Demo of =========================== # First demonstrate the way of working for pb itself cd ~/local/pb|~/pb # Show the various versions available in this SVK exported dir ls # get the current tag of the SVK repository svk info|svn info # get the current version of project-builder rpm -q project-builder pb --help # Decide to build a package for project-builder based on that devel version # to replace the one currently installed pb -p pb -r devel sbx|cms2build # Show the upstream part tar tvfz /home/bruno/local/pb/delivery/project-builder-devel.tar.gz # Show the pb specific part tar tvfz /home/bruno/local/pb/delivery/project-builder-devel.pbconf.tar.gz # Now make the packages pb -p pb build2pkg # Look at the latest pckges created ls -altrg /home/bruno/local/pb/build/RPMS/noarch # Install the generated packages sudo urpmi /home/bruno/local/pb/build/RPMS/noarch/*.rpm # Check that it's the right one rpm -q project-builder pb --help # Now show how easy it's to build for another distro in a VM ls /home/qemu pb -p pb -m ubuntu-10.10-i386 build2vm # Now show how easy it's to build for another distro in a VE ls /home/rpmbootstrap pb -p pb -m centos-5-x86_64 build2ve # Now show how easy it's to build for another project for which I'm upstream pb -p mondorescue -m centos-5-x86_64 cms2ve # Now show how easy it's to build for another project for which I'm not upstream with patches pb -p afio -r 2.5 -m centos-5-x86_64 cms2ve # Look at conf files cat ~/.pbrc cat /home/rpmbootstrap/.pbrc cat ~/local/pb/projects/afio/pbconf/2.5/afio.pb ls -R ~/local/pb/projects/afio/pbconf/2.5/ # Short Lab # in pblab account # prepa # As root rm -rf /prj/svn svnadmin create /prj/svn cat >> /prj/svn/conf/authz << EOF [/] pblab = rw * = r EOF cat >> /prj/svn/conf/passwd << EOF pblab = pblab EOF cat > /prj/svn/conf/svnserve.conf << EOF [general] password-db = passwd authz-db = authz [sasl] EOF killall svnserve ~pblab/bin/rc.local # as pblab rm -rf pb .pbrc cat > afio.pb.add << EOF defpkgdir afio = dummy pbpackager default = Big Chief projver afio = 2.5 projtag afio = 1 pburl afio = ftp://localhost/src/afio-2.5.tar.gz pbrepo afio = ftp://localhost EOF pb -p afio clean cat ~/.pbrc cat >> ~/.pbrc << EOF pbconfurl afio = svn://localhost/pb/afio/pbconf EOF echo "pbdefdir default = \$ENV{'HOME'}/pb" >> ~/.pbrc mkdir pb svn import pb svn://localhost/pb -m "Initial creation of pb repo" # passwd asked here cd pb svn co svn://localhost/pb . pb -p afio newproj afio # passwd asked here cat ~/afio.pb.add >> afio/pbconf/afio.pb pb -p afio sbx2build # with Ubuntu CD cat >> ~/.pbrc << EOF vmpath default = /home/qemu EOF