Changeset 1714 in ProjectBuilder
- Timestamp:
- Mar 10, 2013, 6:17:47 PM (12 years ago)
- Location:
- devel
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1702 r1714 331 331 # 332 332 rbsmindep fedora-16 = ConsoleKit-libs,audit-libs,basesystem,bash,bzip2-libs,c-ares,chkconfig,coreutils,cpio,cracklib,cracklib-dicts,crontabs,cyrus-sasl-lib,db4,dbus,dbus-libs,device-mapper,device-mapper-libs,dhclient,e2fsprogs,e2fsprogs-libs,elfutils-libelf,expat,fedora-release,fedora-release-notes,file,file-libs,filesystem,findutils,gamin,gawk,gdbm,glib2,glibc,glibc-common,gnupg2,gpgme,grep,info,initscripts,iproute,iputils,keyutils-libs,krb5-libs,libacl,libattr,libcap,libcom_err,libcurl,libgcc,libgcrypt,libgpg-error,libidn,libselinux,libsepol,libssh2,libstdc++,libusb,libxml2,linux-atm-libs,logrotate,lua,mingetty,module-init-tools,ncurses,ncurses-base,ncurses-libs,net-tools,nspr,nss,nss-softokn,nss-softokn-freebl,nss-util,openldap,openssl,pam,passwd,pcre,pinentry,popt,procps,psmisc,pth,pygpgme,python,python-iniparse,python-libs,python-pycurl,python-urlgrabber,readline,rpm,rpm-libs,rpm-python,rsyslog,sed,setup,shadow-utils,sqlite,sysvinit-tools,tzdata,udev,vim-minimal,xz-libs,yum,yum-metadata-parser,zlib 333 # 334 rbsmindep fedora-17 = ConsoleKit-libs,audit-libs,basesystem,bash,bzip2-libs,c-ares,chkconfig,coreutils,cpio,cracklib,cracklib-dicts,crontabs,cyrus-sasl-lib,db4,dbus,dbus-libs,device-mapper,device-mapper-libs,dhclient,e2fsprogs,e2fsprogs-libs,elfutils-libelf,expat,fedora-release,fedora-release-notes,file,file-libs,filesystem,findutils,gamin,gawk,gdbm,glib2,glibc,glibc-common,gnupg2,gpgme,grep,info,initscripts,iproute,iputils,keyutils-libs,krb5-libs,libacl,libattr,libcap,libcom_err,libcurl,libgcc,libgcrypt,libgpg-error,libidn,libselinux,libsepol,libssh2,libstdc++,libusb,libxml2,linux-atm-libs,logrotate,lua,mingetty,module-init-tools,ncurses,ncurses-base,ncurses-libs,net-tools,nspr,nss,nss-softokn,nss-softokn-freebl,nss-util,openldap,openssl,pam,passwd,pcre,pinentry,popt,procps,psmisc,pth,pygpgme,python,python-iniparse,python-libs,python-pycurl,python-urlgrabber,readline,rpm,rpm-libs,rpm-python,rsyslog,sed,setup,shadow-utils,sqlite,sysvinit-tools,tzdata,udev,vim-minimal,xz-libs,yum,yum-metadata-parser,zlib 333 335 # 334 336 rbsmindep centos-4 = MAKEDEV,SysVinit,audit-libs,basesystem,bash,beecrypt,bzip2-libs,centos-release,coreutils,cracklib,cracklib-dicts,db4,device-mapper,e2fsprogs,elfutils-libelf,ethtool,expat,filesystem,findutils,gawk,gdbm,glib2,glibc,glibc-common,grep,info,initscripts,iproute,iputils,krb5-libs,libacl,libattr,libcap,libgcc,libidn,libselinux,libsepol,libstdc++,libtermcap,libxml2,libxml2-python,mingetty,mktemp,module-init-tools,ncurses,neon,net-tools,openssl,pam,pcre,popt,procps,psmisc,python,python-elementtree,python-sqlite,python-urlgrabber,readline,rpm,rpm-libs,rpm-python,sed,setup,shadow-utils,sqlite,sysklogd,termcap,tzdata,udev,util-linux,yum,yum-metadata-parser,zlib … … 647 649 ospathcmd-halt default = /sbin/halt 648 650 651 oscmdntp default = /usr/sbin/ntpdate 652 #oscmdntp opensuse-11.0-i386 = sntp -P no -r 653 #oscmdntp opensuse-11.0-x86_64 = sntp -P no -r 654 649 655 # Do you want pb to create a dedicated SSH key pair to dialog with VM|RM 650 656 # or do you prefer to use an existing SSH Agent instead and existing keys … … 673 679 # Number of process in // for pb 674 680 #pbparallel pb = 2 675 # 681 682 683 # Distros may have different modes for /etc/sudoers 684 ossudoersmode default = 440 685 ossudoersmode suse-10.2 = 640 686 676 687 677 688 # -
r1702 r1714 725 725 Nature: Optional 726 726 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable) 727 Value: NTP server to contact for time accuracy with B< rmntpcmd> before building.727 Value: NTP server to contact for time accuracy with B<ospathcmd-ntpdate> before building. 728 728 Conffile: rm 729 729 Example: rmntp default = 730 731 =item B<rmntpcmd>732 733 Nature: Mandatory734 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch).735 Value: NTP command to use to perform time synchronization with the B<rmntp> server. Use full path name, as this command will be used in the sudoers file to allow its launch by root.736 Conffile: rm737 Example: rmntpcmd default = /usr/sbin/ntpdate,rmntpcmd opensuse-10.1-i386 = /usr/sbin/sntp -P no -r738 730 739 731 =item B<rmpath> … … 841 833 Nature: Optional 842 834 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable) 843 Value: NTP server to contact for time accuracy with B< ventpcmd> before building.835 Value: NTP server to contact for time accuracy with B<ospathcmd-ntpdate> before building. 844 836 Conffile: ve 845 837 Example: ventp default = 846 847 =item B<ventpcmd>848 849 Nature: Mandatory850 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable)851 Value: NTP command to use to perform time synchronization with the B<ventp> server. Use full path name, as this command will be used in the sudoers file to allow its launch by root.852 Conffile: ve853 Example: ventpcmd default = /usr/sbin/ntpdate854 838 855 839 =item B<vepath> … … 953 937 Nature: Optional 954 938 Key: project (as defined in the -p option or PBPROJ environment variable) 955 Value: NTP server to contact for time accuracy with B< vmntpcmd> before building.939 Value: NTP server to contact for time accuracy with B<ospathcmd-ntpdate> before building. 956 940 Conffile: vm 957 941 Example: vmntp default = 958 959 =item B<vmntpcmd>960 961 Nature: Mandatory962 Key: OS (could be from the most generic up to the most specific from ostype, osfamily, os, os-ver, os-ver-arch).963 Value: NTP command to use to perform time synchronization with the B<vmntp> server. Use full path name, as this command will be used in the sudoers file to allow its launch by root.964 Conffile: vm965 Example: vmntpcmd default = /usr/sbin/ntpdate,vmntpcmd opensuse-11.0-i386 = /usr/sbin/sntp -P no -r966 942 967 943 =item B<vmopt> -
r1712 r1714 1915 1915 my $tmout = undef; 1916 1916 my $path = undef; 1917 1917 1918 if ($cmt =~ /^VM/) { 1918 1919 $login = "vmlogin"; … … 2746 2747 my $nontp = shift || 0; 2747 2748 2749 pb_log(1,"Entering pb_date2v\n"); 2748 2750 # VE gets time from parent OS. 2749 2751 return "/bin/true" if ($vtype) =~ /^ve/o; 2750 2752 2751 2753 my ($ntp) = pb_conf_get_if($vtype."ntp"); 2752 my $vntp = $ntp->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} if (defined $ntp);2754 my $vntp = undef; 2753 2755 my $ntpline = undef; 2756 $vntp = $ntp->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} if (defined $ntp); 2754 2757 2755 2758 if ((defined $vntp) && ($vntp !~ /^\s*$/)) { 2759 pb_log(2,"ntp server is $vntp\n"); 2756 2760 # ntp command depends on pbos 2757 my $vntpcmd = pb_distro_get_param($pbos,pb_conf_get( $vtype."ntpcmd"));2761 my $vntpcmd = pb_distro_get_param($pbos,pb_conf_get("oscmdntp")); 2758 2762 $ntpline = "sudo $vntpcmd $vntp"; 2759 2763 } … … 2765 2769 my $dateline = "sudo /bin/date $upddate"; 2766 2770 if ((defined $ntpline) && ($nontp == 0)) { 2771 pb_log(1,"pb_date2v returns $ntpline\n"); 2767 2772 return($ntpline); 2768 2773 } else { 2774 pb_log(1,"pb_date2v returns $dateline\n"); 2769 2775 return($dateline); 2770 2776 } … … 3408 3414 print PBOUT "$pbac->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\n"; 3409 3415 EOF 3410 }3416 } 3411 3417 print SCRIPT << 'EOF'; 3412 3418 close(PBOUT); … … 3419 3425 # Sync date 3420 3426 # do it after sudoers is setup 3421 print SCRIPT "pb_system(\"$ntpline\",\"Updating time with $ntpline\",\"mayfail\");\n"; 3427 print SCRIPT "my \$res = pb_system(\"$ntpline\",\"Updating time with $ntpline\",\"mayfailverbose\");\n"; 3428 print SCRIPT "if (\$res != 0) {\n"; 3429 # try again with another method 3430 $ntpline = pb_date2v($vtype,$pbos,1); 3431 print SCRIPT " pb_system(\"$ntpline\",\"Updating time with $ntpline\",\"mayfailverbose\");\n"; 3432 print SCRIPT "}\n"; 3422 3433 } 3423 3434 … … 4382 4393 4383 4394 my $pbos = shift; 4395 my @cmds = @_; 4384 4396 my %sudocmds; 4385 4397 4386 pb_log(2,"pb_get_sudocmds entering with lines:".Dumper(@ _)."\n");4387 foreach my $c (split(/;/,$pbos->{'update'}),split(/;/,$pbos->{'install'}),@ _) {4398 pb_log(2,"pb_get_sudocmds entering with lines:".Dumper(@cmds)."\n"); 4399 foreach my $c (split(/;/,$pbos->{'update'}),split(/;/,$pbos->{'install'}),@cmds) { 4388 4400 pb_log(2,"pb_get_sudocmds analyses $c\n"); 4389 4401 next if ($c !~ /^\s*sudo/); -
r1652 r1714 19 19 # Hash for VE stuff on vmtype 20 20 ventp default = 21 ventpcmd default = /usr/sbin/ntpdate22 21 23 22 # We suppose we can commmunicate with the VE through schroot
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