12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix typo
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Increase some fedora timeouts
- Adds build support for opensuse 12.3
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- MondoRescue build on opensuse 11.1 requires gcc-c++
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Announce of MondoRescue 3.0.3
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Repair bad pbcl files copied during newver (Cf: …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Next mondorescue version will be 3.0.4
- 3.0.3 version is now stable
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
updated to 3.0.3
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Creation of …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare for 3.0.3 delivery
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds the pbinit script to trunk and a pbcl
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Create a trunk branch for PUSK build
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve mondorescue build for older fedora and mandriva versions.
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve suse distros default params
- Removes option vmntpcmd to use …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve build deps for old fedora distros for MondoRescue
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve BuildReq deps for mondo
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix some mondo-doc deps with wrong syntax
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- mondo and mindi-busybox RPM packages depends on gcc-c++ which may …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare for delivery of pb 0.12.2
- Adds support of Ubuntu 12.10 and …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5139@localhost: bruno | 2013-02-10 15:53:53 +0100
- Also filter …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5128@localhost: bruno | 2013-02-07 17:21:07 +0100
The PUSK …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5127@localhost: bruno | 2013-02-07 17:07:00 +0100
- PUSK starts …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare for MOndoRescue 3.0.3 delivery and taggging
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix tar build to include also common files
- Use ssh instead of …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a bug where common delivery was broken due to wrong usage of the …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5099@localhost: bruno | 2012-11-28 16:14:05 +0100
- Fix UUWL build …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds build support for Ubuntu 12.10
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Start working on plugins
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds Fedora 17 generation
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- syslinux is a dep for mindi
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare for MondoRescue 3.0.3 delivery
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5052@localhost: bruno | 2012-11-11 02:50:54 +0100
- uuwl is now a …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r5037@localhost: bruno | 2012-11-10 03:25:35 +0100
- First …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Clarify that pins is under GPLv2 (not a later license) as indicated by …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- First working version of cbusterize (used for couperin & shorewall)
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Simplify Makefile by removing .pm modules in it
- Adds a new SSH.pm …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- cbusemachines is also obsolete for cbusterize
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Remove the now useless parameter cbusemachines
- Do not chmod files …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Lots of modificiation to have cb deliver common content first
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Try to solve mondorescue build errors on old distro (as per redhat 6.2)
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Next mindi-busybox will be -3 tag
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- A specific configure instruction is needed by RH6.2 as well as deps
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds support for MondoRescue build on RH6.2 - Build process works, …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds support for logging, and an exit function
- Fix a bug where the …
12 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix Mathieu's firstname svn ci
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Announce of mindi 2.1.3 and update of conf files for next mindi version
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix issue on radio button in CD choice
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Prepare mindi 2.1.3 delivery
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Announce of pb 0.12.1
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix an error in the choice of the CD list, where the worng one was …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds a README file to explain pins, its compilation and usage (Bruno …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- pins is licensed under the GPLv2 so adding the license file (Alain …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Upload first version of pins (Alain Berton)
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4919@localhost: bruno | 2012-06-05 03:46:27 +0200
- Fix pbinit for …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- MondoRescue 3.0.2 is now the new stable version, branched under …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
updated to 3.0.2
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Creation of …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds a last changelog entry for 3.0.2
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Announce of pb 0.12.1
- Preparation of changelog files for …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- And also for gentoo :-)
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Same bash dependency is needed for rpm !
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- mindi now depends on bash as this is required at restore time …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Add a host place for the pins project
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- ChageLog updated for 0.12.1 publication
- Adds support for Mageia 2 …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix an error with pontential undef fields
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Add the shorewall plugin
- cbusterize now uses only Net::SSH2 and …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- PUSK is now a separate project and can be followed at …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Add build for Ubuntu 12.04 (dual archs) VMs
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adding PUSK presentation
- Adding pb website conf
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Add support for cbplugindirsandfiles. This param provides support …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve cb dependencies for rpm
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fixes in cb to make it work in debug mode at least with package dhcpd.
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix syntac erros in previous verion of cb. Ready for first level of test
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Add licenses references for md2mb and disclaimer
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix Plugin.pm for caspar structure management (don't use tables but …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds a Plugin module to support plugin management
- cbusterize now …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix MondoRescue build by using the new pb_vcs fundtions instead of …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- PUSK is licensed under the GPLv2 as of now
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4700@localhost: bruno | 2012-04-19 00:37:39 +0200
- Improve requres …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4693@localhost: bruno | 2012-04-19 00:22:09 +0200
- Remove ppt doc …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4692@localhost: bruno | 2012-04-19 00:21:45 +0200
First build of …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4691@localhost: bruno | 2012-04-18 23:58:52 +0200
- Improve pusk …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r4689@localhost: bruno | 2012-04-18 23:50:55 +0200
- First …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adding UUWL build infrastructure
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Remove useless uuwl dir coming from a previous try
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Project uuwl creation
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Project uuwl creation
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Project pusk creation
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve again cbusterize with more usage of pb functions, including …
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Still working to have a first cbusterize version working
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- First import of the new CasparBuster pbconf content
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- First import of the CasparBuster new project
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Project casparbuster creation
13 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Official project name is now PUSK (ProLiant Setup USB Key)
13 years |
ebaudrez |
make $touch 1 by default
13 years |
ebaudrez |
improve error reporting when oldroot or profile cannot be determined …
13 years |
ebaudrez |
bugfix: --cmd should take an argument
13 years |
ebaudrez |
remove one warning about interpolating an undefined quantity
13 years |
ebaudrez |
minor tweaks to command-line option processing
$debug is now an …
13 years |
ebaudrez |
rectify a mistake concerning formail/procmail
The program erroneously …
13 years |
ebaudrez |
create empty files for subdirs
Subfolders in KMail lead to …