demo of =========================== # First demonstrate the way of working for pb itself cd ~/local/pb|~/pb|~/svn-git/pb # Show the various versions available in this SVK exported dir ls # get the current tag of the SVK repository #svk info # get it from SVN directly svn info svn+ssh:// # get the current version of project-builder rpm -q project-builder pb --help pb # Decide to build a package for project-builder based on that devel version # to replace the one currently installed pb -p pb -r devel sbx2build|cms2build # Show the upstream part ls -altg /home/bruno/svn-git/pb/pbdelivery/ tar tvfz /home/bruno/svn-git/pb/pbdelivery/project-builder-XXX.tar.gz # Show the pb specific part tar tvfz /home/bruno/svn-git/pb/pbdelivery/project-builder-develXXX.pbconf.tar.gz # Now make the packages pb -p pb build2pkg # Look at the latest packages created ls -altrg /home/bruno/svn-git/pb/pbbuild/RPMS/noarch # Install the generated packages sudo urpmi /home/bruno/svn-git/pb/pbbuild/RPMS/noarch/*.rpm # Check that it's the right one rpm -q project-builder pb -h git svn info # Now show how easy it's to build for another distro in a VM ls /home/qemu -> pb -p pb -m debian-7-x86_64 sbx2vm ls -al /var/ftp/pub/pb/test/debian/7/ ls -al /var/ftp/pub/pb/test/debian/dists/7/ pb -p pb -m mageia-3-i386 sbx2vm # Now show how easy it's to build for another distro in a VE ls /home/rpmbootstrap pb -p pb -m centos-6-x86_64 build2ve pb -p pb -m ubuntu-11.10-x86_64 build2ve -> pb -p pb -m debian-6.0-x86_64 sbx2ve ls -al /var/ftp/pub/pb/test/debian/6.0/ ls -al /var/ftp/pub/pb/test/debian/dists/6.0/ # Docker part # Mount the external HDD if needed sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt $ sudo mount -o bind /mnt/docker /var/cache/docker # Then restart docker to avoid errors with Attempt to write a readonly database $ sudo systemctl restart docker #$ sudo systemctl restart docker_registry # Now show how easy it's to build for another distro in a Docker VE # Create Docker container $ docker images # If docker issue with net, restart docker $ sudo ip link delete docker0 $ sudo systemctl restart docker.service # Building with rpmbootstrap for a distro # We already imported the upstream container images to save time # Start with the local distro to simplify # $ pb -p pb -m mageia-5-x86_64 -T docker -i mageia:5 newve # or without -i if time permits using rpmbootstrap $ docker images | grep mageia-5 $ docker images | grep mageia-5 | awk '{print $3}' $ docker run -ti `docker images | grep mageia-5 | head -1 | awk '{print $3}'` /bin/bash [root@8158b86786a7 /]# cat /etc/mageia-release Mageia release 5 (Official) for x86_64 [root@8158b86786a7 /]# uname -a Linux 8158b86786a7 3.19.8-desktop-3.mga5 #1 SMP Sat Jun 13 17:05:48 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [root@8158b86786a7 /]# urpmi tcsh installing tcsh-6.18.01-8.mga5.x86_64.rpm from /var/cache/urpmi/rpms Preparing... ############################################# 1/1: tcsh ############################################# [root@8158b86786a7 /]# pb --help bash: pb: command not found [root@8158b86786a7 /]# exit $ pb -p pb -m mageia-5-x86_64 -T docker sbx2setupve $ docker images | grep mageia-5 localhost:5000/pb mageia-5-x86_64-pb 43bcfd269f29 2 minutes ago 376.2 MB localhost:5000/pb mageia-5-x86_64 466f10e78bba 16 minutes ago 184.5 MB $ docker run -ti `docker images | grep mageia-5-x86_64-pb | awk '{print $3}'` /bin/bash [root@bbd981bcf4cd /]# pb --help pb (aka Version devel20150930111943-2002 [root@bbd981bcf4cd /]# exit $ pb -p pb -m mageia-5-x86_64 -T docker prepve $ docker images | grep mageia-5-x86_64-pb-pb localhost:5000/pb mageia-5-x86_64-pb-pb 66dd65cab2cc About a minute ago 378.9 MB $ pb -p pb -m mageia-5-x86_64 -T docker sbx2ve # On another distro already preped # we can launch in // the same for ubuntu 15.04 $ pb -p pb -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker -i ubuntu:15.04 newve $ pb -p pb -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker sbx2setupve $ pb -p pb -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker prepve $ pb -p pb -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker sbx2ve # Instead of the video: pb -p pb -T docker -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker -i ubuntu:15.04 newve pb -p pb -T docker -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker sbx2setupve pb -p pb -T docker -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker prepve pb -p pb -T docker -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker build2ve # and then another project pb -p mondorescue -T docker -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker prepve # After the Video: # Another container Ubuntu 13.10 $ pb -p pb -m ubuntu-15.04-x86_64 -T docker build2ve $ ls -al /var/ftp/pub/pb/test/ubuntu/15.04 # On another project $ pb -p mondorescue -m mageia-4-x86_64 -T docker prepve $ docker images $ ls -al /var/ftp/pub/pb/test/mageia/4/x86_64 $ ssh ls -altrg /prj/ftp/test/mageia/4/x86_64 # Look at what was created $ docker images $ docker history localhost:5000/pb:mageia-4-x86_64-pb-pb $ docker ps -a $ docker attach $ docker images $ docker run -ti /bin/bash $ pb -h $ docker run -ti /bin/bash $ ls -al /var/ftp/pub/pb/test/mageia/4/x86_64 # # Now check what you built: # On a deb based distro: pb -p pb -m debian-9-x86_64 sbx2ve docker run -ti pb:debian-9-x86_64 /bin/bash pb --version cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ apt-get install gnupg wget -qO - | apt-key add - wget apt-get update apt-get install project-builder pb --version # On a rpm based distro pb -p pb -m fedora-25-x86_64 docker run -ti pb:fedora-25-x86_64 /bin/bash pb --version cd /etc/yum.repos.d wget dnf install project-builder pb --version # WIth VMs # Now show how easy it's to build for another project for which I'm upstream -> pb -p mondorescue -m debian-6.0-x86_64 sbx2ve # Now show how easy it's to build for another project for which I'm not upstream with patches -> pb -p afio -r 2.5 -m debian-6.0-x86_64 sbx2ve # Look at conf files cat ~/.pbrc cat /home/rpmbootstrap/.pbrc cat ~/svn-git/pb/projects/afio/pbconf/2.5/afio.pb cat ~/svn-git/pb/projects/afio/pbconf/2.5/afio/rpm/afio.spec cat ~/svn-git/pb/projects/afio/pbconf/2.5/afio/deb/control ls -R ~/svn-git/pb/projects/afio/pbconf/2.5/ # Short Lab # in pblab account # prepa # As root rm -rf /prj/svn svnadmin create /prj/svn cat >> /prj/svn/conf/authz << EOF [/] pblab = rw * = r EOF cat >> /prj/svn/conf/passwd << EOF pblab = pblab EOF cat > /prj/svn/conf/svnserve.conf << EOF [general] password-db = passwd authz-db = authz [sasl] EOF killall svnserve ~pblab/bin/rc.local # as pblab rm -rf pb .pbrc cat > afio.pb.add << EOF defpkgdir afio = dummy pbpackager default = Big Chief projver afio = 2.5 projtag afio = 1 pburl afio = ftp://localhost/src/afio-2.5.tar.gz pbrepo afio = ftp://localhost EOF pb -p afio clean cat ~/.pbrc cat >> ~/.pbrc << EOF pbconfurl afio = svn://localhost/pb/afio/pbconf EOF echo "pbdefdir default = \$ENV{'HOME'}/pb" >> ~/.pbrc mkdir pb svn import pb svn://localhost/pb -m "Initial creation of pb repo" # passwd asked here cd pb svn co svn://localhost/pb . pb -p afio newproj afio # passwd asked here cat ~/afio.pb.add >> afio/pbconf/afio.pb pb -p afio sbx2build # with Ubuntu CD cat >> ~/.pbrc << EOF vmpath default = /home/qemu EOF