Changeset 1547 in ProjectBuilder
- Timestamp:
- May 18, 2012, 3:25:55 AM (13 years ago)
- Location:
- projects/casparbuster/devel
- Files:
- 1 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1510 r1547 7 7 =head1 SYNOPSIS 8 8 9 cbusterize [options] --source /path/to/file/to/CasparBusterize9 cbusterize [options] [--source /path/to/file/to/CasparBusterize | --plugin PluginName] 10 10 11 11 Options: … … 116 116 use Data::Dumper; 117 117 use Net::SSH2; 118 use Cwd; 119 use Archive::Tar; 120 use Carp; 118 121 use ProjectBuilder::Base; 119 122 use ProjectBuilder::Conf; … … 131 134 my $log = undef; 132 135 my $LOG = undef; 136 my $ssh2 = undef; 137 my $chan = undef; 133 138 134 139 my ($cbver,$cbrev) = cb_version_init(); … … 242 247 } 243 248 249 $ssh2->disconnect() if (defined $machine); 250 244 251 sub cb_busterize { 245 252 … … 252 259 my $srcfile = undef; 253 260 my $cmd = undef; 254 my $ssh2;255 261 my $sftp; 256 262 … … 263 269 } 264 270 } else { 265 $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new(); 266 $ssh2->connect($machine); 267 my $hdir = (getpwnam(getpwuid($<)))[7]; 268 if ($ssh2->auth_publickey($remote,"$hdir/.ssh/","$hdir/.ssh/id_dsa")) { 269 $sftp = $ssh2->sftp; 270 my %dirs = $sftp->stat("$source/."); 271 my $res = 0; 272 $res = -1 if (not defined $dirs{'mode'}); 273 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: Found res = $res\n"); 274 if ($res == 0) { 275 $srcdir = $source; 276 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found remote dir = $source\n"); 277 } else { 278 $srcdir = dirname($source); 279 $srcfile = basename($source); 280 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found remote file = $source\n"); 281 } 271 if (not defined $ssh2) { 272 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: First time so we need to create the SSH::Net2 object\n"); 273 $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new(); 274 if ($debug >= 3) { 275 $ssh2->debug(1); 276 } 277 $ssh2->connect($machine) || confess "Unable to connect to $remote\@$machine: $!"; 278 my $hdir = (getpwnam(getpwuid($<)))[7]; 279 confess "Unable to connect to $remote\@$machine: $!" if (not $ssh2->auth_publickey($remote,"$hdir/.ssh/","$hdir/.ssh/id_dsa")); 280 $chan = $ssh2->channel(); 281 die "Unable to create channel for $remote\@$machine: $!" if (not defined $chan); 282 my ($code, $error_name, $error_string) = $ssh2->error(); 283 if ($code ne 0) { 284 pb_log(0,"code = $code"); 285 pb_log(0,"error_name = $error_name"); 286 pb_log(0,"error_string = $error_string"); 287 } 288 #$ssh2->blocking(0); 289 if ($debug) { 290 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching a shell via Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine)"); 291 } 292 confess "Unable to launch remote shell through Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine)" if (not $chan->shell()); 293 } 294 $sftp = $ssh2->sftp; 295 die "Unable to create sftp channel for $remote\@$machine: $!" if (not defined $sftp); 296 my %dirs = $sftp->stat("$source/."); 297 my $res = 0; 298 $res = -1 if (not defined $dirs{'mode'}); 299 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: Found res = $res\n"); 300 if ($res == 0) { 301 $srcdir = $source; 302 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found remote dir = $source\n"); 303 } else { 304 $srcdir = dirname($source); 305 $srcfile = basename($source); 306 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Found remote file = $source\n"); 282 307 } 283 308 } … … 305 330 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Creating recursively directory $target\n"); 306 331 } else { 307 pb_mkdir_p($target) || die"Unable to recursively create $target: $!";332 pb_mkdir_p($target) || confess "Unable to recursively create $target: $!"; 308 333 } 309 334 # Add all the dirs in it to VCS (in reverse order) … … 322 347 } 323 348 324 # We need to know where to get the content from349 # For local handling 325 350 my $cmdopt = ""; 326 327 351 # Recursive if we copy dirs 328 352 $cmdopt = "-r" if (not defined $srcfile); 329 330 if (defined $machine) { 331 # TODO replace by $chan->exec + sudo + cat to avoid root access issues 332 $cmd = "scp -p -q $cmdopt $remote\@$machine:\'$source\' $target"; 333 } else { 334 $cmd = "cp -p $cmdopt $source $target"; 335 } 336 337 # Now add content if not already there 353 $cmd = "cp -p $cmdopt $source $target"; 354 338 355 if (defined $srcfile) { 339 356 # File case 340 357 if ((! -f "$target/$srcfile") || (defined $force)) { 358 # doesn't exist locally 359 if (defined $machine) { 360 # Remote 361 cb_ssh_do($remote,$source,$target,$debug); 362 } else { 363 # Local 364 if ($debug) { 365 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching $cmd\n"); 366 } else { 367 pb_system($cmd); 368 } 369 } 341 370 if ($debug) { 342 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching $cmd\n");371 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Adding $target/$srcfile to your $scheme system\n"); 343 372 } else { 344 pb_system($cmd);345 373 pb_vcs_add($scheme,"$target/$srcfile"); 346 374 pb_log(0,"INFO: Created $target/$srcfile and added it to your $scheme system\n"); … … 351 379 } else { 352 380 # Directory case 381 if ($recur eq "true") { 382 # with files in it 383 if ((! -d "$target") || (defined $force)) { 384 # doesn't exist locally 385 if (defined $machine) { 386 # Remote 387 cb_ssh_do($remote,$source,$target,$debug); 388 } else { 389 # Local 390 if ($debug) { 391 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching $cmd\n"); 392 } else { 393 pb_system($cmd); 394 } 395 } 396 } else { 397 pb_log(0,"INFO: Directory $target already there\n"); 398 } 399 } else { 400 # Only deal with that dir, nothing below, so just created locally 401 if ($debug) { 402 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: mkdir -p $target\n"); 403 } else { 404 pb_mkdir_p("$target"); 405 } 406 } 353 407 if ($debug) { 354 if ($recur eq "true") { 355 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching $cmd\n"); 356 } else { 357 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: mkdir -p $target\n"); 358 } 359 } else { 360 if ($recur eq "true") { 361 pb_system($cmd); 362 } 408 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Adding $target to your $scheme system\n"); 409 } else { 363 410 pb_vcs_add($scheme,"$target"); 364 411 pb_log(0,"INFO: Created $target and added it to your $scheme system\n"); 365 412 } 366 413 } 367 $ssh2->disconnect() if (defined $machine); 414 368 415 pb_log(2,"Exiting cb_busterize\n"); 369 416 } 417 418 sub cb_ssh_do { 419 420 my $remote = shift; 421 my $source = shift; 422 my $target = shift; 423 my $debug = shift; 424 425 # TODO: if sudo asks a passwd it won't work. 426 my $cmd = "sudo tar cvhf /tmp/cb.$$.tar $source\n"; 427 if ($debug) { 428 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching through Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine) $cmd"); 429 } 430 print $chan "$cmd"; 431 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: LINE : $_") while <$chan>; 432 $cmd = "sudo chmod 600 /tmp/cb.$$.tar\n"; 433 if ($debug) { 434 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching through Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine) $cmd"); 435 } 436 print $chan "$cmd"; 437 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: LINE : $_") while <$chan>; 438 $cmd = "sudo chown $remote /tmp/cb.$$.tar\n"; 439 if ($debug) { 440 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching through Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine) $cmd"); 441 } 442 print $chan "$cmd"; 443 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: LINE : $_") while <$chan>; 444 if ($debug) { 445 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: gettting through Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine) /tmp/cb.$$.tar\n"); 446 } 447 $ssh2->scp_get("/tmp/cb.$$.tar","/tmp/cb.$$.tar"); 448 if ($debug) { 449 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: erasing through Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine) /tmp/cb.$$.tar\n"); 450 } else { 451 print $chan "sudo rm -f /tmp/cb.$$.tar\n"; 452 } 453 my $tar = Archive::Tar->new("/tmp/cb.$$.tar"); 454 $tar->setcwd($target); 455 if ($debug) { 456 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: Extracting /tmp/cb.$$.tar\n"); 457 foreach my $f ($tar->list_files()) { 458 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: $f\n"); 459 } 460 } else { 461 $tar->extract(); 462 } 463 if ($debug) { 464 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: cleanup\n"); 465 } else { 466 $tar->clear; 467 unlink("/tmp/cb.$$.tar"); 468 } 469 } -
r1517 r1547 1 1 #=head1 NAME 2 2 # 3 # Configuration file for CasparBuster for the namedplugin3 # Configuration file for CasparBuster for the shorewall plugin 4 4 # 5 5 #=head1 SYNOPSIS 6 6 # 7 # Define the main parameters for the Namedplugin for CasparBuster7 # Define the main parameters for the ShoreWall plugin for CasparBuster 8 8 # 9 9 #=head1 CONFIGURATION ITEMS … … 20 20 #=cut 21 21 # 22 cbpluginfiles named = /var/lib/named/etc/named.conf|root,root,0644;/var/lib/named/etc/bind.keys|root,named,0644;/var/lib/named/etc/bogon_acl.conf|root,root,0644;/var/lib/named/etc/rndc.conf|root,named,0640;/var/lib/named/etc/rndc.key|root,named,0640;/var/lib/named/etc/trusted_networks_acl.conf|root,named,0644;/var/lib/named/etc/named.conf.flecha|root,named,0644;/var/lib/named/etc/db.*|root,named,064022 cbpluginfiles shorewall = /etc/shorewall/*|root,root,0600 23 23 # 24 24 #=item B<cbplugindirs> 25 25 # 26 # Define the list of directories to recursively copyremotely on the target machine.26 # Define the list of directories to create remotely on the target machine. 27 27 # Parameters are ';' separated. 28 28 # A parameter is then '|' separated, the first part being the full path name of the file … … 30 30 # 31 31 #=cut 32 cbplugindirs named = /var/lib/named/etc|root,named,0755;/var/lib/named/dev|root,root,0755;/var/lib/named/proc|root,root,0755;/var/lib/named/var/tmp|named,named,0755;/var/lib/named/var/log|named,named,0755;/var/lib/named/var/run|named,named,0755;32 cbplugindirs shorewall = /etc/shorewall|root,root,0750 33 33 # 34 34 #=item B<cbplugindirsandfiles> … … 36 36 # Define the list of directories to recursively copy remotely on the target machine. 37 37 # Parameters are ';' separated. 38 # A parameter is then '|' separated, the first part being the full path name of the file38 # A parameter is then '|' separated, the first part being the full path name of the dir 39 39 # and the second part being the uid, gid and mode to set on the target machine, ',' separated 40 40 # 41 41 #=cut 42 cbplugindirsandfiles named=42 cbplugindirsandfiles shorewall = 43 43 # 44 44 #=item B<cbpluginreload> … … 47 47 # 48 48 #=cut 49 cbpluginreload named = sudo /etc/init.d/namedrestart49 cbpluginreload shorewall = sudo /etc/init.d/shorewall restart
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