- Timestamp:
- Apr 19, 2012, 1:12:01 AM (13 years ago)
- Location:
- projects/pusk/pbconf
- Files:
- 1 added
- 4 edited
- 3 copied
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r1471 r1478 9 9 10 10 # PBSRC is replaced by the source package location after the repo 11 #filter PBSRC = src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz11 filter PBSRC = src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz 12 12 # Used if virtual name != real name (perl, ...) 13 13 #filter PBSRC = src/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz … … 50 50 51 51 # PBDESC contains the description of the package 52 #filter PBDESC = Bla-Bla 52 filter PBDESC = The ProLiant USB Setup Key help ProLiant administrators to configure their server$/without any keyboard, mouse and screen attached thanks to a USB key configured before attaching it to the server.$/The server is configured as a master on which the capture has been done, and the hardware configured identically, then the server is powered off, ready to be used via its iLO.$/The only requirements is that the server has to be pluged to the power, and the iLO to the network. 53 53 54 54 # PBSUMMARY contains a short single line description of the package 55 #filter PBSUMMARY = Bla 55 filter PBSUMMARY = PUSK is the ProLiant USB Setup Key 56 56 57 57 # PBURL contains the URL of the Web site of the project 58 #filter PBURL = http://www.pusk.org58 filter PBURL = http://pusk.project-builder.org 59 59 60 60 # PBLOG is replaced by the changelog if value is yes 61 61 # and should be last as when used we need the %pb hash filled 62 #filter PBLOG = yes 63 62 filter PBLOG = yes -
r1477 r1478 9 9 # What is the project URL 10 10 # 11 #pburl pusk = svn://svn.pusk.org/pusk/devel11 pburl pusk = svn://svn.project-builder.org/pb/projects/pusk/devel 12 12 #pburl pusk = svn://svn+ssh.pusk.org/pusk/devel 13 13 #pburl pusk = cvs://cvs.pusk.org/pusk/devel … … 18 18 19 19 # Repository 20 #pbrepo pusk = ftp://ftp.pusk.org20 pbrepo pusk = ftp://ftp.project-builder.org 21 21 #pbml pusk = pusk-announce@lists.pusk.org 22 22 #pbsmtp pusk = localhost … … 30 30 # Packager label 31 31 # 32 #pbpackager pusk = William Porte <bill@pusk.org>32 pbpackager pusk = Bruno Cornec <bruno@project-builder.org> 33 33 # 34 34 … … 93 93 # Global version/tag for the project 94 94 # 95 #projver pusk = devel 96 #projtag pusk = 195 projver pusk = 0.9.6 96 projtag pusk = 1 97 97 98 98 # Hash of valid version names … … 104 104 105 105 # Is it a test version or a production version 106 testver pusk = true106 testver pusk = false 107 107 # Which upper target dir for delivery 108 delivery pusk = test108 delivery pusk = 109 109 110 110 # Additional repository to add at build time … … 118 118 #pkgtag pusk = 3 119 119 # Hash of default package/package directory 120 #defpkgdir pusk = dir-pusk 120 defpkgdir pusk = . 121 121 # Hash of additional package/package directory 122 122 #extpkgdir minor-pkg = dir-minor-pkg … … 124 124 # List of files per pkg on which to apply filters 125 125 # Files are mentioned relatively to pbroot/defpkgdir 126 #filteredfiles pusk = Makefile.PL,configure.in,install.sh,pusk.8 126 filteredfiles pusk = 127 #configure.in,install.sh,pusk.8 127 128 #supfiles pusk = pusk.init 128 129 -
r1471 r1478 6 6 7 7 Summary: PBSUMMARY 8 Summary(fr): french bla-bla 9 10 Name: PBREALPKG 8 Name: PBPKG 11 9 Version: PBVER 12 10 Release: PBTAGPBSUF … … 21 19 %description 22 20 PBDESC 23 24 %description -l fr25 french desc26 21 27 22 %prep … … 46 41 %doc ChangeLog 47 42 %doc INSTALL COPYING README AUTHORS NEWS 43 %config %{_sysconfdir}/*.conf 44 %config %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/*.repo 45 %{_bindir}/* 46 %dir %{_datadir}/PUSK 47 %{_datadir}/PUSK/* 48 48 49 49 %changelog 50 50 PBLOG 51 -
r1471 r1478 9 9 10 10 # PBSRC is replaced by the source package location after the repo 11 #filter PBSRC = src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz11 filter PBSRC = src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz 12 12 # Used if virtual name != real name (perl, ...) 13 13 #filter PBSRC = src/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz … … 50 50 51 51 # PBDESC contains the description of the package 52 #filter PBDESC = Bla-Bla 52 filter PBDESC = The ProLiant USB Setup Key help ProLiant administrators to configure their server$/without any keyboard, mouse and screen attached thanks to a USB key configured before attaching it to the server.$/The server is configured as a master on which the capture has been done, and the hardware configured identically, then the server is powered off, ready to be used via its iLO.$/The only requirements is that the server has to be pluged to the power, and the iLO to the network. 53 53 54 54 # PBSUMMARY contains a short single line description of the package 55 #filter PBSUMMARY = Bla 55 filter PBSUMMARY = PUSK is the ProLiant USB Setup Key 56 56 57 57 # PBURL contains the URL of the Web site of the project 58 #filter PBURL = http://www.pusk.org58 filter PBURL = http://pusk.project-builder.org 59 59 60 60 # PBLOG is replaced by the changelog if value is yes 61 61 # and should be last as when used we need the %pb hash filled 62 #filter PBLOG = yes 63 62 filter PBLOG = yes -
r1477 r1478 9 9 # What is the project URL 10 10 # 11 #pburl pusk = svn://svn.pusk.org/pusk/devel11 pburl pusk = svn://svn.project-builder.org/pb/projects/pusk/devel 12 12 #pburl pusk = svn://svn+ssh.pusk.org/pusk/devel 13 13 #pburl pusk = cvs://cvs.pusk.org/pusk/devel … … 18 18 19 19 # Repository 20 #pbrepo pusk = ftp://ftp.pusk.org20 pbrepo pusk = ftp://ftp.project-builder.org 21 21 #pbml pusk = pusk-announce@lists.pusk.org 22 22 #pbsmtp pusk = localhost … … 30 30 # Packager label 31 31 # 32 #pbpackager pusk = William Porte <bill@pusk.org>32 pbpackager pusk = Bruno Cornec <bruno@project-builder.org> 33 33 # 34 34 … … 93 93 # Global version/tag for the project 94 94 # 95 #projver pusk = devel 96 #projtag pusk = 195 projver pusk = 0.9.6 96 projtag pusk = 1 97 97 98 98 # Hash of valid version names … … 101 101 # addrepo centos-5-x86_64 = http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm,ftp://ftp.project-builder.org/centos/5/pb.repo 102 102 # addrepo centos-5-x86_64 = http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm,ftp://ftp.project-builder.org/centos/5/pb.repo 103 #version pusk = devel,stable 103 version pusk = devel 104 104 105 105 # Is it a test version or a production version … … 118 118 #pkgtag pusk = 3 119 119 # Hash of default package/package directory 120 #defpkgdir pusk = dir-pusk 120 defpkgdir pusk = . 121 121 # Hash of additional package/package directory 122 122 #extpkgdir minor-pkg = dir-minor-pkg … … 124 124 # List of files per pkg on which to apply filters 125 125 # Files are mentioned relatively to pbroot/defpkgdir 126 #filteredfiles pusk = Makefile.PL,configure.in,install.sh,pusk.8 126 filteredfiles pusk = 127 #configure.in,install.sh,pusk.8 127 128 #supfiles pusk = pusk.init 128 129
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