amd64|all).deb$//; 3374 $theorlist{$p} = -2 if (not defined $theorlist{$p}); 3375 $theorlist{$p} = $theorlist{$p} + 1; 3376 } 3377 pb_log(2,"theorlist : ".Dumper(%theorlist)."\n"); 3320 3378 } 3321 3379 close(LOG); 3380 3381 if ($antype eq "Check") { 3382 my ($chkex) = pb_conf_get_if("checkexclude"); 3383 my $vmbuildlist = ""; 3384 my $vebuildlist = ""; 3385 my $rmbuildlist = ""; 3386 my @pt = pb_conf_get_if("vmlist","velist","rmlist"); 3387 foreach my $t (sort keys %theorlist) { 3388 if (defined $theorlist{$t} and $theorlist{$t} >= 1) { 3389 pb_log(1,"Packages found for $t\n"); 3390 } elsif (defined $theorlist{$t} and $theorlist{$t} < 0) { 3391 pb_log(0,"Extra Package found for $t\n"); 3392 } else { 3393 my ($os,$ver,$arch,$package) = split(/\//,$t); 3394 # Some distro have no arch subdir 3395 if (not defined $package) { 3396 $package = $arch; 3397 # TODO: If both arch have failed, we just make the last one 3398 $arch = $archlist{$t}; 3399 } 3400 my $pbos = pb_distro_get_context("$os-$ver-$arch"); 3401 my $pkgn = $package; 3402 if ($pbos->{'type'} ne "deb") { 3403 # package name is more easily found from the end for non deb 3404 # as '-' is the separator, but it can also be used in names 3405 $pkgn = reverse($package); 3406 # search the second '-' and isolate the now last part which is the full name 3407 $pkgn =~ s/([^-]+)-([^-]+)-([\S])+$/$3/; 3408 } else { 3409 $pkgn =~ s/([^_]+)_([\S])+$/$2/; 3410 } 3411 my $found = 0; 3412 # Handle the exclusion of OSes 3413 my $excl = ""; 3414 $excl .= $chkex->{$pkgn} if (defined $chkex->{$pkgn}); 3415 $excl .= $chkex->{"all"} if (defined $chkex->{"all"}); 3416 foreach my $ex (split(/,/,$excl)) { 3417 $found = 1 if ("$os-$ver-$arch" =~ /^$ex/); 3418 } 3419 # Skip as excluded 3420 next if ($found == 1); 3421 # Avoid duplicates 3422 next if ($vmbuildlist =~ /$os-$ver-$arch/); 3423 next if ($vebuildlist =~ /$os-$ver-$arch/); 3424 next if ($rmbuildlist =~ /$os-$ver-$arch/); 3425 pb_log(0,"Package NOT found for $t\n"); 3426 # check with which method we need to build 3427 if ((defined $pt[0]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) and ($pt[0]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /$os-$ver-$arch/)) { 3428 $vmbuildlist = "$os-$ver-$arch" if ($vmbuildlist eq ""); 3429 $vmbuildlist .= ",$os-$ver-$arch"; 3430 } 3431 if ((defined $pt[1]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) and ($pt[1]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /$os-$ver-$arch/)) { 3432 $vebuildlist = "$os-$ver-$arch" if ($vebuildlist eq ""); 3433 $vebuildlist .= ",$os-$ver-$arch"; 3434 } 3435 if ((defined $pt[2]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) and ($pt[2]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} =~ /$os-$ver-$arch/)) { 3436 $rmbuildlist = "$os-$ver-$arch" if ($rmbuildlist eq ""); 3437 $rmbuildlist .= ",$os-$ver-$arch"; 3438 } 3439 } 3440 } 3441 # If we want to rebuild automatically, let's do it 3442 if (defined $opts{'rebuild'}) { 3443 # SandBox or CMS 3444 pb_log(0,"Rebuilding from SandBox\n"); 3445 pb_log(0,"for VMs: $vmbuildlist\n") if ($vmbuildlist ne ""); 3446 pb_log(0,"for VEs: $vebuildlist\n") if ($vebuildlist ne ""); 3447 pb_log(0,"for RMs: $rmbuildlist\n") if ($rmbuildlist ne ""); 3448 pb_cms2build("SandBox"); 3449 # Which mode 3450 $ENV{'PBV'} = $vmbuildlist; 3451 pb_build2v("vm","build") if ($vmbuildlist ne ""); 3452 $ENV{'PBV'} = $vebuildlist; 3453 pb_build2v("ve","build") if ($vebuildlist ne ""); 3454 $ENV{'PBV'} = $rmbuildlist; 3455 pb_build2v("rm","build") if ($rmbuildlist ne ""); 3456 } 3457 # For the check part this is now finished 3458 return; 3459 } 3460 3322 3461 print ANN << "EOF"; 3323 3462 </TR> … … 3799 3938 $changes .= " $ENV{'PBBUILDDIR'}/$c" if ($c =~ /\.changes$/); 3800 3939 } 3801 pb_system("debsign -m\'$ENV{'PBPACKAGER'}\' $changes","Signing DEB packages"); 3940 my $debsigncmd = pb_check_req("debsign",1); 3941 pb_system("$debsigncmd -m\'$ENV{'PBPACKAGER'}\' $changes","Signing DEB packages"); 3802 3942 } else { 3803 3943 pb_log(0,"I don't know yet how to sign packages for type $pbos->{'type'}.\nPlease give feedback to dev team\n"); … … 3821 3961 } 3822 3962 if (defined $pt[1]->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) { 3823 # The 2 lists need sto be grouped with a ',' separating them3963 # The 2 lists need to be grouped with a ',' separating them 3824 3964 if ($tmpl ne "") { 3825 3965 $tmpl .= ",";
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.