- Timestamp:
- Nov 16, 2012, 9:07:07 PM (12 years ago)
- Location:
- projects/casparbuster/devel
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1667 r1679 281 281 die "ERROR: Only able to handle files or dirs with option --source\n" if ((! -d $fullsource) && (! -f $fullsource)); 282 282 283 # We should get uid/gid fro elsewhere as they're probably wrong locally283 # We should get uid/gid from elsewhere as they're probably wrong locally 284 284 $cbp->{"cb.source"}->{$type}->{$source}->{'uid'} = $uid; 285 285 $cbp->{"cb.source"}->{$type}->{$source}->{'gid'} = $gid; … … 294 294 $findtarget = "$dest/$machine"; 295 295 find(\&cb_add_to_cbp,($findtarget)); 296 # And we also need all what is common, but not what is for the web side 297 foreach my $c (keys $cb->{'commondir'}) { 298 $findtarget = "$dest/$c"; 299 opendir(DIR,"$findtarget") || die "Unable to open $dest/$c: $!"; 300 foreach my $m (readdir(DIR)) { 301 next if ($m =~ /^\./); 302 next if ($m eq $cb->{'commondir'}->{$c}); 303 find(\&cb_add_to_cbp,("$findtarget/$m")); 304 } 305 closedir(DIR); 306 } 296 307 } 297 308 pb_log(1,"INFO: RAW cbp: ".Dumper(%$cbp)."\n"); … … 415 426 if ((defined $force) || (not defined $cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'deleted'})) { 416 427 if ($debug) { 417 pb_log(1,"INFO: Executing (on $machine) sudo chown $cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'uid'}:$cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'gid'} $path/$o\n");428 #pb_log(1,"INFO: Executing (on $machine) sudo chown $cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'uid'}:$cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'gid'} $path/$o\n"); 418 429 #pb_log(1,"INFO: Executing (on $machine) sudo chmod $cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'mode'} $path/$o\n"); 419 430 } else { 420 431 # TODO: remove hardcoded commands 421 print $chan "sudo chown $cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'uid'}:$cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'gid'} $path/$o\n";432 #print $chan "sudo chown $cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'uid'}:$cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'gid'} $path/$o\n"; 422 433 # TODO: get a correct mode before setting it up 423 434 #print $chan "sudo chmod $cbp->{$k}->{$type}->{$o}->{'mode'} $path/$o\n"; -
r1668 r1679 215 215 pb_log(1, "DEBUG: remote account2 = $remote\n"); 216 216 217 $ssh2 = cb_ssh_init($remote,$machine,$debug) if (not defined $ssh2); 218 217 219 # Create basedir if it doesn't exist 218 220 if (not -d $basedir) { … … 236 238 foreach my $p (split(/,/,$plugin)) { 237 239 pb_log(1,"Getting context for plugin $p\n"); 238 $cbp = cb_plugin_get($p,$cbp );240 $cbp = cb_plugin_get($p,$cbp,$remote,$machine,$debug,$ssh2); 239 241 pb_log(2,"cbp: ".Dumper($cbp)."\n"); 240 242 foreach my $k (keys %{$cbp->{$plugin}->{'dirsandfiles'}}) { … … 260 262 my $realsrc = ""; 261 263 my $type = ""; 262 263 $ssh2 = cb_ssh_init($remote,$machine,$debug) if (not defined $ssh2);264 264 265 265 $chan = $ssh2->channel(); -
r1547 r1679 20 20 #=cut 21 21 # 22 cbpluginfiles shorewall = /etc/shorewall/*|root,root,060022 #cbpluginfiles shorewall = /etc/shorewall/*|root,root,0600 23 23 # 24 24 #=item B<cbplugindirs> … … 30 30 # 31 31 #=cut 32 cbplugindirs shorewall = /etc/shorewall|root,root,075032 #cbplugindirs shorewall = /etc/shorewall|root,root,0750 33 33 # 34 34 #=item B<cbplugindirsandfiles> … … 40 40 # 41 41 #=cut 42 cbplugindirsandfiles shorewall =42 #cbplugindirsandfiles shorewall = 43 43 # 44 #=item B<cbplugin reload>44 #=item B<cbpluginpkgs> 45 45 # 46 # Define the command to launch remotely on the target machine to reload the service. 46 # Define the list of packages to consider remotely on the target machine. 47 # Parameters are ',' separated. 47 48 # 48 49 #=cut 49 cbpluginreload shorewall = sudo /etc/init.d/shorewall restart 50 cbpluginpkgs shorewall = shorewall 51 # 52 #=item B<cbpkgreload> 53 # 54 # Define the command to launch remotely on the target machine to reload the service og this package. 55 # 56 #=cut 57 cbpkgreload shorewall = sudo /etc/init.d/shorewall restart -
r1494 r1679 9 9 use strict; 10 10 use warnings; 11 use Carp; 11 12 use CasparBuster::Env; 12 13 use ProjectBuilder::Base; … … 76 77 my $plugin = shift; 77 78 my $cbp = shift; 79 my $remote = shift; 80 my $machine = shift; 81 my $debug = shift; 82 my $ssh2 = shift; 78 83 79 84 pb_log(2,"Entering cb_plugin_get for plugin $plugin\n"); 80 my ($flist,$dlist,$dflist,$slist ) = pb_conf_get_if("cbpluginfiles","cbplugindirs","cbplugindirsandfiles","cbpluginreload");85 my ($flist,$dlist,$dflist,$slist,$plist) = pb_conf_get_if("cbpluginfiles","cbplugindirs","cbplugindirsandfiles","cbppkgreload","cbpluginpkgs"); 81 86 if ((defined $flist) && (defined $flist->{$plugin}) && ($flist->{$plugin} !~ /^\s*$/)) { 82 87 foreach my $block (split(/;/,$flist->{$plugin})) { … … 100 105 } 101 106 } 102 if ((defined $slist) && (defined $slist->{$plugin})) { 103 $cbp->{$plugin}->{'reloadscript'} = $slist->{$plugin}; 107 if ((defined $plist) && (defined $plist->{$plugin})) { 108 foreach my $name (split(/,/,$plist->{$plugin})) { 109 $cbp->{$plugin}->{'pkgs'}->{$name}->{'name'} = $name; 110 if ((defined $slist) && (defined $slist->{$name})) { 111 $cbp->{$plugin}->{'pkgs'}->{$name}->{'restart'} = $slist->{$name}; 112 } 113 } 114 } else { 115 $cbp->{$plugin}->{'pkgs'}->{$plugin}->{'name'} = $plugin; 104 116 } 117 # Check remotely what conf files are needed for this plugin through its packages 118 $ssh2 = cb_ssh_init($remote,$machine,$debug) if (not defined $ssh2); 119 120 my $chan = $ssh2->channel(); 121 pb_log(3,"DEBUG: SSH2 chan called\n"); 122 confess "Unable to create channel for $remote\@$machine: $!" if (not defined $chan); 123 if ($debug) { 124 pb_log(1,"DEBUG: launching a shell via Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine)\n"); 125 } 126 confess "Unable to launch remote shell through Net:SSH2 ($remote\@$machine)" if (not $chan->shell()); 127 pb_log(3,"DEBUG: SSH2 shell called\n"); 128 129 foreach my $p (keys $cbp->{$plugin}->{'pkgs'}) { 130 # TODO: Do not hardcode rpm 131 my $cmd = "sudo rpm -q -c --dump $p"; 132 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: Calling $cmd\n"); 133 print $chan "$cmd\n"; 134 while (<$chan>) { 135 my ($name,$d1,$d2,$d3,$mode,$uid,$gid,$dummy) = split(/ /,$_); 136 $cbp->{$plugin}->{'files'}->{$name}->{'uid'} = $uid; 137 $cbp->{$plugin}->{'files'}->{$name}->{'gid'} = $gid; 138 $cbp->{$plugin}->{'files'}->{$name}->{'mode'} = substr($mode,4,); 139 pb_log(3,"DEBUG: Found $name"); 140 } 141 } 142 143 $chan->close(); 144 105 145 pb_log(2,"cbp: ".Dumper($cbp)."\n"); 106 146 return($cbp);
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.