Generate the mini Linux distribution file ----------------------------------------- First step is to generate the ext3fs.img file that contains the mini Linux distribution to boot the system and run the SSSTK capture/deploy scripts. YUM will download the required packages from the repositories configured on the host. Repositories providing RHEL 6.1 and HP packages have to be configured on the host. The ext3fs.img generation process requires 900MB of free disk space. The script is located in '/opt/setupkey': $ ./ Will generate: - ext3fs.img: 900MB file containing the mini Linux distribution. - vmlinuz: the kernel that will be used by the syslinux boot process - initramfs.img: bootstrap image created by dracut. Once the 3 above files have been generated, USB keys can be created. Generate the bootable USB key ----------------------------- To generate the USB key using this script, the following tools have to be installed on your system and in your PATH: - dd, cat, which, sync, grep, sleep, mkdir, rm, mount, umount - sfdisk - mkfs.vfat - mktemp - syslinux - mksquashfs The script requires one single argument. The path to the USB key device. ./ The script can also be used with loopback devices (i.e. /dev/loop0) if the loopback device is associated with a raw file. For example: $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/usbdev.img bs=1M count=400 $ losetup -fv /tmp/usbdev.img $ ./ /dev/loop0 It can be used for test purposes with virtual machines but it will not work with iLO virtual media as it requires the USB key to be mounted RW to save config files and logs and the iLO Virtual Media only allows it mounted RO. Using the USB key ----------------- The USB key proposes 5 different menu entries: - capture: to capture the BIOS (data_files/conrep.dat), Smart Array RAID (data_files/cpqacuxe.dat) and iLO configurations (data_files/hponcfg.dat) - deploy: to deploy previously captured BIOS, Smart Array RAID and iLO configurations - interactive: gives you access to an interactive shell from which individual script can be run. - ilo: to deploy a very basic and well known iLO configuration. This configura- tion can be found in data_files/ilo.dat - fw: to install the firmware in the fw folder !!!!CAUTION!!!! The deploy script is the one that is loaded by default. Be sure you have access to a console with a keyboard is you want to do anything else than deploy operation. capture: -------- The captured configuration files are stored on the USB key in data_files folder: - BIOS -> data_files/conrep.dat - Smart Array RAID -> data_files/cpqacuxe.dat - iLO configurations -> data_files/hponcfg.dat and the logs in the log folder (i.e log/capture-20112006-1054.log). deploy: ------- The deploy entry takes the configuration files in data_files folder and deploys them on the target server. The BIOS and Smart Array configurations are deploy as they are on the USB key. Some cleanup is performed on the iLO config file before it is deployed. The ADD_USER XML entries are removed. The SSO entry is also removed. Variables substitution is also done by a python script. The variables are defined in the config/ilo file on the USB key. There are currently 5 variable that can be customized: Lines beginning with a "#" will be ignored. - ECF_IP: The IP of the iLO interface - ECF_NETMASK: The IP netmask - ECF_GW: The IP gateway - ECF_LICENCE: The iLO extended licence that should be associated to the iLO interface - ECF_ADMIN_PASSWD: The new iLO Administrator's password. interactive: ------------ Will boot the system and give access to a bash console from which all the scripts and files on the USB key can be accessed. Capture and deploy scripts are located in /ssstk. ilo: ---- This entry will ONLY deploy the iLO configuration defined in data_files/ilo.dat. The BIOS and RAID configurations will remain untouched. The ilo.dat file is applied as it is. No variable substitution. fw: --- Deploy the firmware files located in the fs/ folder on the USB key.