Changeset 1702 in ProjectBuilder for devel/pb-modules

Feb 28, 2013, 4:35:24 PM (12 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Fix #116 by documenting the cachedir parameter
  • remove mkbmpath variable to use cachedir instead (more coherent)
2 edited


  • devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf

    r1701 r1702  
    395395# Where to store packages downloaded temporarily by rpmbootstrap
    396396cachedir rpmbootstrap = /var/cache/rpmbootstrap
    397 cachedir pbmkbm = /var/cache/rpmbootstrap
     397cachedir pbmkbm = /var/cache/pbmkbm
    399399# Options to pass to rpmbootstrap command. By default keep downloaded packages
    432432# pbmkbm configuration parameters
    434 mkbmpath default = /var/cache/pbmkbm
    435434vetype pbmkbm = chroot
    436435verpmtype pbmkbm = rpmbootstrap
    545544osperldep opensuse = Module-Build,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir
    546545ospkgdep opensuse = wget,make,ntp,patch,perl-Date-Manip,perl-File-HomeDir,diffutils
     546ospkgdep opensuse-11.0 = wget,make,ntp,patch,perl-DateManip,perl-File-HomeDir,diffutils
    547547# Mdv
    548548osperldep mandrake-10.1 = Date-Manip
  • devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf.pod

    r1606 r1702  
    2727 Nature: Optional
    28 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
     28 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
    2929 Value: comma separated list of URLs that point to repository files, or packages to install. The values may not include substitutions.
    3030 Conffile: project
    3131 Example: addrepo centos-5-x86_64 = file:///prj/extras.repo,
     33=item B<cachedir>
     35 Nature: Optional
     36 Key: pb project: rpmbootstrap|pbmkbm|pb
     37 Value: Directory to cache temporary content for the relevant pb project.
     38 Conffile: pb
     39 Example: cachedir rpbootstrap = /var/cache/rpmbootstrap
    3341=item B<checkexclude>
    139147 Nature: Mandatory
    140  Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     148 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
    141149 Value: internal (the application then handles the logging of what it finds useful) or the name of an application to launch to log context (e.g. sos, cfg2html, ...).
    142150 Conffile: pb
    143  Example: logcmd pbmkbm = sos
     151 Example: logcmd mageia = sos
    145153=item B<logcmds>
    147155 Nature: Optional
    148  Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     156 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
    149157 Value: In case the B<logcmd> command is internal, a comma separated list of the commands whose trace execution is to be captured in order to log context.
    150158 Conffile: pb
    151  Example: logcmds pbmkbm = mount,lsmod,esxcfg-module -l,df -T
     159 Example: logcmds mageia = mount,lsmod,esxcfg-module -l,df -T
    153161=item B<logfiles>
    155163 Nature: Optional
    156  Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     164 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
    157165 Value: In case the B<logcmd> command is internal, a comma separated list of the files to capture in order to log context.
    158166 Conffile: pb
    159  Example: logfiles pbmkbm = /etc/raidtab,/proc/cmdline,/proc/swaps
     167 Example: logfiles mageia = /etc/raidtab,/proc/cmdline,/proc/swaps
    161169=item B<logopt>
    163171 Nature: Optional
    164  Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)
     172 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
    165173 Value: In case the B<logcmd> command is not internal, the options of the B<logcmd> application to launch to log context
    166174 Conffile: pb
    167  Example: logcmd pbmkbm = --all
     175 Example: logcmd mageia = --all
    169177=item B<mkbmbootcmds>
    214222 Conffile: pb
    215223 Example: mkbmkerneldir linux = ^linu|^vmlinu|^xen
    217 =item B<mkbmpath>
    219  Nature: Mandatory
    220  Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch). The family name is generaly used here.
    221  Value: path of the temporary directory into which the boot media is created.
    222  Conffile: pb
    223  Example: mkbmpath default = /var/cache/pbmkbm
    225225=item B<mkbmtargetdirs>
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