Changeset 1556 in ProjectBuilder for devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf.pod

May 21, 2012, 3:46:31 AM (12 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

pb: Use new pbgpgcheck option to control whether we enable gpgcheck in the repo script. Problem is that signing failure is tolerated, so the rpms can be unsigned, but gpgcheck is on by default. Preserve those semantics by default, but allow for control. (Eric Anderson)

  • pbgpgcheck is optional and default to 1 (Bruno Cornec)
1 edited


  • devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf.pod

    r1545 r1556  
    477477 Nature: Optional
    478478 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
    479  Value: Whether the repository file should be generated specifying that gpg checking of the packages is on. Note that failures to sign packages is tolerated by default, which means that signatures can fail making the repository file generated not work. The default is to require gpg checks.
     479 Value: Whether the repository file should be generated specifying that gpg checking of the packages is on. Note that failures to sign packages is tolerated by default, which means that signatures can fail making the repository file generated not work. The default is to require gpg checks (value is 1)
    480480 Conffile: project
    481481 Example: pbgpgcheck Lintel = 0
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