Custom Query (159 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 159)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#178 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed addrepo doesn't work with ubuntu 18.04 x86_64

using an addrepo entry for a project doesn't work for an Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64 container.

pb_distro_setuprepo_gen doesn't seem to be called as no trace of the message from it when invoked with debug

#181 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed sbx2docker error during first run

When launching sbx2docker for the first time (no existing CTN), at the end it asks for a passwd, whereas when you relaunch it a second time, it doesn't.

Packages: pbmkbm,project-builder-server,project-builder,rpmbootstrap,ProjectBuilder
Exporting public key for Bruno Cornec <>
Preparing /prj/ftp//fedora/29/x86_64 on Password: 
ERROR: child (/bin/ssh  -q -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -p 22 "mkdir -p /prj/ftp//fedora/29/x86_64 ; cd /prj/ftp//fedora/29/x86_64 ; echo 'for i in  project-builder-0.15.2-1.fc29.src.rpm project-builder-0.15.2-1.fc29.noarch.rpm project-builder-server-0.15.2-1.fc29.src.rpm project-builder-server-0.15.2-1.fc29.noarch.rpm perl-ProjectBuilder-0.15.2-1.fc29.src.rpm perl-ProjectBuilder-0.15.2-1.fc29.noarch.rpm pbmkbm-0.15.2-1.fc29.src.rpm pbmkbm-0.15.2-1.fc29.noarch.rpm rpmbootstrap-0.15.2-1.fc29.src.rpm rpmbootstrap-0.15.2-1.fc29.noarch.rpm pb.pubkey; do if [ -f $i ]; then rm -f $i; fi; done ; ' | bash -e") cwd=/users-ssd/bruno/pb/pbbuild exited with value 0

#182 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed website misses the pb.yml man page

It has .8 and .1 man page not .5 it seems

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