Custom Query (159 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 159)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#67 fixed Incorrectly commented define in the template rpm spec Bruno Cornec Nikita Krupen'ko

I use pb version 0.9.10-1042. It generates incorrect template for rpm spec located at pbconf/PROJECT/rpm/PROJECT.spec. This template contains the following line:

#%define srcname	PBPKG

That causes following error during build2pkg:

#%define is forbidden, use #define to comment a %define

So, that line should look like this

#define srcname	PBPKG
#70 fixed Keep vm's and ve's up to date Bruno Cornec Joachim Langenbach

Actually keeping the vm's (and ve's) up to date is very time consuming. It may be more easy, if a target exists, which starts all vm's after each other and installs all available updates.

#65 fixed Make Enduser usage of created packages more easy Bruno Cornec Joachim Langenbach

To make the usage of the created packages more easy to the end user, some more actions should be done.

This should be related to all Distribution, even if I only add OpenSuSe right now, because they have a solution.

It would be nice to create a ymp-file on OpenSuSe too, which can be used to enable one-click-installation. I've translated the example from (only available in german) into english, to make it more useable. This file can be linked from a website and if the user activates the link, the defined repository are added and the software is installed.

Ubuntu has a quite similar feature too (called apt-protocol). To use this nothing must be done, because a link like apt://urltorepo?package=PKGNAME?dist=VERSION?section=contrib should allow a user to install the package. But actually this kind of links are disabled, because of security concerns at ubuntu.

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