Changeset 916 in ProjectBuilder for pbconf/devel/project-builder/pbfilter/all.pbf

Nov 29, 2009, 3:12:56 AM (14 years ago)
Bruno Cornec
  • Improves Debian support by a/ allowing PBDESC to be used in control file with space prepended. b/ prepend 0 to non digit versions such as devel. c/ creating debian pbfilter files for PBDEBSTD and PBDEBCOMP macros used in control.
  • Uses pbtag for ebuild and pkg packages
  • Improves pb Solaris pkgs
  • Improves pb Debian pkgs (only some warnings remaining for lintian)
  • Adds a PBSUMMARY macro and use it. Now also generated for newproj.
1 edited


  • pbconf/devel/project-builder/pbfilter/all.pbf

    r884 r916  
    1 filter PBDESC = Project Builder aka pb helps producing packages$/for multiple distributions. It does that by minimizing$/the duplication of information required and$/a set a very simple configuration files.
    2 filter PBSUMMARY = Project Builder aka pb helps producing packages for multiple distributions.
     1filter PBDESC = ProjectBuilder aka pb helps producing packages$/for multiple OSes (Linux distributions, Solaris, ...).$/It does that by minimizing$/the duplication of information required and$/a set a very simple configuration files.$/It implements a Continuous Packaging approach.
     2# Summary of package
     3filter PBSUMMARY = Project Builder helps providing multi-OSes Continuous Packaging
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