Custom Query (159 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 159)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#3 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed command in pb to create a pbconf template

Adds a command in pb to create a pbconf template (with template build files, filters, ...)

#4 Bruno Cornec fixed add support for a all.pbf

add support for a all.pbf filter that would contain common filter information cross distribution (aka PBVER, PBPKG, potentially macro internal to the project such as PBSUDOERS for LinuxCOE).

#5 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed Fix spec file for rh7.3 rh9 and rhel3 + suse10.0

Fix spec file for rh7.3 (perl version 5.6.1) rh9 and rhel3 (DESTDIR not used) + suse10.0 (bz2)

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