Changeset 1554 in ProjectBuilder for devel/pb/bin

May 21, 2012, 3:19:04 AM (13 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • pb: Update documentation, the newproj docs were missing an important argument. Expanded out the newproj documentation. Fixed the cms2build documentation to match the same style as the other documentation. (Eric Anderson)
  • Tolerate the file: scheme -- it was tolerated in some places but not others. (Eric Anderson)
1 edited


  • devel/pb/bin/pb

    r1553 r1554  
    479479You can then run the command:
    481  % pb -p I<$project> -r I<$version> newproj
    483 to create the new project. Running the newproj command will then generate the file $pbdefdir/$project/pbconf/$version/$project.pb.  You will need to edit that file in order to run any of the later commands.
     481 % pb -p I<$project> -r I<$version> newproj I<$pkg>
     483to create the new project. Running the newproj command will then generate the file $pbdefdir/$project/pbconf/$version/$project.pb, and the directory $pbdefdir/$project/pbconf/$version/$pkg. You will need to edit those files to make the later commands work.
    485485=head2 cms2build
    487 The cms2build command takes your files from the content management system and makes the two tar files that are necessary for building files. Before running this command, you need to run the newproj command, and edit the $project.pb configuration file. In particular, you need to set the pburl, pbrepo, pbwf, pbpackager, projver, projtag, testver, deliver, and defpkgdir lines as described in the configuration file. Then you can run a command like:
     487The cms2build command takes your files from the content management system and makes the two tar files that are necessary for building files. You need to have run the newproj command first.  Then there are several steps for running this command:
     489=over 4
     491=item Update your $project.pb configuration file.
     493You need to set the pburl, pbrepo, pbwf, pbpackager, projver, projtag, testver, delivery, and defpkgdir lines as described in the configuration file.  For example:
     495 pburl Lintel = file:///home/anderse/projects/Lintel-0.2012.02.28.tar.gz
     496 pbrepo Lintel =
     497 pbwf Lintel = 1
     498 pbpackager Lintel = Eric Anderson <>
     499 projver Lintel = 0.2012.02.28
     500 projtag Lintel = 1
     501 testver Lintel = false
     502 delivery Lintel = production
     503 defpkgdir Lintel = Lintel-0.2012.02.28
     505=item Create the build .tar.gz files:
     507Then you need to take those files and create the initial tar files.  Run a command like:
    489509 % pb -p $project -r $version cms2build
    491511To create the $pbdefdir/$project/delivery/$project-$version.{,pbconf}.tar.gz files, the $version-$projtag.pb and pbrc files in the same directory.
    493515=head2 build2pkg
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