Changeset 1562 in ProjectBuilder for pbconf/devel/ProjectBuilder

May 22, 2012, 3:29:28 AM (12 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Changelogs updated for 0.12.1 delivery
1 edited


  • pbconf/devel/ProjectBuilder/pbcl

    r1368 r1562  
    66- TBD
    8 0.12.1 (2011-11-27)
     80.12.1 (2012-05-22)
     9- Use new pbgpgcheck option to control whether we enable gpgcheck in the repo script. (Eric Anderson)
     10- Use new projcomponent value to specify which component we are building for -- most things probably aren't contrib (for deb based distros) (Eric Anderson)
     11- Tolerate the file: and flat: schemes -- they were tolerated in some places but not others. (Eric Anderson)
     12- Add a new option pbusesshagent in pb.conf to allow the user to specify whether he wants to use his existing SSH environement and agent, or if he prefers to create a new key pair for building. (Bruno Cornec)
     13- newv(e|m) doesn't require execution of cms2build before being available. (Bruno Cornec)
     14- Add git support in pb_vcs_up, pb_vcs_checkin and pb_vcs_add and Improve git support for pb_vcs_get_uri (Eric Anderson)
     15- Verify that the proxy variables are passed through if we are using sudo. (Eric Anderson)
     16- Adds Scientific Linux support . (Eric Anderson)
     17- Add case where centos versioning include minor since centos makes major changes in minor releases. (Eric Anderson)
     18- Fix typo in oracle linux regex. (Eric Anderson)
     19- Proposes min dependencies separately for centos-5.2, 5.6 others just match that set. (Eric Anderson)
     20- Add next ubuntu codename. (Eric Anderson)
     21- Add new pb_pbos_to_keylist function that generates the keys that should be used for looking up filter filenames or keys into the hash-maps. New function will generate 5.m, for all m in [0,n] for version 5.n of some OS. Useful because minor versions are usually similar. Use it in distro_get_param, simplifying the function and making it more powerful. (Eric Anderson)
     22- add auto-agree-with-licenses for opensuse, other failures on install can occur. (Eric Anderson)
     23- Fix bug, if we install with yum, put the repo in the yum location.  If we install with zypper, put it in the zypper location. Otherwise complain that we don't know what to do with the file. (Eric Anderson/Bruno Cornec)
     24- Run bootstrapping under linux32 (Bruno changed that to setarch) if arch is i386 and host is x86_64/amd64 so that it gets the architecture right. (Eric Anderson)
     25- multiple improvements to distro dep lists. (Eric Anderson)
     26- document addrepo. (Eric Anderson)
     27- Fix the code to check to see if a deb package is installed.  (Eric Anderson)
     28- sudo does not pass through the DEBIAN_FRONTEND variable; use env to make sure it is set.  Also change from --force-yes to --allow-unauthenticated (Eric Anderson)
     29- Make sure to apply the ftp/http proxy when installing dependencies. Also add hack to try the install twice if it fails the first time. (Eric Anderson)
     30- Handle multi-line entries in debian control files. (Eric Anderson)
     31- Add a parameter to pb_system that allows commands to fail even if pb_stop_on_error is set. (Eric Anderson)
     32- Add in pid to the error output from pb_system for help in tracking down which parent ran the command. (Eric Anderson)
     33- pb_conf_init is called at low level on the default project to avoid PBPROJ to be undefined and creatin lots of error msgs. pbdistrocheck works again with it. (Bruno Cornec)
     34- Fix sbx2setupvm in order to call pb_conf_init correctly at start of the pbinit script. (Bruno Cornec)
     35- Document new ftp_proxy and http_proxy options. (Eric Anderson)
     36- Document the rbsmirrorsrv option (already supported, not documented). (Eric Anderson)
     37- Document that sshlogin and sshport are now optional parameters. (Eric Anderson)
     38- Use confess so when failing to get a parameter we get a stack trace. (Eric Anderson)
     39- Adding the internal function pb_distro_compare_repo to avoid code duplication between apt and yum repos treatment (Bruno Cornec)
     40- add pb_path_expand to do the path expansion for config values. (Eric Anderson)
     41- Print out all sudo'd commands if we haven't already so people know what they're typing their passwords in for. (Eric Anderson)
     42- verify that we don't try to launch a mips ve on x86_64 (previous check only prevented x86_64 on ix86). (Eric Anderson)
     43- Make sure to create the path to the VE before we try to bootstrap it. (Eric Anderson)
     44- Use new Global::pb_stop_on_error variable to decide whether we should abort on an error. (Eric Anderson)
     45- Skip dependencies that are all whitespace since that leads to errors when running dpkg -L <whitespace> (Eric Anderson)
     46- Add possibility to use a PREFIX variable for Makefie.PL for pb-module (Eric Anderson)
     47- largely rewritten to cache all conf files into a local $h hash in which conf files are added in reverse order. (Bruno Cornec)
     48- pb_vcs_add and pb_vcs_up now support a list of dirs/files as second parameter. (Bruno Cornec)
     49- pb_mkdir_p now returns the return value of mkpath. (Bruno Cornec)
     50- Split CMS functions in 2 parts, one lowlevel reusable outside of pb in, the remaining stay in, part of pb. (Bruno Cornec)
     51- Provides a new pb_get_osrelease function similar to uname -r. (Bruno Cornec)
    952- patch command and option are now variables in pb.conf under ospatchcmd and ospatchopt (Bruno Cornec)
    1053- Adds OEL support for build (Bruno Cornec)
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