Changeset 1821 in ProjectBuilder for pbconf

Jan 5, 2014, 2:39:37 PM (11 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Document 0.12.3 version
4 edited


  • pbconf/devel/ProjectBuilder/pbcl

    r1695 r1821  
    55devel (2030-01-01)
    66- TBD
     80.12.3 (2014-01-05)
     9- Adds Fedora 18, 19 and 20 and Mageia 3 VE definitions (Bruno Cornec)
     10- Adds rbsmirrorupd feature (Bruno Cornec)
     11- No -s option for oppatchcmd by default now (Bruno Cornec)
     12- Adds git-svn support (Bruno Cornec)
     13- function pb_conf_print renamed into pb_distro_conf_print and move to (Bruno Cornec)
     14- Fix some opensuse yast/patch usages (Bruno COrnec)
     15- Adds a parameter for the mode of the sudoers file instead of hard-coding (Bruno Cornec)
     16- Improve ntp handling by using oscmdntp instead of vmntpcmd (Bruno Cornec)
     17- Adds the possibility to prefix the output of commands executed by pb_system, if the verbose keyword is of the form verbose_prefix (Bruno Cornec)
     18- Fix #116 by documenting the cachedir parameter (Bruno Cornec)
    8200.12.2 (2013-02-26)
  • pbconf/devel/pbmkbm/pbcl

    r1819 r1821  
    880.12.3 (2014-01-05)
    9 - No changes
     9- remove mkbmpath variable to use cachedir instead (Bruno Cornec)
    11110.12.2 (2013-02-26)
  • pbconf/devel/project-builder/pbcl

    r1819 r1821  
    880.12.3 (2014-01-05)
     9- Adds git-svn support (Bruno Cornec)
     10- function pb_conf_print renamed into pb_distro_conf_print and move to (Bruno Cornec)
     11- pb_check_ps now returns a list of 2 params systematically so API changed accordingly everywhere (Bruno Cornec)
     12- Adds a checkps target for pb (Bruno Cornec)
     13- pb uses the new qemu hostfwd syntax for port forwarding (Bruno Cornec)
     14- Fix deb changelog generation to avoid long lines (Bruno Cornec)
     15- Better ssh port management, returned by pb_check_ps and not reset when a group of VMs has been launched (Bruno Cornec)
     16- Adds a parameter for the mode of the sudoers file instead of hard-coding (Bruno Cornec)
     17- Improve ntp handling for setupvm by adding a call to date when ntpdate is failing and using oscmdntp instead of vmntpcmd (Bruno Cornec)
     18- Adds build2setup* target for pb (Bruno Cornec)
     19- pb now prints the name of the VM as a prefix for each command result, improving greatly debug in parallel mode (Bruno Cornec)
     20- launchvm now is able to launch multiple VMs (Bruno Cornec)
     21- Fix #119 by improving correct deb and ebuild detection. (Bruno Cornec)
     22- Update pb presentation with OSSI template and improve a bit content (Bruno Cornec)
    10240.12.2 (2013-02-26)
  • pbconf/devel/rpmbootstrap/pbcl

    r1693 r1821  
    55devel (2030-01-01)
    66- TBD
     80.12.3 (2014-01-05)
     9- Adds support for Fedora 18, 19 and 20 and Mageia 3 (Bruno Cornec)
     10- filesystem is now extracted first for systemd symlinks crazyness support (Bruno Cornec)
     11- rbs_mirror_response now also returns the repo found which could be different from the initial mirror in case of metadata dir for yum (Bruno Cornec)
    8130.12.2 (2013-02-26)
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