Changeset 405 in ProjectBuilder for devel/pb/bin
- Timestamp:
- Apr 20, 2008, 1:59:47 PM (17 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r397 r405 18 18 use File::stat; 19 19 use File::Temp qw(tempdir); 20 use Date::Manip;21 20 use POSIX qw(strftime); 22 21 use lib qw (lib); 23 use ProjectBuilder::Distribution;24 22 use ProjectBuilder::Version; 25 23 use ProjectBuilder::Base; 24 use ProjectBuilder::Conf; 25 use ProjectBuilder::Distribution; 26 use ProjectBuilder::CMS; 27 use ProjectBuilder::Filter; 26 28 27 29 # Global variables … … 1454 1456 # Adds pb_distro_init from ProjectBuilder::Distribution 1455 1457 foreach my $d (@INC) { 1456 my $f = "$d/ProjectBuilder/"; 1457 if (-f "$f") { 1458 open(PBD,"$f") || die "Unable to open $f"; 1459 while (<PBD>) { 1460 next if (/^package/); 1461 next if (/^use Exporter/); 1462 next if (/^\@our /); 1463 print SCRIPT $_; 1464 } 1465 close(PBD); 1466 last; 1458 my @f = ("$d/ProjectBuilder/","$d/ProjectBuilder/"); 1459 foreach my $f (@f) { 1460 if (-f "$f") { 1461 open(PBD,"$f") || die "Unable to open $f"; 1462 while (<PBD>) { 1463 next if (/^package/); 1464 next if (/^use Exporter/); 1465 next if (/^use ProjectBuilder::Base/); 1466 next if (/^our \@/); 1467 print SCRIPT $_; 1468 } 1469 close(PBD); 1470 } 1467 1471 } 1468 1472 } … … 2425 2429 } 2426 2430 2427 # Function which returns a pointer on a table2428 # corresponding to a set of values queried in the conf file2429 # and test the returned vaue as they need to exist in that case2430 sub pb_conf_get {2431 2432 my @param = @_;2433 my @return = pb_conf_get_if(@param);2434 2435 die "No params found for $ENV{'PBPROJ'}" if (not @return);2436 2437 foreach my $i (0..$#param) {2438 die "No $param[$i] defined for $ENV{'PBPROJ'}" if (not defined $return[$i]);2439 }2440 return(@return);2441 }2442 2443 # Function which returns a pointer on a table2444 # corresponding to a set of values queried in the conf file2445 # Those value may be undef if they do not exist2446 sub pb_conf_get_if {2447 2448 my @param = @_;2449 2450 # Everything is returned via ptr12451 my @ptr1 = ();2452 my @ptr2 = ();2453 @ptr1 = pb_conf_read_if("$ENV{'PBETC'}", @param) if (defined $ENV{'PBETC'});2454 @ptr2 = pb_conf_read_if("$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}.pb", @param) if ((defined $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}) and (defined $ENV{'PBPROJ'}));2455 2456 my $p1;2457 my $p2;2458 2459 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb_conf_get param1: ".Dumper(@ptr1)."\n");2460 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb_conf_get param2: ".Dumper(@ptr2)."\n");2461 2462 foreach my $i (0..$#param) {2463 $p1 = $ptr1[$i];2464 $p2 = $ptr2[$i];2465 # Always try to take the param from the home dir conf file in priority2466 # in order to mask what could be defined under the CMS to allow for overloading2467 if (not defined $p2) {2468 # No ref in CMS project conf file so use the home dir one.2469 $p1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} = $p1->{'default'} if ((not defined $p1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && (defined $p1->{'default'}));2470 } else {2471 # Ref found in CMS project conf file2472 if (not defined $p1) {2473 # No ref in home dir project conf file so use the CMS one.2474 $p2->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} = $p2->{'default'} if ((not defined $p2->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) && (defined $p2->{'default'}));2475 $p1 = $p2;2476 } else {2477 # Both are defined - handling the overloading2478 if (not defined $p1->{'default'}) {2479 if (defined $p2->{'default'}) {2480 $p1->{'default'} = $p2->{'default'};2481 }2482 }2483 2484 if (not defined $p1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {2485 if (defined $p2->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {2486 $p1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} = $p2->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} if (defined $p2->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}});2487 } else {2488 $p1->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} = $p1->{'default'} if (defined $p1->{'default'});2489 }2490 }2491 # Now copy back into p1 all p2 content which doesn't exist in p12492 # p1 content (local) always has priority over p2 (project)2493 foreach my $k (keys %$p2) {2494 $p1->{$k} = $p2->{$k} if (not defined $p1->{$k});2495 }2496 }2497 }2498 $ptr1[$i] = $p1;2499 }2500 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: pb_conf_get param ptr1: ".Dumper(@ptr1)."\n");2501 return(@ptr1);2502 }2503 2504 # Setup environment for CMS system for URL passed2505 sub pb_cms_init {2506 2507 my $pbinit = shift || undef;2508 2509 my ($pburl) = pb_conf_get("pburl");2510 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: Project URL of $ENV{'PBPROJ'}: $pburl->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}\n");2511 my ($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri($pburl->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}});2512 2513 my ($pbprojdir) = pb_conf_get_if("pbprojdir");2514 2515 if ((defined $pbprojdir) && (defined $pbprojdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) {2516 $ENV{'PBPROJDIR'} = $pbprojdir->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};2517 } else {2518 $ENV{'PBPROJDIR'} = "$ENV{'PBDEFDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJ'}";2519 }2520 2521 # Computing the default dir for PBDIR.2522 # what we have is PBPROJDIR so work from that.2523 # Tree identical between PBCONFDIR and PBROOTDIR on one side and2524 # PBPROJDIR and PBDIR on the other side.2525 2526 my $tmp = $ENV{'PBROOTDIR'};2527 $tmp =~ s|^$ENV{'PBCONFDIR'}||;2528 2529 #2530 # Check project cms compliance2531 #2532 pb_cms_compliant(undef,'PBDIR',"$ENV{'PBPROJDIR'}/$tmp",$pburl->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}},$pbinit);2533 2534 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2535 # svnversion more precise than svn info2536 $tmp = `(cd "$ENV{'PBDIR'}" ; svnversion .)`;2537 chomp($tmp);2538 $ENV{'PBREVISION'}=$tmp;2539 $ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}="svn.log";2540 } elsif (($scheme eq "file") || ($scheme eq "ftp") || ($scheme eq "http")) {2541 $ENV{'PBREVISION'}="flat";2542 $ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}="flat.log";2543 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2544 # Way too slow2545 #$ENV{'PBREVISION'}=`(cd "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}" ; cvs rannotate -f . 2>&1 | awk '{print \$1}' | grep -E '^[0-9]' | cut -d. -f2 |sort -nu | tail -1)`;2546 #chomp($ENV{'PBREVISION'});2547 $ENV{'PBREVISION'}="cvs";2548 $ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}="cvs.log";2549 $ENV{'CVS_RSH'} = "ssh" if ($scheme =~ /ssh/);2550 } else {2551 die "cms $scheme unknown";2552 }2553 2554 return($scheme,$pburl->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}});2555 }2556 2557 sub pb_cms_export {2558 2559 my $uri = shift;2560 my $source = shift;2561 my $destdir = shift;2562 my $tmp;2563 my $tmp1;2564 2565 my @date = pb_get_date();2566 # If it's not flat, then we have a real uri as source2567 my ($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri($uri);2568 2569 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2570 if (-d $source) {2571 $tmp = $destdir;2572 } else {2573 $tmp = "$destdir/".basename($source);2574 }2575 pb_system("svn export $source $tmp","Exporting $source from SVN to $tmp");2576 } elsif ($scheme eq "dir") {2577 pb_system("cp -a $path $destdir","Copying $uri from DIR to $destdir");2578 } elsif (($scheme eq "http") || ($scheme eq "ftp")) {2579 my $f = basename($path);2580 unlink "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f";2581 if (-x "/usr/bin/wget") {2582 pb_system("/usr/bin/wget -nv -O $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f $uri"," ");2583 } elsif (-x "/usr/bin/curl") {2584 pb_system("/usr/bin/curl $uri -o $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f","Downloading $uri with curl to $ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f\n");2585 } else {2586 die "Unable to download $uri.\nNo wget/curl available, please install one of those";2587 }2588 pb_cms_export("file://$ENV{'PBTMP'}/$f",$source,$destdir);2589 } elsif ($scheme eq "file") {2590 use File::MimeInfo;2591 my $mm = mimetype($path);2592 pb_log(2,"mimetype: $mm\n");2593 pb_mkdir_p($destdir);2594 2595 # Check whether the file is well formed2596 # (containing already a directory with the project-version name)2597 my ($pbwf) = pb_conf_get_if("pbwf");2598 if ((defined $pbwf) && (defined $pbwf->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) {2599 $destdir = dirname($destdir);2600 }2601 2602 if ($mm =~ /\/x-bzip-compressed-tar$/) {2603 # tar+bzip22604 pb_system("cd $destdir ; tar xfj $path","Extracting $path in $destdir");2605 } elsif ($mm =~ /\/x-lzma-compressed-tar$/) {2606 # tar+lzma2607 pb_system("cd $destdir ; tar xfY $path","Extracting $path in $destdir");2608 } elsif ($mm =~ /\/x-compressed-tar$/) {2609 # tar+gzip2610 pb_system("cd $destdir ; tar xfz $path","Extracting $path in $destdir");2611 } elsif ($mm =~ /\/x-tar$/) {2612 # tar2613 pb_system("cd $destdir ; tar xf $path","Extracting $path in $destdir");2614 } elsif ($mm =~ /\/zip$/) {2615 # zip2616 pb_system("cd $destdir ; unzip $path","Extracting $path in $destdir");2617 }2618 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2619 # CVS needs a relative path !2620 my $dir=dirname($destdir);2621 my $base=basename($destdir);2622 # CVS also needs a modules name not a dir2623 #if (-d $source) {2624 $tmp1 = basename($source);2625 #} else {2626 #$tmp1 = dirname($source);2627 #$tmp1 = basename($tmp1);2628 #}2629 my $optcvs = "";2630 2631 # If we're working on the CVS itself2632 my $cvstag = basename($ENV{'PBROOTDIR'});2633 my $cvsopt = "";2634 if ($cvstag eq "cvs") {2635 my $pbdate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", @date);2636 $cvsopt = "-D \"$pbdate\"";2637 } else {2638 # we're working on a tag which should be the last part of PBROOTDIR2639 $cvsopt = "-r $cvstag";2640 }2641 pb_system("cd $dir ; cvs -d $account\@$host:$path export $cvsopt -d $base $tmp1","Exporting $tmp1 from $source under CVS to $destdir");2642 } else {2643 die "cms $scheme unknown";2644 }2645 }2646 2647 2648 sub pb_create_authors {2649 2650 my $authors=shift;2651 my $dest=shift;2652 my $scheme=shift;2653 2654 return if ($authors eq "/dev/null");2655 open(SAUTH,$authors) || die "Unable to open $authors";2656 # Save a potentially existing AUTHORS file and write instead toi AUTHORS.pb2657 my $ext = "";2658 if (-f "$dest/AUTHORS") {2659 $ext = ".pb";2660 }2661 open(DAUTH,"> $dest/AUTHORS$ext") || die "Unable to create $dest/AUTHORS$ext";2662 print DAUTH "Authors of the project are:\n";2663 print DAUTH "===========================\n";2664 while (<SAUTH>) {2665 my ($nick,$gcos) = split(/:/);2666 chomp($gcos);2667 print DAUTH "$gcos";2668 if (defined $scheme) {2669 # Do not give a scheme for flat types2670 my $endstr="";2671 if ("$ENV{'PBREVISION'}" ne "flat") {2672 $endstr = " under $scheme";2673 }2674 print DAUTH " ($nick$endstr)\n";2675 } else {2676 print DAUTH "\n";2677 }2678 }2679 close(DAUTH);2680 close(SAUTH);2681 }2682 2683 sub pb_cms_log {2684 2685 my $scheme = shift;2686 my $pkgdir = shift;2687 my $dest = shift;2688 my $chglog = shift;2689 my $authors = shift;2690 2691 pb_create_authors($authors,$dest,$scheme);2692 2693 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2694 if (! -f "$dest/ChangeLog") {2695 if (-x "/usr/bin/svn2cl") {2696 # In case we have no network, just create an empty one before to allow correct build2697 open(CL,"> $dest/ChangeLog") || die "Unable to create $dest/ChangeLog";2698 close(CL);2699 pb_system("/usr/bin/svn2cl --group-by-day --authors=$authors -i -o $dest/ChangeLog $pkgdir","Generating ChangeLog from SVN with svn2cl");2700 } else {2701 # To be written from pbcl2702 pb_system("svn log -v $pkgdir > $dest/$ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}","Extracting log info from SVN");2703 }2704 }2705 } elsif (($scheme eq "file") || ($scheme eq "dir") || ($scheme eq "http") || ($scheme eq "ftp")) {2706 if (! -f "$dest/ChangeLog") {2707 pb_system("echo ChangeLog for $pkgdir > $dest/ChangeLog","Empty ChangeLog file created");2708 }2709 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2710 my $tmp=basename($pkgdir);2711 # CVS needs a relative path !2712 if (! -f "$dest/ChangeLog") {2713 if (-x "/usr/bin/cvs2cl") {2714 # In case we have no network, just create an empty one before to allow correct build2715 open(CL,"> $dest/ChangeLog") || die "Unable to create $dest/ChangeLog";2716 close(CL);2717 pb_system("/usr/bin/cvs2cl --group-by-day -U $authors -f $dest/ChangeLog $pkgdir","Generating ChangeLog from CVS with cvs2cl");2718 } else {2719 # To be written from pbcl2720 pb_system("cvs log $tmp > $dest/$ENV{'PBCMSLOGFILE'}","Extracting log info from CVS");2721 }2722 }2723 } else {2724 die "cms $scheme unknown";2725 }2726 }2727 2728 # This function is only called with a real CMS system2729 sub pb_cms_get_uri {2730 2731 my $scheme = shift;2732 my $dir = shift;2733 2734 my $res = "";2735 my $void = "";2736 2737 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2738 open(PIPE,"LANGUAGE=C svn info $dir |") || return("");2739 while (<PIPE>) {2740 ($void,$res) = split(/^URL:/) if (/^URL:/);2741 }2742 $res =~ s/^\s*//;2743 close(PIPE);2744 chomp($res);2745 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2746 # This path is always the root path of CVS, but we may be below2747 open(FILE,"$dir/CVS/Root") || die "$dir isn't CVS controlled";2748 $res = <FILE>;2749 chomp($res);2750 close(FILE);2751 # Find where we are in the tree2752 my $rdir = $dir;2753 while ((! -d "$rdir/CVSROOT") && ($rdir ne "/")) {2754 $rdir = dirname($rdir);2755 }2756 die "Unable to find a CVSROOT dir in the parents of $dir" if (! -d "$rdir/CVSROOT");2757 #compute our place under that root dir - should be a relative path2758 $dir =~ s|^$rdir||;2759 my $suffix = "";2760 $suffix = "$dir" if ($dir ne "");2761 2762 my $prefix = "";2763 if ($scheme =~ /ssh/) {2764 $prefix = "cvs+ssh://";2765 } else {2766 $prefix = "cvs://";2767 }2768 $res = $prefix.$res.$suffix;2769 } else {2770 die "cms $scheme unknown";2771 }2772 pb_log(2,"Found CMS info: $res\n");2773 return($res);2774 }2775 2776 sub pb_cms_copy {2777 my $scheme = shift;2778 my $oldurl = shift;2779 my $newurl = shift;2780 2781 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2782 pb_system("svn copy -m \"Creation of $newurl from $oldurl\" $oldurl $newurl","Copying $oldurl to $newurl ");2783 } elsif ($scheme eq "flat") {2784 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2785 } else {2786 die "cms $scheme unknown";2787 }2788 }2789 2790 sub pb_cms_checkout {2791 my $scheme = shift;2792 my $url = shift;2793 my $destination = shift;2794 2795 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2796 pb_system("svn co $url $destination","Checking out $url to $destination ");2797 } elsif (($scheme eq "ftp") || ($scheme eq "http")) {2798 return;2799 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2800 pb_system("cvs co $url $destination","Checking out $url to $destination ");2801 } else {2802 die "cms $scheme unknown";2803 }2804 }2805 2806 sub pb_cms_up {2807 my $scheme = shift;2808 my $dir = shift;2809 2810 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2811 pb_system("svn up $dir","Updating $dir");2812 } elsif ($scheme eq "flat") {2813 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2814 } else {2815 die "cms $scheme unknown";2816 }2817 }2818 2819 sub pb_cms_checkin {2820 my $scheme = shift;2821 my $dir = shift;2822 2823 my $ver = basename($dir);2824 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2825 pb_system("svn ci -m \"updated to $ver\" $dir","Checking in $dir");2826 } elsif ($scheme eq "flat") {2827 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2828 } else {2829 die "cms $scheme unknown";2830 }2831 pb_cms_up($scheme,$dir);2832 }2833 2834 sub pb_cms_isdiff {2835 my $scheme = shift;2836 my $dir =shift;2837 2838 if ($scheme =~ /^svn/) {2839 open(PIPE,"svn diff $dir |") || die "Unable to get svn diff from $dir";2840 my $l = 0;2841 while (<PIPE>) {2842 $l++;2843 }2844 return($l);2845 } elsif ($scheme eq "flat") {2846 } elsif ($scheme =~ /^cvs/) {2847 open(PIPE,"cvs diff $dir |") || die "Unable to get svn diff from $dir";2848 my $l = 0;2849 while (<PIPE>) {2850 # Skipping normal messages2851 next if (/^cvs diff:/);2852 $l++;2853 }2854 return($l);2855 } else {2856 die "cms $scheme unknown";2857 }2858 }2859 2860 # Get all filters to apply2861 # They're cumulative from less specific to most specific2862 # suffix is .pbf2863 2864 sub pb_get_filters {2865 2866 my @ffiles;2867 my ($ffile00, $ffile0, $ffile1, $ffile2, $ffile3);2868 my ($mfile00, $mfile0, $mfile1, $mfile2, $mfile3);2869 my $pbpkg = shift || die "No package specified";2870 my $dtype = shift || "";2871 my $dfam = shift || "";2872 my $ddir = shift || "";2873 my $dver = shift || "";2874 my $ptr = undef; # returned value pointer on the hash of filters2875 my %h;2876 2877 # Global filter files first, then package specificities2878 if (-d "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter") {2879 $mfile00 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/all.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/all.pbf");2880 $mfile0 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/$dtype.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/$dtype.pbf");2881 $mfile1 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/$dfam.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/$dfam.pbf");2882 $mfile2 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/$ddir.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/$ddir.pbf");2883 $mfile3 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/$ddir-$dver.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/pbfilter/$ddir-$dver.pbf");2884 2885 push @ffiles,$mfile00 if (defined $mfile00);2886 push @ffiles,$mfile0 if (defined $mfile0);2887 push @ffiles,$mfile1 if (defined $mfile1);2888 push @ffiles,$mfile2 if (defined $mfile2);2889 push @ffiles,$mfile3 if (defined $mfile3);2890 }2891 2892 if (-d "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter") {2893 $ffile00 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/all.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/all.pbf");2894 $ffile0 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$dtype.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$dtype.pbf");2895 $ffile1 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$dfam.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$dfam.pbf");2896 $ffile2 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$ddir.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$ddir.pbf");2897 $ffile3 = "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$ddir-$dver.pbf" if (-f "$ENV{'PBROOTDIR'}/$pbpkg/pbfilter/$ddir-$dver.pbf");2898 2899 push @ffiles,$ffile00 if (defined $ffile00);2900 push @ffiles,$ffile0 if (defined $ffile0);2901 push @ffiles,$ffile1 if (defined $ffile1);2902 push @ffiles,$ffile2 if (defined $ffile2);2903 push @ffiles,$ffile3 if (defined $ffile3);2904 }2905 if (@ffiles) {2906 pb_log(2,"DEBUG ffiles: ".Dumper(\@ffiles)."\n");2907 2908 foreach my $f (@ffiles) {2909 open(CONF,$f) || next;2910 while(<CONF>) {2911 if (/^\s*([A-z0-9-_]+)\s+([[A-z0-9-_]+)\s*=\s*(.+)$/) {2912 $h{$1}{$2}=$3;2913 }2914 }2915 close(CONF);2916 2917 $ptr = $h{"filter"};2918 pb_log(2,"DEBUG f:".Dumper($ptr)."\n");2919 }2920 }2921 return($ptr);2922 }2923 2924 # Function which applies filter on pb build files2925 sub pb_filter_file_pb {2926 2927 my $f=shift;2928 my $ptr=shift;2929 my %filter=%$ptr;2930 my $destfile=shift;2931 my $dtype=shift;2932 my $pbsuf=shift;2933 my $pbproj=shift;2934 my $pbpkg=shift;2935 my $pbver=shift;2936 my $pbtag=shift;2937 my $pbrev=shift;2938 my $pbdate=shift;2939 my $defpkgdir = shift;2940 my $extpkgdir = shift;2941 my $pbpackager = shift;2942 my $chglog = shift || undef;2943 2944 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: From $f to $destfile\n");2945 pb_mkdir_p(dirname($destfile)) if (! -d dirname($destfile));2946 open(DEST,"> $destfile") || die "Unable to create $destfile";2947 open(FILE,"$f") || die "Unable to open $f: $!";2948 while (<FILE>) {2949 my $line = $_;2950 foreach my $s (keys %filter) {2951 # Process single variables2952 pb_log(2,"DEBUG filter{$s}: $filter{$s}\n");2953 my $tmp = $filter{$s};2954 next if (not defined $tmp);2955 # Expand variables if any single one found2956 pb_log(2,"DEBUG tmp: $tmp\n");2957 if ($tmp =~ /\$/) {2958 eval { $tmp =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg };2959 # special case for ChangeLog only for pb2960 } elsif (($s =~ /^PBLOG$/) && ($line =~ /^PBLOG$/)) {2961 my $p = $defpkgdir->{$pbpkg};2962 $p = $extpkgdir->{$pbpkg} if (not defined $p);2963 pb_changelog($dtype, $pbpkg, $pbver, $pbtag, $pbsuf, $p, \*DEST, $tmp, $chglog);2964 $tmp = "";2965 }2966 $line =~ s|$s|$tmp|;2967 }2968 print DEST $line;2969 }2970 close(FILE);2971 close(DEST);2972 }2973 2974 # Function which applies filter on files (external call)2975 sub pb_filter_file_inplace {2976 2977 my $ptr=shift;2978 my %filter=%$ptr;2979 my $destfile=shift;2980 my $pbproj=shift;2981 my $pbpkg=shift;2982 my $pbver=shift;2983 my $pbtag=shift;2984 my $pbrev=shift;2985 my $pbdate=shift;2986 my $pbpackager=shift;2987 2988 my $cp = "$ENV{'PBTMP'}/".basename($destfile);2989 copy($destfile,$cp) || die "Unable to create $cp";2990 2991 pb_filter_file($cp,$ptr,$destfile,$pbproj,$pbpkg,$pbver,$pbtag,$pbrev,$pbdate,$pbpackager);2992 unlink $cp;2993 }2994 2995 # Function which applies filter on files (external call)2996 sub pb_filter_file {2997 2998 my $f=shift;2999 my $ptr=shift;3000 my %filter=%$ptr;3001 my $destfile=shift;3002 my $pbproj=shift;3003 my $pbpkg=shift;3004 my $pbver=shift;3005 my $pbtag=shift;3006 my $pbrev=shift;3007 my $pbdate=shift;3008 my $pbpackager=shift;3009 3010 pb_log(2,"DEBUG: From $f to $destfile\n");3011 pb_mkdir_p(dirname($destfile)) if (! -d dirname($destfile));3012 open(DEST,"> $destfile") || die "Unable to create $destfile";3013 open(FILE,"$f") || die "Unable to open $f: $!";3014 while (<FILE>) {3015 my $line = $_;3016 foreach my $s (keys %filter) {3017 # Process single variables3018 pb_log(2,"DEBUG filter{$s}: $filter{$s}\n");3019 my $tmp = $filter{$s};3020 next if (not defined $tmp);3021 # Expand variables if any single one found3022 if ($tmp =~ /\$/) {3023 eval { $tmp =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg };3024 }3025 $line =~ s|$s|$tmp|;3026 }3027 print DEST $line;3028 }3029 close(FILE);3030 close(DEST);3031 }3032 3033 2431 # 3034 # Return the list of packages we are working on in a CMS action3035 # 3036 sub pb_ cms_get_pkg {2432 # Return the list of packages we are working on in a non CMS action 2433 # 2434 sub pb_get_pkg { 3037 2435 3038 2436 my @pkgs = (); 3039 my $defpkgdir = shift || undef; 3040 my $extpkgdir = shift || undef; 3041 3042 # Get packages list 3043 if (not defined $ARGV[0]) { 3044 @pkgs = keys %$defpkgdir if (defined $defpkgdir); 3045 } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^all$/) { 3046 @pkgs = keys %$defpkgdir if (defined $defpkgdir); 3047 push(@pkgs, keys %$extpkgdir) if (defined $extpkgdir); 3048 } else { 3049 @pkgs = @ARGV; 3050 } 2437 2438 my ($var) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}.pb","pbpkg"); 2439 @pkgs = keys %$var; 2440 3051 2441 pb_log(0,"Packages: ".join(',',@pkgs)."\n"); 3052 2442 return(\@pkgs); 3053 2443 } 3054 2444 3055 #3056 # Return the list of packages we are working on in a non CMS action3057 #3058 sub pb_get_pkg {3059 3060 my @pkgs = ();3061 3062 my ($var) = pb_conf_read("$ENV{'PBDESTDIR'}/$ENV{'PBPROJVER'}-$ENV{'PBPROJTAG'}.pb","pbpkg");3063 @pkgs = keys %$var;3064 3065 pb_log(0,"Packages: ".join(',',@pkgs)."\n");3066 return(\@pkgs);3067 }3068 3069 #3070 # Check pbconf/project cms compliance3071 #3072 sub pb_cms_compliant {3073 3074 my $param = shift;3075 my $envar = shift;3076 my $defdir = shift;3077 my $uri = shift;3078 my $pbinit = shift;3079 my %pdir;3080 3081 my ($pdir) = pb_conf_get_if($param) if (defined $param);3082 if (defined $pdir) {3083 %pdir = %$pdir;3084 }3085 3086 3087 if ((defined $pdir) && (%pdir) && (defined $pdir{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}})) {3088 # That's always the environment variable that will be used3089 $ENV{$envar} = $pdir{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}};3090 } else {3091 if (defined $param) {3092 pb_log(1,"WARNING: no $param defined, using $defdir\n");3093 pb_log(1," Please create a $param reference for project $ENV{'PBPROJ'} in $ENV{'PBETC'}\n");3094 pb_log(1," if you want to use another directory\n");3095 }3096 $ENV{$envar} = "$defdir";3097 }3098 3099 # Expand potential env variable in it3100 eval { $ENV{$envar} =~ s/(\$ENV.+\})/$1/eeg };3101 pb_log(2,"$envar: $ENV{$envar}\n");3102 3103 my ($scheme, $account, $host, $port, $path) = pb_get_uri($uri);3104 3105 if ((! -d "$ENV{$envar}") || (defined $pbinit)) {3106 if (defined $pbinit) {3107 pb_mkdir_p("$ENV{$envar}");3108 } else {3109 pb_log(1,"Checking out $uri\n");3110 pb_cms_checkout($scheme,$uri,$ENV{$envar});3111 }3112 } elsif (($scheme !~ /^cvs/) || ($scheme !~ /^svn/)) {3113 # Do not compare if it's not a real cms3114 return;3115 } else {3116 pb_log(1,"$uri found locally, checking content\n");3117 my $cmsurl = pb_cms_get_uri($scheme,$ENV{$envar});3118 my ($scheme2, $account2, $host2, $port2, $path2) = pb_get_uri($cmsurl);3119 if ($cmsurl ne $uri) {3120 # The local content doesn't correpond to the repository3121 pb_log(0,"ERROR: Inconsistency detected:\n");3122 pb_log(0," * $ENV{$envar} refers to $cmsurl but\n");3123 pb_log(0," * $ENV{'PBETC'} refers to $uri\n");3124 die "Project $ENV{'PBPROJ'} is not Project-Builder compliant.";3125 } else {3126 pb_log(1,"Content correct - doing nothing - you may want to update your repository however\n");3127 # they match - do nothing - there may be local changes3128 }3129 }3130 }3131 3132 sub pb_changelog {3133 3134 my $dtype = shift;3135 my $pkg = shift;3136 my $pbver = shift;3137 my $pbtag = shift;3138 my $dsuf = shift;3139 my $path = shift;3140 my $OUTPUT = shift;3141 my $doit = shift;3142 my $chglog = shift || undef;3143 3144 my $log = "";3145 3146 # For date handling3147 $ENV{LANG}="C";3148 3149 if ((not (defined $dtype)) || ($dtype eq "") ||3150 (not (defined $pkg)) || ($pkg eq "") ||3151 (not (defined $pbver)) || ($pbver eq "") ||3152 (not (defined $pbtag)) || ($pbtag eq "") ||3153 (not (defined $dsuf)) || ($dsuf eq "") ||3154 (not (defined $path)) || ($path eq "") ||3155 (not (defined $OUTPUT)) || ($OUTPUT eq "") ||3156 (not (defined $doit)) || ($doit eq "")) {3157 print $OUTPUT "\n";3158 return;3159 }3160 3161 if (((not defined $chglog) || (! -f $chglog)) && ($doit eq "yes")) {3162 #pb_log(2,"No ChangeLog file ($chglog) for $pkg\n";3163 print $OUTPUT "\n";3164 return;3165 }3166 3167 my $date;3168 my $ndate;3169 my $n2date;3170 my $ver;3171 my $ver2;3172 my ($pbpackager) = pb_conf_get("pbpackager");3173 3174 if (not defined $pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}}) {3175 $pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} = "undefined\@noproject.noorg";3176 }3177 3178 # If we don't need to do it, or don't have it fake something3179 if (((not defined $chglog) || (! -f $chglog)) && ($doit ne "yes")) {3180 my @date = pb_get_date();3181 $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", @date);3182 $ndate = UnixDate($date,"%a", "%b", "%d", "%Y");3183 $n2date = &UnixDate($date,"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z");3184 if (($dtype eq "rpm") || ($dtype eq "fc")) {3185 $ver2 = "$pbver-$pbtag$dsuf";3186 print $OUTPUT "* $ndate $pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} $ver2\n";3187 print $OUTPUT "- Updated to $pbver\n";3188 }3189 if ($dtype eq "deb") {3190 print $OUTPUT "$pkg ($pbver) unstable; urgency=low\n";3191 print $OUTPUT "\n";3192 print $OUTPUT " -- $pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} $n2date\n\n\n";3193 }3194 return;3195 }3196 3197 open(INPUT,"$chglog") || die "Unable to open $chglog (read)";3198 3199 # Skip first 4 lines3200 my $tmp = <INPUT>;3201 $tmp = <INPUT>;3202 $tmp = <INPUT>;3203 if ($dtype eq "announce") {3204 print $OUTPUT $tmp;3205 }3206 $tmp = <INPUT>;3207 if ($dtype eq "announce") {3208 print $OUTPUT $tmp;3209 }3210 3211 my $first=1;3212 3213 # Handle each block separated by newline3214 while (<INPUT>) {3215 ($ver, $date) = split(/ /);3216 $ver =~ s/^v//;3217 chomp($date);3218 $date =~ s/\(([0-9-]+)\)/$1/;3219 #pb_log(2,"**$date**\n";3220 $ndate = UnixDate($date,"%a", "%b", "%d", "%Y");3221 $n2date = &UnixDate($date,"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z");3222 #pb_log(2,"**$ndate**\n";3223 3224 if (($dtype eq "rpm") || ($dtype eq "fc")) {3225 if ($ver !~ /-/) {3226 if ($first eq 1) {3227 $ver2 = "$ver-$pbtag$dsuf";3228 $first=0;3229 } else {3230 $ver2 = "$ver-1$dsuf";3231 }3232 } else {3233 $ver2 = "$ver$dsuf";3234 }3235 print $OUTPUT "* $ndate $pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} $ver2\n";3236 print $OUTPUT "- Updated to $ver\n";3237 }3238 if ($dtype eq "deb") {3239 print $OUTPUT "$pkg ($ver) unstable; urgency=low\n";3240 print $OUTPUT "\n";3241 }3242 3243 $tmp = <INPUT>;3244 while ($tmp !~ /^$/) {3245 if ($dtype eq "deb") {3246 $tmp =~ s/^- //;3247 print $OUTPUT " * $tmp";3248 } elsif ($dtype eq "rpm") {3249 print $OUTPUT "$tmp";3250 } else {3251 print $OUTPUT "$tmp";3252 }3253 last if (eof(INPUT));3254 $tmp = <INPUT>;3255 }3256 print $OUTPUT "\n";3257 3258 if ($dtype eq "deb") {3259 # Cf: print $OUTPUT " -- $pbpackager->{$ENV{'PBPROJ'}} $n2date\n\n\n";3261 }3262 3263 last if (eof(INPUT));3264 last if ($dtype eq "announce");3265 }3266 close(INPUT);3267 }3268 2445 1;
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.