Custom Query (159 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 159)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#163 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed Add support for multiple GPG Keys

When creating/Renewing GPG keys, old packages are not necessarily re-signed, so would be good to support multiple GPG keys (which is available in yum at least)

#164 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed Use YAML for configuration files

It would be better to use YAML for configuration files (now it seems stable and tooled enough).

Requires the usage of the perl module as part of core dependencies, including in VM/VE/RM.

#165 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec resolved Allow using GPG keys stored in a directory

WHen gpg keys are stored in $HOME/mykeys you can use gpg --homedir=$HOME/mykeys to list them pb is not yet able to use that. Please fix !!

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