12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5254@localhost: bruno | 2013-05-04 09:51:41 +0200
- Prepare mindi 2.1.5
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds a PBBUILDDEP macro to manage the various names of …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- prepare for beta of mondo 3.0.4
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5243@localhost: bruno | 2013-04-29 00:15:51 +0200
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5242@localhost: bruno | 2013-04-29 00:15:12 +0200
- Improve 1 …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5241@localhost: bruno | 2013-04-29 00:14:37 +0200
- Use rpm-build …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Exports also pb_distro_init
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adding ubuntu 13.10 code name
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix track display
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds an eject button at end to avoid switching window just for that.
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Update pb presentation with OSSI template and improve a bit content
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix typo
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Latest opensuse 12.3 has perl module named Date-Manip as most …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- All rpm packages need rpmbuild to be built (added automatically by …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Increase some fedora timeouts
- Adds build support for opensuse 12.3
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- MondoRescue build on opensuse 11.1 requires gcc-c++
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Update web site with latest distributions available for download
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Announce was already done !!
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Announce pb 0.12.2
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Announce of MondoRescue 3.0.3
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- the date command should also been added to sudoers (when ntpdate …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- sudoers on sles10 is 440
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds template for Debian 3.1 and improve vmlist example
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- pb devel is now also built for Debian 3.1
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- pb 0.12.2 is now also build for Debian 3.1
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- pb_check_ps now may return 2 params, the second one being the port …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix opensuse-10.2 yast usage
- RHEL 2 is now without the ot version …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve VM printing only when a VM is available
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Repair bad pbcl files copied during newver (Cf: …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Next mondorescue version will be 3.0.4
- 3.0.3 version is now stable
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
updated to 3.0.3
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Creation of …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare for 3.0.3 delivery
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds the pbinit script to trunk and a pbcl
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Create a trunk branch for PUSK build
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve mondorescue build for older fedora and mandriva versions.
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve suse distros default params
- Removes option vmntpcmd to use …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix an error in VMbuild where ' were misplaced leading to the script …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds a parameter for the mode of the sudoers file instead of hard-coding
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- remove param vmntpcmd and use oscmdntp instead placed in pb.conf
- …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a perl warning due to a strange syntax for a function
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds target build2setup*
- Improve date setup when ntp is failing …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds the possibility to prefix the output of commands executed by …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve build deps for old fedora distros for MondoRescue
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve BuildReq deps for mondo
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a parallel issue for setupv (and others) where the file created …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Announce of 0.12.2
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix some mondo-doc deps with wrong syntax
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- mondo and mindi-busybox RPM packages depends on gcc-c++ which may …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- launchvm now is able to launch multiple VMs (but still one VE/RM at …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix #119 by improving correct deb and ebuild detection. Will also …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix #116 by documenting the cachedir parameter
- remove mkbmpath …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Remove make test from pb rpm build process for now as there is no …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Mobe pbtest to its own directory to avoid build generation problems …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- 0.12.2 is now stable
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
updated to 0.12.2
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Creation of svn+ssh://svn.project-builder.org/prj/svn/pb/0.12.2 from …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Creation of svn+ssh://svn.project-builder.org/prj/svn/pb/pbconf/0.12.2 …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Update pbcl with latest info
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- pbdistrogetparam now works, is built & delivered, and has a new -a …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare for delivery of pb 0.12.2
- Adds support of Ubuntu 12.10 and …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Better debug info when passing a wrong parameter
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5139@localhost: bruno | 2013-02-10 15:53:53 +0100
- Also filter …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5138@localhost: bruno | 2013-02-10 15:53:09 +0100
- Update pb pres …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5128@localhost: bruno | 2013-02-07 17:21:07 +0100
The PUSK …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5127@localhost: bruno | 2013-02-07 17:07:00 +0100
- PUSK starts …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5125@localhost: bruno | 2013-02-03 04:24:30 +0100
- Fixing an error …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- pbml & pbsmtp params only queried when really needed (can be omitted …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Latest Ubuntu codename
- rpmbootstrap for opensuse 12.2
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare for MOndoRescue 3.0.3 delivery and taggging
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix tar build to include also common files
- Use ssh instead of …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a bug where common delivery was broken due to wrong usage of the …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5099@localhost: bruno | 2012-11-28 16:14:05 +0100
- Fix UUWL build …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds build support for Ubuntu 12.10
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Start working on plugins
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Exports function pb_vcs_add_if_not_in
- replace most die by confess
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds Fedora 17 generation
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- syslinux is a dep for mindi
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare for MondoRescue 3.0.3 delivery
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5052@localhost: bruno | 2012-11-11 02:50:54 +0100
- uuwl is now a …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5037@localhost: bruno | 2012-11-10 03:25:35 +0100
- First …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5007@localhost: bruno | 2012-10-09 23:15:57 +0200
- Continue pbmkbm dev
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4928@localhost: bruno | 2012-06-07 19:07:57 +0200
- pbmkbm now …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Clarify that pins is under GPLv2 (not a later license) as indicated by …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Updated pb presentation
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- First working version of cbusterize (used for couperin & shorewall)
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Simplify Makefile by removing .pm modules in it
- Adds a new SSH.pm …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds support for a 2ins target for all buildpkg call (example: …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- cbusemachines is also obsolete for cbusterize
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Remove the now useless parameter cbusemachines
- Do not chmod files …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Small improvement to pb_exit
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Lots of modificiation to have cb deliver common content first
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Introduce a pb_exit function and use it in all apps
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- In debug mode, do not erase the temporary dir created to ease analysis
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Try to solve mondorescue build errors on old distro (as per redhat 6.2)
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- tar is neede in the VM
- fix a bug for checkssh with test version …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Next mindi-busybox will be -3 tag
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- A specific configure instruction is needed by RH6.2 as well as deps
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds support for MondoRescue build on RH6.2 - Build process works, …