= Example of use on netperf (simple example) = As an example of how easy (or not :-) Project-Builder is to use, I decided to write that tutorial as a gift for another project which deserves it, the [http://www.netperf.org NetPerf] project. You first have to create a .pbrc configuration file in your home directory, which will setup things globally: {{{ $ cat > ~/.pbrc << EOF # # Define for each project the URL of its pbconf repository # No default option allowed here as they need to be all different # pbconfurl netperf = svn+ssh://svn.mondorescue.org/mondo/svn/project-builder/netperf/pbconf # # Under that dir will take place everything related to pb # If you want to use VMs/chroot/..., then use $ENV{'HOME'} to make it portable # to your VMs/chroot/... # if not defined then /var/cache pbdefdir default = $ENV{'HOME'}/project-builder EOF }}} Note that the format is in general {{{ pb-keyword project = value }}} which means that here I named my project netperf for Project-Builder (I can choose what I want but need to be consistent everywhere). Also that configuration file is linked to the person who wants to package the software. Another configuration file will also be used, which only concerns the project itself. The pbconfurl keyword indicates where are stored the configuration files for pb allowing us to build netperf packages with them. Here by default, everything will be extracted under $ENV{'HOME'}/project-builder for all projects we decide to package. Other keywords exist and may be used, but won't be needed for such a simple project. To get the bits of the project you want to package, different protocols may be used. Currently supported protocols are using a SVN or CVS access if there is such a thing, or URL pointing to a ftp or http server. The netperf project is a nice project using a simple environment to build itself. It uses the GNU autoconf/autmake/litool mechanism, which makes it easy to package with pb. You will now need to get the latest and greatest project-builder software from our [ftp://ftp.project-builder.org ftp] repository. Of course we provide lots of packages for your distribution ;-) Or a tar.gz file if you prefer. You'll need at least version 0.9.0 of pb to support what is described here. Once available, you can use the newproj option of pb to create the infrastructure that is mandatory for pb. The latest version available of netperf at the time of this writing is 2.4.4. And the only package we want to create is netperf. {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.4.4 newproj netperf Packages: netperf Do not to forget to commit the pbconf directory in your CMS if needed Project: netperf Action: newproj }}} Explore then the pbconf directory to familiarize yourself with some of the config file. The next one we want to edit, is the main configuration file which will be used as the central piece of information for pb. Edit it and adapt it. After edition, here is the resulting file: {{{ $ cd $HOME/project-builder/ $ ls -R netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/ netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/: netperf netperf.pb pbfilter netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf: deb pbfilter rpm netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf/deb: changelog compat control copyright netperf.docs netperf.dirs rules netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf/pbfilter: netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf/rpm: netperf.spec netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/pbfilter: all.pbf deb.pbf md.pbf novell.pbf rpm.pbf $ $ vi netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf.pb [Modifications here] $ cat netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf.pb # # Project Builder configuration file # For project netperf # # $Id$ # # # What is the project URL # #pburl netperf = svn://svn.netperf.org/netperf/devel #pburl netperf = svn://svn+ssh.netperf.org/netperf/devel #pburl netperf = cvs://cvs.netperf.org/netperf/devel #pburl netperf = http://www.netperf.org/src/netperf-devel.tar.gz pburl netperf = ftp://ftp.netperf.org/netperf/netperf-2.4.4.tar.bz2 #pburl netperf = file:///src/netperf-devel.tar.gz #pburl netperf = dir:///src/netperf-devel # Check whether project is well formed # (containing already a directory with the project-version name) pbwf netperf = 1 # # Packager label # pbpackager netperf = Bruno Cornec # # For delivery to a machine by SSH (potentially the FTP server) # Needs hostname, account and directory # sshhost netperf = www.project-builder.org sshlogin netperf = pb sshdir netperf = /mondo/ftp sshport netperf = 22 # # For Virtual machines management # Naming convention to follow: distribution name (as per ProjectBuilder::Distribution) # followed by '-' and by release number # followed by '-' and by architecture # a .vmtype extension will be added to the resulting string # a QEMU rhel-3-i286 here means that the VM will be named rhel-3-i386.qemu # vmlist netperf = mandrake-10.1-i386,mandrake-10.2-i386,mandriva-2006.0-i386,mandriva-2007.0-i386,mandriva-2007.1-i386,mandriva-2008.0-i386,redhat-7.3-i386,redhat-9-i386,fedora-4-i386,fedora-5-i386,fedora-6-i386,fedora-7-i386,fedora-8-i386,rhel-3-i386,rhel-4-i386,rhel-5-i386,suse-10.0-i386,suse-10.1-i386,suse-10.2-i386,suse-10.3-i386,sles-9-i386,sles-10-i386,gentoo-nover-i386,debian-3.1-i386,debian-4.0-i386,ubuntu-6.06-i386,ubuntu-7.04-i386,ubuntu-7.10-i386,mandriva-2007.0-x86_64,mandriva-2007.1-x86_64,mandriva-2008.0-x86_64,fedora-6-x86_64,fedora-7-x86_64,fedora-8-x86_64,rhel-4-x86_64,rhel-5-x86_64,suse-10.2-x86_64,suse-10.3-x86_64,sles-10-x86_64,gentoo-nover-x86_64,debian-4.0-x86_64,ubuntu-7.04-x86_64,ubuntu-7.10-x86_64 # # Valid values for vmtype are # qemu, (vmware, xen, ... TBD) vmtype netperf = qemu # Hash for VM stuff on vmtype #vmntp default = pool.ntp.org # We suppose we can commmunicate with the VM through SSH vmhost netperf = localhost vmlogin netperf = pb vmport netperf = 2222 # Timeout to wait when VM is launched/stopped vmtmout default = 120 # per VMs needed paramaters vmopt netperf = -m 384 -daemonize vmpath netperf = /home/qemu vmsize netperf = 5G # # For Virtual environment management # Naming convention to follow: distribution name (as per ProjectBuilder::Distribution) # followed by '-' and by release number # followed by '-' and by architecture # a .vetype extension will be added to the resulting string # a chroot rhel-3-i286 here means that the VE will be named rhel-3-i386.chroot # #velist netperf = fedora-7-i386 # VE params #vetype netperf = chroot #ventp default = pool.ntp.org #velogin netperf = pb #vepath netperf = /var/lib/mock #veconf netperf = /etc/mock #verebuild netperf = false # # Global version/tag for the project # projver netperf = 2.4.4 projtag netperf = 1 # Hash of valid version names version netperf = devel # Adapt to your needs: # Optional if you need to overwrite the global values above # #pkgver netperf = stable #pkgtag netperf = 3 # Hash of default package/package directory defpkgdir netperf = netperf-2.4.4 # Hash of additional package/package directory #extpkgdir minor-pkg = dir-minor-pkg # List of files per pkg on which to apply filters # Files are mentioned relatively to pbroot/defpkgdir #filteredfiles netperf = Makefile.PL,configure.in,install.sh,netperf.8 #supfiles netperf = netperf.init }}} I skip the parameters begining with vm and ssh for the moment. I inform pb that I will produce packages with a version-tag of 2.4.4-1, that no local package should have a different version than the project version (pkgver/pkgtag), that my default package will be netperf (pb will work on it by default all the time) and that no additional packages will be produced. In addition to standard version with numbers, pb will accept the version devel. Once this is done, you may commit your changes in your repository and already try to see if pb can make something useful for you. Check the result of: {{{ $ svn add netperf A netperf A netperf/pbconf A netperf/pbconf/2.4.4 A netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf.pb [..] A netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/pbfilter/all.pbf $ svn ci -m "Adding pb info for netperf" Ajout netperf Ajout netperf/pbconf Ajout netperf/pbconf/2.4.4 [...] Ajout netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/pbfilter/rpm.pbf [...] $ svn up [...] $ pb -p netperf -r 2.4.4 cms2build Project: netperf Action: cms2build Packages: netperf Management of netperf 2.4.4-1 (rev flat) ... 23:16:09 URL: ftp://ftp.netperf.org/netperf/netperf-2.4.4.tar.bz2 [912615] -> "/users/bruno/tmp/pb.yE9sNZXV0A/netperf-2.4.4.tar.bz2" [1] OK Extracting /users/bruno/tmp/pb.yE9sNZXV0A/netperf-2.4.4.tar.bz2 in /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/delivery... OK Build files generated for mandriva-2006.0,sles-9,mandrake-10.2,mandriva-2007.0,rhel-3,mandriva-2007.1,redhat-9,ubuntu-6.06,suse-10.3,rhel-5,fedora-8,ubuntu-7.10,suse-10.2,mandrake-10.1,mandriva-2008.0,sles-10,fedora-6,suse-10.1,fedora-5,fedora-4,ubuntu-7.04,suse-10.0,fedora-7,debian-4.0,rhel-4,debian-3.1,redhat-7.3 No Build files found for gentoo-nover Creating netperf tar files compressed... OK Under /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz }}} Ok we tried to make a build file from ou Configuration Management System (CMS) which worked completely out of the box as our structure is simple. In particular, pb already recognized the project name, action, package to build, type of CMS (flat), used our -r option to create the intermediate delivery directory where all the final files|packages will be created. Now this is done, it's time to look at all those files that gave been generated in addition and adapt them. At the begining, we try to make RPM packages. {{{ $ vi netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf/rpm/netperf.spec [Modifications here] $ cat netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf/rpm/netperf.spec # # $Id$ # Summary: The netperf tool is a benchmarking network tool Summary(fr): netperf est un outil de benchmark réseau Name: PBPKG Version: PBVER Release: PBTAGPBSUF License: PBLIC Group: PBGRP Url: PBURL Source: PBSRC BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(id -u -n) %description PBDESC %description -l fr netperf est un outil de benchmark réseau %prep %setup -q %build ./configure make %{?_smp_mflags} VERSION=%{version} %install %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install %clean %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc ChangeLog %doc INSTALL COPYING README AUTHORS NEWS %changelog PBLOG }}} That spec file looks normal except that it uses a lot of PBSOMETHING keywords. Those are Project-Builder macros that will be instantiated depending on the distribution during the cms2build step. So now that we have the base for our spec file, we need to look at those filters: {{{ $ vi netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/pbfilter/all.pbf [Modifications here] $ cat netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/pbfilter/all.pbf # # $Id$ # # Filter for all files # # PBSRC is replaced by the source package format filter PBSRC = ftp://ftp.netperf.org/netperf/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz # PBVER is replaced by the version ($pbver in code) filter PBVER = $pbver # PBDATE is replaced by the date ($pbdate in code) filter PBDATE = $pbdate # PBLOG is replaced by the changelog if value is yes filter PBLOG = yes # PBTAG is replaced by the tag ($pbtag in code) filter PBTAG = $pbtag # PBREV is replaced by the revision ($pbrev in code) filter PBREV = $pbrev # PBPKG is replaced by the package name ($pbpkg in code) filter PBPKG = $pbpkg # PBPACKAGER is replaced by the packager name ($pbpackager in code) filter PBPACKAGER = $pbpackager # PBDESC contains the description of the package filter PBDESC = "netperf is a network benchmarking tool" # PBURL contains the URL of the Web site of the project filter PBURL = http://www.netperf.org }}} We can now try again to use pb to create again our build file with macro expansion: {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.4.4 cms2build Project: netperf Action: cms2build Packages: netperf Management of netperf 2.4.4-1 (rev flat) [... same output as previously...] Under /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz }}} You have now your first useful result from pb :-) Congrats ! Well wait ! It's not really useful because we started exactly from a tar file. Well it's not exactly the same tar file. This one adds Project-Builder support: {{{ tar tvfz /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz drwxr-xr-x bruno/users 0 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/ -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 30 2007-10-16 20:00 netperf-2.4.4/inet_ntop.c -rwxr-xr-x bruno/users 31743 2007-06-02 00:06 netperf-2.4.4/config.sub drwxr-xr-x bruno/users 0 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ drwxr-xr-x bruno/users 0 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/suse-10.0/ -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 885 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/suse-10.0/netperf.spec drwxr-xr-x bruno/users 0 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/rhel-5/ -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 861 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/rhel-5/netperf.spec drwxr-xr-x bruno/users 0 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/fedora-4/ -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 861 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/fedora-4/netperf.spec [...] drwxr-xr-x bruno/users 0 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-7.04/ -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 2 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-7.04/changelog -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 435 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-7.04/control -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 36 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-7.04/netperf.docs -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 0 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-7.04/pkg1.dirs -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 2 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-7.04/compat -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 3632 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-7.04/rules -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 996 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-7.04/copyright drwxr-xr-x bruno/users 0 2008-03-30 23:30 netperf-2.4.4/pbconf/ubuntu-6.06/ [...] -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 2382 2007-06-02 00:06 netperf-2.4.4/README.ovms -rwxr-xr-x bruno/users 1988 2007-06-02 00:06 netperf-2.4.4/mkinstalldirs -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 14022 2007-06-05 03:08 netperf-2.4.4/acinclude.m4 [...] -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 17464 2007-10-17 18:55 netperf-2.4.4/Makefile.in -rw-r--r-- bruno/users 9240 2007-06-02 00:06 netperf-2.4.4/INSTALL }}} As you can see a lot of directories and files have been created under pbconf. They correspond to all the required build files for all the distributions supported and will later be used to really create the packages. So now, we can try to go to the next step and build a package. So issue: {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.2.4 build2pkg Project: netperf Action: build2pkg Packages: netperf Extracting build files... OK Building package with /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/SPECS/netperf.spec under /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build... Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/rpm-tmp.70387 + umask 022 + cd /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + cd /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD + rm -rf netperf-2.4.4 + /usr/bin/gzip -dc /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/SOURCES/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz + tar -xf - + STATUS=0 + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' + cd netperf-2.4.4 + exit 0 Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/rpm-tmp.70387 + umask 022 + cd /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD + cd netperf-2.4.4 + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + CONFIGURE_TOP=. + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fexceptions' + export CFLAGS + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fexceptions' + export CXXFLAGS + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fexceptions' + export FFLAGS + cputoolize -c . + '[' -f ./configure.in -o -f ./configure.ac ']' + CONFIGURE_XPATH='--x-includes=/usr/include --x-libraries=/usr/lib64' + ./configure x86_64-mandriva-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/lib64 --localstatedir=/var/lib --sharedstatedir=/usr/com --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --x-includes=/usr/include --x-libraries=/usr/lib64 configure: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target checking build system type... x86_64-mandriva-linux-gnu checking host system type... x86_64-mandriva-linux-gnu [...] config.status: creating netperf.spec config.status: creating config.h config.status: executing depfiles commands + make -j4 VERSION=2.4.4 make all-recursive make[1]: Entering directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4' Making all in src make[2]: Entering directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src' Making all in missing make[3]: Entering directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src/missing' Making all in m4 make[4]: Entering directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src/missing/m4' make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make[4]: Leaving directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src/missing/m4' make[4]: Entering directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src/missing' make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'. make[4]: Leaving directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src/missing' make[3]: Leaving directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src/missing' make[3]: Entering directory `/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src' if x86_64-mandriva-linux-gnu-gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fexceptions -MT netperf.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/netperf.Tpo" \ -c -o netperf.o `test -f 'netperf.c' || echo './'`netperf.c; \ then mv -f ".deps/netperf.Tpo" ".deps/netperf.Po"; \ else rm -f ".deps/netperf.Tpo"; exit 1; \ fi [...] Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/rpm-tmp.67195 + umask 022 + cd /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/BUILD + cd netperf-2.4.4 + DOCDIR=/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot/usr/share/doc/netperf + export DOCDIR + rm -rf /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot/usr/share/doc/netperf + /bin/mkdir -p /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot/usr/share/doc/netperf + cp -pr ChangeLog /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot/usr/share/doc/netperf + cp -pr INSTALL COPYING README AUTHORS NEWS /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot/usr/share/doc/netperf + exit 0 Finding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/mandriva/filter.sh ' ' ' ' '/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot' /usr/lib/rpm/mandriva/find-provides Finding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/mandriva/filter.sh ' ' ' ' '/users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot' /usr/lib/rpm/mandriva/find-requires /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot x86_64 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 Processing files: netperf-debug-2.4.4-1PBSUF Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1PBSUF-buildroot error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found: /usr/bin/netperf /usr/bin/netserver /usr/share/info/netperf.info.lzma /usr/share/man/man1/netperf.1.lzma /usr/share/man/man1/netserver.1.lzma RPM build errors: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found: /usr/bin/netperf /usr/bin/netserver /usr/share/info/netperf.info.lzma /usr/share/man/man1/netperf.1.lzma /usr/share/man/man1/netserver.1.lzma child (rpmbuild --define 'packager "Bruno Cornec "' --define "_topdir /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build" -ba /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/SPECS/netperf.spec) exited with value 1 Checking validity of rpms with rpmlint... Error: no installed packages by name RPMS/*/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.*.rpm Error: no installed packages by name SRPMS/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.src.rpm OK }}} So it seems we are not there yet ;-) But it's not too bad for just having edited a couple of files and parameters in our conf files. Now we need to solve those issues and produce the package. First it seems that the PBSUF macro isn't expanded correctly. Look for it using a Project-Builder tool: {{{ $ (cd netperf/pbconf ; pbg PBSUF) ./2.4.4/pbfilter/rpm.pbf:# PBSUF is replaced by the package name ($pbpkg in code) ./2.4.4/pbfilter/rpm.pbf:#filter PBSUF = $pbsuf ./2.4.4/netperf/rpm/netperf.spec:Release: PBTAGPBSUF }}} So indeed that macro is used in our spec file, but is only declared for rpm types of build in the rpm filter file. However it's currently commented. So edit that file to validate it, as well as the other variables needed: {{{ $ cat netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/pbfilter/rpm.pbf # # $Id$ # # Filter for rpm build # # PBGRP is replaced by the RPM group of apps # Cf: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups #filter PBGRP = Applications/Archiving # PBLIC is replaced by the license of the application # Cf: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing #filter PBLIC = GPL # PBDEP is replaced by the list of dependencies #filter PBDEP = # PBSUF is replaced by the package suffix ($pbsuf in code) filter PBSUF = $pbsuf # PBOBS is replaced by the Obsolete line #filter PBOBS = }}} And our final current problem is the list of files produced by the build process that need to be referenced in our %files session. So modify that section of the spec file to read like this: {{{ %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc ChangeLog %doc INSTALL COPYING README AUTHORS NEWS %doc README.* Release_Notes doc/examples %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/*/* %{_infodir}/* }}} Now you're ready for your second run ! This time chain the 2 steos by generating from CMS to a package with cms2pkg (as you need to reparse the conf files): {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.2.4 cms2pkg [... build process ...] Wrote: /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/SRPMS/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.src.rpm Wrote: /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/RPMS/x86_64/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm Wrote: /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/RPMS/x86_64/netperf-debug-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm [... build process ...] Checking validity of rpms with rpmlint... W: netperf manpage-not-bzipped /usr/share/man/man1/netperf.1.lzma W: netperf infopage-not-bzipped /usr/share/info/netperf.info.lzma W: netperf manpage-not-bzipped /usr/share/man/man1/netserver.1.lzma E: netperf zero-length /usr/share/doc/netperf/NEWS E: netperf info-files-without-install-info-postin /usr/share/info/netperf.info.lzma [...] $ }}} So this time we have an RPM ! You can try to install it and check if it works: {{{ $ sudo urpmi /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/RPMS/x86_64/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm installation de netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm depuis /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/RPMS/x86_64 Préparation ... ########################################################################## 1/1: netperf ########################################################################## $ sudo netserver Starting netserver at port 12865 Starting netserver at hostname port 12865 and family AF_UNSPEC $ sudo netperf TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to victoria2.home.musique-ancienne.org ( port 0 AF_INET Recv Send Send Socket Socket Message Elapsed Size Size Size Time Throughput bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec 87380 16384 16384 10.00 8697.72 }}} So it seems to work. Check now the RPM: {{{ $ rpm -qlv netperf -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 103160 mar 31 00:06 /usr/bin/netperf -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 110904 mar 31 00:06 /usr/bin/netserver drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 mar 31 00:06 /usr/share/doc/netperf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6013 oct 15 19:41 /usr/share/doc/netperf/AUTHORS -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2079 jun 2 2007 /usr/share/doc/netperf/COPYING -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27 jun 2 2007 /usr/share/doc/netperf/ChangeLog -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9240 jun 2 2007 /usr/share/doc/netperf/INSTALL -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 jun 2 2007 /usr/share/doc/netperf/NEWS [...] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32819 oct 17 23:20 /usr/share/doc/netperf/Release_Notes drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 mar 31 00:06 /usr/share/doc/netperf/examples -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7986 mar 31 00:06 /usr/share/doc/netperf/examples/Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 467 jun 2 2007 /usr/share/doc/netperf/examples/Makefile.am [...] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30803 mar 31 00:06 /usr/share/info/netperf.info.lzma -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2702 mar 31 00:06 /usr/share/man/man1/netperf.1.lzma -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 696 mar 31 00:06 /usr/share/man/man1/netserver.1.lzma $ rpm -qi netperf Name : netperf Relocations: (not relocatable) Version : 2.4.4 Vendor: (none) Release : 1.mdv2008.0 Build Date: lun 31 mar 2008 00:06:37 CEST Install Date: lun 31 mar 2008 00:07:36 CEST Build Host: victoria2.home.musique-ancienne.org Group : Applications/Networking Source RPM: netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.src.rpm Size : 368064 License: GPL Signature : (none) Packager : "Bruno Cornec " URL : http://www.netperf.org Summary : netperf est un outil de benchmark réseau Description : netperf est un outil de benchmark réseau $ rpm -q --changelog netperf $ }}} So we still have an issue with the changelog which is empty. Also some modes are wrong and our NEWS file is empty. Again Project-Builder can will with those issues. You'll have for that to create a new file under pbconf/netperf called pbcl which will be the changelog file for your project: {{{ $ cp netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/Release_Notes netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf/pbcl $ vi netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf/pbcl [... format modifications ...] $ head -20 netperf/pbconf/2.4.4/netperf/pbcl # $Id$ NETPERF CHANGES 2.4.4 (2008-03-30) - The LOC_CPU and REM_CPU tests will report their respective beliefs as to the number of CPUs present when the verbosity is set to more than one. This can be used when trying to diagnose issues with CPU utilization. - A kind soul who wishes to remain anonymous provided a patch to enable use of sendfile() on OSX. - Fix a misplaced \n in a format string of send_tcp_maerts, courtesy of Alexander Duyck. - There is an experimental global -r option which will allow one to include CPU utilization measurements, but make the decision about hitting confidence based on the result only. The test banner will reflects this when -r is used. - It is no longer necessary to specify a file with the global -F option when running a _SENDFILE test. Netperf will create a temporary file and populate it with random data and use that. }}} The format of the pbcl file is strict. It has 4 initital lines that you can use the way you want, the 5th line should have 'Version (date)' with date using ISO format, then the following lines are the changelog content of that version. Then after a blank line, again a 'Version (date)' and the changelog, etc... Ready to check again: {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.2.4 cms2pkg [... build continues ...] }}} More verifications: {{{ $ sudo rpm -Uvh --force /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/build/RPMS/x86_64/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm Préparation... ########################################### [100%] 1:netperf ########################################### [100%] $ rpm -q --changelog netperf | head * dim mar 30 2008 Bruno Cornec 2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0 - Updated to 2.4.4 - The LOC_CPU and REM_CPU tests will report their respective beliefs as to the number of CPUs present when the verbosity is set to more than one. This can be used when trying to diagnose issues with CPU utilization. - A kind soul who wishes to remain anonymous provided a patch to enable use of sendfile() on OSX. - Fix a misplaced \n in a format string of send_tcp_maerts, courtesy of Alexander Duyck. $ }}} So we now have a much more correct rpm built, even if not everything is solved (In order to get a good NEWS file, we whould remove the empty one part of netperf). The beauty of Project-Builder will now appear, as it's as easy to generate more RPMs for other distributions than it is for your native distribution. Imagine you want to build the same RPMs for Fedora 6, instead of your native distribution. First download the ISO image of this distribution and put it where you have space on your disk. Then call pb to help you create a new virtual machine for that distribution: {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.4.4 -m fedora-6-i386 -i ~/Download/Fedora-6-i386-DVD.iso newvm Project: nerperf Action: newvm Creating the QEMU VM... Formating '/users/qemu/fedora-6-i386.qemu', fmt=qcow2, size=5242880 kB OK Launching the VM /users/qemu/fedora-6-i386.qemu... OK Waiting for VM fedora-6-i386 to come up... }}} Then the Virtual Machine is launched booting on your CD, and the rest is just a classical installation of a Linux distribution. Just check that you've installed a sshd package (generally OpenSSH) and that you're allowed to login as root via ssh. This will be used in the next step. I also especially disable firewall and SElinux on the VM. Once your distribution is installed, stop the VM and relaunch it to finish the setup with: {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.4.4 -m fedora-6-i386 setupvm Project: netperf Action: launchvm Launching the VM /users/qemu/fedora-6-i386.qemu... OK Waiting for VM fedora-6-i386 to come up... }}} At the end of this initial setup phase log as root on your new VM installation. Check that your update mechanism for yum is correct and that you can connect on this VM as root with ssh. So now you can finish to set up the VM by installing and configuring all what is necessary for pb to work flawlessly. There is an option to pb to exactly do that: {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.4.4 -m fedora-6-i386 setupvm Project: netperf Action: setupvm Copying local keys to vm. This will require the root password... root@localhost passwd: Found an existing VM /users/qemu/fedora-6-i386.qemu (pid 30675) Packages: netperf Sources handled (Script): /users/bruno/project-builder/netperf/delivery/pbscript Preparing project-builder/src on root@localhost:project-builder/src... OK pbscript 100% 12KB 11.7KB/s 00:00 OK Executing pbscript on root@localhost:project-builder/src if needed... distro tuple: fedora,6,rh,rpm,.fc6 Loading "installonlyn" plugin Cleaning up Everything Loading "installonlyn" plugin [...] Dependencies Resolved ============================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size ============================================================================= Installing: perl-DateManip noarch 5.44-2.fc6 updates 143 k rpm-build i386 updates 640 k Updating: ntp i386 4.2.4p2-1.fc6 updates 1.4 M wget i386 1.10.2-8.fc6.1 updates 581 k Installing for dependencies: elfutils i386 0.131-1.fc6 updates 211 k elfutils-libelf-devel-static i386 0.131-1.fc6 updates 62 k Updating for dependencies: elfutils-libelf i386 0.131-1.fc6 updates 56 k elfutils-libelf-devel i386 0.131-1.fc6 updates 23 k elfutils-libs i386 0.131-1.fc6 updates 120 k popt i386 updates 70 k rpm i386 updates 1.1 M rpm-devel i386 updates 5.2 M rpm-libs i386 updates 921 k rpm-python i386 updates 57 k Transaction Summary ============================================================================= Install 4 Package(s) Update 10 Package(s) Remove 0 Package(s) Total download size: 11 M Downloading Packages: Running Transaction Test Finished Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Updating : elfutils-libelf ####################### [ 1/24] Updating : popt ####################### [ 2/24] Updating : elfutils-libs ####################### [ 3/24] Installing: elfutils ####################### [ 4/24] Updating : elfutils-libelf-devel ####################### [ 5/24] Installing: perl-DateManip ####################### [ 6/24] Updating : ntp ####################### [ 7/24] Updating : wget ####################### [ 8/24] Updating : rpm-libs ####################### [ 9/24] Updating : rpm ####################### [10/24] Updating : rpm-python ####################### [11/24] Updating : rpm-devel ####################### [12/24] Installing: rpm-build ####################### [13/24] Installing: elfutils-libelf-devel-static ####################### [14/24] Installed: perl-DateManip.noarch 0:5.44-2.fc6 rpm-build.i386 0: Dependency Installed: elfutils.i386 0:0.131-1.fc6 elfutils-libelf-devel-static.i386 0:0.131-1.fc6 Updated: ntp.i386 0:4.2.4p2-1.fc6 wget.i386 0:1.10.2-8.fc6.1 Dependency Updated: elfutils-libelf.i386 0:0.131-1.fc6 elfutils-libelf-devel.i386 0:0.131-1.fc6 elfutils-libs.i386 0:0.131-1.fc6 popt.i386 0: rpm.i386 0: rpm-devel.i386 0: rpm-libs.i386 0: rpm-python.i386 0: Complete! [...] 01:46:25 (133 KB/s) - `project-builder-latest.tar.gz' saved [62364] project-builder-devel/ project-builder-devel/pbconf/ project-builder-devel/pbconf/suse-10.0/ project-builder-devel/pbconf/suse-10.0/project-builder.spec project-builder-devel/pbconf/rhel-5/ [...] project-builder-devel/contrib/newpbqemu project-builder-devel/contrib/pbsetupqemu project-builder-devel/INSTALL Writing Makefile for pb cp lib/ProjectBuilder/Base.pm blib/lib/ProjectBuilder/Base.pm cp lib/ProjectBuilder/Distribution.pm blib/lib/ProjectBuilder/Distribution.pm cp lib/ProjectBuilder/Version.pm blib/lib/ProjectBuilder/Version.pm cp bin/pbvi blib/bin/pbvi /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/bin/pbvi cp bin/pb blib/bin/pb /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/bin/pb cp bin/pbdistrocheck blib/bin/pbdistrocheck /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/bin/pbdistrocheck cp bin/pbg blib/bin/pbg /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/bin/pbg Manifying blib/man1/pb.1 Writing /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/pb/.packlist Appending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/perllocal.pod OK $ pb | head pb (aka project-builder.org) Version devel-352M Usage: pb [-vhq][-r pbroot][-p project][[-s script -a account -P port][-m mach-1[,...]]][-i iso] [ ...] pb [--verbose][--help][--man][--quiet][--revision pbroot][--project project][[--script script --account account --port port][--machine mach-1[,...]]][--iso iso] [ ...] }}} Now that Project-Builder is installed inside your VM, you may want to try to use it to build netperf packages for Fedora 6: {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r 2.2.4 -m fedora-6-i386 build2vm }}} Project Builder didn't find in our tar file what is necessary to build an RPM on Fedora 8. This is because our configuration file doesn't indicate that we want to build on fedora 8 (of course it's a new VM). So fix your config file by adapting your vmlist entry to include also Fedora 8: {{{ vmlist netperf = mandrake_10.1,mandrake_10.2,mandriva_2006.0,mandriva_2007.0,mandriva_2007.1,mandriva_2008.0,redhat_7.3,redhat_9,fedora_4,fedora_5,fedora_6,fedora_7,fedora_8,rhel_3,rhel_4,rhel_5,suse_10.0,suse_10.1,suse_10.2,suse_10.3,sles_9,sles_10,gentoo_nover,debian_3.1,debian_4.0,ubuntu_6.06,ubuntu_7.04,ubuntu_7.10 }}} and then relaunch the build, starting from the CMS: {{{ Project: netperf Action: cms2vm Packages: netperf Management of netperf 2.4.4-1 (rev flat) Exporting /users/bruno/netperf/src/netperf-2.4.4 from DIR to /users/bruno/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4... OK Generating NEWS file from /users/bruno/netperf/src/pbconf/netperf/pbcl Empty ChangeLog file created... OK Build files generated for mandriva-2006.0,sles-9,mandrake-10.2,mandriva-2007.0,rhel-3,mandriva-2007.1,redhat-9,ubuntu-6.06,suse-10.3,rhel-5,fedora-8,ubuntu-7.10,suse-10.2,mandrake-10.1,mandriva-2008.0,sles-10,fedora-6,suse-10.1,fedora-5,fedora-4,ubuntu-7.04,suse-10.0,fedora-7,debian-4.0,rhel-4,debian-3.1,redhat-7.3 No Build files found for gentoo-nover Files configure.ac have been filtered Creating netperf tar files compressed... OK Under /users/bruno/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz VMs: fedora_8 Found an existing VM /users/qemu/fedora_8.qemu (pid 28291) Packages: netperf Sources handled (VMs): /users/bruno/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz /users/bruno/netperf/delivery/pbscript /users/bruno/netperf/src/pbconf/netperf.pb /users/bruno/netperf/delivery/2.4.4-1.pb /users/bruno/.pbrc Preparing netperf/delivery on pb@localhost... OK netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz 100% 1159KB 1.1MB/s 00:00 pbscript 100% 369 0.4KB/s 00:00 netperf.pb 100% 2223 2.2KB/s 00:00 2.4.4-1.pb 100% 24 0.0KB/s 00:00 .pbrc 100% 2216 2.2KB/s 00:00 OK Executing pbscript on pb@localhost if needed... ... Execution needed Setting up date on pool.ntp.org... Mon Nov 26 10:12:00 CET 2007 Building packages on VM... Project: netperf Action: build2pkg Packages: netperf Source file: /home/pb/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz Working directory: /home/pb/netperf/build Extracting build files... OK Building package with /home/pb/netperf/build/SPECS/netperf.spec under /home/pb/netperf/build... Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.44284 + umask 022 + cd /home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD + LANG=C + export LANG + unset DISPLAY + cd /home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD + rm -rf netperf-2.4.4 + /bin/gzip -dc /home/pb/netperf/build/SOURCES/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz + tar -xf - + STATUS=0 + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' + cd netperf-2.4.4 ++ /usr/bin/id -u + '[' 500 = 0 ']' ++ /usr/bin/id -u + '[' 500 = 0 ']' + /bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . + exit 0 Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.10486 + umask 022 + cd /home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD + cd netperf-2.4.4 + LANG=C + export LANG + unset DISPLAY + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables' + export CFLAGS + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables' + export CXXFLAGS + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables' + export FFLAGS ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub + for i in '$(find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' ++ basename ./config.sub + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' + /bin/rm -f ./config.sub ++ basename ./config.sub + /bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub `/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> `./config.sub' + for i in '$(find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' ++ basename ./config.guess + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' + /bin/rm -f ./config.guess ++ basename ./config.guess + /bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess `/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> `./config.guess' + ./configure --build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --target=i386-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/usr/com --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info checking build system type... i686-redhat-linux-gnu checking host system type... i686-redhat-linux-gnu checking target system type... i386-redhat-linux-gnu [...] netlib.o: In function `bind_to_specific_processor': netlib.c:(.text+0x1d4a): undefined reference to `__CPU_ZERO' netlib.c:(.text+0x1d56): undefined reference to `__CPU_SET' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status }}} So we're not lucky as the application doesn't build natively on Fedora 8 due to the lack of some defines. So we can try with another existing VM to see if we are more lucky, after stoping our running VM: {{{ $ ssh -p 2225 root@localhost halt $ pb -p netperf -r `pwd` -m rhel_4 build2vm Project: netperf Action: build2vm VMs: rhel_4 Launching the VM /users/qemu/rhel_4.qemu... OK Waiting for VM rhel_4 to come up... Packages: netperf Sources handled (VMs): /users/bruno/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz /users/bruno/netperf/delivery/pbscript /users/bruno/netperf/src/pbconf/netperf.pb /users/bruno/netperf/delivery/2.4.4-1.pb /users/bruno/.pbrc Preparing netperf/delivery on pb@localhost... OK netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz 100% 1159KB 1.1MB/s 00:00 pbscript 100% 369 0.4KB/s 00:00 netperf.pb 100% 2223 2.2KB/s 00:00 2.4.4-1.pb 100% 24 0.0KB/s 00:00 .pbrc 100% 2216 2.2KB/s 00:00 OK Executing pbscript on pb@localhost if needed... ... Execution needed Setting up date on pool.ntp.org... lun nov 26 10:23:00 CET 2007 Building packages on VM... Project: netperf Action: build2pkg Packages: netperf Source file: /home/pb/netperf/delivery/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz Working directory: /home/pb/netperf/build Extracting build files... OK Building package with /home/pb/netperf/build/SPECS/netperf.spec under /home/pb/netperf/build... Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.90577 + umask 022 + cd /home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD + cd /home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD + rm -rf netperf-2.4.4 + /usr/bin/gzip -dc /home/pb/netperf/build/SOURCES/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz [...] gcc -O2 -g -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -o netperf netperf.o netlib.o netsh.o nettest_bsd.o nettest_dlpi.o nettest_unix.o nettest_xti.o nettest_sctp.o nettest_sdp.o netcpu_procstat.o -lm netlib.o(.text+0xbb1): In function `alloc_sendfile_buf_ring': /home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src/netlib.c:1545: warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp' if gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -O2 -g -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -MT netserver.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/netserver.Tpo" \ -c -o netserver.o `test -f 'netserver.c' || echo './'`netserver.c; \ then mv -f ".deps/netserver.Tpo" ".deps/netserver.Po"; \ else rm -f ".deps/netserver.Tpo"; exit 1; \ fi gcc -O2 -g -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -o netserver netserver.o netlib.o netsh.o nettest_bsd.o nettest_dlpi.o nettest_unix.o nettest_xti.o nettest_sctp.o nettest_sdp.o netcpu_procstat.o -lm netlib.o(.text+0xbb1): In function `alloc_sendfile_buf_ring': /home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src/netlib.c:1545: warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp' make[3]: Entering directory `/home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD/netperf-2.4.4/src' /bin/sh ../mkinstalldirs /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb/usr/bin mkdir -p -- /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb/usr/bin /usr/bin/install -c netperf /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb/usr/bin/netperf /usr/bin/install -c netserver /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb/usr/bin/netserver make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'. [...] + /bin/mkdir -p /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb/usr/share/doc/netperf-2.4.4 + cp -pr ChangeLog /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb/usr/share/doc/netperf-2.4.4 + cp -pr INSTALL COPYING README AUTHORS NEWS /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb/usr/share/doc/netperf-2.4.4 + cp -pr README.aix README.hpux README.osx README.ovms README.solaris README.windows Release_Notes doc/examples /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb/usr/share/doc/netperf-2.4.4 + exit 0 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Requires: /bin/sh libc.so.6 libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4) libm.so.6 libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb Wrote: /home/pb/netperf/build/SRPMS/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.src.rpm Wrote: /home/pb/netperf/build/RPMS/i386/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.i386.rpm Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.25314 + umask 022 + cd /home/pb/netperf/build/BUILD + cd netperf-2.4.4 + /bin/rm -rf /var/tmp/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4-root-pb + exit 0 OK OK pbgen-2.4.4-1 100% 72 0.1KB/s 00:00 OK netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.i386.rpm 100% 174KB 173.9KB/s 00:00 OK netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.src.rpm 100% 1171KB 1.1MB/s 00:00 OK VM cleanup on pb@localhost... OK VM rhel_4 halt (pid 2119)... OK Packages: netperf Sources handled (Packages): rhel/4/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.*.rpm Preparing /mondo/ftp/rhel/4 on bruno@www.project-builder.org... OK netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.i386.rpm 100% 174KB 173.9KB/s 00:00 netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.src.rpm 100% 1171KB 33.5KB/s 00:35 OK Executing pbscript on bruno@www.project-builder.org if needed... OK }}} This time we've been able to build our packages on RHEL 4 and at the end, as the build was successful they were automatically copied on our ftp server for public availability. In order to continue to support correctly netperf build, now that we have rpm done, we can attack the deb part. We need again to update the templates created by Project-Builder earlier: {{{ }}} We can now try to generate packages for all the distributions supported: {{{ $ pb -p netperf -r `pwd` build2vm Project: netperf Action: build2vm VMs: mandrake_10.1,mandrake_10.2,mandriva_2006.0,mandriva_2007.0,mandriva_2007.1,mandriva_2008.0,redhat_7.3,redhat_9,fedora_4,fedora_5,fedora_6,fedora_7,fedora_8,rhel_3,rhel_4,rhel_5,suse_10.0,suse_10.1,suse_10.2,suse_10.3,sles_9,sles_10,gentoo_nover,debian_3.1,debian_4.0,ubuntu_6.06,ubuntu_7.04,ubuntu_7.10,mandrake_10.1_64,mandrake_10.2_64,mandriva_2006.0_64,mandriva_2007.0_64,mandriva_2007.1_64,mandriva_2008.0_64,redhat_7.3_64,redhat_9_64,fedora_4_64,fedora_5_64,fedora_6_64,fedora_7_64,fedora_8_64,rhel_3_64,rhel_4_64,rhel_5_64,suse_10.0_64,suse_10.1_64,suse_10.2_64,suse_10.3_64,sles_9_64,sles_10_64,gentoo_nover_64,debian_3.1_64,debian_4.0_64,ubuntu_6.06_64,ubuntu_7.04_64,ubuntu_7.10_64 Packages: netperf [...] $ find . -name netperf'*' ./fedora/4/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc4.i386.rpm ./fedora/4/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc4.src.rpm ./fedora/5/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc5.i386.rpm ./fedora/5/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc5.src.rpm ./fedora/6/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc6.i386.rpm ./fedora/6/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc6.src.rpm ./fedora/6/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc6.x86_64.rpm ./fedora/7/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc7.i386.rpm ./fedora/7/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc7.src.rpm ./fedora/7/netperf-2.4.4-1.fc7.x86_64.rpm ./mandrake/10.2/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdk102.i586.rpm ./mandrake/10.2/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdk102.src.rpm ./mandrake/10.1/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdk101.i586.rpm ./mandrake/10.1/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdk101.src.rpm ./mandriva/2006.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2006.0.i586.rpm ./mandriva/2006.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2006.0.src.rpm ./mandriva/2007.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2007.0.i586.rpm ./mandriva/2007.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2007.0.src.rpm ./mandriva/2007.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2007.0.x86_64.rpm ./mandriva/2007.1/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2007.1.i586.rpm ./mandriva/2007.1/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2007.1.src.rpm ./mandriva/2007.1/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2007.1.x86_64.rpm ./mandriva/2008.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.i586.rpm ./mandriva/2008.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.src.rpm ./mandriva/2008.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm ./redhat/7.3/netperf-2.4.4-1.rh73.i386.rpm ./redhat/7.3/netperf-2.4.4-1.rh73.src.rpm ./redhat/9/netperf-2.4.4-1.rh9.i386.rpm ./redhat/9/netperf-2.4.4-1.rh9.src.rpm ./rhel/3/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel3.i386.rpm ./rhel/3/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel3.src.rpm ./rhel/4/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.i386.rpm ./rhel/4/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.src.rpm ./rhel/4/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel4.x86_64.rpm ./rhel/5/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel5.i386.rpm ./rhel/5/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel5.src.rpm ./rhel/5/netperf-2.4.4-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm ./sles/9/netperf-2.4.4-1.sles9.i586.rpm ./sles/9/netperf-2.4.4-1.sles9.src.rpm ./sles/10/netperf-2.4.4-1.sles10.i586.rpm ./sles/10/netperf-2.4.4-1.sles10.src.rpm ./src/netperf-latest.tar.gz ./src/netperf-2.4.4.tar.gz ./suse/10.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.0.i586.rpm ./suse/10.0/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.0.src.rpm ./suse/10.1/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.1.i586.rpm ./suse/10.1/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.1.src.rpm ./suse/10.2/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.2.i586.rpm ./suse/10.2/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.2.src.rpm ./suse/10.2/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.2.x86_64.rpm ./suse/10.3/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.3.i586.rpm ./suse/10.3/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.3.src.rpm ./suse/10.3/netperf-2.4.4-1.suse10.3.x86_64.rpm }}} So we now have rpms built for all the distributions support (but fedora 8 !).