8 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix website delivery errors, and some minor spelling errors
8 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Update website conf following GVA move
8 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Adds http support for ftp.project-builder.org
9 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Copyright update for 2016
9 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Adds dnf support
Starting with Fedora 22 the package manager is dnf …
10 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Update copyrights dates notices
- Change pb_parallel_launchv …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Update web site with latest distributions available for download
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix support page to reference pb trac and not mr trac ! (Eric Anderson)
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adding PUSK presentation
- Adding pb website conf
14 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Adds some images used in web site
14 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improved documentation and web pages (Eric Anderson …
14 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve about Web page with RM mention
14 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- list of docs for .1, .3, .5 entries are now dynamically generated
14 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix doc generation for pb.conf.pod
14 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4143@fcaron: bruno | 2011-02-01 17:06:11 +0100
- Some Website …
14 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix svn instructions
14 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4057@localhost: bruno | 2010-11-26 11:41:21 +0100
- First set of …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4075@localhost: bruno | 2010-09-17 17:25:50 +0200
- Website now …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- First attempt to improve Web site delivery for docs (man pages, ...)
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Add support for mirror server to debootstrap command
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds more pages to the Web site for pb
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Web server now answer to project-builder.org requests
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Create an etc dir to host the Web server conf file
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Add web server conf file
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Add a news page for website
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
More mondo ref removed
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Last remaining mondo ref for web pages changed
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Improved Web pages header.
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Preliminary version of a Web site