Changeset 1597 in ProjectBuilder for devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf

May 26, 2012, 2:13:12 AM (12 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Adds option pbshowsudo (false by default) to check whether we display the detail of sudo commands (to match security requiremetns) or not (to have a nicer output)
  • Fix a template generation error in for deb rules file (line was split)
  • In fix modes of the chroot after the snapshot phase detection to avoid error which make the code die
  • In pb create the RPM build dirs before entering in the parallel loop as sometimes 2 identical were created simultaneously, leading to an error leading to a die
  • In pb revert the code added by Eric to check deb content creation as it was failing in my environement (naming issues). Could be added after 0.12.1 is out as an additional check, but anyway as the files are copied after, it's not that important.
  • Use full path of chown in sudo for pb
  • Make the test account a variable in pbtest
  • Start to add test case for a VM in pbtest
  • This patch makes pb build back in a debian 6 VE.
1 edited


  • devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf

    r1594 r1597  
    628628pbusesshagent default = false
     630# Do you want to see detailed sudo commands or just the summary of them
     631# Useful for security concerns, nice to have it as a parameter
     632pbshowsudo default = false
    630634# How do you want to install pb in your VM/VE (pkg or file)
    631635pbinstalltype default = pkg
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