Changeset 2012 in ProjectBuilder for devel/pb-doc/SECURITY

Oct 12, 2015, 12:17:48 PM (9 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

Adds dnf support

Starting with Fedora 22 the package manager is dnf and not yum anymore
pb needed some adaptations to support it, which have been mostly been
coded in this patch. Tests to be done.

1 edited


  • devel/pb-doc/SECURITY

    r1564 r2012  
    1111In the default pb.conf main configuration files, parameters for osupd and osins for the various distributions call sudo to make the installation of missing packages. These calls are done as 'pb' user by default (or the account configured as rmlogin in the configuration file). In case this is used, and sudo isn't configured accordingly, then the additional required packages will NOT be added and the build will probably fail.
    12 For RM, we may consider that all required packages for the build are already installed on the system, or give rpm/yum/apt/urpmi/zypper... sudo rights to the build account manually.
     12For RM, we may consider that all required packages for the build are already installed on the system, or give rpm/yum/dnf/apt/urpmi/zypper... sudo rights to the build account manually.
    1313Recommended for a manual setup (not using rmsetup): Add manually to your system sudo access for the pb account to the local package install and update command such as /bin/rpm e.g:
    1414cat >> /etc/sudoers << EOF
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