Changeset 942 in ProjectBuilder

Dec 18, 2009, 2:54:28 AM (15 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

Last remaining mondo ref for web pages changed

2 edited


  • devel/website/index.shtml

    r940 r942  
    4444  </div>
    4545  <div>
    46   <p>This website has been designed according to the <a href="">W3C standards</a> in order to be viewable by most standard compliant browsers. Since it uses some CSS techniques, it may not render correctly on some non-free (as in <i>freedom</i>) widely used browser. If this is the case with your browser, you may want to try the latest version of <a href="">Firefox</a>, a standards compliant free software browser.</p>
     46  <p>This website has been designed according to the <a href="">W3C standards</a> in order to be viewable by most standard compliant browsers. Since it uses some CSS techniques, it may not render correctly on some non-free (as in <i>freedom</i>) widely used browser. If this is the case with your browser, you may want to try the latest version of <a href="">Firefox</a>, a standards compliant free software browser.</p>
    4747    <p>This site is best viewed with the free <a href="">"Vera" True Type Font</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;from Bitstream.</p>
    4848  </div>
  • devel/website/top.shtml

    r941 r942  
    88      We tried our best, though, to make it viewable by the broadest audience (even Internet Explorer users).
    10       Please send an email to the webmaster_at_mondorescue,org should you have any problem accessing the website.
     10      Please send an email to the webmaster_at_project-builder,org should you have any problem accessing the website.
    1111    -->
    1212    <div id="topbanner">
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