Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of LSB

Jun 17, 2010, 1:26:41 PM (15 years ago)
Bruno Cornec



  • LSB

    v7 v8  
    33The Linux Foundation is hosting a set of LSB chroot that can be used in order to test LSB compliance of software as part of their [ Linux Standard Base Sample Implementation Downloads] page. Also look at [ LSB SI Tools Getting Started]
     5=== Version 3.2 ===
     7You can find the 3.2 version of the LSB chroot at and install it onto your distribution:
     9$ cd $HOME
     10$ wget
     11$ wget
     14As these packages contain overlapping content, if you want to generate for the i386 and x86_64 arches, I propose to you the following installation means, providing the following project-builder configuration:
     16$ grep vepath ~/.pbrc
     17vepath default = /users/rpmbootstrap
     18$ mkdir -p /users/rpmbootstrap/lsb/3.2/i386 /users/rpmbootstrap/lsb/3.2/x86_64
     19$ cd /users/rpmbootstrap
     20$ sudo tar -C lsb/3.2/i386 -xjf lsbsi-core-ia32-3.2.0.tar.bz2
     21$ sudo tar -C lsb/3.2/x86_64 -xjf lsbsi-core-x86_64-3.2.0.tar.bz2
     22$ sudo mv lsb/3.2/i386/lsbsi-core-ia32/* lsb/3.2/i386/ ; rmdir lsb/3.2/i386/lsbsi-core-ia32/
     23$ sudo mv lsb/3.2/x86_64/lsbsi-core-x86_64/* lsb/3.2/x86_64/ ; rmdir lsb/3.2/x86_64/lsbsi-core-x86_64/
     26The vepath entry in your default configuration project-builder file tells to pb where to look for Virtual Environments (VEs) on your system. In that directory, you have another file describing relevant information for all VEs. Especially, you need to ensure that pb will build now for your newly created VR:
     28$ grep velist .pbrc
     29velist default = centos-4-i386,centos-5-i386,centos-4-x86_64,centos-5-x86_64,debian-5.0-i386,debian-5.0-x86_64,lsb-3.2-i386,lsb-3.2-x8-_64,lsb-4.0.1-i386,lsb-4.0.1-x86_64,mandriva-2010.0-x86_64,ubuntu-10.04-x86_64
     32NOTE: LSB chroot is not provided with 1 mandatory component for pb: sudo. This has to be solved before goind further.
     34Once all this is done, pb is now able to generate packages for those LSB chroots. Of course, you first need to setup your chroot for pb usage:
     36$ pb -p pb -m lsb-3.2-x86_64 setupve
     40=== Version 4.0 ===
    542You need to get the packages they propose and install them onto your distribution (which is rpm compliant if LSB compliant !)
    946$ wget
    11 As these packages contain overlapping content, if you want to generate for the i386 and x86_64 arches, I propose to you the following installation means, providing the following project-builder configureation:
     48As these packages contain overlapping content, if you want to generate for the i386 and x86_64 arches, I propose to you the following installation means, providing the following project-builder configuration:
    1350$ grep vepath ~/.pbrc
    3774# chroot /home/rinse/lsb/4.0.1/x86_64 chmod +s /bin/root
    39 NOTE: LSB chroot is not provided with 2 mandatory components for pb: sudo and make. THis has to be solved before goind further.
     76NOTE: LSB chroot is not provided with 2 mandatory components for pb: sudo and make. This has to be solved before goind further.
    4178Once all this is done, pb is now able to generate packages for those LSB chroots. Of course, you first need to setup your chroot for pb usage: