- Timestamp:
- Apr 28, 2012, 12:36:51 AM (13 years ago)
- Location:
- projects/casparbuster
- Files:
- 1 added
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1485 r1487 85 85 #use Cwd 'realpath'; 86 86 use File::Find; 87 use File::Copy; 88 use File::Basename; 89 use File::Path; 90 use File::Glob ':glob'; 87 use Archive::Tar; 91 88 use Getopt::Long; 92 89 use Pod::Usage; 93 90 use Data::Dumper; 94 use List::Util qw(first);95 91 use ProjectBuilder::Base; 96 92 use ProjectBuilder::Conf; … … 164 160 pb_log(2,"%cb: ",Dumper($cb)); 165 161 166 # Check for mandatory params 162 die "No machine should be given when using machine structure" if (($cb->{'usemachines'}->{$appname} !~ /true/) && (defined $machine)); 167 163 168 164 if (defined $plugin) { … … 174 170 eval { $basedir =~ s/(\$ENV.+\})/$1/eeg }; 175 171 172 # Create basedir if it doesn't exist 173 die "Unable to find base directory at $basedir" if (not -d $basedir); 174 176 175 pb_log(1, "DEBUG MODE, not doing anything, just printing\nDEBUG: basedir = $basedir\n"); 176 177 # Create database if not existing and give a handler 178 my $db = "$basedir/$cb->{'database'}->{$appname}"; 179 180 my $precmd = ""; 181 if (! -f $db) { 182 $precmd = "CREATE TABLE dates (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date INTEGER, file VARCHAR[65535], machine VARCHAR[65535])"; 183 } 184 185 my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db","","", 186 { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }) 187 || die "Unable to connect to $db"; 188 189 if ($precmd ne "") { 190 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{$precmd}) || die "Unable to create table into $db"; 191 if ($debug) { 192 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Creating DB $db\n"); 193 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: with command $precmd\n"); 194 } else { 195 $sth->execute(); 196 } 197 $sth->finish(); 198 } 199 200 # Define destination dir and populate with a VCS export 201 my $dest = "$ENV{'TMPDIR'}/vcs.$$"; 202 my $scheme = $cb->{'cms'}->{$appname}; 203 pb_vcs_export(pb_vcs_get_uri($scheme,$basedir),$basedir,$dest); 204 205 # Now distribute to the right machines 206 if defined ($machine) { 207 cb_distribute($machine); 208 } else { 209 if ($cb->{'usemachines'}->{$appname} =~ /true/) { 210 # First dir level is the machine, then the content 211 opendir(DIR,$dest) || die "Unable to open $dest: $!"; 212 foreach my $m (readdir(DIR)) { 213 next if ($m =~ /^\./); 214 next if (! -d $m); 215 # Machine name 216 cb_distribute($m); 217 } 218 closedir(DIR); 219 } else { 220 cb_distribute(undef); 221 } 222 } 223 224 # Cleanup 225 pb_rm_rf($dest); 226 $dbh->disconnect; 227 228 # End of Main 229 230 # Distribute files to target machines 231 sub cb_distribute { 232 233 my $machine = shift; 234 235 pb_log(2,"Entering into cb_distribute with machine $machine\n"); 177 236 178 237 # Use potentially a remote account if defined … … 183 242 pb_log(1, "DEBUG: remote = $remote\n") if (defined $remote); 184 243 185 # Create basedir if it doesn't exist186 die "Unable to find base directory at $basedir" if (not -d $basedir);187 188 244 # Now handle plugins if any 189 245 my $cbp = (); 190 246 247 # Handle plugins 191 248 if (defined $plugin) { 192 249 foreach my $p (split(/,/,$plugin)) { 193 250 pb_log(1,"Getting context for plugin $p\n"); 194 251 $cbp = cb_plugin_get($p,$cbp); 195 pb_log(2,"cbp: ".Dumper($cbp)."\n"); 196 } 197 } 198 199 my $db = "$cb->{'basedir'}/$cb->{'database'}"; 200 201 my $precmd = ""; 202 if (! -f $db) { 203 $precmd = "CREATE TABLE dates (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date DATE, file VARCHAR[65535])"; 204 } 205 206 my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db","","", 207 { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }) 208 || die "Unable to connect to $db"; 209 210 if ($precmd ne "") { 211 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{$precmd}) || die "Unable to create table into $db"; 212 if ($debug) { 213 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Creatung DB $db\n"); 214 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: with command $precmd\n"); 252 # Adds mtime info to the plugin structure 253 foreach my $type ('files','dirs') { 254 foreach my $f (keys %{$cbp->{$p}->{$type}}) { 255 my $tdir = $dest; 256 if (defined $machine) { 257 $tdir = "$dest/$machine"; 258 } 259 if (-r "$tdir/$f") { 260 my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$tdir/$f") || die "Unable to stat $tdir: $!"; 261 $cbp->{$p}->{$type}->{$f}->{'mtime'} = $mtime; 262 } else { 263 pb_log(0,"WARNING: Unable to read $tdir/$f from plugin $p\n"); 264 } 265 } 266 } 267 } 268 } 269 270 # Handle this source 271 if (defined $source) { 272 my $fullsource = "$source"; 273 $fullsource = "$machine/$source" if (defined $machine); 274 pb_log(2,"fullsource is $fullsource\n"); 275 my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$dest/$fullsource") || die "Unable to stat $fullsource: $!"; 276 my $type = 'files'; 277 if (-d $fullsource) { 278 $type = 'dirs'; 279 } 280 die "ERROR: Only able to handle files or dirs with option --source\n" if ((! -d $fullsource) && (! -f $fullsource)); 281 282 $cbp->{"cb.source"}->{$type}->{$source}->{'uid'} = $uid; 283 $cbp->{"cb.source"}->{$type}->{$source}->{'gid'} = $gid; 284 $cbp->{"cb.source"}->{$type}->{$source}->{'mode'} = $mode; 285 $cbp->{"cb.source"}->{$type}->{$source}->{'mtime'} = $mtime; 286 } 287 } 288 289 if ((not defined $source) && (not defined $plugin)) { 290 # Here we need to take all content under $dest considering that machine 291 if (defined $machine) { 292 find(\&cb_add_to_cbp,("$dest/$machine")); 215 293 } else { 216 $sth->execute(); 217 } 218 } 219 220 my $dest = "$ENV{'TMPDIR'}/vcs.$$"; 221 pb_vcs_export(,$cb->{'basedir'},$dest); 222 223 # Is the source a file or a dir ? Split the source parameter in 2 224 my $srcdir = undef; 225 my $srcfile = undef; 226 my $cmd = undef; 227 228 if (not defined $machine) { 229 if (-d $source) { 230 $srcdir = $source; 231 } else { 232 $srcdir = dirname($source); 233 $srcfile = basename($source); 234 } 294 find(\&cb_add_to_cbp,($dest)); 295 } 296 } 297 pb_log(2,"INFO: RAW cbp: ".Dumper($cbp)."\n"); 298 299 # Clean up cbp structure by comparing with data stored in the DB 300 # Only keep the more recent modified content 301 my $mac = $machine; 302 $mac = "localhost" if (not defined $machine); 303 my $all = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id,date,file,machine FROM dates WHERE machine=$mac"); 304 # Check what in cbp is in the DB and deploy only if necessary 305 foreach my $k (keys %{$cbp}) { 306 foreach my $type ('files','dirs') { 307 foreach my $o (keys %{$cbp->{$k}->{$type}}) { 308 # Compare with info from DB 309 foreach my $row (@$all) { 310 my ($id, $date, $file, $mac1) = @$row; 311 # If less recent than in the DB remove it 312 delete($cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}) if (($file eq $o) && ($date > $cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'mtime'})); 313 } 314 } 315 } 316 } 317 } 318 pb_log(2,"INFO: cleaned cbp: ".Dumper($cbp)."\n"); 319 320 # Now create a tar containing all the relevant content 321 my $tar = Archive::Tar->new; 322 $tar->add_files((keys %{$cbp->{$k}->{'files'}}),(keys %{$cbp->{$k}->{'dirs'}})); 323 $tar->write("$ENV{'TMPDIR'}/content$$.tar"); 324 325 # Copy the tar file and extract it + set up modes/uids/gids 326 if (defined $machine) { 327 $cmd = "scp -p -q $remote:$source $target"; 235 328 } else { 236 $cmd = "ssh -q $remote \'echo \"if [ -d $source ]; then exit 0; else exit -1; fi\" | sudo bash\'"; 237 my $res = pb_system($cmd,"","quiet"); 238 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: Found res = $res\n"); 239 if ($res == 0) { 240 $srcdir = $source; 241 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found remote dir = $source\n"); 242 } else { 243 $srcdir = dirname($source); 244 $srcfile = basename($source); 245 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found remote file = $source\n"); 246 } 247 } 248 249 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found srcdir = $srcdir\n"); 250 if (defined $srcfile) { 251 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found srcfile = $srcfile\n"); 329 $cmd = "cp -p $source $target"; 330 } 331 332 if ($debug) { 333 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching $cmd\n"); 252 334 } else { 253 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found no srcfile\n"); 254 } 255 256 # Deduce the target directory from the local structure and the source 257 my $target = $basedir; 258 $target .= "/$machine" if defined ($machine); 259 $target .= "$srcdir"; 260 261 my $scheme = $cb->{'cms'}->{$appname}; 262 263 # If both source and target are dirs, then copy into the parent of the target 264 $target = basename($target) if ((not defined $srcfile) && (-d $target)); 265 266 # Create target if it doesn't exist when we have to copy a file 267 if ((not -d $target) && (defined $srcfile)) { 268 if ($debug) { 269 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Creating recursively directory $target\n"); 270 } else { 271 pb_mkdir_p($target) || die "Unable to recursively create $target: $!"; 272 pb_vcs_add($scheme,$target); 273 pb_log(0,"INFO: Created $target and added it to your $scheme system\n"); 274 } 275 } 276 277 # We need to know where to get the content from 278 my $cmdopt = ""; 279 280 # Recursive if we copy dirs 281 $cmdopt = "-r" if (not defined $srcfile); 282 283 if (defined $machine) { 284 $cmd = "scp -p -q $cmdopt $remote:$source $target"; 285 } else { 286 $cmd = "cp -p $cmdopt $source $target"; 287 } 288 289 # Now add content if not already there 290 if (defined $srcfile) { 291 # File case 292 if ((! -f "$target/$srcfile") || (defined $force)){ 293 if ($debug) { 294 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching $cmd\n"); 295 } else { 296 pb_system($cmd); 297 pb_vcs_add($scheme,"$target/$srcfile"); 298 pb_log(0,"INFO: Created $target/$srcfile and added it to your $scheme system\n"); 299 } 300 } else { 301 pb_log(0,"INFO: File $target/$srcfile already there\n"); 302 } 303 } else { 304 # Directory case 305 if ($debug) { 306 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching $cmd\n"); 307 } else { 308 pb_system($cmd); 309 pb_vcs_add($scheme,"$target"); 310 pb_log(0,"INFO: Created $target and added it to your $scheme system\n"); 311 } 312 } 313 pb_log(2,"Exiting cb_busterize\n"); 314 } 335 pb_system($cmd); 336 pb_log(0,"INFO: Created $target/$srcfile and added it to your $scheme system\n"); 337 } 338 pb_log(2,"Exiting cb_distribute\n"); 339 } 340 341 sub cb_add_to_cbp { 342 343 my $type = 'files'; 344 if (-d $File::Find::name) { 345 $type = 'dirs'; 346 } 347 348 my $destname = $File::Find::name; 349 # Target name is without the $dest part 350 $destname =~ s|^$dest||; 351 my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$File::Find::name") || die "Unable to stat $File::Find::name: $!"; 352 $cbp->{"cb.full"}->{$type}->{$destname}->{'uid'} = $uid; 353 $cbp->{"cb.full"}->{$type}->{$destname}->{'gid'} = $gid; 354 $cbp->{"cb.full"}->{$type}->{$destname}->{'mode'} = $mode; 355 $cbp->{"cb.full"}->{$type}->{$destname}->{'mtime'} = $mtime; 356 pb_log(2,"Adding $destname ($uid,$gid,$mode) to cbp\n"); 357 } -
r1485 r1487 110 110 use CasparBuster::Env; 111 111 use CasparBuster::Plugin; 112 #use Cwd 'realpath';113 use File::Find;114 use File::Copy;115 112 use File::Basename; 116 113 use File::Path; 117 use File::Glob ':glob';118 114 use Getopt::Long; 119 115 use Pod::Usage; 120 116 use Data::Dumper; 121 use List::Util qw(first);122 117 use ProjectBuilder::Base; 123 118 use ProjectBuilder::Conf; -
r1485 r1487 86 86 } 87 87 if ((defined $dlist) && (defined $dlist->{$plugin}) && ($dlist->{$plugin} !~ /^\s*$/)) { 88 my $i = 0;89 88 foreach my $block (split(/;/,$dlist->{$plugin})) { 90 89 pb_log(3,"block : $block\n"); 91 my $tmp; 92 ($cbp->{$plugin}->{'dirs'}->{'name'}[$i],$tmp) = split(/\|/,$block); 93 ($cbp->{$plugin}->{'dirs'}->{'uid'}[$i],$cbp->{$plugin}->{'dirs'}->{'gid'}[$i],$cbp->{$plugin}->{'dirs'}->{'mode'}[$i]) = split(/\,/,$tmp); 94 $i++; 90 ($name,$tmp) = split(/\|/,$block); 91 ($cbp->{$plugin}->{'dirs'}->{$name}->{'uid'},$cbp->{$plugin}->{'dirs'}->{$name}->{'gid'},$cbp->{$plugin}->{'dirs'}->{$name}->{'mode'}) = split(/\,/,$tmp); 95 92 } 96 93 }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.