Changeset 906 in ProjectBuilder for devel/pb-modules/etc

Nov 24, 2009, 12:03:29 PM (15 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Improves opensuse deps for setupvm
1 edited


  • devel/pb-modules/etc/pb.conf

    r892 r906  
    191191osupd md = sudo urpmi.update -a ; sudo urpmi --auto
    192192osupd novell = export TERM=linux ; export PATH=\$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin ; sudo yast2 -i
     193osupd opensuse = sudo zypper install -n
    193194osupd sol = sudo pkgadd -d
    221222# ospkgdep gives distribution package dependencies
    223 # Asianux - Module-Build first for processing as neede by others
     224# Asianux - Module-Build first for processing as needed by others
    224225osperldep asianux = Module-Build,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir,Mail-Sendmail
    225226ospkgdep asianux = wget,make,perl-Date-Manip,perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker,rpm-build,patch,ntp
    226 # Fedora - Module-Build first for processing as neede by others
     227# Fedora - Module-Build first for processing as needed by others
    227228osperldep fedora-4 = Module-Build,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir,Mail-Sendmail
    228229ospkgdep fedora-4 = wget,make,perl-Date-Manip,perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker,rpm-build,patch,ntp
    229230osperldep fedora =
    230231ospkgdep fedora = wget,make,perl-Date-Manip,perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker,rpm-build,patch,ntp,perl-File-MimeInfo,perl-Mail-Sendmail
    231 # Slack - Module-Build first for processing as neede by others
     232# Slack - Module-Build first for processing as needed by others
    232233osperldep tgz = Module-Build,Date-Manip,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir,Mail-Sendmail
    233234ospkgdep tgz = wget,make,ntp,patch
    234 # Old RedHat - Module-Build first for processing as neede by others
     235# Old RedHat - Module-Build first for processing as needed by others
    235236osperldep redhat = Module-Build,Date-Manip,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir,Mail-Sendmail
    236237ospkgdep redhat = wget,make,ntp,patch
    237 # Old SuSE - Module-Build first for processing as neede by others
    238 osperldep opensuse-10.0 = Module-Build,Date-Manip,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir,Mail-Sendmail
    239 ospkgdep opensuse-10.0 = wget,make,ntp,patch
    240 osperldep opensuse-10.1 = Module-Build,Date-Manip,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir,Mail-Sendmail
    241 ospkgdep opensuse-10.1 = wget,make,ntp,patch
     238# Old SuSE - Module-Build first for processing as needed by others
    242239osperldep suse = Module-Build,Date-Manip,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir,Mail-Sendmail
    243240ospkgdep suse = wget,make,ntp,patch
    244 # New OpenSuSE - Module-Build first for processing as neede by others
    245 ospkgdep opensuse-10.2 = wget,make,ntp,patch
    246 ospkgdep opensuse-10.3 = wget,make,ntp,patch
     241# New OpenSuSE - Module-Build first for processing as needed by others
    247242osperldep opensuse = Module-Build,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir
    248243ospkgdep opensuse = wget,make,sntp,patch,perl-Date-Manip,perl-File-HomeDir,perl-Mail-Sendmail
    260255osperldep gen =
    261256ospkgdep gen = wget,ntp,make,patch,DateManip,File-MimeInfo,Mail-Sendmail
    262 # Solaris - Module-Build first for processing as neede by others
     257# Solaris - Module-Build first for processing as needed by others
    263258osperldep pkg = Module-Build,Date-Manip,File-MimeInfo,File-BaseDir,Mail-Sendmail
    264259# Should be installaed manually first for the moment
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