Changeset 1693 in ProjectBuilder for pbconf/devel/project-builder

Feb 26, 2013, 6:05:32 AM (12 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Prepare for delivery of pb 0.12.2
  • Adds support of Ubuntu 12.10 and Fedora 18
1 edited


  • pbconf/devel/project-builder/pbcl

    r1607 r1693  
    55devel (2030-01-01)
    66- TBD
     80.12.2 (2013-02-26)
     9- Better debug info when passing a wrong parameter (Bruno Cornec)
     10- Presentation updated for LCA 2013 (Bruno Cornec)
     11- pbml & pbsmtp params only queried when really needed (can be omitted in the conf file thus for those not using announces) (Bruno Cornec)
     12- Adds support for a 2ins target for all buildpkg call (example: sbx2pkg2ins) which adds the final installation of packages at the end (Bruno Cornec)
     13- tar is needed in the VM (Bruno Cornec)
     14- fix a bug for checkssh with test version where to many * where given (Bruno Cornec)
     15- Red Hat 6.2 (not RHEL) support: doesn't support setarch i386 for a x86_64, builds with the rpm command, sudo doesn't support the env_keep var, sed -i doesn't work, setupve fix (however needs a manual install of perl 5.6.2 to work) (Bruno Cornec)
     16- debug level is now passed to the vescrip improving debug capabilities in that script (Bruno Cornec)
     17- When used the env command should be passed in full path for sudo and then not skipped (Bruno Cornec)
     18- New deb generation regex to support non english messages better (Bruno Cornec)
     19- Repository files generated now contains in their name a tag corresponding to the delivery dir. This allows to have easily both a test and non-test version in the same yum repo e.g. (Bruno Cornec)
    8210.12.1 (2012-05-28)
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